The King in Yellow and Other Stories: A President Lovecraft Weird Fiction Timeline in Several Acts

Should I create new threads for a series of related TLIAWs?

  • Yes, they're Schrodinger's canon and should be enjoyed separately

    Votes: 6 33.3%
  • No, they work best as one interconnected narrative and should be concentrated in the same thread

    Votes: 12 66.7%

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  • Poll closed .
The Liberation Army of the South has been affiliated with the Populists since the Mexican Civil War and with the creation of La Hermandad within the Pact was quick to spread southward, eventually supplanting the foundering conservative parties in the region. Most of the remnants joined the also expanding National Synarchist Union, a decidedly more Catholic affair than the AWP but just as conspiratorial and reactionary. Also here's to 25 pages! Thanks guys! Questions as always are welcome, since I'll try to do the next one in the next couple of days but I start working tomorrow.
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Extra- The Franco-British Union and the Alliance for Democracy
The politics of the broader Alliance for Democracy are a symptom of its nature, with a domineering superpower at the center and a mix of loyal Dominions and subservient though theoretically independent vestigial empires on the periphery. As such, the party line of the Franco-British Union within the Alliance is the overwhelmingly dominant one, and the party systems of the bloc's members have adapted accordingly. Unless otherwise noted, those parties belonging to the Dominions are cadet branches of the major parties of the Union, with far less independence of thought than is tolerated in the affiliates located in independent member states, much less those the United States tolerates within the Pact. As integral Union territory Scotland, Wales, Newfoundland, Entente Honduras, Madagascar, Singapore and Hong Kong all have official branches of the major parties, though Ireland is no less integral but is allowed minor leeway in this regard.
  • The Entente Conservative Rally/Rassemblement Conservateur de l'Entente is the party of perpetual government in the Union, having formally merged from a wartime partnership of the New-Conservative Alliance, the Liberal Party, and the Bonapartist Party following the creation of the Franco-British Union. The party of panopticon, paternalism and one-nation conservatism, the Rally is the party of the status quo, more than willing to make use of opportunistic reforms, bread and circuses and, if needed, political crackdowns to keep winning elections. Although every recognized party in the Union is required to mandate both preservation of the FBU and royalism as official party doctrine the Rally is strongest in both of these regards. Affiliates:
    • Dominion of Algeria- Algerian Unity Party
    • Dominion of Canada- Liberal Conservative Party
    • Dominion of Guyana- Guyanese Unity Party
    • Dominion of Ireland- Irish Parliamentary Party
    • Dominion of Oceania- Fusion Liberal Party
    • Dominion of South Africa- National Party (factions)
    • Dominion of the Central African Confederation/Dominion of the East African Confederation/Dominion of the West African Confederation- African Liberal Party
    • Dominion of the West Indies Confederation- People's National Party
    • Kingdom of Italy (Sardinia)- Liberal Union Party
    • Kingdom of Sweden- Clerical People's Party
    • The Netherlands- Rexist Party
    • Portuguese Empire- Falange
    • Republic of Greater Egypt- National Party of Egypt
    • Rhenish Republic- Centre Party
    • Spanish State (Sahara)- Falange
    • United Kingdoms of Danubia- Constitutional Party
    • United Kingdoms of Denmark-Norway- Conservative People's Party
  • Regularly painted as a Marxist-Trigonist front group, Labour/Labeur forms the official Left Opposition within the Union. Formed out of a merger of the British Labour and Co-Operative Parties and the French Communard Movement (hearkening back to the short-lived Paris Commune of the Franco-German War), Labour advocates for increased power to the anemic unions and increased democratic accountability in the government, a far cry from the councilist system and triumval power structure embraced by the Comintern. One interesting deviation from this platform of social democracy was the adoption of the Rational Anarchist World as Myth tactic of proselytizing, with the party boasting of numerous artists and writers among its ranks eager to churn out politically charged fiction while evading the Union censors.
    • Dominion of Algeria- Algerian Socialist Party
    • Dominion of Canada- New Democratic Party
    • Dominion of Guyana- Guyanese Socialist Party
    • Dominion of Oceania- Australian Labor Party
    • Dominion of the Central African Confederation/Dominion of the East African Confederation/Dominion of the West African Confederation- African Labour Party
    • Dominion of the West Indies Confederation- Caribbean Socialist Party
    • Kingdom of Italy (Sardinia)- Constitutional Democratic Party
    • Kingdom of Sweden- Social Democratic Party
    • The Netherlands- Labour Party
    • Portuguese Empire- Worker Peasant Alliance
    • Republic of Greater Egypt- Ba'ath Party (de facto)
    • United Kingdoms of Danubia- Social Democratic Party of the Danube
    • United Kingdoms of Denmark-Norway- Venstre
  • The Entente Renewal Front/Front de Renouvellement de l'Entente forms the Union's official Right Opposition. Made up of the right fringe of Mosley's New Party, the Front is awash in conspiracies about a secret cabal between the Pact, the Comintern and disloyal elements at home to undermine the Union and its component nations alongside the traditional trap about aliens and mysticism. Originally outnumbered by rival French and British nationalist groups, four decades of the new status quo has allowed the Front to leave its one-time rivals in the ashes of history. Embracing an even more radically royalist platform than even the Rally, the Front advocates for the replacement of the FBU with a genuine Franco-British Empire, and has established official branches in Portugal, the Rhenish Republic, and the Kingdom of Italy (Sardinia) in pursuit of this goal on historiographically dubious grounds. Adamant that they are not Esoteric Fascists, the only real difference they can point to is that they have the Mosley Memoranduminstead of Some Repetitions on the Times among their canon.
    • Dominion of Algeria- Algerian Renewal Front
    • Dominion of Canada- Laurentian Renewal Front
    • Dominion of Ceylon- Ceylon Renewal Front
    • Dominion of Oceania- English Socialist Party (EngSoc)
    • Dominion of Rhodesia- Rhodesian Renewal Front
    • Dominion of South Africa- National Party (factions)
    • United States of America- American Workingmen's Party (de facto/factions)
