Trying to Please Everyone: Or Converting multiple Pop Culture Utopias into a Timeline.

Once Upon a Time: Season Two(2012-2013)
  • Once Upon a Time: Season Two
    Episode One begins by showing how the residence of Fabletown trying to settle into their new roles with Belle and Beast in their roles of Assistant to the Mayor and Sheriff. Bigby has gone into the Homelands in order to bring back Boy Blue, tracking his sent along with the Huntsman. A mysterious windlike Creature is seen entering a dungeon protected by a giant Spider, which it kills, seemingly by sucking out its breath. The Spider is revealed to have been guarding Grimhilde, who is a prisoner there. Also present in a cell with a wooden head from one of the wooden soldiers, which is still alive. The Wooden head does not need to breathe and so survives. While enchanted spells prevent Grimhilde from being killed, forcing the Zephyr to leave. Several main characters enter the dungeon. A woman runs to the dead giant spider, calling it "Mr.Webb" and begins to cry while holding it. She is revealed to be Miss Muffet, the dead giant spider presumably being the Spider from the nursery rhyme, who was acting as a guard.

    A scene is shown in which a creature travels to an arctic wasteland and speaking to a mysterious entity, who travels to Fabletown. He identifies the culprit of the murders as a creature known as a Zephyr, and reveals himself to be the North Wind, Bigby's father. A Zephyr was summoned to target one person, Grimhilde. Grimhilde is questioned as to who would want to kill her. She points out that she has many enemies, inclduing the Adversay trying to silence her, Rumplestiltskin, and her own mother.

    Bigby's backstory is revealed(and is Animated, which appears to be the case for most of the flashbacks to the Homelands, helping to convey the idea that the original Fairy Tales and life in the Homelands was much more pleasant and lighthearted due to it being done in the tradition Disney style).

    The North Wind shapeshifted into the form of a wolf and fell in love with a female wolf but then departed. Bigby was born among a litter of cubs. He was the runt of the litter and bullied. Then his mother became sick and his siblings abandoned her, but Bigby stayed behind with his mother until she died and then defended her body from predators and scavengers, failing. As a result he vowed to eat bigger and bigger animals, growing overtime. He would travel to and confront his father, who he blamed for his mother's death, who simply swatted him away, using the wind to carry him a great distance away, only for Bigby to try again and again with the same result.

    In Fabletown, a plan is hatched to exile Grimhilde into another land where the Zephyr can kill her without endangering others. The Homelands are not chosen as Grimhilde could reach the Adversary's forces which could kill the Zephyr or the Zephyr could endanger innocents including Boy Blue or Bigby Wolf. Grimhilde is instead sent through an enchanted mirror to the land of Oz, where death is impossible, by the Witch Ozma. The Zephyr follows and nearly kills Grimhilde but she is rescued by the Good Witch Glinda, who kills the Zephyr by trapping it in a bubble, where because there is no air, the creature cannot suck out any air and is made of air, it essentially cannibalizes itself. Glinda tells Grimhilde that she is there for reformation.

    Episode 2 begins with two Orcs talking as they walk and haggle a woman for taxes. They then begin to discuss the stories of a Black Knight killing "Innocent tax collectors" in the woods but one of the Orcs dismisses that as just a myth. They are then confronted by a mysterious figure. One Orc believes him to be the Black Knight, but the other insists he's wearing Blue, causing an argument before the two are killed by the figure, who is revealed to be Blue when he removes his hood. "Actually it's Blue." The episode then continues to follow Boy Blue, who reaches a land known as the Rus, full of Russian Fairy Tales, this includes battling three knights who work for Baba Yaga, and spotting a group of mice carrying a sleeping cat. The residents of Fabletown, meanwhile investigate Boy Blue's trail, finding that he went to Wonderland first before traversing through the homelands and a group goes there. This leads into a battle with the Queen of Hearts, though they are able to escape after learning that Boy Blue stole the Vorpal Blade, the weapon Blue has been using in his scenes(the sword can at times be heard going "Snicker Snack" as a referenced to the poem).

    Episode 3 is a breather episode following Bigby Wolf during World War II, where he is part of a squad to stop the Nazis from reviving the Frankenstein Monster, leading to a battle between the two. The Episode is entirely in Black and White with the exception of the scenes in the end set in the present day. Another crossover occurs here as since Disney was hesitant to depict Nazis, the Nazi Agents were made agents of Hydra instead.

    Episode 4, is another breather episode, at least seemingly, Jack Horner leaves Fabletown with a Lilliputtian named Jill and moves to Hollywood, where he purchases Jim Henson Studios(with Kermit the Frog making an appearance selling the Studio). Jack then begins to make a movie about himself, making him out to be the hero of the series. Jill is forgotten about and calls the Fabletown authorities, a call intercepted by investigator Nick Burkhardt, who meets a disgruntled Jack after all his wealth has been confiscated and Jack decides to reveal everything to him.

    Episode 5 begins with a meeting between the Queen of Hearts and Captain Hook, who is hired by the Queen as his Ship has the ability to travel between universes. In Oz, Grimhilde decides to reveal that she has information that can help reach the Adversary, which is the knowledge of where a portal resides. Emma Swan,Bigby and the Huntsman track Boy Blue and all four along with Grimhilde leading the way, discover Maleficent. Who has been trapped in Dragon form. Grimhilde is able to escape, leaving the rest to die. Bigby transforms into his giant wolf form and battles Maleficent but is defeated. It is ultimately, Emma, wielding the Vorpal Blade, that kills Maleficent in her dragon form after Boy Blue ties up the enchanted Witching Cloak around the Dragon's mouth. It is revealed that portal was hidden inside the dragon when its body disappears, leaving a skeleton and a floating orb of light serving as the portal. The four then head inside.

    Episode 6 follows the four as they find themselves in the Capitol of the Empire, revealed to be in Homelands version of Italy known Tuscane, with the capitol being called Calabri Anagni. The Four make a plan to assassinate the Adversary. Unfortunately, there plan to assassinate the Emperor is troubled by two things. One is neither have actually seen the Emperor and he is revealed to be a massive giant in a black suit of armor. It is mentioned that he is believed to be related to the Dark Lords Morgoth and Sauron and his visual appearance seems to support this. The othe one is the arrival of Jadis, the Snow Queen. The four attempt the assassination anyway. We are also following a newly arrived soldier who is asking a lot of questions about the Adversary that makes his superior suspicious. We are also told that Boy Blue is in disguise. When the word gets out of a spy in the room, the superior points out the soldier and he is murdered. Only for it to be revealed to have not been him. Boy Blue instead disguised himself as a cleaning lady. Boy Blue is able to decapitate the Emperor only to be frozen and captured by the Snow Queen, forcing the other three heroes to abandon him.

    Episode 7, has Bigby, the Huntsman and Emma breach the Snow Queen's castle to rescue the frozen Boy Blue after he was taken there. The three battle the Snow Queen's forces and are nearly successful until Grimhilde arrives and begins to help the Snow Queen. Not only does this give enought time for Boy Blue to be moved to an unknown location, but the Huntsman is killed by Grimhilde and dies in Emma's arms.The episode ends with Boy Blue finding himself in a wooden cabin and meeting Geppetto, who reveals himself to be the Adversary.

    Episode 8 dives into the backstory of how Geppetto became the Adversary. Essentially, after becoming human, Pinnochio kept leaving home to go on adventures and left Geppetto alone. He therefore created more children. The Blue Fairy brought them to life and usd her magic to make them more loyal, due to also being hurt by Pinnochio abandoning Geppetto. Some of them would go onto become human. Then on day, a group of townspeople requested a double of the King be created to replace him as he was starting to slip into insanity. Geppetto created a wooden double of the King which replaced him and the King suddenly became a more respected figure and good King until it came time for him to die naturally. His son was a corrupt spoiled brat and so the process was repeated.

    Eventually overtime several rulers were replaced and due to the enchantments of the Blue Fairy, all were loyal to Geppetto. So by complete accident, Geppetto had become a ruler. However several problems arose. The Blue Fairy began to visit less and less. Geppetto kidnapped her and has been extracting the Blue Fairy Magic from her blood. He has used it to create a grove of enchanted wood, though because of the reach of the Empire, there is now a reliance on mortal allies with the Emperor being used as a figurehead and everyone who saw him beheaded was executed. Boy Blue revelas he hid the body of Pinnocchio in the Witching cloak, hoping Geppetto could revive him and bargains for the release of the real Red Riding Hood, not an imposter. Red Riding Hood is brought to the cabin only to not recognize Boy Blue, revealing that the Red Riding Hood, Boy Blue met and fell in love with was an imposter. Keeping his end of the bargain, Geppetto revives Pinnocchio, who is caught up. The Cabin is attacked by Bigby Wolf, who was able to sneak into its location following Blue's scent. However, Geppetto is revealed to be completely protected by magic spells and so cannot be harmed. Bigby settles for rescuing Boy Blue and uses C4 to blow up the sacred Grove, starting a fire. Boy Blue tries to convince Pinnocchio to go with him but he is conflicted between going with him and staying with his father despite the horrible things he's done and Boy Blue and Bigby flee the scene. Emma Swan is revealed to have planted enchanted Beanstalks, which grows and the group climbs up into the cloud kingdom of the Giant, detonating C4 and destroying the Beanstalk to mark their escape. It is explained the Cloud Kingdom has gateways to all universes and they are able to pass throught back to Earth by parachuting out of the clouds.

    Episode 9 as Emma Swan be approached by Nick Burkhardt. Burkhardt implies that he knows about Fabletown. Emma then talks to the rest of Fabletown which gathers. It is decided to arrange meetings with the Fable residents of other lands still opposing the Adversary. This includes Mulan as the ambassador from China(Ming Na Wen), Sinbad of the Arabian Fables, and an adult Mowgli. Mowgli visits Bagheera on the farm and discovers that he is imprsoned for his role in the Coup on the Farm. Bagheera vows to release him and is pleased to learn Shere Kahn is dead. Mowgli expressed a desire to dance on his grave. Bagheera reveals that Baloo dances on Shere Kahn's grave every night, puts on a show and a Sunday Matinee where he charges tickets. Mowgli and Baloo are seen relaxing comfortably.

    The conflict of the episode emerges due to the failure to understand the Arabian Fables and the disgust over the Arabian Fables posessing slaves, which are illegal in Fabletown. Mayor Charming is forced to bring in King Cole as an ambassador since he speaks Arabic. Thanks to subtitles, it is shown that Cole is actually intentionally lying about what the other is saying during translations to create a positive impact. Sinbad learns english and he and Charming become friends. Sinbad decides to free his slave, angering his vizier, Yusuf, who released a Djinn in Jaffar's posession. Something Frau Totenkinder secretly witnesses. Yusuf orders the Genie to travel to Agrabah and kill all of Sinbad's allies there and then return to kill all of Fabletown. The third wish being to make Yusuf a powerful ruler. Frau Totenkinder reveals what she saw to Sinbad and Charming. Sinbad explains to Charming that long ago the Wise King Solomon sealed the Djinn away because he saw them as too powerful to run free(in the animation, Genies resembling that from Aladdin and Jeanie from I dream of Jeanie). The Djinn travels to Baghdad, encountering several American soldiers there who the Djinn in a human female form flirts with, insulting them in Arabic, while they call the language beautiful. The Djinn then heads through a portal and kills several people before returning to Fabletown as they are confronting Yusuf. However, Frau Totenkinder reveals that while she could not alter a Djinn's magic, she used her magic to make Hakim make different wishes then he thought he heard himself say. The wishes were to kill Yusuf's allies, then kill him, and then return to the bottle, which the Djinn does, ending the threat.

    Episode Ten appears to be a side story until the very end. The story follows two wooden soldiers named Rodney and June, who fall in love. Rodney is a soldier and June is a nurse. They fall in love and send a letter to Geppetto to be turned into humans. They choose to go on a journey together to meet Geppetto personally. Geppetto offers them the chance to become human in exchange for a deal. The deal turns out to spy on Fabletown and the two pose as humans, spying on the residence.

    In Episode 11, the meeting within Fabletown is underway. This is parralleled by the forces of the Empire in the Homelands having a similar round table discussion. Both sides discussing the inevitable war that will occur between them. The Empire table is filled with cameos with the Queen of Hearts, Grimhilde, Captain Hook, The Nome King, Baba Yaga, witchhunter Hansel, and the Snow Queen being in attendance. The Snow Queen proposes a genocidal plan of releasing several deadly plagues. The scene of Humanity being wiped out by disease, winter, nuclear war and fires is animated. Pinnocchio is horrified and brings up what he thinks would happen. His hypothetical scenario is animated and voice. In it, the residents of Fabletown, decide to reveal their existence to the world and do so, Bigby transforming in front of the UN. The armies of the Earth then use Beanstalks to invade the Homelands. Leading to several "Heavy Metal album cover-esque" scenes of a midieval fantasy land being blown apart by modern technology. This includes controversial scenes of Fighter Jets devastating the city of Agrabah and gunning down people on flying carpets. The Aftermath of the war having the nations of Earth return to colonization and taking the Homelands for themselves. This stuns the members of the Empire council. When the possibility of Pinnocchio lying is brought up. He points out that he wouldn't be able to lie without them knowing about it as his nose still grows. After the meeting, Geppetto tells the Snow Queen to make plans to attack Fabletown first before attacking the rest of the world. Captain Hook corners Pinnocchio and begins to question him, realizing that Pinnocchio's lies can allow him to learn information that is truthful even if he doesn't know it. Hook abducts him and begins to interrogate him about the location of Peter Pan, which Pinnocchio can reveal. Hook curiously asks if Geppetto truly is the adversary and Pinnocchio is shocked when he answers that he isn't. Hook asks who is but the answer is not seen by the viewer.

    Episode 12 and 13 are a two parter titled "Second Star on the Right" and "And Straight on Till Morning". Frau Totenkinder summons the dark one Rumplestiltskin and asks him for help in combatting the forces of the Empire due to his power. Rumplestiltksin is said to have ended the Ogre wars. Rumpelstiltskin agrees to help if they find the son he lost. Flashbacks reveal his origin, including how he got his powers by killing the Previous Dark One. His son wishes a normal life and maes him promise that if he found a way to be normal, he would take it. His son Baelfire, finds a way to open a portal to the human world where they can live normal lives and does so, but Rumplestiltskin refuses to be pulled in, leading to Baelfire being pulled in alone.

