
  1. Carlos I de Quito

    Maximilian I Habsburg King of Spain
    Threadmarks: Ideas

    We all know the History of Maximilian I Hasburg, the emperor who was very liberal for conservatives, but very conservative for liberals, an Emperor with a very liberal tendency when specifically his support base was conservative, which is why his end was in the mountains of Querétaro on July 19...
  2. Zestinobambino

    The Burgundy-Naples Alliance

    Mary the Rich (1457 - 1482) was probably the wealthiest heiress of her time. As the only child of Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, Mary was the heir to the Duchy of Burgundy and all the lands that her father and grandfather had acquired, including most of the Netherlands. Naturally, that...
  3. Britain and France side with the confederacy

    What if Britain and France intervened in the U.S civil war on the side of the confederates. I think this would most likely mean the confederates win the war and become independent. Also without U.S pressure forcing the French to withdraw from Mexico, Maximilian most likely defeats Benito Juarez...
  4. kasumigenx

    Would be a landless Alt! Maximilian be more attractive to Mary of Burgundy?

    Would he be attractive for Mary of Burgundy and Charles the Bold if he was landless due to his brother, Christoph surviving?
  5. WI: Juan, Prince of Asturias lives, Philip the Fair dies

    The death of Juan of Castile in 1497 ruined the plans laid out by his parents and led to the unwanted rise to the Spanish crowns by the Habsburgs down the line. Let's suppose that Philip somehow dies in 1497 and Juan survives his illness, long enough at least to sire at least a son and a...
  6. Everdarklegion

    Lone Star Rising

    Texas and the U.S. Civil War When war broke out between the United States and the Confederate States in 1861 following the attack on Fort Sumpter, both governments sent diplomats to the Republic of Texas. The Lincoln Administration was concerned the young Republic might seek annexation by the...
  7. Maximilian I weds a 4th & final time

    Basic Premise, Maximilian I HRE decides to marry one last time after the death of Bianca Sforza. Only candidate that is excluded is Anna of Jagiellon/Bohemia (OTL wife of his grandson Ferdinand I). To whom do you suggest he wed? My current candidate: Mary of Tudor (OTL Queen of France). Time...
  8. WI: The British tried to pull a Maximilian on Mexico?

    As I understand it, the French intervention in Mexico was initially supported by Britain and Spain as well. It seems plausible that alternate circumstances could have led the British attempting a similar invasion, even if it was a rather unique occurrence due to the reign of Emperor Napoleon...
  9. WI Maximilian I, King of Hungary in 1490?

    So what do you think, what could possibly happen, if Emperor Maximilian is elected as King of Hungary? For POD, let's say he marries Beatrix of Aragonia, the widow of Matthias and makes a compromise with Matthias's bastard son, John Corvinus, who would become the ban of several Southern...
  10. Historyman 14

    Second Mexican Empire Survives

    The basic idea is Benito Juárez is at some point captured and killed in 1864/1865 and the Mexican Republicans was put down. (Or Juarez joins Maximilian.) How will Maximilian rule? (I read he was too conservative for the liberals, but also too liberal for the conservatives.) Would his heir be one...
  11. Historyman 14

    Mexico without French intervention

    The basic idea is this: What would the future of Mexico look like if they was never a French invasion, and no Second Mexican Empire? No Maximilian I? None of that happen? What does the fate and times of Mexico look now in this ATL?
  12. Olena

    Alternate History of Mary I of Scotland

    On 3 December, 1560 François II of France passed away after suffering from a severe inner-ear infection which struck him suddenly following a hunting trip; although, it was rumored that Protestants had poisoned the young king’s wine so that his death would appear to be simply the ill-health that...
  13. Franz Josef assassinated in 1853, what reforms should Maximilian have introduced?

    I know that Maximilian of Habsburg (the otl unfortunate Mexican emperor executed at Queretaro) becoming Austrian Emperor and managing to successfully steer his variegated realms towards a liberal, modern and stable course is a bit of a cliche and there have been a couple of TLs on this theme...