Photos from Featherston's Confederacy/ TL-191

President Al Smith during his 1940 re-election campaign.


Scenes from the best-selling game Endwar, which shows an alternate reality where the cold war between the U.S., the Russian Empire, and The German Union went hot.


Think of all the crazy stories Clancy could have written in that universe. I can just see the stories about Canadian terrorists getting their hands on The Bomb...
The famous "Featherston Freakout" scene from the 2004 film, "Twilight", which details the last days spent in the Presidential bunker in Richmond before the events of Featherston's Flight in the closing days of GW2. The scene is of Featherston's reported reaction to the fall of Atlanta to US forces. The scene has since become a popular internet meme, with many people taking clips of this scene (though the original English version is rarely used; the German dubbed version seems to be popular for some odd reason) and replace his words with humorous lines to make it seem like he is actually saying them. There are countless versions of "Featherston Freakout" and they appear in a number of places.

featherston's freakout.jpg
The famous "Featherston Freakout" scene from the 2004 film, "Twilight", which details the last days spent in the Presidential bunker in Richmond before the events of Featherston's Flight in the closing days of GW2. The scene is of Featherston's reported reaction to the fall of Atlanta to US forces. The scene has since become a popular internet meme, with many people taking clips of this scene (though the original English version is rarely used; the German dubbed version seems to be popular for some odd reason) and replace his words with humorous lines to make it seem like he is actually saying them. There are countless versions of "Featherston Freakout" and they appear in a number of places.


BTW Featherston gave the order to abandon Atlanta to the US military in a secret withdrawal without a fight, so I hardly doubt he'd freak out over the fall of the city.

BTW Featherston gave the order to abandon Atlanta to the US military in a secret withdrawal without a fight, so I hardly doubt he'd freak out over the fall of the city.

true, but by then, the reality of the Confederacy's situation was probably sinking in and he was most likely under extreeme stress. if someone is under massive amounts of stress, they will snap eventually. and Jake wasn't exactly mr. calm and collected. I'd say that he'd be likely to vent his frustrations on the messenger that brings him news like that.
Chief Assault Band Leader Ben Chapman, Freedom Party guardsman, in prison camp stripes (taken from a stock at a liberated political camp) while awaiting trial for "crimes against humanity," spring 1945.

true, but by then, the reality of the Confederacy's situation was probably sinking in and he was most likely under extreeme stress. if someone is under massive amounts of stress, they will snap eventually. and Jake wasn't exactly mr. calm and collected. I'd say that he'd be likely to vent his frustrations on the messenger that brings him news like that.

I don't know, he handled the fall of his capital, his chief of staff's attempt to arrest him and the collapse of resistance all over the country rather calmly as I read it.
I don't know, he handled the fall of his capital, his chief of staff's attempt to arrest him and the collapse of resistance all over the country rather calmly as I read it.

oh yeah...


well then, the movie was produced in the US, which doesn't have a very high opinion of Featherston... maybe the official story got distorted and the freakout scene was told by a disgruntled guard or something like that.



Elvis Presley was a popular blues musician in the 1950s playing the music of black southerners. Presley became a strong advocate and ally of many camp determination survivors in there various political struggles over the decade. He often told stories of how as a boy he would sneak out at night and befriend local Tennessee black rebels and that he learned music from them.

Satchmo in a rare solemn moment, as he remembers the day he escaped from the Confederates in Ohio, and made it to salvation in the USA. He also thinks back to all of his negro bretheren who did not.

Now... listen to this and this, and think of them in the context of TL-191. He sounds like he's about to break down and cry at the end of the second one.
Republican candidate for President in 1940, Wendell Willkie after accepting the nomination. Willkie was the most succesful Republican candidate since Blaine's win 60 years before, carrying three states, Indiana, Iowa, and Nebraska a total of 32 electoral votes.

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The White House under reconstruction after the end of GW2, despite not being in official use since the Second Mexican War. Many in the nation still debate over whether or not Philadelphia should be named the official captial instead of simply acting as a sepearate residence.
Snapshots from the Philadelphia trials, in which high-ranking Freedom Party members were charged with crimes against humanity. Most of them were found guilty and sentenced to death.






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