AHC: Create a nation that is a blend of Europeans and East Asians.

Perhaps the Khitai/Western Liao could migrate further west, leading them all the way to Eastern Europe. Granted, my understanding is that they weren't completely Sinicized, but there could still be enough of a cultural influence that wherever they end up (be that somewhere in Russia or even potentially the successor states of Byzantium after 1204) could end up with an interesting syncretic culture.

Alternatively, you could see greater Greek settlement in Bactria followed by Chinese vassalization and then have whatever culture emerges from that survive long enough to form a distinct state.
Surviving Tocharians?
Only if they assimilated the Uyghurs rather than the other way around.

Come to think of it, the Uyghurs were kind of like this. Although they spoke a Turkic language, because they assimilated the Tocharians and some Persian-speaking peoples their DNA is mixed between more Asian and more European features (reflected in the diverse phenotypes of modern Uyghurs). Their religion was Manichaeism, a Persian gnostic faith with Christian influences, while others among them practiced Buddhism or Christianity.
Here's a few ideas:

Dutch Taiwan: After the Qing reclaim the island in 1683, they go with their original plan of abandoning the island because they find it difficult to defend. However, to make some money, they sell the island back over to the Dutch. The Dutch would keep on trying to colonize the island while also supporting the secret Chinese settlements into the island. It'd likely go over under direct Dutch control. The Dutch would keep trying over to send more and more Dutch settlers into the island while directly overseen by them rather than the VOC. They'd likely be focused on stabilizing the island and over time, the Chinese and Dutch settlers would mix with one another along with the Taiwanese indigenous folk. It would be a similar phenomena to what happened with the Indo people of Indonesia. I could also see the island being perhaps used as a penal colony, especially for Belgian rebels or other potential troublemakers and the like. The connection to the Dutch and European influence would lead to growing more distinct from Qing China, which may affect China itself. especially with a potential brain drain. Beyond that, this Eurasian Taiwan would likely be granted independence after a WW2 scenario. Culture would be a mix of Dutch protestant beliefs along with the Chinese folk faiths and that of Taiwanese indigenous. It would likely be more stable and financially well-off than Indonesia and would have an odd relationship with China. What happens depends on who is in charge of China. Nationalists would probably be okay, and the Communists would cause some tension. Nation would also be an oddity for the mixing of cultures and maintaining links to European and Chinese culture while building a distinct brand of it.

British Taiwan: During the First Opium War of the 1830s and 1840s, the British manage to go and take Taiwan over from Chinese control. To go and aggressively settle the island, they go and follow similar practices that they did with Australia. I also suspect that some Irish folk may end up there as well for one reason or another. Due to the British not having that much of a firm grasp over, the mixing may still occur, if at a slower rate. Regardless, it happens and the British keep using the island as a dumping ground for the poor and unwanted. A distinct Anglo-Sinic culture is formed from this. Whoever is in charge after the Qing are gonna want the island back. If the Nationalists are in charge, it's gonna be a pretty big tense point throughout the 20th century and beyond and same with the Communists. The island would also become invested in by European and American companies and defense.

