The eagle's left head

One of the best Updates so far ngl
Thanks. Dialogue is not my strongest point. But I'll stick to the advise of my dad liked to say "the eye timid the hand daring." Or in translation "stop worrying and do it!" 😛
Agree. Love how now we almost have two great stories running in parallel: the adventures of the Vatatzes in Sicily (facing the Latins) and Greece (dealing with usual eastern intrigues and shenanigans).

Glad that this TL is still going strong despite the death of Alexandros.
Alexandros if I may say so myself was a pretty original idea dealing with a certain problem. 😇
Yes, this is often forgotten in writing AH, personal interactions, romance, lust & sometimes plain fulfilling personal wishes at the cost of state policy.
Well written 👍.
I'd argue this has to do with the whole "great man of theory" argument about how they don't really change history. Which if I may say so is silly. Frex if Alexander the Great had been born... Cleopatra, the Greeks may still have invaded and conquered parts of the Persian empire sure. They wouldn’t have marched all the way to India though. Nevermind Alexander not dying at the exact time he did.
I would argue that the Vatatzes duo now are better described and written than their father. Mainly Theodore for now as Ioannes is in his fathers image , resembles his father is what I am trying to say. But Theodore is far more energetic and charismatic it seems. Well it remains to be seen if that is for the best or for the worst.

I wonder if the descendants of the 2 loving brothers will have a civil war in the distant future. The Capetanate of Hellas as well will it go to Theodore son or will there be conflict there?
No comment....
Andronikos 2nd: “bruh why my grandson is such a fucking idiot”

Ngl andronikos the 3rd is twice the man his grandfather is at least he isn’t the one that disband the army and navy lmao
Andronikos II was arguably the showcase on why the Byzantine practice of replacing 5he emperor by coup was a good idea...
Remind me again, Ioannes doesn't have any kids yet?
Not yet.
As successful as the Vataztes have been insofar, they are stretching themselves wide and not actually eliminating any major enemies other than the Latin dukes of Hellas. If all conflicts flare up at once, the options will be losing one region at least temporarily, or risking defeat in detail across the board if their fleet cannot ferry troops across fast enough.
As successful as the Vataztes have been insofar, they are stretching themselves wide and not actually eliminating any major enemies other than the Latin dukes of Hellas. If all conflicts flare up at once, the options will be losing one region at least temporarily, or risking defeat in detail across the board if their fleet cannot ferry troops across fast enough.
They're helped by being a maritime power and the eastern Mediterranean's fragmentation, but I think fundamentally I would agree. The Vatazes at the very least need to secure something like a heartland for themselves and as long as Sicily is contested it can't be there, even if that's where most of the money comes from.

They won't be getting volunteer troops from Anatolia forever, after all.

Greece might actually be the best bet. If they can become the effective masters of the Peloponnesian peninsula, there's really no one except maybe the Serbs that can offer much resistance. It would give them a decent recruiting ground, and make their strategic position a bit less strung out if they decided to look to Constantinople.
I have no idea what you may be talking about. 😛
The single Serb embassy demanding the same on pain of war, had been flatly told that Milutin could come and take her and no second embassy had come.
Surely nothing bad can happen a couple decades down the line, when the Serbians actually arrive at the footstep of the Peloponnese and Attica, that some blind bard could then write down in some forgettable poem... ;)
I just happen to have remembered Marco Polo has been alive through the time of this TL events. Anything of note about him featuring in the TL? I know he has only a few years left, but I'm curious to know if he crossed path with the Vatatzes family ITTL.
I wonder if the descendants of the 2 loving brothers will have a civil war in the distant future. The Capetanate of Hellas as well will it go to Theodore son or will there be conflict there?
I doubt that Theodore will have children, at least not with Andrianne. In OTL Simonis didn't have any children with Milutin. She had been repeatedly raped as a child by that vile man. Severe trauma aside, such horrible thing would severely limit her chances for a successful pregnancy.
I doubt that Theodore will have children, at least not with Andrianne. In OTL Simonis didn't have any children with Milutin. She had been repeatedly raped as a child by that vile man. Severe trauma aside, such horrible thing would severely limit her chances for a successful pregnancy.
One might note that Maria of Anjou had no children by both her husbands. And given that her first husband Sancho of Majorca had 5 illegitimate children from three different mistresses one may doubt the problem was his...
I doubt that Theodore will have children, at least not with Andrianne. In OTL Simonis didn't have any children with Milutin. She had been repeatedly raped as a child by that vile man. Severe trauma aside, such horrible thing would severely limit her chances for a successful pregnancy.
Maybe she was getting anti pregnancy herbs out of spite? Anyhow this is an alternative Andrianne so maybe she could be fertile.
now that sounds worrisome...
A bastard or a surprise child from Theodore and Adrianne (which I like bc more connections to the purple) seems to make the most sense if Maria and Ioannes aren't going to have children.
I doubt that Theodore will have children, at least not with Andrianne. In OTL Simonis didn't have any children with Milutin. She had been repeatedly raped as a child by that vile man. Severe trauma aside, such horrible thing would severely limit her chances for a successful pregnancy.
Tbf her being pregnant and then dying from childbirth would be a possibility.
Another problem if Ioannis doesn't have a child, it's Achaea, which is technically Maria's dowry. Even though I doubt the Vatatzes would bother about legal niceties when they hold de facto control on the ground, it could spell future troubles between Syracuse and Naples if the Angevins claim that legally Achaea is to return to them in the absence of an heir sired to Maria.