    In the present, the cast searches for Baelfire, who is discovered to be Nick Burkhardt. Burkhardt is revealed to be immortal and is Henry's father. After this revelation, Captain Hook appears with Pinnocchio and reveals to the Fabletown group that Peter Pan is the true adversary. After this is revealed, Henry is abducted by what is implied to be Peter Pan. A team is formed that will board Captain Hook's ship and travel to Neverland to retreive him and discover the validity of the claim he is the Adversary. The group includes Emma Swan, Prince Charming, Snow White, Rumplestiltskin(who is oddly insistent in coming), Hook, Nick Burkhardt and Bigby. As the group leaves, The Empire is seen preparing for war on Fabletown.​
    Marvel Superheroes in Film: 2012-2015
  • X4(2012)

    A film crossing over the X-Men, Fantastic Four, Daredevil and Deadpool. Intended to be Fox's answer to the Avengers and for what they see is the loss of Iron Man's rights to their competition. While the original plot was to revolve around the Superhuman Registration Act, Marvel turned down this idea as adapting the storyline Civil War would have resulted in the Avengers basically falling apart shortly after forming. Fox still wanted to do a crossover in the future while also wishing to compete, but decided not to do anything to risk a partnership that would benefit them as well and make them more money. As a result the film script was rewritten to be based around the Mutant Registration Act. In Universe, Senator Robert Kelly is elected U.S.President and passes the act(this is somewhat of a jab at Marvel as Kelly defeats President Matthew Ellis, the President that Marvel themselves introduced. Crackdown on Mutants becomes even more brutal and the Fantastic Four are brought in as Franklin Richards is a mutant, while Daredevil is falsely believed to be a mutant once the Kingpin exposes his identity to the public, making people believe he is a mutant and that is how he can fight crime while blind.


    Spider-Man: Sinister(2012)

    A Film created to reintroduce an older Spider-Man into the Avengers franchise proper. The film reforms the Sinister Six, consisting of Doctor Octopus, Mysterio, Sandman, Electro and two new Villains in Rhino and Kraven the Hunter. Spider-Man joins forces with the Avengers to thwart their evil schemes. The film is similar in plot to Dan Slott's Ends of the Earth arc, with Doctor Octopus threatening the entire world with his scheme.

    Ultron-1 2.jpg

    Avengers: Masters of Evil(2013)

    The film begins with the Avengers launching an attack on a HYDRA base, leading to the capture of Baron Strucker, and the mutants Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, two former members of the Brotherhood of Mutants that broke off from the team. Tony Stark, Bruce Banner and Hank Pym reveal that they've created a being called Ultron to safely monitor the Earth for potential alien threats and has some abilities such as opening wormholes. Several members of the Avengers speak to the captive people such as Cap intimidating Strucker while Black Widow and Hawkeye try to reform Wanda and Pietro. As the Avengers celebrate their recent successes, A mysterious figure begins to form a team of villains intended to counter the members of the Avengers. This includes Baron Zemo, an old enemy of Captain America during World War II(revealed to be the son of the original Baron Zemo), Crimson Dynamo(to counter Iron Man), Loki(to counter Thor), breaking the Abomination out of prison(to counter the Hulk). At a party the Avengers are holding(during which Phil Coulson and his team attend and interact with the other Avengers), the group is attacked by Ultron, who frees Strucker, Wanda and Pietro, but kills Strucker. The culprit is revealed to be Ultron, who has become corrupt due to the use of the mind stone in his creation. However, Stark, Pym and Banner implanted the three laws of robotics into Ultron, one of which prevents him from killing, hence why he used a loophole to gather the Masters of Evil while he builds himself a new robotic body with Vibranium supplied by Ulysses Klaue and stolen from Wakanda which he obtains despite Blakc Panther attempting to aid the Avengers in stopping him. Ultron's appearance is closer to his comic design, though "I have no strings" is still used). Scarlet Witch hexes the Hulk and he goes on a rampage, leading to Iron man to don the Hulkbuster to fight him.

    Wanda and Pietro learn of Ultron's true plan, to transfer the minds of all of humanity into an army or robotic bodies, thus in a twisted logical way, saving humanity by making them immortal indestructible machines. Wanda and Pietro therefore join the Avengers as Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. The Avengers battle the Masters of Evil with Captain America defeating Baron Zemo, Thor defeating Loki, Iron Man killing Crimson Dynamo, Hulk killing Abomination. Ultron himself is able to injure Thor and defeats the Hulk, sending him into a wormhole and leaving him lost in space, but not before revealing to the Hulk(most likely lying) that Ultron was created specifically to kill the Hulk if he ever went rogue. Ultron then sends Thor into another wormhole, leaving him lost. The Vision is awoken and begins to attack the Avengers, but is sentient enough to turn on his master and begins helping them, making the choice to reverse the process to save Humanity once it evidently succeeds before finally destroying Ultron.

    With Hulk and Thor, lost in space, the injured Thor returning to Asgard. Stark and Pym are placed under house arrest, while Black Widow is off on undercover missions. This leave the Avengers to consist of Captain America, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver(an allusion to the comics, when shortly after the Avengers were formed, the team split up and consisted of this team). An end Credit scenes reveals that a member of HYDRA, Alexander Pierce, has infiltrated SHIELD.

    Wakanda was cut from the film to save it for its own film.


    The Wolverine(2013)

    Guillermo Del Toro, a fan of Frank Miller's Wolverine series, made an adaptation simply titled The Wolverine. This story included Jessica Biel as Viper and was set in Japan. The main antagonist was the Silver Samurai.



    Directed by Edgar Wright. The film has Hank Pym, while under house arrest for creating Ultron, pass the mantle of Ant-Man to the thief Scott Lang, who he recruits to perform a heist of technology stolen from him by his rival Darren Cross. Hank Pym is played by Michael Douglas as OTL, however ITTL he succeeded in getting his wife, Catherine Zeta-Jones to play Janet Van Dyne(OTL she was a candidate). Keeping Edgar Wright on means Patrick Wilson plays Paxton and Jordan Peele is a member of Scott's Gang. Rick Moranis has a cameo in the film as a nod to Honey I Shrunk the Kids. The Film also takes jabs at Chipotle rather than Baskin Robbins.

    In 2012, Marvel made a deal with Fox for the rights to use several cosmic characters such as Galactus and Silver Surfer in exchange for Fox rebooting Daredevil and several other characters.

    Captain America: The Winter Soldier(2014)

    The film opens with Steve Rogers having a dream sequence flashing back to World War II. Sam Wilson AKA the Falcon is played by Michael B.Jordan ITTL. Alec Baldwin plays Alexander Pierce. Peter Dinklage reprised his role as M.O.D.O.K. and has had A.I.M. infiltrate S.H.I.E.L.D. along with Hydra. Clint Barton appears in the film as an agent hunting down Captain America and Black Widow.

    "there was a great sequence where Hawkeye was chasing Cap through Washington D.C. there was an awesome sequence where they confronted each other in a ravine on the outskirts of D.C. and Hawkeye was shooting a series of arrows closing in on Cap, Cap closing in on him. And then Cap took him down and he realized for the first time that Hawkeye was trying to trick S.H.I.E.L.D, where he whispered something into Cap’s ear that Cap had a tracker on his suit and to punch Hawkeye to make it look real, because there was a Quinjet hovering above where they were watching the feedback back at S.H.I.E.L.D."
    -Joe Russo.

    Cap is also joined by Phil Coulson, who's death was revealed to be faked, turning it into a team up with Captain America and the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., who appear in the film.

    Movie Poster for Days of Future Past(OTL Art done by Mark Kelly

    X-Men: Days of Future Past(2014)

    X-Men: Days of Future Past was to date the most ambitious X-Men Film, hoping to tie into the growing Marvel Cinematic Universe. The film opened in a dark future where the Sentinels had conquered North America. The Mutants and Humans that survived lived in Concentration Camps. It was notably mentioned that several Superheroes outside the X-Men films such as Spider-Man, the Fantastic Four, and the Avengers had been killed. The X-Men employ time travel to send Kitty Pryde and Bishop back in time. They accidentally first arrive shortly after the X-Men had formed where the Hellfire Club are attempting to assassinate the President and replace them with their newest member Mystique, but the arrival of Bishop and Kitty inadvertently foil this plan. They accidentally bringing back a Future Sentinel that shockingly kills many of the members of the Hellfire Club to survive in X-Men: First Class. The scene while surprising, serves to demonstrate how dangerous a single Future Sentinel is. Fortunately the Hellfire Club, along with Bishop and Kitty Pryde, are able to destroy the Sentinel, but its remains are seen being discovered by Bolivar Trask, who takes it for study, seeing how effective it was against the Mutants. Bishop and Kitty then try again and this time arrive in the present time of the X-Men. They then find and recruit Deadpool, as he is somehow still alive in the Future they come from, along with other X-Men( Jubilee and Rockslide being examples different from OTL along with an adult Franklin Richards who was in the original Comic).

    Bishop and Kitty plan to break Magneto out of Prison, since his power over magnetism means he would be the best threat against the Sentinels and recruit Cain Marko AKA the Juggernaut(played by Hosh Helman), to break him out of Prison. Once freed, Magneto meets with a new Brotherhood, including Quicksilver(played by Evan Peters) and Scarlet Witch(Elisabeth Olsen), who unknown to all three, are his children. Naturally this brings them into conflict with the X-Men, which Kitty goes to and explains about the future and that preventing the assassination of President Robert Kelly, Senator Stern and Charles Xavier on Halloween due to a Brotherhood attack. Bishop infiltrates the Brotherhood hoping to bring the group down from the inside while Kitty warned the X-Men, who are joined by Betsy Braddock AKA Psylocke(Who is British ITTL, rather than British in a Japanese body). Bishop discovers Mystique is infiltrating the Brotherhood and pulls a gun on her, creating chaos and, not trusting the Brotherhood, she flees to the Xavier Mansion and is patched up by Beast, though she escapes and still tries to carry out her plan of killing Kelly and Stern at least, this time with a gun rather than killing Xavier as well. She is prevented from doing this, by Rogue, who she is revealed to be the adopted mother of. As soon as the Assassinations are prevented, Kitty Pryde and Bishop disappear, implying the future they came from no longer exists. The chaos in Washington D.C. also sees a cameo by Stan Lee, where Deadpool rescues him and seems to recognize him from somewhere but doesn't know where. The X-Men discover the true group responsible for the attacks, a cult like group known as the Friends of Humanity, of which Bolivar Trask and Robert Kelly are members, but there is a greater threat revealed: Hydra.

    Hydra, the main antagonists of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, released the same year and the Friends of Humanity have allied to eliminate all threats to their rule and in the Days of Future Past timeline, succeeded in launching an attack that wiped out most of the heroes that would have stopped them(the plan foiled in Captain America: The Winter Soldier). The attack at the Capitol was one such attempt to eliminate potential threats, though ironically the X-Men being involved means the Hydra collaborator Senator Stern was one of the few people killed. Wolverine is seen meeting with Captain America( A scene also shown in Captain America: The Winter Soldier), their friendship having been established in Captain America where Wolverine is a member of the Howling Commandos. Magneto is also shown to respect him as Captain America and Wolverine saved him from Auschwitz as a child. With Captain America being told of Hydra's plan, the Avengers move in to thwart it while the X-Men move to stop the Sentinels and the Friends of Humanity, and the main Sentinel factory of Master Mold. Xavier's survival allows him to use his abilities on President Robert Kelly and Bolivar Trask, which allows them to see that he genuinely believes in a better world for Humanity and Mutantkind and they turn on their creation, the Master Mold. Trask sacrifices his life to destroy the Master Mold while Senator Kelly is rescued. The threat of the Sentinels having been ended.

    While all seems fine in the aftermath, the Post Credits Scene has Bishop and Kitty Pryde return to their own time and find that nothing has changed. The Sentinels are still in control. They reunite with the resistance and it is theorized that they succeeded in altering the past but doing so created an alternate universe. The New Leader of the Sentinels in the future is revealed to be a powerful being sitting on a throne..named Apocalypse.

    Guardians of the Galaxy(2014)

    Largely the same as OTL. though the series does feature Bug(a character from Micronauts), though not on the Main Guardian team. A similar cameo is made by ROM the Space Knight. They appear essentially in the role of Mantis OTL in the second volume. Stan Lee's cameo is moved to the Collector's collection, where he is in a glass case and flips off Groot. The film also kept in takes where Chris Pratt said "Pew Pew" while using his blasters(which were cut in the finished film but generally fit Starlord's character).

    Big Hero Six(2015)

    ITTL Big Hero Six is an official part of the Marvel Movie Universe despite being animated. As a result the film is set in Japan with several changes as a result. This include the film's antagonist becoming Silver Samurai instead of Yokai, who is made into Kenichi Hamada, the father of the Hamada family. Cass Hamada being Hiro and Tadashi's mother(in order to go against the "Dead Parents" trope in Disney movies). Kenichi Hamada's motivation becomes to rescue his daughter, which would also be the sister of Hiro and Tadashi, who vanished before they were born. This ads weight to Hiro fighting to bring her back as he is effectively saving his sister after losing his brother.

    Like OTL, an animated series followed, unlike OTL, it was made by Man of Action who had plans to make it into a series at around the same time.



    Directed by Josh Trank. The film had Doctor Doom revive and be granted the power Cosmic by Galactus, becoming his herald. As the Fantastic Four battle him, they are forced to flee, with the film revealing that they are heading to the X-Men and Avengers for help.​
    DC Superheroes in Film: 2012-2016
  • DKR-16679rC.jpg

    Not really this, but is does give a good idea of the Joker and Scarecrow scenes ITTL. Though it would only be one film.​

    The Dark Knight Rises(2012)​

    "While Marvel had planned out their Cinematic Universe in advance, DC had stumbled into one when they had greenlit Justice League: Mortal. Now DC had beaten Marvel to the punch by two years, which was good. We needed the head start. Marvel had outsourced their films so they could have more, but DC only had Warner Bros, which meant about one or two films a year. However, there was just one problem. Christopher Nolan was furious because he wanted to use Talia for Dark Knight Rises, and now she was dead. We tried to reach a deal with him by allowing him to direct the Batman scenes. Strangely, and I may be bias but I think the movie is better without Talia. Bane would've basically been a glorified henchman. With Talia gone, he's now the rightful heir to Ra's Al Ghul and gives off the atmosphere of being superior in every way to his predecessor. especially because it was his plan now. "

    -Geoff Johns

    The film includes Heath Ledger as the Joker, namely in the role of the Judge, a role taken by the Scarecrow OTL. The Joker does seem to hijack the film in the final act after killing Bane and attempting to prevent Batman pulling the nuclear weapon to safety. Batman's survival is only implied ITTL with Joseph Gordon Levitt being revealed to be Dick Grayson.

    Suicide Squad(2012)​

    Written by Justin Marks. The story begins at an Airport in South Africa under attack from a team of evil metahumans called Onslaught, which consists of the superstrong Manticore, master of throwing knives Ravan, Rustam, who wield a flaming scimitar, and the living computer virus Djinn. Djinn disables cameras and hacks while the others attack and steal a steel briefcase.

