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  1. WI: More restricted internet

    In this scenario though, you'd still have to have separate servers for the gamers and for the e-commerce rather than the free-for-all we got instead. Otherwise, without a web anyone straying from the path would be in territory they're not authorized to be in. Mr. Berners-Lee himself actually...
  2. WI: More restricted internet

    Suppose Tim Berners-Lee and company think things through a little more and decide that instead of making internet access free to anyone with a modem, they set up a licensing system with a relatively affordable annual fee similar to a vehicle registration. Anyone over 13 could apply, but you'd...
  3. AHC: Bilingual USA from the get-go

    Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to have the use of another language (likely German or Spanish) beyond English adopted as an official national language (this is a double WI since the USA doesn't have an official language at the federal level). Possibly German if more Germans...
  4. Music/pop culture WI: Foo Fighters develops from Nirvana/Grohl takes over

    Suppose Kurt Cobain lives but quits Nirvana, leaving Dave Grohl as the only singer/songwriter left in the group. What next?
  5. Gerald Ford assassinated in 1975. What comes after?

    You mean we might be humbled, willing to really make up for past mistakes and be a team player in the international community instead of thinking of world history as just the run-up to the country's creation and of our own history as some kind of hero's journey?!
  6. Eminem ten-fifteen years earlier: the Elvis of hip hop?

    I remember an interview with Chuck D of Public Enemy talking about the Beastie Boys, saying there was some concern at the time that they would "steal" hip hop from black artists, similar to how the immense popularity of Elvis Presley pushed black rock 'n' rollers like Chuck Berry and Bo Diddly...
  7. British-American Commonwealth

    Was it possible for the British colonies of North America to maintain a Canada*-like connection to the Crown instead of cutting ties completely? Or could some POD before or after the American Civil War spur one to be created? *I might not know as much about history as some (read: most) other...
  8. How long would it take for the Confederates to abolish slavery if they won the civil war?

    2021? I doubt the CSA could last that long in this scenario. The kind of reaction from poor whites as described in the last paragraph of @wcv215 's post could lead to the country tearing itself apart by the beginning of World War I, if not sooner. ...hmm, perhaps that could butterfly away the...
  9. AHC: Make gyrocopters the primary short- to medium-range travel method for the rich by the late 20th century

    Inspired by a short discussion in the latest Politiyank thread over in Chat... Someone suggested the idea of the autogyro being equivalent to a flying car, and suggested widespread adoption could have replaced the car of OTL. I suggested aircraft ownership is too expensive for the average...
  10. New Deal Fails = Fascist US?

    A lot of people have said that the New Deal saved America from collapse due to the Great Depression, but what if it had failed or never been enacted? Would a dictatorship rise from its ashes? How would such a state have fared in the rest of the 20th century, and how would that time period have...
  11. Post-Doomsday pop culture

    I think part of the reason scientists and antinuclear activists have proliferated the idea that "nuclear war = the end of modern civilization FOREVER" is the fear that if politicians and military leaders thought that if there were even a percent of a percentage that humanity could recover...
  12. Post-Doomsday pop culture

    This could be at any point after Doomsday or any civilization-stunting holocaust, not necessarily within the semi-immediate aftermath. It could be even a century later. I know that the supposed "realistic" scenario for a nuclear war in the early 80s is everyone who isn't vaporized/immolated...
  13. Post-Doomsday pop culture

    This thread has had some interesting responses. What I mainly posted it for was to see what a world with static popular culture would feel like, and something hit me today...if the current shutdown of Hollywood and other entertainment production due to COVID-19 continues long enough, we'll...
  14. PC: Progressive rock remains popular longer?

    I don't know that prog rock in its original form could've stayed popular, given that the average person's musical tastes are generally aimed towards things that are simple and immediate (meaning no 3-5 minute intros). It certainly didn't help that a lot of those kinds of bands tended to beat...
  15. Minor (?) POD: What if only 1 of the Twin Towers fell

    ...aftermath caused... But anyways, I got to thinking, what if instead of both planes directly hitting the towers, one of them missed, grazed the side*, or never took off/was brought down like Flight 93? The death toll would still have been fairly high and our collective cages would've rattled...
  16. WI Farrah Fawcett dies in 1966?

    Another woman fuels adolescent boys' fantasies in the 70s-80s. Not much else, I'm afraid. Now, if she died in 1976, that would be a different story...
  17. AHC: A Dystopic 2010s

    I'm not sure if you could achieve full-on dystopia in less than 15 years. To me, difference between a mere post-collapse scenario and a dystopia is that the latter is a society that's more or less functional but horrifyingly oppressive and highly fortified against any uprising. For an example...
  18. Post-Doomsday pop culture one else wants to weigh in on this? Pity. I thought this was a rather interesting topic myself, but maybe there really wasn't as much as I thought there was to discuss...
  19. Post-Doomsday pop culture

    Not sure how much people would want to hear a song about war after recovering from a war bigger than humanity has ever known. Then again, since the English version wasn't released until the following year, only people who knew German would know this, so maybe I'm wrong there. Still, I imagine...
  20. Post-Doomsday pop culture

    Recently I've been reading the 1983: Doomsday timeline over on the Alt History Wikia a lot, and theorizing whether or not I would've lived through it (likely not, considering Pittsburgh is on the nuking list although Mount Washington could theoretically have protected much of the south hills...