And to think of it happening around the time, say, the Serbians arrive at the doorstep of Peloponnese and Attica...
Sure we won't see the Serbs besieging Corinth or Athens for ten years (it's not as if the Ottomans "besieged" Candia for 21 years)... :biggrin:
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Another problem if Ioannis doesn't have a child, it's Achaea, which is technically Maria's dowry. Even though I doubt the Vatatzes would bother about legal niceties when they hold de facto control on the ground, it could spell future troubles between Syracuse and Naples if the Angevins claim that legally Achaea is to return to them in the absence of an heir sired to Maria.

And to think of it happening around the time, say, the Serbians arrive at the doorstep of Peloponnese and Attica...
Sure we won't see the Serbs besieging Corinth or Athens for ten years (it's not as if the Ottomans "besieged" Candia for 21 years)... :biggrin:
Thing is I don't see the Angevins being able to contest it considering the next ruler is Joanna and her reign isn't the most stable really, especially if the Hungarians attempt to take Naples too. I defo see a few nobles attempting to take it back tho, but could they really considering how good the Vatatzes navy is?
One might note that Maria of Anjou had no children by both her husbands. And given that her first husband Sancho of Majorca had 5 illegitimate children from three different mistresses one may doubt the problem was his...
What are the odds that she got conceived with the same sperm and egg in this timeline?
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Monthly Donor
One might note this is a little late to worry about this? 😛

It's not like the people in this TL can access a CK3 screen on each person.

Ionnes: "My wife has the barren trait? Robert, why the hell didn't you tell me this before betrothing her to me?"
One might note this is a little late to worry about this? 😛
More seriously the TL has been relatively conservative with butterflies so far. Why? Because it is trying to explore the consequences of specific changes. If someone butterflies away the hundred years war for example which conceivably can be butterflied away it becomes the hundred years war not happening. So is the alt Maria the exact same person with OTL? Perhaps not but she still has the same broad genetic background and was raised under the same conditions. Does this mean she is infertile TTL? She might. Or it's Ioannis fault. Or they will have a daughter next year. Or she wasn't infertile even in OTL, there is at least one reference to her having a miscarriage... which given medical science of the time or lack thereof is entirely possible to happen TTL.
More seriously the TL has been relatively conservative with butterflies so far. Why? Because it is trying to explore the consequences of specific changes. If someone butterflies away the hundred years war for example which conceivably can be butterflied away it becomes the hundred years war not happening. So is the alt Maria the exact same person with OTL? Perhaps not but she still has the same broad genetic background and was raised under the same conditions. Does this mean she is infertile TTL? She might. Or it's Ioannis fault. Or they will have a daughter next year. Or she wasn't infertile even in OTL, there is at least one reference to her having a miscarriage... which given medical science of the time or lack thereof is entirely possible to happen TTL.
Then, do Ioannis and Theodoros have a little brother or sister we did not hear of?
Otherwise between Maria and Simonis, I'm afraid at the perspective there will be no Vatatzes left to inherit the Despotate, at least any legitimate heir, once both brothers are in the tomb, and the TL with them, which I hope not.

If there is a female heir, either a daughter of Alexandros or either Ioannis' or Theodore's, I'd guess the natural candidate to marry her to and succeed to the Despotate would be Alexios Philantropenos' son by Theodora Akropolitissa and Vatatzes cousin, Michael (if the wiki page is right). So, where is Michael now ?
I don't remember reading anything on him in the TL yet. I can only suppose he was born in the early 1290s, before Alexios' revolt, barely a decade apart from Ioannis and Theodore, same generation, so a good fit for any sister around.

EDIT: Could we have a family tree for House Vatatzes ? Possibly the Philantropenos too.
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Then, do Ioannis and Theodoros have a little brother or sister we did not hear of?
Otherwise between Maria and Simonis, I'm afraid at the perspective there will be no Vatatzes left to inherit the Despotate, at least any legitimate heir, once both brothers are in the tomb, and the TL with them, which I hope not.

If there is a female heir, either a daughter of Alexandros or either Ioannis' or Theodore's, I'd guess the natural candidate to marry her to and succeed to the Despotate would be Alexios Philantropenos' son by Theodora Akropolitissa and Vatatzes cousin, Michael (if the wiki page is right). So, where is Michael now ?
I don't remember reading anything on him in the TL yet. I can only suppose he was born in the early 1290s, before Alexios' revolt, barely a decade apart from Ioannis and Theodore, same generation, so a good fit for any sister around.

EDIT: Could we have a family tree for House Vatatzes ? Possibly the Philantropenos too.
Alexandros had no other children besides Ioannis and Theodore. At the moment neither has any children legitimate or otherwise. 😇

Alexios Philanthropinos had a single son Michael with Theodora Akropolites, the granddaughter of the historian. And possibly also a daughter Maria. We can say he has both TTL, Given that Alexandros was married to Alexios sister this makes them first cousins to ioannis and Theodore.