    In Boston, Deadshot AKA Floyd Lawton talks to a waitress he is familiar with named Zoe. Amanda Waller approaches Deadshot to hire him but he refuses only to collapse as Waller drugged his coffee. He wakes up in a superhuman prison. He meets Digger Harkness AKA Captain Boomerang. The prisoners are introduced to Rick Flagg. He introduces the concept of the Suicide Squad to them and promises time off their sentence if they complete a mission. Deadshot antagonizes Flagg, believing Flagg did something to get demoted to lead the Squad, while Flagg reveals that Zoe is Deadshot's daughter but that she doesn't know this, asking why Deadshot never told her.

    In Russia, Rustam learns that the members on Onslaught failed to disable one of the cameras and so were photographed, which their mysterious contact reveals to them. Rustam destroys Djinn while he is in the laptop.

    At Belle Reeve the Suicide Squad is assembled and consists of the superstrong Blockbuster, the self duplicating Multiplex, the speedster Jaculi, the telepath mindboggler, the volunteer hero Vixen, Captain Boomerang and Deadshot. The team is debriefed and warned about explosives in their heads if they try to flee or disobey orders. Waller tells Flagg that an American agent may be helping Onslaught.

    The Squad launches an attack on a train, taking down Aerial drones in the process. Multiplex is wounded by gunfire from one of the drones. While Flagg is tending to his injuries and promising to get him help, Blockbuster picks up Multiplex and hurls him out of a train window, angering Flagg. Onslaught attacks the train and steals a container marked hazardous material, which is revealed to be containing an old man named Fallout with radiation based powers. The Squad confronts Manticore, who fights Blockbuster, causing the two to fall out of the train. Due to being too far away from Flagg, Blockbuster's bomb detonates, killing him, with Manticore surviving. On the train, Jaculli reveals himself to be a double agent, but while he is revealing this, Deadshot shoots and kills him. Boomerang fights Ravan and nearly kills him before Mindblogger uses her powers to disorient Ravan and force him to flee, angering Boomerang who sees Mindblogger as "stealing his kill.". As a result shortly after when Russian soldiers come to the scene, Boomerang intentionally does not warn Mindblogger at a crucial moment and she is shot and killed. Fallout uses his power to destroy the train's mechanism's, splitting the train in half and escaping while the Squad flees after taking Jacculi for information as they run into the snow away from Russian soldiers. They are captured.

    In a Russian camp, Jacculi reveals to the Squad that Onslaught was the original Suicide Squad but were cast aside and now want revenge. Fallout is a living nuclear bomb. Vixen uses Viper venom to interrogate Jacculi and learn Onslaught is heading to Boston. Flagg reveals that a choice he made resulted in the death of his men and Waller promised to reinstate him if he completed the Squad's mission. The squad orchestrate a prison riot to escape and make contact with Waller, being picked up. The Squad is down to Flagg, Deadshot, Boomerang and Vixen. Flagg investigates and realizes, with clues from Jacculi's interrogation and files he finds, that an American Senator named Charles Cosgrove is funding Onslaught as he is making a bid for President. The Squad ambushes Cosgrove but he reveals that his plan was to ambush Onslaught with a Special forces team in Boston, making himself look like a hero. They get a call where it is revealed by Rustam that the Special Forces team was all killed. A SWAT team attempts to arrest the squad. Cosgrove reveals Onsalught's plan to use Fallout to nuke Boston on the Fourth of July(the movie was released around this time). The Squad battles the SWAT Team this time working much better as a team and escaping from the hotel.

    The Squad enters the church where Fallout is set up and a battle ensues between the Squad and Onslaught. Flagg is told that Fallout cannot be shot, only stabbed due to the risk of causing him to explode. Rustam and Fallout head under the Church as Fallout prepares to explode. Deadshot arrives but is held at bay when Manticore appears holding Zoe hostage. Rustam reveals Deadshot is Zoe's father. Flagg sneaks into the scene and opens fire on Manticore. The bullets bounce off but he is able to save Zoe and flee with her to safety. Fallout's abilities cause an earthquake that disrupts the fair above. Flagg baits Fallout and Rustam deeper under the Church, where Rustam is tricked into stabbing Fallout with his scimitar, causing a reduced amount of radiation to leave his body and Rustam to run. Vixen and Ravan fight in the church belltower. Before Vixen is to be killed, Boomerang intervenes and cuts the Bell free, causing it to fall and kill Ravan. Deadshot chases Manticore, who has Zoe, into the back of an armored truck. Manticore is bulletproof, and a physical fight ensues until Deadshot is able to shoot Manticore in the mouth, which kills him. Rustam drives off but Deadshot steals a police motorcycle to give chase, followed by Flagg, Vixen and Boomerang. Deadshot rescues Zoe and hands them over to Boomerang, leading to a fight with Rustam that ends when Flagg shoots and kills Rustam after Deadshot refuses to shoot and kill in front of his daughter.

    In the aftermath, Flagg is reinstated but decides to continue on special ops mission while Boomerang and Vixen are kept on to choose new members. Deadshot goes free. When asked why he won't take another mission, Deadshot remarks "It'd be Suicide." However as Deadshot is being transferred he realizes that his weapons have been smuggled onto a duffle bag. Deadshot uses this to escape.


    This image was homaged in promotional material

    Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths(2013)​

    "Zack Snyder was to be the director for the second Justice League film. However he ended up having some weird ideas that wouldn't have worked. Batman getting(*Censored*) in prison. A dead Robin that was Dick Grayson and not Jason Todd. Ignoring the fact that we just introduced Levitt as Dick Grayson. After that we decided that Snyder was more of an ideas guy that worked better on a leash. No shame in that. George Lucas worked the same way. Anyway they brought me onboard, which was great. I wanted to use Starro in a film, plus they told me if that movie was a success than they'd fund my dream DC Project."

    -Director James Gunn.

    There were questions as to what the plot would be, following Justice League: Mortal. The film began with the League fighting Starro the Conqueror, however the fillmmakers realized he was more of a final act villain and so he is defeated in an opening scene, albeit one that feels like an action cold open like those in the James Bond films. With the name "Gods" being planned early on. It was then decided to adapt the Crime Syndicate arc. Crisis on Two Earths is butterflied away, a Justice Lord film existing ITTL. The film depicts a heroic version of Lex Luthor from an alternate universe asking for help from the Justice League fighting their evil counterparts, the Crime Syndicate, leading to a battle between the League and their evil counterparts. The alternate Earth features several details such as a Mount Rushmore with John Wilkes Booth, Benedict Arnold, Al Capone and Billy the Kid, along with mention of an assassinated President Oswald. The film has the Crime Syndicate attack the main DC Earth before Batman's evil counterpart Owlman, attempts to destroy all universes with an Anti-Matter bomb. Owlman implies that while looking into other universes he learned of an approaching threat shortly before dying. The Crime Syndicate's effort to invade the main DC Earth are thwarted by various villains such as Lex Luthor, Black Manta and others.​

    Metal Men(2013)​

    A Barry Sonnenfeld film revolving on the dysfunctional family of androids known as the Metal Men, created by Dr.Magnus and their adventures. The tone is a mixture of the Addams Family and the Men in Black films.


    Doom Patrol(2014)​

    While originally intended to be a Teen Titans film, it was decided to do a Doom Patrol film first to set up the character of Beast Boy when the former film arrived. The Film, true to the comics, depicted the death of the entire team except for Beast Boy in a climactic battle against several of their villains. This surprised many who were unfamiliar with the source material and expected that DC was simply introducing a counterpart to the X-Men or Fantastic Four. The film would receive a show continuation as would its sister series Titans. DC's strategy was to work towards expanding the universe through giving the rights to produce TV Shows in a manner similar to what Marvel had done with their characters. The Flash, Green Arrow and others would receive shows canon to the larger universe, serving to flesh out the world more.



    The film depicts Dick Grayson, now as Robin, training a group of young metahumans as part of the Justice League. The team's roster is largely based on the Cartoon series and features Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy, Cyborg, and Beast Boy. The film ties their origins together somewhat. An alien race known as the Gordanians attack Earth via a Mother box. Starfire and Raven arrive on Earth at around the same time. Starfire fleeing Gordanian Custody she was sold into by her sister Blackfire, and Raven is revealed to be trying to warn everyone of the approaching threat of Trigon, which the Gordanians had their homeworld destroyed by in an attempt to summon. Victor Stone is seriously injured, leading his father Silas to rebuild him using the Gordanian mother box. Once the Gordanians are dealt with two other threats appear. Blackfire arriving on Earth and Deathstroke, who has been hired to steal the Motherbox.



    The Premise concerns Barry Allen(Ryan Reynolds returning), finding himself in a parallel universe to the main DC one. However, unlike the OTL Flashpoint story, Barry is not responsible for creating this universe, simply stuck in it. His parents are alive and it is revealed that Jay Garrick is the Flash of this reality. However, there is a lurking threat of a war between this timeline's Wonder Woman and Aquaman and the Amazons and Atlanteans. Flash also discovers that no one's heard of Superman and Batman exists, but when Flash confronts him, he find he is Thomas Wayne(played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan). Flash realizes that Reverse Flash created this universe and decides he can't stay and needs to go back to his own world.


    Suicide Squad 2(2015)​

    Using a reworked script of the OTL film Batman: Assault on Arkham. The film has the Riddler(played by David Tennant) stealing information from Amanda Waller before he is captured by Batman and brought to Arkham. This forces Waller to assemble Task Force X to break into Arkham and obtain the information. Harley Quinn(played by Emma Roberts), still in jail since Superman/Batman: World's Finest, is recruited due to her knowledge of the facility. Deadshot and Captain Boomerang returned but Flagg and Vixen did not. It is explained that Flagg and Vixen are being held under accusation of helping Deadshot escape. The other new recruits include Black Spider, KGBeast(killed when he tries to leave), Killer Frost and Killer Croc. The group breaks into Arkham Asylum where Harley Quinn encounters who she believes to be an imposter of the Joker(played by Willem Dafoe) that she inadvertently frees when she steals a gun and fired at him, damaging his cell. The Squad are able to find Riddler but Batman infiltrates the group. Riddler reveals he can deactivate their bombs and does so except for Killer Croc due to his skin being too tough and Black Spider, who Batman defeated and impersonated. A breakout occurs in which Killer Frost is killed and Deadshot chases after the Joker and Harley in a plane with Batman in pursuit. The Helicopter crashes into a building. During the fight, Deadshot knocks the Joker into the Helicopter, which then falls backwards and explodes, seemingly killing the "imposter Joker". The film ends with Deadshot once more being free, this time pointing a sniper's sight directly as Waller and saying "Bang."


    Captain Marvel(2016)​

    Billy Batson is granted the power to transform into the superhero Captain Marvel(played by John Cena) by the Wizard Shazam. As it happens this is due to Shazam's old champion, Black Adam(played by Dwayne Johnson), returning to Earth after being exiled to space thousands of years ago. Billy also has to contend with his new foster family and the villainous Scientist Dr.Sivana, who joins forces with Black Adam. John Cena's casting led to jokes about being unable to see the movie or see the character in the film.


    Justice League: Doom(2016)​

    Based on Alex Ross's Justice. Several Supervillains around the world have a nightmare of the Justice League dying and the world being destroyed and form the Legion of Doom. They attack each League member and learn their identities.The villains then begin helping people around the world such as Poison Ivy growing plants in desert countries, Captain Cold creating a glacier in similar areas, Toyman providing artificial limbs and so on. The Legion of Doom(simply "The Legion") reveals their intent to create artificial cities to house humanity and avert the destruction of the world they predicted, only for Brainiac to betray the Legion and attempt to destroy the Earth. The Legion also mind controls the Teen Titans and several superpowered sidekicks to battle the League. The Doom Patrol, Teen Titans, and Metal Men also appear to help in thwarting the villain's scheme and the Legion of Superheroes cameo, watching the events from the future. It is teased that the threat the Legion foresaw is still coming and it will through the multiverse into a Crisis.

    Behind the scenes, DC had bigger plans. Plans that were about to unfurl. There was an idea. An idea deemed impossible. One previously pitched back in 2011 when it was clear two Superhero universes would be competing. Unfortunately, DC waited and the competition changed their universe on them, making their old script outdated. Since that moment DC decided it would distinguish itself, and so it began to introduce the Multiverse. The world had changed so why not visit other worlds. Since that day in 2011, Marvel had never revealed their plans but did tell their Distinguished Competition that the best possible chance they had for an ideal partnership would pass in 2018. This suited DC fine. They had plans of their own to shake things up with a massive event in 2019 and it seemed Marvel had a similar idea. The two rival companies would come together in a rare once in a lifetime event in 2017 before Marvel's 2018 plans to rock their universe and DC's 2019 plan to shake the Multiverse. Worlds would collide. Comic Con that year blew fan minds.

    Coming Summer 2017:

    Followed by three letters, two symbols which merged to form one Amalgam of the two.

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    James Bond(The Henry Cavill Films): 2012-2019
  • I've had this in my backpocket for awhile, but I wanted to finish the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen first since while the two can stand on their own. One may spoil the other.


    Once Upon a Spy(2012)

    From a film treatment by Peter Morgan and directed by Danny Boyle. The film is the beginning of the end in many ways. It starts during the cold war where M was an MI6 agent in Berlin, then going by the name Emma Peel, where she had an affair with a KGB agent. Thirty years later, after the man's death, his son, a Corrupt Russian Ogilarch named Raoul Silva(played by Kevin Spacey), and his henchman Patrice(played by Rhys Ifans) blackmail M and begins to target her. The new agent to be called James Bond, played by Henry Cavill, is sent on a misson, to stop the son, and then to protect M. A new Q is introduced, a rugged figure played by Simon Russel Beale, as well as a new Moneypenny, who Bond reveals the boyfriend of to be a traitor.

    Paul McGann's Bond and Colin Salmon appear to aid Cavill, but both are wounded in the process. With nowhere else to hide, M is taken her to the Bond residence, where Bond's father lives, revealed to be none other than Sean Connery, who helps defend the house with a shotgun, some old gadgets and one of his old cars . When the attack comes Cavill's Bond asks Connery if he's ready. He responds with "I've been at this game since before you were born." Despite their efforts and the death of the villain, M dies of her injuries soon after. The epilogue reveals her successor as M...none other than the Original Bond, Sean Connery, making the first time a James Bond became M. The film ends with a James Bond gun barrel sequence, paying tribute to the franchise's 50 anniversary.


