Unconventional or " off label " use of modern [ post 1945] weapons


Different weapon systems have been used for multiple uses throughout history which may be very different from their original intended role

E.g Falcon AAM used by f102 to hit convoys along ho chi Minh trail

Kh28 ASM used as SSM by Libyan rebels in the civil war

AA Guns used by soviet army in convoy protection role due to it's high elevation

Feel free to add more historical instances like this and if you can think of any such fictional scenarios please contribute
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Hellfire anti-tank missile re-purposed as Brimstone anti-personnel missile both fired from AH-64 Apache Helicopters.

Similarly, Carl Gustav and Dragon anti-tank missiles proved effective as bunker-busters in Afghanistan.
I've a soft spot for SAMs used as anti-surface missiles, such as;

RIM-8 Talos missiles used in Vietnam War as anti-radiation missiles against ground-based SAM/AAA radar sites.

SM-2 Standard missiles used as anti-ship missiles against Iranian ships during Operation Praying Mantis.


I've a soft spot for SAMs used as anti-surface missiles, such as;

RIM-8 Talos missiles used in Vietnam War as anti-radiation missiles against ground-based SAM/AAA radar sites.

SM-2 Standard missiles used as anti-ship missiles against Iranian ships during Operation Praying Mantis.
I've read that the M11 strom SA-N-3 SAM has a secondary Role as anti ship weapon , is that true ?
I've read that the M11 strom SA-N-3 SAM has a secondary Role as anti ship weapon , is that true ?

Possibly, most SAMs can be used against surface targets (they're a slower and larger target than an aircraft or missile in most cases). The issue is that of guidance; most command or SARH guided missiles can only be used at line-of-sight ranges, otherwise they go ballistic. Talos occasionally got an anti-emission tracker onboard for terminal guidance, and newer Standards have a built-in IR sensor in case terminal SARH mode is sub-optimal or otherwise not desired.
Well, there was the Muavenet incident which involved the simulated firing of a Sea Sparrow as an improvised AShM, which ended up a mess because noone told the missile crew it was supposed to be a simulated firing.
The Royal Navy's Sea Slug SAM system was intended, in the improved Mk 2 version, to have a surface to surface role. It was used in that mode in 1982, when Glamorgan fired some against the radar at Port Stanley, and in a harassment function against the airport. As a beamrider, it would go where you pointed the 901 (I had one of those outside my office at Portsdown).


RBU 6000 Asw mortar has it ever been considered as a shore bombardment or close range anti ship weapon ?


Hellfire anti-tank missile re-purposed as Brimstone anti-personnel missile both fired from AH-64 Apache Helicopters.

Similarly, Carl Gustav and Dragon anti-tank missiles proved effective as bunker-busters in Afghanistan.
The Carl Gustav and the 66mm anti-tank missiles were used as bunker busters in the Falklands!
Similarly, Carl Gustav and Dragon anti-tank missiles proved effective as bunker-busters in Afghanistan.

Are you sure that wasn't Milan ATGMs which were used in the Falklands? I don't think Dragon was ever issued to UK units (SAS etc possibly excluded...), but Milan was, and its use in that way is mentioned in several books.
bolting a scope onto an m2hb hmg and using it for long range sniping

I've a soft spot for SAMs used as anti-surface missiles, such as;

RIM-8 Talos missiles used in Vietnam War as anti-radiation missiles against ground-based SAM/AAA radar sites.

SM-2 Standard missiles used as anti-ship missiles against Iranian ships during Operation Praying Mantis.
I've a vague recollection that someone (Taiwan or South Korea?) repurposed the Nike Hercules as a SRBM.
I've a vague recollection that someone (Taiwan or South Korea?) repurposed the Nike Hercules as a SRBM.

I've heard that capability was built-in to the design, and nuclear-armed Nike Hercules were planned to be used in that role in Europe if the Soviets decided to come visiting.
In Afghanistan the SPETZNAZ used Igla (Sam14) surface to air missiles against ground targets, they used one to target a meeting of Mujahideen by locking on to the heat from an electric light bulb and firing it through the window.
I've a vague recollection that someone (Taiwan or South Korea?) repurposed the Nike Hercules as a SRBM.

Actually that was always a feature of the system, the US army in Germany had Nike Hercules which they intended to use against point targets like bridges. The crews practiced the procedure to do it regularly.
The Royal Navy's Sea Slug SAM system was intended, in the improved Mk 2 version, to have a surface to surface role. It

The next generation, Sea Dart, puported to have a secondary surface to surface role too. Inerted warhead, but using velocity and unspent fuel to make the point.
A LOT of american stuff designed to kill soviet tanks spent its actual service life blowing up irregular light infantry.