The Christian Horde: The Mongol Golden Horde would end up embracing Eastern Orthodox Christianity instead of Islam. Additionally, while the eastern part of the nation would become Turkicized, the western part of the Golden Horde would become more influenced by the Slavic peoples there. A distinct identity would be formed when the Golden Horde would break apart, with this Slavic/Mongol Horde taking the place of OTL Astrakhan Khanate in terms of location along with parts of Crimea. Because of their Chrisitian connections, they may show some favortism over to the Principality of Theodoro. The nation may end up growing to be a subordinate of Russia, not unlike its "half-sibling" Ukraine. Its Christian connections along with border to the Black Sea will have it maintain some inteest for the Christian world, epecially since their connection in trade would make it important and perhaps become inspired by the Cossacks or the like in how they do their business. They may try and revolt during the Russian Revolution.
another possibility is the dutch never manage to get batavia and south africa, and instead the brits colonise south east asia. Since they'll be sending convicts as much as they'll use native labour there's a big possibility that we get a mixed european-asian lower class that is malay-chinese-british in character.
Perhaps the Khitai/Western Liao could migrate further west, leading them all the way to Eastern Europe. Granted, my understanding is that they weren't completely Sinicized, but there could still be enough of a cultural influence that wherever they end up (be that somewhere in Russia or even potentially the successor states of Byzantium after 1204) could end up with an interesting syncretic culture.
Done it!
Granted it was before the Liao Dynasty was estabilished, but I had them migrate to Germany and estabilish a germanised khitai kingdom
Mennonites, instead of picking up and moving east only as far as Ukraine and Russia, face still more troubles that see them migrate further and further.
Their culture and pacifism finally see them regarded as good neighbours to have when they reach Bhutan, where they are first tolerated, then appreciated, then fully accepted in society. A combination of more Mennonite immigration from the West and conversion and intermarriage among locals gradually increases the mixed-race population until Menno-Buddhism’s peaceful adherents become the fullest spectrum of mixed-race happy pacifists on the planet.
Not the most obvious option: the Kuril Islands. Simultaneous colonization of the Kurils by Russians and Japanese. Let's assume that in the 18th century, parties of Russian traders and seal hunters managed to gain a foothold in the Kurils, they established factories and permanent settlements there. At the same time colonization of the islands by the Japanese begins. Since the Kuril Islands at that time are on the periphery of both countries, a mixed population will be formed there in a hundred years.
The request was for a place primarily populated by Europeans and East Asians, which I interpret to mean a majority of the population is mixed. Hong Kong definitely isn't majority mixed race.
British Columbia or Vancouver Island could work in three circumstances:

1) the future, it's going to become that if present immigration trends continue

2) no Chinese Exclusion Act in Canada or Chinese head tax laws

3) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Meares

Earlier European settlement (ie late 18th century) as the lower North American population, lack of railroads and higher transportation costs would mean a more Pacific-oriented colony; also something with those 300 Chinese settlers brought over by John Meares in 1788, or HBC having closer links with Hawai'i...come to think of it, Hawai'i in the British orbit would probably help this come about as well
The request was for a place primarily populated by Europeans and East Asians, which I interpret to mean a majority of the population is mixed. Hong Kong definitely isn't majority mixed race.
So maybe an alternate universe where it happened in Hong Kong.
British Columbia or Vancouver Island could work in three circumstances:

1) the future, it's going to become that if present immigration trends continue

2) no Chinese Exclusion Act in Canada or Chinese head tax laws

3) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Meares

Earlier European settlement (ie late 18th century) as the lower North American population, lack of railroads and higher transportation costs would mean a more Pacific-oriented colony; also something with those 300 Chinese settlers brought over by John Meares in 1788, or HBC having closer links with Hawai'i...come to think of it, Hawai'i in the British orbit would probably help this come about as well
Tbf British Columbia or just the west coast would work if the region is colonised by someone like the Japanese but we still have something like America, so they move to Japanese-influenced areas and become a significant part of the population of the colony.
British Columbia or Vancouver Island could work in three circumstances:

1) the future, it's going to become that if present immigration trends continue

2) no Chinese Exclusion Act in Canada or Chinese head tax laws

3) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Meares

Earlier European settlement (ie late 18th century) as the lower North American population, lack of railroads and higher transportation costs would mean a more Pacific-oriented colony; also something with those 300 Chinese settlers brought over by John Meares in 1788, or HBC having closer links with Hawai'i...come to think of it, Hawai'i in the British orbit would probably help this come about as well
Maybe you should take a look at Chinese imperial history. Can't really remember if they prevented outward migration but a population boom and famine in Southern China in the early 18th century likely accelerated Chinese migration into Southeast Asia in the 18th and 19th centuries.

One of the original myths surrounding Ayutthaya (Early Modern Thailand) was that it was founded by a son of a Chinese emperor. Needless to say, the Chinese have been present in Ayutthaya for almost it's entirety. By the 18th century, the main commercial street in Ayutthaya was called "China Street". It's possible that Brits can import Chinese laborers to Hawaii but they'll never beat nearby Southeast Asia as a cheaper and closer immigration destination.

The earliest surviving record of a Chinese person in America is in 1785 when Chinese sailors reached Baltimore. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Asian_Americans