    Directed by Nicolas Winding Refn. The film begins with Bond engaging in a car chase during a festival in Cuba, causing Bond's car to crash into a yacht with a beautiful woman. This leads into the intro song by Radiohead. The next scene has Bond being reprimanded for his actions by M. Notable scenes includes Bond stumbling into a weird schoolroom with messages given to a terrorist by an unknown figure revealed to be Blofeld. Bond is rescued by a British embassy figure played by Toby Jones. The film also revealed the character Bill Tanner to be a traitor. The film introduced Smartblood that could be used to track people and transmit information. Tanner downloaded all the MI6 and NATO files into Bond's blood, leading the new Blofeld to try and capture Bond and extract his blood. Because of the information the CIA becomes involved, leading to an MI6 vs CIA subplot where Felix Leiter features more. During the film a conference of the intelligence personnel is targeted with a bomb on a ship full of toxic waste, which is driven into the Thames. Moneypenny is mortally wounded. The end culminates in a debate in the House of Parliament, where a battle breaks out and then leading to Big Ben. An ending described as "Very British". The henchman of the film Nr.Hinx, is played by Dwayne Johnson, who's grandfather had a minor role in You Only Live Twice.

    Another element of the film includes Q being kidnapped, with Bond and the love interest Madeline finding his hotel room broken into. When Bond is captured, he is placed in a cell adjoining Q's and both are forced to watch as the other dies. Bond from heatstroke and Q from being beaten. Q then tells Bond about the exploding properting of his watch, which he uses to escape. Q is forced to shoot a man. Bond tells him "Sometimes a trigger has to be pulled", echoing Q putting down the use of guns in the previous film. The SPECTRE base is underneath a massive crater in the desert, with the base exploding and then imploding downwards int othe subterranean base.

    Moneypenny was also given a role, discovering the connection between MI6 traitor C(played by Chiwetel Ejiofor) and SPECTRE member Oberhauser(played by Gary Oldman). She also speaks to Bond at M's grave at Highgate Cemetery.

    Bond: "Do you think she'd have liked the irony?"

    Moneypenny: "What irony?"

    Bond: "Her ending up to the left of Karl Marx?"

    The new Blofeld is revealed to be a childhood friend of Bond, the two having played a chilldhood card game in an oak-panneled study with hazelnuts and chips. A game Bond usually won. The new Blofeld and SPECTRE, along with Mr.White and C are given an origin of having served in the French Foreign Legion, which had become a Spy agency, before part of it broke off. One group killed and ate everyone else in their unit. This leads to a battle in the ruins of an old Foreign Legion fort. The new Blofeld claims to be "the artichect of all your suffering" to Bond and appears to be a woman, played by Rachel Weisz, who wants revenge on Bond for killing her father, and got his attention by using the names Blofeld and Spectre, until it is revealed that Oberhauser is the true mastermind. The film also features Penélope Cruz in a minor role as the wife of SPECTRE member interrogated by Bond.

    In the final battle, Bond kills Oberhauser. Bond then drives off with Madeleine, throwing his gun into the river. Bond tells Madeleine "We have all the time in the world."

    Siberian Bear Hunting Armour, the mask being used by the Villain ITTL

    No Time to Die(2019)

    Written by John Logan and directed by Danny Boyle. The film includes music by Dan Romer. Grace Jones makes a cameo during the scene in Jamaica. The antagonists, including Safin and his Henchmen wear masks based on Siberian bear-hunting armour rather than a Noh theatre Mask. The film follows a similar plot but does not kill Henry Cavill's Bond. The film seems to suggest Cavill's Bond would indeed die only for him to be saved with the line "This is No time to Die.". This allows Bond to still operate as an agent with a wife and child. the film was released in November 2019(OTL. It was postponed due to the Covid 19 Pandemic).​
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    Star Trek:Nemesis(2013)
  • Borg_Collective_10-min.png

    Star Trek: Nemesis(2013)

    With the conclusion of Voyager, the film Finale was decided to be the conclusion to the Borg which plagued all three TNG Era series and ship crews including TNG, DS9 and Voyager. In general this film was seen as the conclusion of the TNG Era. The fear that the production crew had about using the Borg vanished. This would be the last time. The Borg in the story follow the Voyager back and attack the Federation, with Kim and Seven of Nine fighting a small resistance that comes to assist in dealing the final blow to the Borg Armada as it approaches Earth. At Bachau's suggestion, a plot point about corruption in Starfleet(thanks to the parasites at the disposal of the Borg). The film kills off Data. An Epilogue however shows the fates of several characters including Geordi becoming engages to Dr.Leah Brahms, which was alluded to in the future setting of "All Good Things".​
    Steven Universe(2013-2019)
  • I had time to quickly knock out a Fan Request.

    Steven Universe
    Screen Shot 2021-05-15 at 4.05.16 PM-min.png

    Original Poster for Steven Universe
    Steven Universe was a cartoon created by Rebecca Sugar. The series starred the young boy Steven, who was the hybrid child of the Human Rock Star Tom Universe(OTL this was the first name for the character since Tom Scharpling was always intended to play him), and the interdimensional Magical girl Rose Quartz, who hails from Gemworld. This information is learned by Steven early in the series after being largely kept from him for most of his life in order to protect him. Steven meets the Crystal Gems and discovers he is the son of Rose Quartz partly through the series. It is explained that the Gems hail from the magical alternate Universe, home to a being known as the Mother that has since become antagonist towards Earth and now seeks to destroy Humanity. Among the members of the Crystal Gems, the group defending Earth, are Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl. Now joined by Steven(Relationships are different from OTL, given the pilot version. The artstyle is more realistic, Amethyst and Pearl get along better, Pearl teases Steven, and Steven and Lars both dislike each other. The Temple is "The Crystal Palace". The Big Donut is across from it. Garnet's gauntlets are golden and have her gem on them. Rose is skinnier with long hair(While an original pilot element that is held onto ITTL, this also butterflies away the infamous incident in which an artist who drew Rose Quartz skinny IOTL was bullied online into attempting suicide and then continued to be bullied, leading to Rebecca Sugar stepping in to attempt to stop the bullying only to be targeted herself. None of that happens here since that art would be

    Changes from OTL include, Steven having dreams about Rose trying to speak to him, waking up surrounded by Roses when this happens. The Gems are closer in appearance to teenagers and can disguise themselves as humans(implied to be via bending light). Pearl specifically is usually disguised as a chauffeur and driving(OTL allusion to this is the moments in which they drive). Steven meets and befriends a girl named Priyanka(TTL's Connie, though in OTL that name went to her mother instead). They eventually learn to fuse into Stryanka.
    Thing get somewhat confusing regarding casting as actors were reassigned to different roles in the series. As a result hardly any actors were completely dropped and instead voice different characters. Matthew Moy(OTL's Lars) voices Steven(Which butterflies away the episode "The New Lars" which was built around the joke that Lars's voice actor nearly played Steven by having the two swap bodies. Without that the episode does not exist ITTL). Deedee Magno-Hall voices Pearl and Sadie(whom she also auditioned for OTL). Shelby Rabara plays Garnet(OTL she auditioned for all four main characters and Stevonnie but Garnet was the one she came closest to getting). Jennifer Paz(OTL's Lapis Lazuli) plays Amethyst(a nod to this exists in OTL's episode "The New Crystal Gems" which is built around Peridot, Lapis and Connie impersonating the Crystal Gems. Since two of the impersonations are based on the casting choices that almost happened the Episode likely doesn't exist ITTL). Erica Luttrell still plays Sapphire(a given since Rebecca Sugar wanted to work with her). Charlyne Yi voices Ruby and Stevonnie(Auditioned for OTL). Christina Vee voiced Spinel.

    The Crystal Gems

    Character Designs
    Alterations regarding the human characters include the addition of a stand in for Ian-Jones Quartey(OTL this concept grew into the Pizza Family. Here its just one guys, thus butterflying away episodes like Kiki's Pizza delivery Service). Ronaldo does not exist ITTL. His role is taken by a character named "Baby", an incompetent would be Crime Fighter, who believes himself to be a Superhero. Often throwing Soda Cans at people. As such the Ronaldo episodes do not exist ITTL since Baby's schtick cannot support an episode on its own, instead appearing trying and failing to fight Gem Monsters when they appear. The Gems interact with more Human characters than OTL, having Steven's same degree of knowledge of the people of Beach City.

    Lion has a different appearance, resembling an ancient Chinese Guardian Lion Statue. Garnet is still revealed to be a permafusion but it is revealed that the reason they are permanently fused is because of Sapphire suffering an injury that would kill her if they became unfused(an OTL rejected concept, though the status of the relationship remains and Sapphire dying would not be immediate, akin to bleeding to death slowly. This means there are significantly less episodes where the two are separated as they would not unfuse willingly, butterflying away episodes like "Keystone Motel").

    For the the design of other gems, Bismuth and Sardonyx specifically are largely same as OTL since their designs were figures out early on. The Rubys Leggy and Eyeball have their gems on the other side of the bodies as do the other Rubies. Which effectively butterflies away the nicknames of each Ruby. The Off Colors include two Quartzes named Flint and Chert who went AWOL(OTL they later appear in Future).

    The first episode of Steven Universe was "The Shield" and focused on Steven trying to summon his Gem Weapon, succeeding when he needed to save his father from being hit by a car. The Gems disguised themselves as humans to go out in public with Pearl driving. Steven appeared to Steven in a dream. The song in the first episode is titled "The Meatball Sub Song"

    The Episode "Tiger Millionaire" still exists and concerns all the Crystal Gems entering a tournament in human disguises. A larger amount of Pro Wrestlers are put on display than OTL, usually in montage sequences as the fights consist of the bulk of the Episode.

    "Mirror Gem" instead uses a clip of Steven shouting "No!" due to Mayor Dewey announcing he would sing to a crowd.

    "Ocean Gem" was built as a possible series finale since the crew did not know if the series would get renewed. It eventually was. In this episode, Tom Universe loses his leg(OTL he was originally going to but broke his leg instead), leading to its replacement with a robotic one. Something Lapis feels great guilt over.

    "Lion 3: Straight to Video" (35th) and "Story for Steven" (48th) have been swapped in order. Allowing Steven to see a message from Rose before being told more about her by Tom. Lion 3 has a song in a Dream sequence.

    The Episode Gem Droid(OTL's Marble Madness) has A Robonoid fall to Earth. The Gems activate it to follow it and tell Steven to stay behind. He follows in secret and ends up falling into the Kindergarten while the Droid escapes and runs into him, leading Steven to befriend it and follow it, resulting in his discovery of several underground facilities at the Kindergarten.

    A scene parodying A Charlie Brown Christmas is added to the Barn arc concerning Peridot trying to discover the true meaning of a fictional Holiday in one episode.

    The Episode "Mr.Tom" has Pearl hurl cars at Tom in anger during a breakdown.

    The Episode "Bubbled" instead revolves around Steven running out of oxygen in space while trapping himself in a bubble. In his dream, he is a private detective investigating Pink Diamond's murder. While this plot was abandoned OTL as Steven just found out she was dead. Here Steven's dream sees an appearance by Rose Quartz herself in this context, meaning Steven actually is in a position to talk to and ask Rose in his own dream.

    The Barn Arc ended with an episode titled "Tom's Brother" which introduces Andy(similar to OTL's "Gem Harvest" but a season earlier). However, elements of the arc, specifically Lapis learning to forgive Peridot, leak over when Bismuth is introduced into the cast. Lapis is terrified of Bismuth as she was the one who poofed Lapis, leading to her imprisonment in the mirror(Something implied OTL but never followed up on). This leads to an episode about Bismuth apologizing for doing so, never intending for Lapid to be imprisoned.

    "Steven's Dream" is two episodes. In the first episode Steven foes into Rose's room and ends with Steven and Greg going to Korea. The Second Episode is titled "Steven Abroad" which is a Vacation Episode leading into the Out of This World Rescue Arc. The Out of This World Rescue Arc has Tom befriend the Famethyst immeidately and appear wearing a Red Jacket.

    The Episode "I Am My Mom" focuses on the Lars and Sadie relationship more with Sadie pouring her heart out. Lars still hides during the battle with Topaz and is stuck on the ship, but tells Sadie "I'll never abandon you again!". The Crystal Gems are also depicted more competently in their effort to rescue Steven and the others.

    The Episode "Off Colors" ends with Lars's Death. His resurrection occurring in the next episode. The Future Music playing at the Homeworld ball in "Together Alone" is sung by a Vocaloid(Almost happened OTL but changed). Steve and Lars both return to Earth. Unlike OTL Steven and Connie immediately make up and Connie is happy to see him. There being fewer filler Episodes( and to an extent fewer episodes in the series as it is largely plot driven, thereby removing most of the Beach City Episodes with the plot elements from them being used offhandedly in Gem centered Episodes since the Gems can disguise themselves as human ITTL, removing Onion Gang and Future Boy Zoltron, which is boiled down to an episode where the Gems need to get Jobs, with Garnet substituting in the role of Zoltron instead. Since this is a subplot it is focused on much less). This means that episodes that are released continue the story.

    Unlike OTL, It is not revealed Rose Quartz is Pink Diamond.

    Sapphire and Ruby

    Peridot reveals that she has found a way to heal Sapphire and to the un fuse. This gives the two a chance to get married(Which unlike OTL there was no resistance from the Network). Here there being a more justifiable reason for why they never could given Sapphire's condition. This leads into a war with the Diamonds. However, this is not resolved peacefully due to the Rose Quartz is Pink Diamond twist not existing. Consequently the Diamonds are not redeemed and the rest of the season essentially depicts the war with Diamonds, while revealing White Diamond(or Mother) as the Final Antagonist. The title song of "Change Your Mind" does not exist ITTL, due to being born out of Rebecca Sugar's frustration over the Network's resistance to Ruby and Sapphire's wedding and that not existing here.

    The Series continued, as a result the Movie, and for that matter the distinction between the Movie and Future do not exist. The next Season introduced Spinel in a similar plot to the film, albeit being an arc instead and without Spinel's motivation being to avenge Pink Diamond's death at the hands of Rose Quartz. Priyanka is also present in the story, it taking place slightly earlier time wise, meaning she is about to leave to space camp. The scene of Steven and Amethyst in Vidalia's garage is longer with Amethyst shape shifting into more objects and Vidalia herself appearing, with Steven explaining the situation and Vidalia trying to help bring Amethyst's memort back(cut for time but since the film is now part of the series, it was added back in to be part of an episode).

    Steg, the fusion of Steve and Greg occurs much earlier in the first season as the two perform in a Battle of the Bands. The Fusion is instead called Mr.Multiverse and lacks the two arms, having a punk rock style haircut instead. Marty is featured in the episode. Consequently Steg is not used to bring back Pearl's memory.

    Other Episodes after the Spinel Arc and leading up to the battle with the Diamonds are one diving into Rhodonite's Past(the amount of ideas could've made for a complete miniseries on its own. Hence why they are included in the extended series. A Dive into the origins and ancient mythology of the Gems. DogCopter's Partner in "Growing Pains" being a human caricature of one of the artists.