  • Officially banned for refusing to embrace royalist principles, the Popular Republican Rally/Rassemblement Républicain Populaire continues to soldier on. The fusion of French and British republican movements that have churned under the surface since the First Conflagration, the PRR is agnostic on the Union itself, though they are adamant that the royal family has got to go. Already long suppressed, there's not much more the government can do to them despite the strong suspicion the United States has adopted them as a front group. Although it has allied with republican groups throughout the Dominions they are regarded as affiliates rather than cadet parties, though they are all by their very nature suppressed by their respective governments and forbidden from standing for election.
    • Dominion of Algeria- National Liberation Front
    • Dominion of Canada- Social Credit Party of Canada
    • Dominion of Guyana- Guyanese Liberty League
    • Dominion of Ireland- Sinn Féin
    • Dominion of Oceania- Justice Party
    • Dominion of South Africa/Dominion of the Central African Confederation/Dominion of the East African Confederation/Dominion of the West African Confederation- African National Congress (factions)
    • Dominion of the West Indies Confederation- Caribbean Liberty League
    • Portuguese Empire- Integralist Party of Portugal/Angola/Mozambique (de facto)
    • United States of America- Independence/Populist Parties (de facto)
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This one was way easy since it's all very top down in the AfD so I wrote it out since I had some time. As for the various African Dominions-
  • Algeria and South Africa had territory added
  • West Africa is most of the remaining west African Coast and goes all the way to Greater Egypt (Egypt+Sudan) though it narrows considerably by that point.
  • Central Africa includes Nigeria at its western edge and is everything south of the Sahara, west of Ethiopia and north of the Congo
  • East Africa is basically anything in that area that isn't South Africa, Rhodesia or Ethiopia.
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All this sound like politics is a scary game if you’re not careful.
There's a lot of newly hostile borders to be sure, as well as a sinking feeling that the FBU has started to lose its mind in the wake of the Congo Crisis, Bush Wars and India Crisis. Meanwhile a lot of politicians in the Pact are realizing that now that the Trigonist culture has sufficiently refined itself to their satisfaction the Comintern makes a far more rational ally on economic grounds, making the radical elements of the FBU even more paranoid.
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Unlike the Cold War the Strange Aeon wasn't really a divide over economics (except for the FBU), with the majority of the Pact's opposition coming from revulsion at the perceived dissolution of culture within the Comintern. While a shift on this may seem unusual the simple fact is that absent the Bush Wars the Comintern didn't really expand much, focusing instead on retaining territory (Italian Africa, the Congo), soft power competition (the Great Race), and their longstanding goal to build a new and truly proletarian culture. Given forty years essentially uninterrupted they've largely succeeded. There are people today who say America doesn't have a proper high cultural canon, so now that the US is seeing the results game recognizes game. It also helps that with the purge of Goebbels, the end of their brief antisemitic phase and the death of Mussolini the much feared authoritarianism hasn't managed to creep back in.
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Great act and great TL
The AfD is really scarry, I can see some popular revolt coming (Franco-British Spring when ?)
Other powers seems nice tough, at least from my left-leaning point of view
With the TL reaching modern times, would we see a map ?
Great act and great TL
The AfD is really scarry, I can see some popular revolt coming (Franco-British Spring when ?)
There's been churning republican unrest for awhile. A lot of people forget that OTL the British monarchy was at an incredibly low point of public opinion as recently as 1870, with serious calls to abolish the institution. As for a Franco-British Spring things will have to get much worse before they get better.
Other powers seems nice tough, at least from my left-leaning point of view
Sure there's still the wage concept but workers rights are through the roof in two thirds of the global alliances.
With the TL reaching modern times, would we see a map ?
I might do one, but that really depends on how long it takes my new place to get internet, I can do the party updates with phone data but a map is a heavier lift.
Actually speaking of I think I'm going to devote some space in part 1 of Invisible Amendments to the Comintern, since I haven't really been able to cover what they've been up to since the Kultura Lukto outside the loss in the Congo and the Bush Wars. It helps that the three crucial people born at the start of Act VI don't become relevant for decades. As it stands, the updates will be partitioned by presidential term at first, since it's a tidy way of breaking up the 1980s-2020s. Just you wait, all the major powers are due for a shakeup.
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What sort of news and/or media corporations are there around the world? Are they bound by any legal constraints in any way? If so, what countries have these restraints, and how are they different?
What sort of news and/or media corporations are there around the world?
There's quite a few. The largest in the US are descended from the Hearst syndicate, though it's broken up into several competing companies by now. Media is almost entirely state run in the Comintern and the US has PBS and the FBU has the EBC. Most Pact members and independent Alliance members have locally grown media corporations though the FBU and the Dominions operate almost entirely on a public broadcasting model since it's viewed as an area of vital national interest.
Are they bound by any legal constraints in any way? If so, what countries have these restraints, and how are they different?
Media companies in the Alliance are monopolies but that sort of thing is pretty strictly regulated in the Pact (it's actually that same principle that led to the breakup of the Hearst media conglomerate) so the governments in that bloc are pretty good about fining and breaking up companies that get too large or suppress competition.
Extra- The Comintern and the Great Powers
While the Pact and the Alliance have multiparty democracies, the Comintern and the Great Powers are defined by either officially entrenched single-party systems or by overwhelmingly strong dominant-party systems. Sometimes this is the result of the fact that the largest political force is a big tent or catch-all party, able to accommodate diverse tendencies into a single cohesive whole, while in other cases this state of affairs is maintained either through state power or as an aftereffect of an opposition too small and fractious to amount to a credible electoral threat. Aside from this political tendency, the three Great Powers are set apart by their large amount of regional and global clout and de facto independence from the three ideological blocs of the Strange Aeon, though the OTO and the GEAC-PS are nominally observers (but not members) in the Alliance for Democracy.

