Planetocopia Map Thread

Alright, finished off Antarctica as it's shown in the original map!

Alright, finished off Antarctica as it's shown in the original map!

Great stuff! You're doing the Lord's work. :)

I kinda want to make a constructed world on Jaredia. It would be interesting to have characters exploring the forests of darkest Europe.
Great stuff! You're doing the Lord's work. :)

I kinda want to make a constructed world on Jaredia. It would be interesting to have characters exploring the forests of darkest Europe.

Thanks mate, glad to be of use to folks!
I would love to get involved in any further developments of tilted earths. There were some fantastic threads for Jaredia on here a while back so I'll try and dig those up (might be bookmarked?) later on. Definitely will have to set up a thread for it in ASB some time (if no one does so before me.)
Wont there be more land in Europe, since it's close to the Ice cap?

Possibly, a lot of *Northern Europe is liable to end up under an icecap during ice ages. This'll both move a hell of a lot of rubble around, but it'll also depress the land it extends to.Keep in mind that'll be counteracted a fair bit by the lower sea level.
While I know it'd be to similar and to much work, it'd be interesting to see an Earth in which the geographic Northpole lies on the Tropic at the center of a basemap.
While I know it'd be to similar and to much work, it'd be interesting to see an Earth in which the geographic Northpole lies on the Tropic at the center of a basemap.

So just off of sao tome and principe? That'd be pretty curious, how much of africa would end up frozen over?

That would be interesting, but I'll probably do the other tilt maps before trying anything new.
So as there was some confusion about what an Ice Free Antarctica I figured I'd post this that I found via Wikipedia; the below is what Antarctica is thought to look like without the ice and after isostatic rebound has occurred and taking into account the rise in sea level.

Ice Free Antarctica JPG.jpg
So as there was some confusion about what an Ice Free Antarctica I figured I'd post this that I found via Wikipedia; the below is what Antarctica is thought to look like without the ice and after isostatic rebound has occurred and taking into account the rise in sea level.

This'll be very helpful as a reference, thank you!

I've been trying to cobble together a basemap for seapole, starting off with getting a usable equirectangular 100m sea rise map ready. Not sure if it's possible to import such a map into the alternative world map creator so i can flip it, though.

I _could_ just get a normal sea levels tilted map to work off of, but the coastline change is way more drastic than jaredia, which was a big enough bit of work as is. So I'm trying to find a way around that.

All the same, here's the mock up reference pieces I have ready so far:


This'll be very helpful as a reference, thank you!

I've been trying to cobble together a basemap for seapole, starting off with getting a usable equirectangular 100m sea rise map ready. Not sure if it's possible to import such a map into the alternative world map creator so i can flip it, though.

I _could_ just get a normal sea levels tilted map to work off of, but the coastline change is way more drastic than jaredia, which was a big enough bit of work as is. So I'm trying to find a way around that.

Yeah as far as I can tell the program doesn't have any option to change the map and there's no alternate 'map tilting' programs I can find out there. If I'm not mistaken that basically just leaves me with drawing the seapole map at OTL sea levels and then manually drawing the 100m increase. Which I. Uh. Would rather not do. Well at least there's not much in the way of fjords to draw this time though holy shit.

I should probably just relent and get started on it but beforehand, anyone have suggestions or ideas about this problem? Would really appreciate it if people could offer advice!

PS: Not joking here if someone found a map tilt program that allows you to upload alternate maps I will love you forever.
I thought G.Projector was already mentioned in this thread? Just import an equirectangular basemap and then select the Equirectangular Oblique projection and move the latitude and longitude centres of the map. Or am I misunderstanding the problem?
I thought G.Projector was already mentioned in this thread? Just import an equirectangular basemap and then select the Equirectangular Oblique projection and move the latitude and longitude centres of the map. Or am I misunderstanding the problem?

That literally did not occur to me, thanks a whole bunch mate!

So far I've only been able to orient the poles onto the greenwich meantime - IDL great circle, which gets me close to the Ascension & St Helena north pole I need but not quite there. I figure that there's probably enough stuff in g projector to find a workaround that, but not found it yet. Example (resized) attached to post. : >

I thought G.Projector was already mentioned in this thread? Just import an equirectangular basemap and then select the Equirectangular Oblique projection and move the latitude and longitude centres of the map. Or am I misunderstanding the problem?

Wait, G.Projector can change the latitude center? I thought it could only change the longitude center.
That literally did not occur to me, thanks a whole bunch mate!

So far I've only been able to orient the poles onto the greenwich meantime - IDL great circle, which gets me close to the Ascension & St Helena north pole I need but not quite there. I figure that there's probably enough stuff in g projector to find a workaround that, but not found it yet. Example (resized) attached to post. : >

I may be missing the problem, but couldn't you import that produced equirectangular image back into Gprojector and then make a Robinson out of it?
I may be missing the problem, but couldn't you import that produced equirectangular image back into Gprojector and then make a Robinson out of it?

I could, but the poles in that pic are a fair bit off of the coordinates seapole has them at - which SHOULD be around 21 S, 14 W. Just SW of St Helena; see here.



So it's basically a matter of getting this black dot up to the north pole...

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I figured it out!
Basically, just edited the map so that the black dot was cut in half at the edge latitudes of the map, changed the settings for equirectangular oblique moved it to the pole - then saved that map and was able to make it a robinson. Which is _great_.

Quick set of images to give visual reference:





...And it was that easy all along. Wow.