jfk 1968

  1. WI : JFK Dies Of Natural Causes Before Or After 1963 (If Not Assassinated) ?

    Kennedy had plently of health problems, so I was wondering what could kill him before or after 1963. Any thoughts?
  2. Gentleman Biaggi

    No Eisenhower| A wikibox timeline
    Threadmarks: 1956 Republican Primaries

    Wait, you're making another timeline?!? Yeah... All my other ones have pretty much been canceled. Well, 110th time's the charm! Right? Right? So what's the POD? In 1955 Eisenhower announces that, due to heath issues and age he will not be running for re-election. How long will this last if you...
  3. Nightingale

    WI: JFK in 1968

    The 1960 US Presidential Elections was one of the closest in history. Now imagine that Nixon narrowly wins, and like Nixon IOTL, JFK wants and does makes a comeback in 1968. What do you think would happen, in six spheres? 1. Social? My opinion: Nixon would most likely pass the CRA and VRA...