Recent content by The Vulture

  1. Should US have declared war on Iran during the hostage crisis?

    This thread has taught me a number of things, namely that millions of dead Iranians is an appropriate response to 52 moderately imperiled Americans and to think otherwise is liberal weakness.
  2. Should US have declared war on Iran during the hostage crisis?

    But nuking a city of people getting on with their lives, that's totally cool.
  3. Staged revolts to seize the power

    The lack of middle-ground options makes the poll kinda useless.
  4. Sam Raimi takes over the Batman Franchise.

    Just look at Darkman and there you go.
  5. Sam Raimi takes over the Batman Franchise.

    I think this is the most likely outcome. Raimi is used to lower-budget work and would likely balk at forfeiting a play-or-pay contract such as they held with Williams.
  6. AHC: Chile goes Haiti

    Have a bunch of foreign countries ride roughshod over Chile, then give them a crazy voodoo baron as a leader to leave a direct legacy of decades of instability and corruption, and you might get it.
  7. Boris Yeltsin Nukes The US

    When a fly is loose in the house, is your first instinct to lob hand grenades at it?
  8. Agent Lavender: The Flight of Harold Wilson

    There is literally no excuse.
  9. Agent Lavender: The Flight of Harold Wilson

    It's upthead. In writing. Spelled correctly.
  10. Agent Lavender: The Flight of Harold Wilson

    The McWhirters were twin brothers whose main claim to fame is establishing the Guinness Book of Records. They also threw a lot of their money and influence behind various rightist causes, to the point that Ross was eventually assassinated by the IRA. Learn to use Google.
  11. Agent Lavender: The Flight of Harold Wilson

    I'm pretty sure that was his usual mode of transport.
  12. Agent Lavender: The Flight of Harold Wilson

    I also like that Powell is being given a much more nuanced and realistic portrayal than he gets in a lot of other AH works, wherein the authors seem to be familiar with "Rivers of Blood" and nothing else he ever did.
  13. Agent Lavender: The Flight of Harold Wilson

    I approve of this notion.
  14. WI: Columbine Inside Job

    My cousin was present at Columbine and could easily have been killed if he hadn't gotten out the nearest door. Sorry if I'm a little sore on the topic being made a stupid political weapon.
  15. WI: Columbine Inside Job

    I'm glad you recognize that South American countries most likely exist. What's that to do with a school shooting in Colorado?