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  1. Rattenfänger von Memphis

    US becomes a dictatorship during the Depression: What happens to the mob?

    A Fascist American dictator in the 1930s would probably take a page from the Italian Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini’s playbook on how he dealt with the Mafia in Italy in the 1920s. The Wikipedia article “Sicilian Mafia during the Fascist regime” shows Mussolini’s Mafia methods:
  2. Rattenfänger von Memphis

    Ahc: George v declares himself king of Jerusalem after the British took it in 1917

    Another reason that George V could not have become the "King of Jerusalem" because another European ruler already had that title. Even though there was the famous saying, attributed to several authors, that ""The sun never set on the British Empire, because even God couldn't trust the English...
  3. Rattenfänger von Memphis

    Edward VIII becomes king in 1902

    In the Wikipedia article entitled “Regency Acts”, under the sub-heading “Regency Act 1910” what happened in OTL 1910 would probably have happened in this POD’s ATL 1902 timeline as well : The reference above to the Regency Act 1840 was explained in this same Wikipedia article which named Queen...
  4. Rattenfänger von Memphis

    French victory in the War of Spanish Succession (2024 ed)

    Gar48 started a thread in November 2021 (still going strong as of today) entitled “What Alternate History Ideas You Wish Were Used More Often ?” Part of my post in that thread was about one aspect of this topic that Atrahasis raises that I would like to see as an ATL.
  5. Rattenfänger von Memphis

    The Lusitania Disaster would make for a fast-paced Hollywood thriller..

    On this 109th anniversary of the Lusitania's sinking, I definitely think that a Lusitania movie could no doubt be an excellent thriller. Remember that, like the aftermath of the 1912 Titanic sinking, the 1915 Lusitania sinking had many survivors who were able to tell stories and recall events...
  6. Rattenfänger von Memphis

    What if Napoleon tried to conquer the Barbary states instead of Egypt?

    I think, in that case, Napoleon could have have more lasting advantages by either conquering, or allying with, the Barbary states rather than invading Egypt. This assumption is based on Napoleon’s history and also on earlier, pre-Napoleonic French history. According to Wikipedia, the Barbary...
  7. Rattenfänger von Memphis

    WW2/Cold War if Alaska had been part of the USSR?

    In MacKinlay Kantor's 1961 alternate history novel If the South Had Won The Civil War, Cuba and Alaska actually switch places in history. Cuba becomes a Confederate state while Alaska is never purchased by the United States and remains part of the Russian Empire. The United States, the...
  8. Rattenfänger von Memphis

    Proposals and War Aims That Didn't Happen Map Thread

    The first thing that comes to my mind, looking at both Snowstalker's and James the AH Fan's maps, minus northern New Jersey, is the Alien Queen Xenomorph on her side with Long Island being her elongated head.
  9. Rattenfänger von Memphis

    Early German Philippines

    In this scenario of the Philippines coming “under German rule from 1868 or 1870”, it would Prussia who would be the colonial master as this time period pre-dates the establishment of the united German Empire. In this case, assuming that the Franco-Prussian War still occurs in this ATL, the...
  10. Rattenfänger von Memphis

    Could Wilhelm II have dismissed Hitler?

    I may be wrong, but it was my impression that the OP, acgoldis, was hypothesizing an ATL where the monarchy survived after the German Empire lost World War One and Wilhelm II remained Kaiser reigning until the 1930s when Hitler became Chancellor. With Germany facing another devastating, and...
  11. Rattenfänger von Memphis

    Could Wilhelm II have dismissed Hitler?

    In OTL, a 31-year-old Wilhelm II dismissed the incredibly successful, world famous 75-year-old Chancellor Bismarck in 1890. Later, Wilhelm II finally brought Germany's popular, de facto dictators, Hindenburg and Ludendorff, to heel in 1918 at the tail end of World War One. He dismissed...
  12. Rattenfänger von Memphis

    Lichtenstein Alaska: Was it a real proposal?

    Another website, The Generalist Academy, has some more information in their article “Prince of Alaska”
  13. Rattenfänger von Memphis

    Lichtenstein Alaska: Was it a real proposal?

    It was not a joke and it was a serious offer. If you go to the Wikipedia article "Johann II, Prince of Liechenstein", there is this quote: Then you can click on the footnote at the end of this quote, numbered (8), which looks like this: 8. ИноСМИ (21 December 2019). "Русская Америка на...
  14. Rattenfänger von Memphis

    A winter in Smolensk, a sixth coalition TL

    This is exciting, not knowing if Napoleon will be able to pull this daring maneuver off. Everything on the roll of the dice. I also like the way you humanize the Marshals, showing that they really are also flesh and blood men with everyday concerns. Plus, with the aid of my Microsoft...
  15. Rattenfänger von Memphis

    Could Germany and France reconcile if Alsace-Lorraine remains French?

    Bismarck himself felt that the French would have had a lasting bitterness towards Germany no matter what. In A. J. P. Taylor’s “The Struggle For Mastery In Europe 1848 – 1918”, pages 217 – 218, Bismarck compared his war with Austria, where the Austrians were defeated in 1866 at the Battle of...
  16. Rattenfänger von Memphis

    To Regain Your Lost Shadows: A Better U.S. Response To Holocaust Refugees

    I am very much an amateur lover of history but if I come across something of interest I would be glad to let you know. When I think of the 190,000, I think about their future contributions being snuffed out. We just don't know all that was lost. I don't know how long your planned ATL will...
  17. Rattenfänger von Memphis

    To Regain Your Lost Shadows: A Better U.S. Response To Holocaust Refugees

    Yes, I agree with your assessment and look forward to your ATL.
  18. Rattenfänger von Memphis

    Axis joined-up thinking?

    Ambusher11, thank you so much ! This is another great example of posting a link to a fact-based, interesting article on a relatively obscure piece of history on what-might-have-been. The alternate history nerd in me is in heaven.
  19. Rattenfänger von Memphis

    Axis joined-up thinking?

    I really enjoy it when someone, like you did here Dorknought, posts a link to a fact-based, interesting article on a relatively obscure piece of history on what-might-have-been. Before this I had only read scant references to a possible cooperation between the Italian position in Italian East...
  20. Rattenfänger von Memphis

    To Regain Your Lost Shadows: A Better U.S. Response To Holocaust Refugees

    I first became aware of who Breckinridge Long was and his damaging and deplorable actions concerning war refugees fleeing Nazi persecution when watching Ken Burns’ documentary “The U.S. and the Holocaust” in which he was prominently featured. As Wikipedia describes Breckinridge Long… Aspen...