Map Thread XXII


Gone Fishin'
The notion was that, like in "Look to the West", the era of world wars began a lot earlier with respect to the invention of nuclear weapons. Only WWIV involved a _lot_ of nukes.
@B_Munro Ah - with more multipolarity in the Third Interbellum as well to account for the widespread devastation?
What were the alliances?
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Based the concerning world shattering developments of current world affairs, with debating sides battling over the biggest of all questions that are both known and unknown to man. I present the only factual and correct answer and solution to mans worries...

View attachment 876169


Is a joke, please no take serious
Not the biggest Maryland I've seen.
“[When] Cresap… made a run for the river, they were upon him before he could launch a boat. He shoved one of his captors overboard, and cried, "Cresap's getting away", and the other deputies pummeled their peer with oars until the ruse was discovered.”

The guy rolled a nat 20 on Charisma (Persuasion).
I'm sure that some descendants of this war found their way a bit west to the Toledo War!
I wrote a map series at someones request from this thread about the French Revolution having the same impact as the Russian Revolution. My answer is a light-hearted scenario where a Communist like ideology takes over France after the revolution and it forms a USSR expy and a cold war starts between France and Britain. Let me know what you think! I'd appreciate any feedback.

1789: American Revolution ended with negotiations by the late 1770's. Frederich II died a year earlier than OTL and his successor was unable to prevent Austria from exchanging some of the Austrian Netherlands for Bavaria. This alarms the French nobility and undermines the monarchy.
1789 Commie Jacobins.png

1803: The French Revolution abolishes the monarchy and turns France into a republic. The Bourbons escaped and the threat of their return and further radicalizes the revolution. Robespierre's regime lasted until 1801 until he mysteriously died and the Directory replaced him. During Robespierre's tenure, the French overran Spain and met greater success in Germany. But the Directory signs the Treaty of Amiens with Britain, which restores the Bourbons in Spain, and French forces leaves the Dutch Republic and southern Italy. This controversial treaty undermines the Directory and contributed to Napoleon's rise to power in 1808.
1803 Commie Jacobins.png

1814: War between Britain vs. Russia and Denmark broke out in 1811 over trade with the French. Napoleon decided to use this conflict to secure the rest of Europe against Prussia and Austria. To strike quickly, Napoleon didn't prepare his army as much as he'd like and depended on his generalship to secure victory against Prussia. Britain and Russia are alarmed by Napoleon's sudden aggression and settle matters to contend with the threat. Lazare Hoche lived far longer than OTL and was radicalized during his time in Bavaria and forming a connection with François-Noël Babeuf, when the war started turning against Napoleon, Hoche seized Paris and declared France to be an "Illuminated Republic" following Babeuf's Égalitarism (alt communism) ideology. Hoche defeated a multinational force at Waterloo which secured the borders of the Illuminated French Republic (République Française Illuminée). The peace leaves Russia a free hand in Poland and Germany is redrawn according to its design.
1814 Commie Jacobins.png

1830: Revolutions break out across Europe as many states are unable to deal with a global economic recession. France takes advantage of the situation while Russia acts as a bulwark of conservatism. Meanwhile, the Ottoman's are overwhelmed by a rising Egypt to the south, and Albanians in the Balkans.
1830 Commie Jacobins.png

1845: With the extinction of the Ottoman dynasty, Russia decides to settle the eastern question by seizing control of the Balkans and Bosporus Strait. This power grab flies in the face of Russia's supposed commitment to the status quo and alarms London and Paris. A large war broke out over Europe which resulted in total Russian defeat after the British deployed the first Chlorine Bombs. The Albanian Sultanate took over the former Ottoman lands while Austria reformed its government to a more federal structure in response to the loss of Italy. Although on the victorious side, Britain finds itself in a precarious situation as France and its puppet states form the Union of Illuminated Republics (Union des Républiques Illuminées) with the goal of uniting the world under Égalitarism. A Silent War breaks out between the British Empire and the UIR.
1845 Commie Jacobins.png

1891: The Silent War ends with the collapse of the UIR. Its economy was weakened due to decades of corruption and mismanagement on top of costly colonialist wars in Africa against indigenous states backed by Anglo arms. In a last attempt to regain control of the situation, the UIR went to war against Austria only for the Austrians to outsmart the Égalitarist forces through clever tactics and diplomacy. As the war dragged on, a faction of the UIR military attempted a coup against Paris. This resulted in the dissolution of the UIR as the old regime had lost all legitimacy and the new power in Paris sought to build a British-inspired Marketist (captialist) economy. Remnants of the forces loyal to the UIR hold out in Algiers as they debate how to proceed from here. Meanwhile, German nationalists gained power in Austria during the war and dissolved the federation with the Danubian states in favor of uniting the now-free German states.
1891 Commie Jacobins.png
What with the German language and the capital in Vienna, I just can't figure out who made this map.

The author is apparently P.A.M.

As for who that is, here is a quote from the description under the image in the link:
OCLC lists only 13 copies, and most identify the author only as P.A.M. or as the Port Autonome de Marseille. But it seems highly unlikely that a French port authority would commit the time and resources necessary to produce this work, and even more unlikely that if it had done so, it would have published its report in German - and centered its proposed new European State in Vienna! In fact, the author was hiding in plain sight. The foot of the title page says Self Published by the Author ("Selbstverlag des Verfassers") and Printed by Otto Maas' Sons ("Druck von Otto Maas' Söhne"), a well-known Viennese publisher. Otto's son, known as P.A. Maas, is listed by several European institutions as the elusive P.A.M. To this date, however, he has not been named by the appointed Notary - the four Nations having not yet “expressed their judgment publicly” on his proposal.

It's finally done! I started working on this project in May, and since then, it's grown a lot. The map is now unrecognizable to someone at the start; very few countries from the early parts of the scenario still survive. But now the easily-accessible 2K-BAM map is done, and it's truly a labor of love. I plan to turn this into a Munroist annotated map, but I'll probably make some other geopolitical maps out of this first. Now it's time for your questions! Ask them here, or here for an in-universe perspective. I'm glad I finished this map. Now I truly have a TL.

(Clarification: outlines on countries indicate their overlord. Also, there might be a few duplicated colors; I think Novgorod, Holy Europe, and Northern Qing have similar colors. Of those three, only the HEE has puppets and overseas territory. And one last thing: the Romanian capital is in Cluj, not Bucharest.)
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View attachment 876431
It's finally done! I started working on this project in May, and since then, it's grown a lot. The map is now unrecognizable to someone at the start; very few countries from the early parts of the scenario still survive. But now the easily-accessible 2K-BAM map is done, and it's truly a labor of love. I plan to turn this into a Munroist annotated map, but I'll probably make some other geopolitical maps out of this first. Now it's time for your questions! Ask them here, or here for an in-universe perspective. I'm glad I finished this map. Now I truly have a TL.

(Clarification: outlines on countries indicate their overlord. Also, there might be a few duplicated colors; I think Novgorod, Holy Europe, and Northern Qing have similar colors. Of those three, only the HEE has puppets and overseas territory.)
What's up with the subdivision borders in the country of east central China? :)