    Finally the series ended in a Television Movie(which was also shown in Theatres by Fandom Events) titled Homeworld Bound. In that story, Homeworld attacks Beach City and destroys it, with many of the residents fighting back in the battle, though several characters are killed and Steven is traumatized when he shatters Jasper(Who ITTL is canonically dead). The Crystal Gems then take the fight to Homeworld itself, leading to a massive battle. Blue Diamond does not fight back as she is killed by Yellow Diamond after refusing to fight. Steven frees the imprisoned Rose Quartzes. Yellow Diamond is killed when Peridot performs a self sacrifice to activate a bomb of the same type that corrupted all the gems on Earth millennia ago, devastating Homeworld, and ending when Steven confronts White Diamond, fusing with each of them during the battle(the longer Series means each Fusion between Steven and a gem occurred at a significant moment like with Amethyst and had its own devoted episode. While she corrupts the other Crystal Gems, Steven is able to get into her head and she appears to start to turn around only to lash out, resulting in her own destruction. The survivors return to Earth and begin the long process of rebuilding in the aftermath of the Gem War.
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    My Little Pony: Equestria Girls(2013-2019)
  • I may have gone too far in making a spinoff to a Girl's TV Show set in High School a bit edgy. Oh Well.Nothing here goes beyond what kids show's of the era hadn't already done. I chose to do this because it was a pretty good break between doing all of My Little Pony in one go. This way I can saw, "Oh yeah there was this spinoff", and then finish the rest later.


    My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
    My Little Pony: Equestria Girls was created in response to large amounts of fanarts imagining the cast of My Little Pony Adventures as humans. The term Equestria Girls also became popular following the release of a parody of Katy Perry's California Girls. The series had also moved from the Hub to Discovery Kids, which supported the release of a new spinoff which would be wholly original to them.​


    A TV movie was released titled Equestria girls. The Premise revolved around a Ceremony at the Crystal Palace shortly after Twilight's coronation. Celestia reveals her old apprentice Sunset Shimmer would be visiting. Twilight responds to the name with shock and explains to the other members of the Mane Six. Sunset Shimmer and Twilight were Celestia's students together and got along somewhat. Despite Sunset Shimmer being somewhat of a bully, Twilight looked up to her like a big sister. It is revealed Sunset disappeared after an argument with Celestia but was believed to have vanished into a portal.

    When Sunset does emerge from the portal they seem much more calm, claiming to have learned their lesson as they told Celestia in a letter sent by Flash Sentry, a knight that Celestia sent to keep an eye on her by Celestia. That night a thief steals Twilight's crown and she is awoken by a guard noticing the thief and giving chase. Twilight pulls off the thief's cloak and reveals them as Sunset, who flees back into the portal. Without thinking, Twilight gives chase immediately with her friends following. Twilight finds herself in a world similar to our own, but inhabited by human versions of the cast. It is also discovered that the Human versions of the protagonists are actually superheroes(minus Twilight's who is absent), subverting the expected trope of turning the franchise into High School drama series like the recent Monster High(which was now being countered by a series adaptation of the adult humor parody game Monster Prom) and Ever After High among others. Many saw this as a shallow effort to sell toys, even if the costumes themselves were well received. Sunset is introduced as the Supervillain of the story with a role and abilities compared to the X-Men's Dark Phoenix(Though unlike OTL, Jean Grey has stayed dead, which someone dampens this as a criticism). Their main plan appears to use the Element of Magic, embedded into Twilight's crown to channel their power and find a way to bring the full extent of their abilities into Equestria and takeover that world and gain revenge on Celestia.

    While the Mane Six interact with their Superhero counterparts, they themselves learn to master their own abilities, leading to a final battle in which Sunset Shimmer is defeated and depowered. Twilight speaks to Sunset, who surrenders and appears to be emotionally broken from their defeat, being taken into custody(rather than the OTL quick seeming redemption).

    The Second Made for TV film was much more well received, released a season later. The film introduced new antagonists in the Dazzlings, Sirens which were imprisoned in the human world centuries ago by the Equestrian Wizard Starswirl the Bearded. The trio witnessed the final battle of the last film and formulate a plan to absorb more magic and regain their abilities. While Twilight is called back to aid the human universe, it is generally agreed that the star of the film is Sunset Shimmer, who is shown to genuinely be attempting to reform but is struggling due to no one really having forgiven her. Sunset is shown to still have a journal from Celestia that she used to speak to her during her time in the human world and she uses this to ask for help. Twilight arrives and begins formulating a plan to defeat the Dazzlings. While spending the night together Twilight and Sunset have a private moment where the two bond in a genuinely touching scene. This is expanded on post movie, in which after the Dazzlings are defeated, and retreat, surprisingly not reappearing in the franchise for years afterwards, Twilight and Sunset have heartfelt goodbye. It is revealed that Sunset and Twilight are dating at the film's ends, often using the journal to talk with each other.

    "Yeah, Honestly the reason we went with that was because we needed a way to connect this spinoff with the main series. The Cutie Mark Chronicles spinoff was very closely connected with the main show and they crossed over all the time since the main characters were related and lived together. We didn't have that with Equestria Girls. They were a universe apart, so because there needed to be a connection to validate the spinoff show, we went for an emotional connection rather than a physical one and made the protagonist of the spinoff the girlfriend of the protagonist of the main show."

    -Showrunner Megan McCarthy

    The third film introduced a roadblock in this relationship with the introduction of the human world's Twilight, who is a scientist investigating the strange occurrences caused by the first two films with the added backdrop of a competition with a rival school named Crystal Prep, the Principal of whom is the human counterpart of Season 3 Antagonist King Sombra(Unlike OTL this is an event that Sunset knows about but never paid attention to before). Throughout the competition, Twilight inadvertently steals the abilities of the Mane Six through a scientific device she created to study their abilities, transforming in the end into a form later referred to as Midnight , which Sunset fights and is able to calm down into surrendering after obtaining a superform referred to as "Daydream Shimmer" officially but not in universe. An End Credits scene has the Equestrian Twilight return after being delayed by the Season Finale's events and meeting their human self.

    The Fourth and final Film was Legend of Everfree, which involved the protagonists going to a summer camp. After this film, the series lived on in shorts. A flashback reveals that Twilight and Sunset had a conversation about how twilight fears that her responsibilities would mean spending time away from Twilight. Sunset is shown to have an attraction towards the Human world's Twilight, being nicknamed "SciTwi" by fans due to being a scientist. This is not helped by Twilight being somewhat realistically traumatized by her experiences in the last film and relying heavily on Sunset's support. Paranormal events begin to occur and SciTwi blames herself for them, though they are revealed to be the spirit of the entity Gaea Everfree possessing the camp counselor Gloriosa Daisy. Evidently human sacrifices were conducted on the land by Daisy's family that ceased 100 years ago when the parents of the family died before revealing the ritual to their children. In gaining abilities from finding the Human World's Equivalent to the Tree of Harmony, Sunset gains an ability to read minds through touch. This usually resulted in a flashback. Though viewers joked that Sunset was holding onto someone for minutes on end due to the flashback's length. It was shown later on that from an outside perspective, the process lasts a second with only a quick flash in Sunset's eyes that from an outside perspective is similar to a car light reflecting off the eyes.​


    Post Films the Specials included a Christmas Special in which due to an antagonist, a victim of Sunset's bullying, Wallflower, erasing everyone's memories of Sunset's reformation, Sunset is forced to solve a series of crimes blamed on them. The conflict is not resolved by Christmas and so Sunset travels to Equestria and spends Christmas alone with Twilight, who is also alone as due to the Equestrian Equivalent to Christmas not directly lining up with the actual Christmas, everyone is occupied. Twilight does help Sunset discover a magical artifact likely being used by the antagonist and Sunset returns to thwart to undo the curse. Though exposing the culprit, Sunset has their memories painfully ripped out of them in a scene many have called Painful to Watch, though purposefully so as Sunset screams the names of everyone as they forget them and is left amnesiac. They are then taken back to Equestria to recover their memories through magic. This served as a way for the main show to introduce Sunset in a way that feels natural. Sunset basically meeting the Mane Six for the first time, being introduced to those who did not see the spinoff as an old friend of Twilight's and a fellow student of Celestia. Sunset eventually began to less frequent, due to returning to the human world and the spinoff more than Twilight did.

    Other Specials include "RollerCoaster" which dealt with a haunted theme park but to the surprise of many fans, hinted at the "AppleSpark" pairing, or the romantic relationship between AppleJacka and Sparkler, evidently making it canon. There was also "Eternal Sunset" in which Sunset was trapped in a Groundhog Day loop during a Music Festival, which they repeatedly try to escape. this featured the long awaited return of the Dazzlings, who were surprisingly not the antagonists, something which Sunset resolves immediately just by touching their hands. In fact they contribute to thwarting the true antagonists, a K-Pop band singer with a terminal illness, unaware that Sunset was reliving the day as well. The Dazzlings, now depowered, effectively joined the main cast. There was also a series of Interactive shorts(I.e. of the youtube variety in which choosing one option leads to another, however these events would not be mentioned again. Minor events change, such as a School Play going horribly wrong or perfectly depending on player choices and relationship between characters becoming extremely positive or extremely negative(though its always hinted that the characters would have to work hard to repair any relationships that get as bad as possible). None of the protagonists will die from player choices or lack thereof but can be injured, leading possibly to hospitalization. Several minor characters introduced for the interactive shorts including the antagonists however, can in fact die.

    Following the cancellation of both the spinoff and the main show, The Equestria Girls series lived on in Comic Form, depicting the lives of the characters after High School, including the relationship and eventual marriage of Twilight and Sunset.​
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    My Little Pony Adventures: Season 4-6(2013-2016)
  • Season 4

    "Princess Twilight" depicts a flashback to the battle with Nightmare Moon. However, instead of a single battle, it is clearly depicted as being the final battle of a war between the two. Twilight is also briefly sent away because their inability to control their new godlike powers threatens to put her friends in danger. Otherwise it is largely same as OTL

    Episodes largely same as OTL include Castle Mane-ia, Flight to the Finish, Bats!, Rarity Takes Manehattan(Sparkler takes Manehattan), Surprise Pie(The "Surprise might be related to Applejack episode"), Three's a crowd, Surprise Guest(OTL Pinkie Pride, The Weird Al Yankovic as Cheese Sandwich episode), Simple Ways, Filli Vanilli(without Pinkie/Surprise making Fluttershy/Posey nervous), Maud(OTL's Maud Pie), Leap Faith, Testing Testing 1 2 3, "Trade Ya!"(plotwise, it's somewhat better written than OTL), Inspiration Session, and the finale Twilight's Kingdom though with a different explanation for the castle, which is the rebuilt castle in the Everfree Forest).

    Power Ponies is instead a Power Rangers parody since an entire spinoff is already a Superhero parody, with the Mane Six gaining Power Ranger type abilities and megazords to battle an alien threat and giant monsters. After this threat is defeated, the alien mentor returns to space and removes their powers. It's generally assumed this episode inspired the creation of "The Equestranauts" from an episode of Bob's Burgers.

    Firefly Falls(Rainbow Falls OTL) has a slightly different plot, namely Soarin is seriously injured but recovers sooner than expected after Firefly has replaced him, causing a bit of a conflict with who to keep on.

    Daring Do is fictional ITTL, meaning Daring Don't is instead a Story within a story episode. while having an outer story revolving around Firefly learning a lesson about not harassing the author of their favorite series.

    It ain't easy being Breezies is instead focusing on Posey trying to save the migration of the Breezies without the assistance of the other characters.

    The Equestria Games episode was released last Season and more episodes were dedicated to depicting the titular events(Several Pony Reviewers got together and turned the reviews of the episodes themselves into crossovers, placing themselves in the role of announcers, reporters, spectators and sometimes performers).

    Cutie Mark Crusaders episodes include "Twilight Time" and "Somepony to Watch over me."​

    Season 5

    Episodes same as OTL include ,The Cutie Map, Castle Sweet Castle(albeit with a different setting), Make New Friends but Keep Discord, Princess Spike, Party Pooped, Amending Fences(though with a scene of Twilight pointing out that they left their friends without saying goodbye because they literally had to save the world), Canterlot Boutique, Sparkler Investigates(Rarity investigates), Made in Manehattan, Brotherhooves Social, Hearthbreakers, Scare Master, What about Discord?,The Hooffields and McColts, and the Mane Attraction.

    Tanks for the Memories is actually about Tanks dying rather than going into hibernation.

    The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone has the cast actually battle the monster that stole the golden idol rather than it appearing only as a skeleton.

    The 100th Episode Slice of Life, leans even further into fan service territory. Doctor Whooves is even further implied to be the Doctor, stepping into what is clearly the Tardis with the lab being the interior. A more prominent David Tennant impersonation and implications of his canon past. Bon Bon's secret is instead that they are a changeling rather than a spy, though they are not evil. Several deleted scenes were added in as well.

    Do Queens dreams of Magic Sheep? has Selene suffering from nightmares, revealed to be an entity known as the Tantabus that is a remnant from the Nighmare Rarity arc. It does not have the same origin as OTL and is instead an entity that possessed Selene.

    Cutie Mark Crusader Episodes include Bloom and Gloom, Appleoosa's Most Wanted, and finally Crusaders of the Lost Mark, in which the Cutie Mark Crusaders finally get their Cutie Marks.

    "The One Where Surprise Knows(OTL the One where Pinkie knows) actually hides the twist from the audience as well until Twilight it is outright spoken.

    The Cutie Re-Mark features one universe in which rather than villains dominating(Flim and Flam's reality is implied to be one where Celestia and Tirek destroyed each other. As such the duo did not takeover. It's simply that there's no one to stop their corporate expansion), a different group of Ponies saved the day. This creates a world that is neither better no worse. Sunset Shimmer is in Twilight's role while Twilight is still active. There are different elements of Harmony wielders such as Cheese Sandwich and Doctor Whooves. Different villains have been reformed such as Chrysalis and Sombra while others such as Nightmare Moon(and therefore Luna) and Discord were killed. This provides a dilemma of whether or not to actually thwart Starlight Glimmer's plan as it could mean that reality would cease to exist, though eventually Sunset Shimmer herself convinces Twilight to go back. This leads to Starlight being thwarted and being shown the alternate realities they created through their actions. Starlight's origin is revealed when she is tricked into being brought to her own past. Here rather than Sunburst leaving, Sunburst is mentioned to have died, leaving Starlight with an anger towards the idea of perceived Destiny that cutie marks symbolize. Twilight proposes the idea of saving Sunburst and they succeed. However, rather than joining the cast, Starlight instead sends Twilight back and is shown to be assisting the alternate realities in thwarting the dominant villains in every universe.​

    Season 6

    Due to the different plot of the previous Finale, while Shining Armor and Cadence's child Skyla is born. It is not the cause of the main conflict. The Episode ends with an army that includes Starlight Glimmer as a soldier, an alternate versions of Firefly(with a metal wing), Surprise and Maude, breaking into King Sombra's Crystal Palace. Sombra is revealed to have become aware of the method in which Starlight arrived in that universe and travels through into the main universe with an army. The conflict of "The Crystalling" is therefore a battle with the alternate universe Sombra, who is shown to be far stronger and has a mind controlled army. This also allows the Mane Six to meet their alternate counterparts. A sub plot has Starlight being forced to deal with meeting a surviving Sunburst as he becomes instrumental in thwarting the invasion.