The Comintern has perhaps the most unusual electoral landscape on Earth, an outgrowth of the tenets of Marxist-Trigonism. While the vanguard party has been maintained as a political necessity, inherent distrust of the ossification of the Party, born out of an observation of the Soviet Union under Lenin, the Spartacist Republic under Goebbels and the Social Republic under Mussolini, has seen restrictive rules put in place to ensure proper obedience to the social base and the active cultivation of alternative centers of power to check and balance it. The erosion of political boundaries between the Comintern members has seen the gradual replacement of more traditional national legislatures with proportionally representative councilist ones arranged along linguistic lines, with these nested councils carrying out the necessary business of government from the local level upwards. The government of the Comintern proper is made up of members elevated from these national councils, setting policy for the bloc as a whole and conducting its business entirely in Esperanto. This level is open to Marxist-Trigonist parties existing outside the bloc, such as the Persian Tudeh Party and some factions of the African National Congress who, in the name of proletarian solidarity, are allowed to fully participate in the setting of Comintern policy* more broadly in proportion to their membership.
  • The Monda Komunista Partio is the only sanctioned political party within the bloc, originally formed through the fusion of the various communist and anarchist parties and factions of the Soviet Union, Germany, Italy, Belgium, and Spain. As the most conventional electoral branch of the Comintern political system, the World Communist Party best illustrates the divide within society between the Continentalists, who favor a focus on domestic issues and the final eradication of the few remaining remnants of bourgeois repression, and the Internationalists, who favor the expansion of the Comintern and a robust foreign policy. The Continentalists contain the majority of the Rational Anarchist-aligned Nihilists undergoing a renaissance within the bloc, giving them the numerical strength to outmaneuver the Internationalists, who, barring Mussolini's acquisition of Libya, have few successes to point to.
  • Solidareco is the umbrella organization for the Comintern's diverse ecosystem of cooperatives and labor unions. Organized on a hybrid one big union-industrial union model pioneered by the IWW, Solidarity has staked an aggressive claim on outlining and directing the Comintern economic policy.
  • The result of the grand Vorticist experiment, the Monda Akademia functions as a combination of a humanist church, a comprehensive education system, and a series of research laboratories analogous to the American Science Cities. Aside from providing for the education needs of the Comintern member states at all levels, the World Academy also operates an international network of free colleges and education programs abroad and provides the bloc with the majority of its technological research and development.

