Recent content by Moo moo the chew chew

  1. The Sons of Inti Shall Not Perish

    Interesting timeline, reminds me of The first thread I read on this website. Only more likely, no I'm just reading the first post, I can't wait to see how this develops.
  2. What happened to you?

    What happened to you?
  3. AH Title and Description Game

    The valley of the shadow of death. World War II starts late and on a more limited scale with Germany mostly focussed on Poland and the USSR, this leads to the Japanese posesing more in the way of supplies and incidentally their biological weapons programs having more time to fully develop...
  4. But where's the PM button(total newbie here)?

    But where's the PM button(total newbie here)?
  5. How do I PMU, is this p.ming you?

    How do I PMU, is this p.ming you?
  6. Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran: An Iran war TL

    So is this dead or is it coming back? ;-;