    Episodes largely the same as OTL are The Gift of the Maud(Pie OTL), Gauntlet of Fire, No Second Prances, Newbie Fly(Newbie Dash OTL), The Saddlow Review, Applejack's Day Off, Flutter Brutter, Spice Up Your Life, Stranger than Fan Fiction(without Daring Do actually appearing), Buckball Season, Viva Las Pegasus(though the antagonist, a Pony Elvis, is called Pelvis). P.P.O.V.(Pony Point of View), Where the Apple Lies, and Top Bolt.

    Cutie Mark Crusader episodes include "On Your Marks","The Cart Before the Ponies", "The Fault in Our Cutie Marks."

    A Hearth's Warming Tail is a play in universe.

    28 Neighs Later, is TTL's 28 Pranks Later, it deals with a disease that essentially turns the casts into Zombies, though a cure is found and released just in time, turning everyone back to normal.

    The Times They are a Changeling, is same as OTL but with the titular Changeling having a voice effect. When introduced he doesn't have a name as so it jokingly given the name "Steve".

    Dungeons and Discords consists largely of the group playing the actual game. Discord hosts, using his reality warping abilities to make the game real, and the Mane Six serve as the players. DnD Jokes abound.

    The season finale "To Where and Back Again" includes Sunset Shimmer, who is. reintroduced in the opening of the episode and goes with Starlight as she can relate to her situation. In the conclusion, the Changelings do not physically transform though the reformation still occurs.​
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    Once Upon a Time: Season Three(2013-2014)
  • Once Upon a Time: Season Three
    Episode 1 begins when the group of Bigby, Emma, Snow, Charming, Nick, Hook, and Rumplestiltskin arrive in Neverland. Rumplestiltksin goes off on his own. Henry is revealed to have been abducted by Peter Pan's shadow, who explains that Neverland's magic is dying without a Peter Pan living there, since the original Peter Pan grew up. As this is happening Hook explains that an entity on the Island needs a host to exist, and was left vacant when Peter Pan left. Flashbacks imply the film Hook occurred in this continuity. Some of Hook's backstory is shown, including him cutting his way out of the crocodile's stomach. The Fabletown group find and rescue Tinkerbell and the Lost Boys. The Lost Boys are swayed by the arrival of Henry as the new Peter Pan, and the fact that they distrust adults, including Hook for killing Rufio. Tinkerbell can tell something's off and joins the Fabletown group. Rumpestiltskin confronts Peter Pan, expecting to defeat him but Pan imprisons him within Pandora's Box, which is revealed to have been obtained by the Empire. Henry allows himself to be posessed by the Shadow and becomes the new Peter Pan, fleeing Neverland.

    Episode 2 begins more somber. With their mission considered a failure the Fabletown group attempts to plant Beanstalk seeds in Neverland and reach the cloud Kingdom. Where they resume making plans for the war, hoping to rescue Henry. The Posessed Henry returns to Geppetto, revealed to have been guiding Geppetto towards conquest and now acts as a surrogate son to him, leading to a rift between Geppetto and Pinnocchio, who is trying to redeem his father, with the posessed Henry steering Geppetto the other way. Fabletown begins to pull all its allies together for war. This involves Bgiby traveling to the Kingdom of the North Wind, which was left alone as the forces of the Adversary feared the North Wind's power. Bigby is forced to bury the Hatchet with his father, which is heightened by the other characters being attacking by fearsome beasts which are revealed to by Bigby's feral siblings, which he is forced to kill. The North Wind offers the aid of invisible Zephyrs to help and also reveals another kingdom of Ice untouched by Adversary, Arendelle.

    Episode 3 begins with a backstory of the events following the Snow Queen Disney film. A magical mirror is created by devils to show only the ugliness of things reflected on it. They then try to show it in the face of God, who responds by shattering the mirror. Pieces of the shards fall down from the sky and become lodged in the eyes of a boy named Kay, causing him to abandon his friend Gerda due to only seeing the ugliness in things. He wanders into the snow and meets the Snow Queen. Gerda saves him and after the story concludes, the Snow Queen wanted to live among normal humans and lived with Kay and Gerda. Distrustful of the Snow Queen, Gerda obtains an Urn that could be used to seal her away. The Snow Queen uses her ice powers to stop an assault from the visiting Duke of Weselton, and when Gerda arrives, her own fear and hatred of the Snow Queen lead her to trap the Snow Queen in the Urn. The Urn is revealed to have then been sent into a gateway to another land, on that land she is adopted by the royal family of Charn. Back in Arendelle, Kay and Gerda are revealed to have had two children. One with red hair and one with Blonde. The implication being that Kay had an affair with the Snow Queen.

    In the present, the Fabletown group meets Elsa and Anna. Elsa demonstrates Ice Powers and te two sisters help discover their origins. It is speculated that The Snow Queen joined the Adversary to protect Arendelle from his wrath. They also discover where Kay and Gerda kept the pieces of the broken mirror. The Fabletown group believe they could take the mirror back with them, but an attack by one of Bigby's brothers, causes the Mirror to shatter, pieces being lodged into Nick Burkhardt's eyes.

    Episode 4, realizing that his siblings will continue to track him down,Bigby leaves the group, intending to kill the last of his siblings in battle and not telling the others to not put them in danger. The episode follows the battle with the giant Wolf Beasts.

    Episode 5, Upon returning to Fabletown, Charming sends Mowgli to find and bring back Bigby due to his ability to talk to wolves. Mowgli is forced to fight the leader of a tribe of Wolves in order to learn where Bigby is and eventually finds him and helps him kill the last of his feral brothers.

    Episode 6, In Fabletown, Kay discovers that he can see Fables disguised as humans(in a type of human with animal head form). He ends up uncovering that Honest John(a supporting character), is a traitor. to the Adversary. Honest John's backstory is revealed. He swore loyalty to his king and remained loyal. John was told by his king to flee and did so due to his loyalty and being made to promise by his King. When he was in Fabletown, he was contacted by his King, who he was pleased to find was alive, only to become horrified when his King ordered him to spy on Fabletown as he was loyal to the Adversary. Because of his previous allegiance trumping the later Fabletown allegiance, he was forced to act as a spy. Honest John willingly goes into the Witching Well while alive due to the conditions of his betrayal.

    Episode 7, Cinderella attempts to form an alliance with the Giants of the Cloud Kingdom due to the beanstalks being used in the War effort. The King of the Giant is sick. To find a cure, Cinderella transforms into a mouse and enters a Lilliputtian town to find a cure. Due to the magic wearing off a Midnight, she has a time limit. The Fairy Godmother is summoned and casts the spell on a clock as poof, but two of Cinderella's Mice named Hickory and Dickory manually stop the clock in Fairy Godmother's presence, which gives the spell some more time. By the time she reaches the Giant, she regrows and is able to enter into his body and cure him. Though both his son, who wanted to be King and the advisor who's medical knowledge was humiliated, are not happy with her. Cinderella returns only to be confronted by an angry Fairy godmother, who attempts to punish Cinderella with a spell. The Janitor, Flycatcher leaps into the way with a shield, allowing Cinderella to slay the Fairy Godmother by throwing her glass shoe as a weaponm causing the Fairy Godmother to vanish into bubbles when injured by the shattering glass. Flycatcher is revealed to have been turned into a frog, remarking "Oh god. Not again."

    Episode 8, A Christmas Special, The Fables celebrate the holidays in different ways, while also preparing for a war. Santa Claus is revealed to indeed be real. In the Homelands, Pinnocchio makes a wooden toy for his father only to be scolded for wasting the magical wood that could be used to create soldiers. Seeing, Geppetto's anger in Pinnocchio, Pan in Henry's body, offers to posess Pinnocchio instead and turn him into "a good son." Geppetto agrees and Pan's shadow posessess Pinnocchio, allowing Henry to escape in the process. Pan's shadow realizes he's been tricked as Geppetto put enchantments on Pinnocchio's body making him loyal to Geppetto. These enchantments now mean that Pan's shadow is loyal to Geppetto and is commanded not to leave that body. Henry is guided by a mysterious wooden owl to a passage to the human world and escapes. He makes it home a few days before Chistmas and wakes up to meet Santa Claus. He asks Santa how he can deliver all the presents in one night and Santa reveals that he is granted the power for one night only to be able to appear in any house in the world at once. One Santa. approaches Flycatcher while he is a frog and grants him the gift of seeing his dead wife again. This causes Flycatcher to remember his past as the Frog Prince and how he was magically turned into a frog at time of nervousness at which only his wife could turn him back. He accidentally turned into a Frog during an attack by the forces of the Adversary and in Frog form was forced to watch as the Soldiers murdered his family. He crawled to his dying wife,who was able to kiss him, turning him back for a final time. The ghost of his late wife fades away. Flycatcher screams at Santa about being given a cruel gift. Santa claims that Flycatcher has a long road ahead of him but that he and his wife will soon be reunited. Flycatcher, confused, looks at the Witching Well, becomes stern and suddenly jumps in.

    Episode 9 begins with Flycatcher meeting the ghosts of several deceased characters from the series, who's souls were kept inside after their bodies were dumped. Here he meets Gretel. Gretel reveals that her and her brother survvied an encounter with Frau Totenkinder and she was left to burn in her own oven. The two then moved to the Human world where Hansel became involved in the Salem Witch trials. Gretel joined Fabletown and began to train to use magic under Frau Totenkinder. When Hansel reunited with his sister and learned this, he killed her in anger and then fled. Flycatcher is motivated to help Gretel and is able to escape the Well. Flycatcher asks Boy Blue for the Witching Cloak and to be trained. Blue refuses because he sees Flycatcher as innocent, not having ever killed anyone and he doesn't want to ruin that. When Flycatcher returns to the Well, and the main office, the Suit of Armor hanging from the large tree begins to speak to him. Flycatcher panics and hurls a tray at the suit of armor, causing it to fall and shatter. From the armor, a ghost emerges, which reveals itself to be the spirit of Lancelot.

    Episode 10 is narrated by Lancelot and follows the events of the Arthurian myth and the events following the fall of Camelot, ending with Lancelot hanging himself in his suit of armor, despite Arthur forgiving him. Flycatcher and Lancelot then head back into the Witching Well.

    Episode 11 has Flycatcher gathering the spirits of all the dead souls within the Witching Well and guiding them in search of a way out of there. The souls incldue Gretel, Mr.Webb, Baby bear, Honest John, Weyland Smith, The Huntsman, Shere Khan and Bluebeard among others. The latter two begin to conspire agaisnt Flycatcher. The Episode is intentionally slow as the group make their way through the seemingly endless world. It is similar to episodes such as Breaking Bad's Fly, and Doctor Who's Heaven Sent, where the slowness is intentional to make the audience feel the character's frustration. The spirits of birds are sent out and finally return with a leaf. grass begins to appear and they finally reach Flycatcher's old kingdom of Haven in the Homelands.

    There is an extra final scene where Henson Creature shop versions of Pain and Panic approaching Hades(played by James Woods) and informing him that several souls have gone missing from the underworld through the connection to the Witching Well. Leading Hades to swear with a "What the Fu-" before being cut off."

    Episode 12 begins with the spirit of Lancelot appearing before the figure of the Emperor, ignoring all attempts to kill him. Lancelot reveals the existence of the Kingdom of Haven. In Haven, Bluebeard and Shere Khan continue plotting. Bluebeard has a planned gradual takeover winnning everyone's trust. Shere Khan is impatient and called Bluebeard a paper tiger while he is a real one onf the man eating variety. Shere Khan then kills and eats Bluebeard. Flycatcher arrives and Shere Khan sees this only to revert Shere Khan back to a ghost and he disappears. The two ghosts are then banished and end up bringing the Empire there. An Empire Army arrives but Flycatcher reveals that his army is ghosts when one is killed and revived. Flycatche ralso took several enchanted items included armor and excalibur. Since the army realizes they cannot win, they agree to a trial by combat where their strongest champion with fight Flycatcher. Flycatcher himself fights the champion at a waterfall. The Champion turns out to be a giant troll. Flycatcher nearly dies and loses Excalibu as he is refuses to kill, only lightly hitting the Troll. He is stil lable to win. Since the giant Troll reveals that he will be killed for his failure, Flycatcher offers the troll amnesty. Lancelot talks to Flycatcher afterwards and explains that Excalibur only works if you actually kill with it and Flycatcher refuses to kill. The Empire army chooses to attack but are defeated and scared off by the army of ghosts loyal to Flycatcher, the rest of the army ends up joining Flycatcher out of their own fear of being killed.

    In response to Haven's existence, Geppetto forms an army made entirely out of wooden soldiers and sends it to attack Haven, due to the wooden soldiers not being afraid. Hades, trying to figure out where all the souls he lost went, finds out from the Adversary and as a result the ghosts with Flycatcher disappear, leaving Flycatcher alone. Just as Flycatcher is about to accept death. A seed that he brought with him, end up fusing all of the Woodens soldiers together into one massive tree(that resembles the tree at Animal Kingdom), which becomes a new sacred grove. Since only one sacred grove can exist it now means that Geppetto's sacred grove tree will no longer heal. Geppetto is broken by this and falls into depression. Flycatcher is asked by arriving Fables if he will build his own wooden army. Flycatcher has an (animated) nightmarish vision of Wooden soldiers in his image slaughtering countless and refuses.