The Indian Union is listed first among the Great Powers because in spite of being two years old the new nation's sheer size and impressive potential for rapid material development have already placed it on a trajectory to reach the level of the Five Eyes within a matter of a generation. Add to that a military larger than any single other Great Power and its placement on this list is secure. Officially a multiparty democracy, the nation is a defacto dominant-party system in the face of the vast Indian National Congress, a scenario unlikely to change soon. As a result of the party's size, internal fractions within in it are large and active enough to be considered parties unto themselves, with the fractions unified on the broad domestic goals of the Union but divided largely around foreign policy.
  • The Requisitionist faction is the faction of Premier Gandhi, favoring an official alliance with the Comintern, the devolution of power to the labor unions, and the adoption of an educational system modeled on the Monda Akademia, properly adapted to the Indian national character. Most popular in the south of the Union, proximity to Kumari Kandam has given the region the most strident opposition to the Franco-British Union and has cultivated an outspoken disgust of their island neighbor's Objectivism.
  • The Organization faction is the resident pro-Fascist bloc in the country, advocating a less sweeping nationalization regime than the Requisitionists while still wholeheartedly supporting massive land reforms, a broad social safety net, a massive increase in the size of the Indian Army, and the development of domestic Science Cities. Broadly popular in the center of the Union, this fraction has made a point of reaching out to ethnic, religious, and linguistic minorities to its north to broaden its base of support and suppress the specter of nationalist factionalism.
  • The Irredentist fraction is the odd man out, not only for its advocacy of an alliance of equals with the FBU but also for its uncomfortable tolerance of ethnoreligious nationalism within the broader Union. Membership of this fraction is the smallest, ensuring they are kept far away from power, though their support is strongest in the northern parts of the Hindi Belt and they maintain small branches catering to Muslims in East and West Bengal and Sikhs in Punjab who agree on the fraction's central goal of increased ethnoreligious segregation and autonomy. There is a real concern they are receiving covert funds from the Entente Renewal Front in a bid to weaken the former Dominion, further limiting their broader appeal.