    Episode 13 is largely preparation for the war. Which includes training Fables to use modern weaponry. Rose Red and Boy Blue break up their relationship, which began since Blue returned from the Homerlands. More Fables begin coming to Haven to repopulate it and turn it into a base to battle the Adversary. In Fabletown and the Farm, speeches are given to all Fables to travel to Haven. The Fables are mixed, some are more than happy to return home. others consider the human world their home now, especially generations that were born in the human world or are too young to remember the old world. Others don't want to part with human world conveniences such as several animal fables who have human friends online that aren't aware of their true identity. Finally, a group led by Captain Hook attacks Neverland as it was discovered that Mermaids can travel to neverland, which includes Ariel. The Fabletown group evacuates the native tribe, plants and detonates bombs, destorying most of the Island and the source of Pan's shadow. Pan's shadow senses the destuction of the island and leaves Pinnocchio's body, revealing that he was only feigning Geppetto's control over him. While the Islandi s destroyed(after all inhabitants). The now freed Pinnocchio flees through the gate and into the Mundy world, guided by the wooden owl. It is revealed that Frau Totenkinder had Boy Blue plant an enchanted Paint brush among Geppetto's supplies when he was captured. Anything that Geppetto painted, Totenkinder could see through the eyes of and used this to guide Henry and Pinnocchio through the portal. Totenkinder tells Cinderella who goes to rescue Pinnocchio. The Empire agent Hansel intercepts Cinderella and takes her and Pinnocchio hostage. When interrogated about when the attack on the Empire would begin Cinderella reveals that the War has already begun. We briefly see a shot of several characters fighting through an army of various monsters, ending with a shot panning up of a giant Airship named "The Glory of Agrabah" fighting Dragons in mid air. The camera pans in to reveal Prince Charming piloting it with Sinbad and Aladdin by his side.​
    History of the Marvel Universe(The Modern Age):2014-Present
  • Marvel in the 2010's
    Going into the 2010s, there was a major shift in the Avengers teams. The character of Nova avoided being killed off in the Secret Avengers. In the aftermath of The Runaways, the West Coast Avengers team was reinstituted. After the character's surprise appearance in The Avengers in 2011, Marvel announced a Thanos mini-series called Thanos: Son of Titan. Written by Joe Keatinge and drawn by Richard Elson, the series explored Thanos' origin and rise to villainy. With his popularity from the film rising, the idea of de-aging Loki into a child was proposed and rejected, instead he was transformed into a younger and more handsome version when Kieron Gillen was chosen to write his Journey into Mystery with Adult Loki, which serves as a spiritual successor to the Elric Saga. The Comic series of Avengers: Earth Mightiest Heroes had a 12th issue featuring the Avengers and Loki pulling an enemy mine. Gillen's Young Avengers vol.2 had an all original cast at its introduction, serving as a spiritual successor to X-Statix. Gillen also later used the character of Patriot.

    During his time working on Udon's Street Fighter books, Jim Zub pitched a Marvel vs. Capcom comic to Marvel. Writer Frank Tieri helped Jim Zub write the series, which gave the Video Games more backstory and tied the min-series into Marvel vs. Capcom 3.

    In 2011, Nick Spencer and Becky Cloonan wrote a Prequel mini-series called Victor Von Doom, which focused on a teenage Doctor Doom as he traveled to Hell to try and save his mother's soul.

    The Agent Venom series introduced Anti-Venom, a soldier friend of Flash Thompson, who had previously wielded the Venom Symbiote. After this came "War for the Symbiote" which had every former Venom host (Peter Parker, Kraven the Hunter, Eddie Brock, Mac Gargan, etc.) fighting for control of the suit.

    Plans were made for the next Avengers and X-Men events. Some of the ideas thrown out were a story about Ultron taking over and time travelling being used to stop him. This idea instead became an Avengers storyline revolving around an alternate timeline in which Ultron took over and the children of the Avengers battled and defeated him with the children from this future teaming up with the mainstream Avengers. It was known as Age of Ultron, but concluded as Rage of Ultron with an "R" marked into the title. Hank Pym merged with Ultron, providing him with a soul and a conscience and jettisoning him into space. Another pitched idea was Avengers vs X-Men, but this was rejected as most of the staff didn't want to do another Heroes vs Heroes story, believing the heroes should "fight the villains, not each other". The idea of the Phoenix Force coming to Earth to possess Hope Summers, the daughter of Scott Summers and Madelyne Pryor, was used instead and both team of heroes trying to fight and stop it, concluding with Hope and Scarlet Witch combining abilities to wish the Phoenix Force out of existence.

    Artist Declan Shelvey began a Banshee-led X-Men series. It had Sean Cassidy deciding to retire to Cassidy Keep. However, his daughter Teresa approached her looking for help, making her home a new safe haven for mutants. Banshee's team was comprised of herself, her daughter Teresa, (who would also retain the Banshee name), Marrow, Chamber, Artie and Leech.

    Kamala Khan was introduced as a Mutant Superhero in the pages of X-Men. She essentially replaced the role previously filled by Kitty Pryde in the 80's, and Jubilee in the 90's as the new recruit that the X-Men world is explained to. Kamala's arc had the tropes associated with teen heroes played with, since the writers didn't want to just to rely on the original ones conceived of with Spider-Man. She remained an ally to both the Young Avengers and Young Defenders.


    Gwenpool, a series about a Marvel fan girl in the real world pulled into the Marvel Universe, avoided cancellation, instead being marketed as a successor toward Deadpool in a legacy character fashion. As such, she serves as his "protege" while also they serve as one another's confidants due to being the two of the few people aware of the "fourth wall." She also must wrestle with building a life for herself in a universe she once deemed fictional while having to grow as both Gwenpool and Gwen Poole. However, everything was still written in a tongue-in-cheek fashion, especially with her decision to follow Deadpool to Canada and her adjustments to adopting to the Marvel Universe are compared to her adapting to becoming a Canadian citizen. Other new characters were folded into the Fearless Defenders such as Spider-Girl (Anya Corazón), Mania, and Galactus' daughter Galacta.

    In 2012, Dennis Hopeless released a series focusing on the Braddock Academy Kids (While seeming inconsequential this idea was transformed into the infamous Avengers Arena OTL due to executive meddling, since the higher ups liked the Kids being forced to fight each other portion and that became the whole thing).

    A New Defenders team premiered in light of the Netflix series and closely resembling it. After the events of Runaways, Spider-Man made a Young Defenders team, with the Defenders serving as mentors. The team consisted of Molly Hayes, Karolina Dean, Xavin, Water Snake, Hummingbird, Haechi and the new Night Thrasher. Miles Morales ended up as a form of leader to the team on the suggestion of Peter. Young Defenders maintained an optimistic tone and focused on healing and overcoming personal traumas through camaraderie while placing a large focus on the value of trust.​


    Marvel Legacy

    Following the 2015 Secret Wars Event, Marvel began to shorten their titles. Choosing to break it down to 28 and release Bi-Weekly books. Titles were simplified such as just The Avengers. No spinoffs. Giant Crossovers were kicked to the wayside, with Marvel announcing no massive Crossover events for three years. Rather than releasing so many titles and then not promoting them, that effort instead went towards promoting the existing series. Rather than one shots and slice of life, long running storylines became more common. Writers were encouraged to think of long term storylines, having more freedom thanks to the break. This new direction was introduced in a One Shot. Rather than overpricing their books. The One shot was made one dollar as an olive branch to fans. It involved Captain America and Iron Man having a conversation, reflecting on the events of Civil War and their growing rift, as well as everything that had happened since then. Other heroes were seen reflecting such as Peter Parker as the head of Parker Industries. At the end, Captain America and Iron Man hold a press conference in front of the ruins of Avengers Mansion with other heroes and make a speech about how things will be different, revealing the New Avengers. Books became 3.99$, removing the backup story most Marvel issues had since it was deemed unnecessary. The first issue of each trade was only 1.99$.​

    The Avengers Books

    The Avengers
    The Group returned to the Avengers Mansion, rebuilding it. The Roster was capped a 10.

    Captain America
    Iron Man
    Scarlet Warlock
    Hawkeye(Clint Barton)
    Scarlet Witch
    Nadia Pym
    Black Panther

    The series was written by Mark Waid, then G Willow Wilson, then Gerry Dugan. Titles also in this line include:

    Captain America
    Sam Wilson became the new Captain America, adopting the mantle from Bucky Barnes. Steve Rogers wandered the Earth outside the costume in a Nomad miniseries. Rogers then joined SHIELD and became their liaison to the Avengers. The Sam Wilson series was written by Mark Waid and Chris Samnee. Joss Whedon penned a Captain America/Jenny Sparks Crossover.

    Thor discovered that Jane Foster was dying of Cancer and to spare her life, granted him his hammer Mjolnir, which would hold back her disease so long as she remained transformed. Thor himself would gain a new hammer. Jane Foster was spared from death by Jason Aaron, who continued to write the book into the critically lauded War of the Realms, which feature Malekith as an antagonist. He was succeeded by Donny Cates and then Al Ewing. Loki went through a redemption arc and became the God of Stories.. Said arc would also lead to Thor's disappearance, with his daughter from the future, Torunn Thorsdottir, taking his place within the story for the time being. Besides Torunn dealing with her father's successor, she also ended up befriending the Young Avengers, as she tried to discover who her mother is.

    Amadeus Cho was kept on as the Hulk and written by Greg Pak. However the series became more tense and later Amadeus Cho was replaced by Banner for the Immortal Hulk series that the book became. The Incredible Hulk was written as merely a different albeit repressed facet from Bruce rather than a separate entity. Hulk was born from the rage of Bruce so without him, Hulk had no drive or origin while Bruce was kept with all the pent-up anger and stress with no outlet. Bruce travelled to deal with various monsters and better incorporate the Hulk with himself. The Immortal Hulk run was adapted into a series released just prior to Avengers: Endgame which showed the Hulk and Banner agreeing to work together to survive, ending with the two proudly proclaiming "We are the Strongest There is!".

    She-Hulk continued as a more light-hearted series compared to her cousin's while also showing off her life as a legal representative in the superhero community. It's also revealed that she was beginning a relationship with Virtue, which the writers said was a hilarious reference to the fan-desired pairing of Superman and Wonder Woman from DC.

    Iron Man
    Tony Stark remained the star(never being comatose). Jason Aaron wrote the series at its start. Iron Man(Never having entered his coma due to there being no Civil War II, both due to the pledge to not due events for three years and Carol Danvers not existing) sees Tony Stark tackle his past demons, addictions and industrial military complex in his new series. Many of his foes have been modernized and revamped. One of the biggest changes came in with the Hammer family. Justin Hammer Jr was introduced and resembled his cinematic universe counterpart while the role of the original elderly Justin Hammer finally passed away. Hammer Jr was joined by his already established sister Justine Hammer. Sasha Hammer was still Justine's daughter by the Mandarin, thus making her Justin's younger half-sister. However, Ezekiel Stane (i.e. the Second Iron Monger and Sasha's lover) had risen in prominence to become Tony's primary archfoe (with Justin being an amoral tool of the government) though The Mandarin remained a prominent threat (in a matter similar to Ra's al Ghul with Batman.) Tony also took under his wing Toni Ho, the daughter of Yinsen Ho (here, a Chinese Muslim Uyghur). However, she forged her own path as the second Rescue while Lila Rhodes became the new War Machine. Tony ended up taking a protege in Riri Williams, a child genius who reverse-engineered his armor and who shared many of Tony's vices albeit modernized in the younger generation. He also took on Harley Keener alongside Riri(Keener is the child from Iron Man 3). Tony Stark is also still the sons of the Starks(a recent retcon made him adopted).

    Black Panther
    Ta-Nehisis Coates was left alone as he proved he understood the character and the world of Wakanda.​

    X-Men Books

    Uncanny X-Men
    The show focuses on the Current X-Men(The All New X-Men/time displaced X-Men are never introduced). Beast and Iceman are on the team, Old Man Logan is replaced with Laura Kenny. Kenny discovers she has a younger sister, who she takes to the Xavier Institute. Kitty Pryde acts as Laura Kenny's mentor as Wolverine had acted to her. Matthew Rosenberg served as the writer. How the Xavier Institute worked was dived into and fully explained thanks to the popular X-Men Anime by Kōhei Horikoshi (akin to My Hero Academia, the creator working on the X-Men title as it was translated to Anime at the same time). This structure of the X-Mansion is explained in a yearbook themed one shot. The rule of the yearbook became the law for everything relating to how the School operates. The rules are abided to and cannot be contradicted.

    The Darker Black Ops version of the X-Men. The alternate universe(and possibly time) displaced Old Man Logan gathers this team. Since he's from a Universe where the bad guys won, he forms a team to kill Supervillains. Written by Jordie Belaire. The team consists of Havoc , Bishop(who knows about preventing dark futures), Frenzy(who's worked for supervillains before and knows how evil they can be), and Magik(literally been to limbo and so has seen a literal world ruled by monsters).

    New Mutants
    Follows a group specifically being trained to be the new X-Men The Xavier institute and how it works is explored in this series, Focusing largely on the seniors. This includes Rockslide, Mercury, Anole, Oya, Loa, Indra, and one of the Stepford Cuckoos. The Cuckoos were originally a hive mind but have since began to split apart and develop their own personalities. One wants to join the X-Men. One wants to leave. One hates the group is splitting up. The class is taught by Rogue. Quentin Quire has moved on, or rather been kicked out for being in school too long, and Rogue is joined by Surge and Armor. The focus is on the students and some old ones return like Helion and Prodigy. The series is written by Robbie Thompson, then Al Ewing, then Dennis Hopeless, then Kelly Thompson, then Jodie Houser.

    Deadpool is written by Gerry Dugan. Alpha Flight also appeared with Deadpool as an on and off team member. It consists of reimagined versions of the original cast. The creators of Scott Pilgrim vs the World even wrote on the Deadpool book for a time.

    Tom Taylor is kept on. Laura Kenny is kept as Wolverine.​


    Peter Parker, the Amazing Spider-Man
    Dan Slott was forced off Spider-Man. He was given six months(12 issues) to wrap up all his loose threads. Chip Zdarsky was put on the book. followed by Nick Spencer, then Gerry Dugann, then Mark Waid. Parker Industries remained an element though it largely collapsed, forcing Peter to work on a smaller budget with a handful of loyal employees, turning it into a start up. With the Avengers split into different areas, Spider-Man became a much more prominent hero in New York. Superior Spider-Man has Doctor Octopus steal Spider-Man's body(and it is clear early on Peter Parker is not dead and will return, so there is no backlash). Anna Marconi is kept on as the head of Parker industries. The arc concluded with Doctor Octopus dying a final death.

    Miles Morales, the Spectacular Spider-Man
    When Bendis left the book. Jason Reynolds replaced him as writer. Following the 2015 Secret Wars event, Miles Morales was introduced into the main Marvel Universe with his solo series providing him with a new back story that reveals that the Spider-Man he saw die was Ben Reilly, who's death forced Peter Parker to return to the role of Spider-Man.

    Gwen Stacy, the Sensational Spider-Woman
    written by Jason Latour.​

    Space Teams​

    The Marvel cosmic heroverse was simplified and streamlined for more readers to grab onto with the current crossover for the disappearance of Galactus. Guardians of the Galaxy had been retooled into more of a comical story, inspired by the films. The team was that of Star-Lord, Adam Warlock, Rocket Raccoon, Groot, Gamora, Drax the Destroyer, Mantis and Moondragon (she joined as a favor toward Phyla-Vell when the team reformed).

    Guardians of the Galaxy
    Gerry Dugann and Aaron Kuder work on the book. The Annhilators are formed after the near-defeat of the Guardians, serving as another team to handle larger menaces that threaten the universe, consisting of the mightiest people that could be found. The team consists of Wendell as Quasar, Genis-Vell as Photon, a resurrected Phyla-Vell as the Starbrand of Earth-616, Beta Ray Bill, Ikon, Gladiator and Cosmo.