The Oriental Treaty Organization is the largest political faction formally outside the three superpowers. Political development in this bloc has been largely shaped by the experiences of the Ottoman Empire, which has capitalized on a sixty year reputation of neutrality to carve out a niche for itself and its allies on the international stage.
  • The largest political party in the Ottoman Empire, the Committee of Union and Progress has been the central driver in the Empire's sweeping half-century of reforms and has become the model for like-minded parties in the OTO. Occupying the political center, the CUP advocates for the preservation of the current constitution and the monarchy's role in it and pursues a growth-oriented agenda focused around modernization and the shrewd management of oil and other vital resources. Affiliates:
    • Emirate of Jabal Shammar- Committee of Union and Progress
    • Empire of Ethiopia- Ethiopian Democratic Union
    • Sultanate of Somaliland- Committee of Union and Progress
  • Forming the official opposition, the Ba'ath Party is a secular social democratic party advocating for an expansion of the social safety net and public works programs, greater democratic accountability, and an increased voice for the Empire's ethnic minorities. Affiliates:
    • Emirate of Jabal Shammar- Ba'ath Party
    • Empire of Ethiopia- Nationality Democratic Association
    • Republic of Greater Egypt- Ba'ath Party
    • Sultanate of Somaliland- Ba'ath Party

The Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere has fallen quite a long way from its height during the Second Clash of Civilizations and consists of only two members at present, the Empire of Japan and the Kingdom of Thailand. The Japanese Liberal Party and the Thai People's Party exercise defacto one-party control over their respective states, with a broad set of policies similar to the CUP. While the Thai opposition is too fractured to matter much, the Japanese Empire faces recurring opposition from the Heimin tō, the electoral arm of the Heiminshugi branch of Rational Anarchism largely centered in Korea. While the majority of political parties have paramilitary wings, the Liberal "Special Unit" is particularly feared, seeing itself as the last bastion against anarchy in the Empire.

*This was inspired by an OTL suggestion by Amadeo Bordiga that the USSR, as the bastion of the global proletariat, should be ruled collectively by the world's communist parties. TTL the American affiliate is the Socialist Labor Party, though their membership is so anemic they don't have many votes and have never been elevated to the Comintern's Central Committee.
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I can only imagine the absolute hell it must be for political analysts ITTL to try and keep track of all these parties, elections, ideologies, interests, ideas, and factions. Especially for the Comintern. lol
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I can only imagine the absolute hell it must be for political analysts ITTL to try and keep track of all these parties, elections, ideologies, interests, ideas, and factions. Especially for the Comintern. lol
Color symbolism is especially confusing to be sure. The Comintern is interesting, since by the 80s the average citizen will be agitating for the next great leap forward in the grand proletarian experiment. Adopting something similar to the Kaiserreich ideology system (from most revolutionary to most reactionary):
  • Revolutionary ideologies:
    1. Rational Anarchism
    2. Marxist-Trigonism
    3. Nehruism
  • Liberal ideologies
    1. Ba'athism
    2. Fascism
    3. Populism
  • Reactionary ideologies
    1. One-Nation Conservatism
    2. Objectivism
    3. Esoteric Fascism/Vitalism
Also here's a little number I was kicking around for DC in the 2020s!


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Seriously if anybody hasn't read it I can't recommend East of West enough, it's one of my favorites. It's by Jonathan Hickman, ran for 45 issues and it's an alternate history weird west science fantasy cyberpunk where the Civil War had 5 sides and was ended by the Tunguska Event, the dynasty of Mao rules California, Louisiana is basically Wakanda, Texas has Judges, the apocalypse is on and the four horseman roam the badlands.
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