    The Inhumans
    The Inhumans are given a space setting. The Royal family has crumbled and they are now engaging in their first elections. The ancient race now adopt to a government system they've never known. The political intrigue lead the series to be dubbed Game of Thrones and House of Cards in Space. It was written by Saladin Ahmed, who often writes very political works, after being spearheaded by Matt Fraction.​

    Young Heroes

    Miss Marvel
    written by G.Willow Wilson.

    The Champions
    Iron Heart is added to the team. Mark Waid wrote. Al Ewing succeeds him, followed by Kelly Thompson. More Villains were introduced as the series tackles real world issues frequently, lacking any higher stakes.

    The current run addressed the consequences of the characters now having grown up with messed up childhoods and mindsets.

    Scarlet Warlock
    The Young Avengers have since split off. Scarlet Warlock carries on, training under Doctor Strange. A Sorcerer's Apprentice style series where Warlock realizes he is completely unprepared as the series goes beyond dimensions. Alternate futures have been shown where Warlock is the next Sorcerer Supreme. Written by Al Ewing, then handed off to Noelle Stevenson.​

    Marvel Knights

    written by Charles Soule.

    Brian Michael Bendis continued writing. Continued to be based off the Netflix series.

    Black Widow
    Black Widow is believed dead, taking advantage of this to resume spy work. Marjorie Liu writes.

    Power Man & Iron Fist
    David Walker and Sanford Green continued the series they created(due to no crossover with Civil War II it keeps going. As the crossover with the event derailed the fanbase and story threads, leaving the series to tank).​

    Anthology Series

    For the Anthology Series, each issue featured 5 stories, each 12 pages long. 60 pages total. 5.99$. Each featured 5 ongoing series. When it came time to cancel segments, readers voted on which. series to keep and which to kill, the highest ranking series from each became an ongoing series. This moved onto the Digital format to allow voting. Digitally each story individually was sold for 1.50$. Buying multiple stories would be cheaper if done in Print form than Digital, uniting both indoor and Digital sales. Writers who had difficulty meeting the 24 page deadline were usually shifted to the 12 pages anthology.

    Amazing Fantasy
    Focuses on younger Superheroes. Included at launch: Silk, Gwenpool, America Chavez, Ironheart and Gravity. Silk was drawn by Stacy Lee and was from an alternate Universe rather than being from the same Spider bite as Peter Parker. Another title was a one shot titled Secret Love depicting a relationship between America Chavez and Kate Bishop by Princeless author Jeremy Whitley. America Chavez was also part of A force, a team led by Black Widow and Dazzler among others.

    Journey into Mystery
    Focused on the weird science fiction and fantasy side. Consisted of Doctor Strange, Angela, Silver Surfer, Blue Marvel and Weird World.
    Weird World
    was a combination of the different bizarre universes in Marvel History(The center of the Earth, Savage Land, and so on). It was drawn by Mike Del Mundo. Silver Surfer was written by Dan Slott. Doctor Strange was there to draw readers in and give the series more clout. Doctor Strange explored more of the titular character's life and took a bit more down-to-earth approach as he reflected on his life since the 60's and what changes he must make after his near-death experience. This included a happy reunion with Clea, who took on a more active role as a magical protector while they get married. Strange also reveals to Clea that he has taken on two apprentices for a future candidate as Sorcerer Supreme, Billy Kaplan and Nico Minrou.

    Tales of Suspense
    Focused on the Marvel Knights. Blade, Cloak and Dagger, Moon Knight, Ghost Riders and Winter Soldier. Ghost Riders was drawn by Tradd Moore. The Ghost Rider series had been rebranded with a greater emphasis on the mystical aspects of Abrahamic lore with more angels, demons and various in-betweens. Johnny Blaze was retired now through pops up as a supporting character (though he did have his own maxi series showing his time as the primary Rider along with showing up in large events, such as when Robbie needed his help to take down the Gibborim). Daniel Ketch was the current Ghost Rider and as a homage to the late 80s and early 90s. He and to a lesser extent, Johnny, serve as mentors to Robbie Reyes, the next generation, while also having Alejandra often appear, the Rider who was supposed to take Daniel's place, but has her own agenda while being a pawn to Adam.

    Strange Tales.
    Focused on X-Men solo adventures. Included Gambit, Iceman, Emma Frost, Rogue, and Phoenix.

    The plan included making a few more anthologies if they were successful such as a What if Anthology, a Villain Anthology and a Marvel Fanfare Anthology telling stories of classic characters during their prime years.​

    10 More Books

    Books outside the main Marvel Universe.​

    Max Series

    The Max Series was released as Marvel's Parental Advisory/extreme content label where creators could do anything without censorship.

    David Walker writing.

    Old Man Logan
    Ed Brisson writing.

    Jessica Jones
    Bendis returned to the series.

    A Bizarre cult classic along with X-Static. All restriction was removed from the series. No continuity no censorship. Warren Ellis returned. Followed by Felipe Smith.Then Christopher Priest. Since Next-Wave seemed to hate Marvel, which Priest also does. He can complain all he wants and be paid for it. Then Matthew Rosenberg.

    Written by Felipe Smith. Then Charles Soule. Then Jim Zub. Several dead members of the series were brought back as a commentary on nostalgia. The agents refusing to let the heroes die until they weren't profitable.​

    Marvel's Young Readers

    Marvel's Young Reader books had for so long been only screencaps from the shows and needed actual content. Something Marvel vowed to change.

    Moongirl and Devil Dinosaur
    Sells very well at bookfairs.

    Starring Sam Alexander

    Squirrel Girl
    Rebranded as an all ages line as it was popular as Scholastic book fairs. Keeping same writer and artist. Now no longer tied to continuity

    Power Pack
    The Power Pack kids have grown up in continuity. Here it's vague. Could be a reboot or untold stories of the past.

    Big Hero Six
    Based on the film. ignoring the Comic version. All Ages and set in an alternate reality. Written by Greg Pak, based on his work on Mech Cadet Yu. After the success of the Big Hero 6 film. The Comics themselves later altered the Comic Big Hero Six to be more in line with their film version.

    Art Balthazar and Franco do two page backup stories in each comic in the form of amusing little strips.

    Post 2015 Reboot
    The Young Avengers were given more focus and reintroduced to further showcase the theme of legacy, consisting of Elijah Bradley (Pariot II/ "Lieutenant America"), Sam Wilson, Billy Kaplan (having a new red outfit inspired by his mom's and now going by Scarlet Warlock), Teddy Altman (still going as Hulking), Kate Bishop (Hawkeye II), Cassie Lang (Stature), Thomas Shepard (Speed), Riri Williams (Ironheart), Nadia Van Dyne (Wasp) and Monica Chang (Black Widow II; she was originally introduced in Ultimates, but introduced into the mainstream as Black Widow's protege). They're later joined by Torunn (Thor's daughter) and Kamala Khan down the line. Miles Morales and Nick Fury from the Alternate Universe entered the main universe.

    Avengers, Featuring N.G.E.N. – Start Your N.G.E.N.S! was a limited series about the Avengers teaming up with defense contractor Northrup Grumman.

    Jonathan Hickman's House of X, Power of X, revamped the X-Men even further by granting them a sovereign alien nation of Krakoa named Utopia. The reformed Magneto being included among the X-Men.

    MI13 became a sleeper hit, especially among British readers for its darker and more serious tone. However, it also possessed a tongue-in-cheek humor, especially during the crossover with Alpha Flight, as Deadpool made a few jabs on how British-written comics tend to be darker than their American counterparts. MI-13 consisted of Captain Britain, Black Knight, Gloriana, Psylocke, Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew), Wolfsbane, Spitfire, Sage, Doctor Druid and Pixie. Blade was later revealed to be an auxillary member. The most shocking crossover occurred when the group ran directly into Captain Marvel, an ultra popular character in the UK due to his British written arcs and able to be used due to Marvel and DC having split custody. The plot of this crossover was the debate of whether or not to aid Captain Marvel in creating a Utopia, alluding to the Captain Marvel Moore series and the Gaiman follow up where it was revealed doing so was not necessarily a good thing.

    Marvel's later plans involved making their own version of DC's Earth 3 concept and creating a world where Marvel Heroes and Villains were reversed.

    A 2018 Storyline shocked everyone by seemingly killing off Spider-Man and leading to Miles Morales succeeding him, even taking his costume(Spider-Man thus "died" the same year as both his creators, as Stan Lee and Steve Ditko both passed away that year).

    The Crossover Empyre had tie-ins involving Black Panther, Ghost Riders, Avengers, Spider-Man, and Thor. I it featured a limited series that starred a new incarnation of The Order based in the United Kingdom, and a one-shot starring Kamela Khan's now-sentient Stormrager costume. The storyline itself had Thor, while fighting the plant based antagonists, have his life saved by his mother Gaea, who briefly grants him plantlife powers to help him fight back. The Series Strikeforce also tied into the event(Tie ins operating as self contained but related stories rather than important for the plot).

    The Controversial New Warriors and New X-Men designs Do not happen TTL(Marvel previously mocking the idea of forced diversity, is aware enough to not attempt it).​
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    Once Upon a Time: Season Four(2014-2015)
  • Once Upon a Time: Season Four
    Episode 1 begins with the Airship, the Glory of Agrabah, flying through the air and gunning down Dragons. Charming explains to Aladdin and the nature of the ship, which is supported by several flying carpets inside the skeleton of thes ship with a mostly western crew including sharpshooters. The two are using a stolen map of gateways between the various worlds the Empire controls and are bombing them, hoping to decapitate the Empire by cutting off their easy transport. Another group enters the Homelands through a beanstalk. However, security around the Empire capitol is much more, leading to an intense battle when the beanstalk is discovered. In the real world, Cinderella escapes from Hansel and rescues Geppetto, shooting Hansel's kneecaps out in the process. In the Empire's capitol, the Fabletown to smuggle Aurora(Sleeping Beauty) into the city, where she pricks her finger and her curse activates, causing everyone in the castle to fall asleep except for the wooden beings, the Emperor among them, however fast growing vines envelop many of them. Everything seems to be going well. Then things start to go wrong.

    Just as Cinderella and Pinnocchio prepare to return to Fabletown, the Empire Agents Rodney and June intercept them, and nearly kill Cinderella, forcing Pinnocchio to run away. The Emperor bursts out of the vines and leads an army on the Beanstalk. The Empire forces assaulting it bring out a single enchanted arrow in their posession that will kill any specific target given to it. The arrow is fired. Boy Blue sees it heading towards Bigby and leaps in the way, the arrow goes through Blue's witching cloak, through Blue and hits Bigby. Both collapse and are possibly dead.

    At the orders of the Emperor, a single Dragon is hidden under some trees and flies above the Airship, the Glory of Agrabah. Because it's an airship made partly of wood, the Dragon's fire devastates it, forcing everyone to evacuate on flying carpets and killing the Zephyrs they were using since they were made of wind. As the Airship crashed, Sinbad found Charming, horribly injured. There is one gate and one bomb left. Charming carried a bomb, pulling it with flying carpets strapped around it. Charming says goodbye to Sinbad and tells him "Tell every woman I ever loved I was thinking of them in the end. That should keep you busy for a few years." and then carries the bomb into the gate, literally walking through a dark tunnel to a light. Shortly afterwards an explosion occurs and travels through the tunnel, Sinbad narrowly avoiding the burst of fire. Charming is dead.

    Bigby Wolf wakes up in a tent being treated. Thanks to bringing guns, the Fables are doing well aginst the Empire. Bigby transforms into a massive wold and battles the Emperor, though since both are massive, Bigby is about the size of a regular wolf to the Emperor. Bigby is horribly injured and forced to retreat, returning in human form and this time able to beat the Emperor, using weapons and tactics, allowing Blue to decapitate the Emperor before he collapses from his injuries.

    In the human world, Pinnocchio is able stop Rodney and June from killing Cinderella and use the logic that since he has loyalty spells on him that make him act in Geppetto's best interest, what he must be doing is therefore in Geppetto's best interest and that Geppetto is in more danger running an Empire than if he was not. This ends up working and Rodney and June surrender. Pinnocchio then goes to the Beanstalk and enters the Homelands and is there along with Bigby and the others to confront Geppetto, who is brought over and forced to sign the Fabletown Contract, which turns him into a resident of Fabletown and grants him amnesty provided he does not commit anymore crimes. Geppetto warns that since the head of the government has basically been decapitated, that all the different members of the Empire Council will either continue fighting or become serious threats without the Empire to keep them in line. Despite the warning he still signs the contract. Boy Blue is brought to the farm and on his deathbed, says goodbye to Rose Red. The doctors find that a piece of the Witching Cloak was stuck inside Boy Blue and is preventing him from healing. Boy Blue dies and is buried, being given a statue along with Prince Charming. The idea that the most popular characters can be revived is brought up, making it possible that Prince Charming could return, but Boy Blue cannot since he was only in a lesser known nursery rhyme. Some of the Animal Fables spread the belief that Boy Blue will return.

    Episode 2. In the Homelands, Hades approaches the Queen of Hearts, Grimhilde, Madame Mim and Baba Yaga and forges an alliance with them, out of his anger for Flycatcher's actions. Hades resurrects Maleficient, Ursula, and Cruella De Ville(it is questioned why she was brought back since she lacks magical abilties but Hades explains that she has important knowledge that will be revealed to the group after they succeed in their task. Hades also teases other videos by having their souls appear(which are animated). This results in many cameos including Amos Slade, Charles F.Muntz, Clayton and Sabor, Edgar Balthazar, Claude Frollo, Gaston, The Horned King, Long John Silver(specifically from Disney's live action adaptation of Treasure Island, not Treasure Planet due to its future setting), Lady Tremaine, Lyle Tiberius Rourke, Mor'dru(as a Bear, presumably due to his curse in Hell), Mother Gothel, Oogie Boogie, Percival C.McLeach, Governor Ratcliffe, Ratigan, Shan Yu, Shere Khan, Stromboli, and Yzma. Hades promises to unleash all these souls at the group's disposal.

    While this is going on, life resumes with the rest of the Fables, Geppetto being given a tour around town. Many in the town refusing to service him and showing hatred for him while Geppetto refuses to apologize, still believing he did the right thing. Its as uncomfortable as Hitler touring a jewish community. Nick Burkfield, still having glass in his eyes that allow him to see only the evil inside a person's souls, sees Geppetto and gouges out his own eyes, being unable to bare the sight of all the people Geppetto killed. In the Homelands, an unknown figure releases Rumplestiltskin, holding the Dark One's Dagger to control him. Geppetto senses this and wanrs Frau Totenkinder but cryptically and insists on being put in charge to stop it. The controlled Rumplestiltskin attacks Fabletown, causing an earthquake and everyone inside the buildings to flee outside. The entire area is destroyed as the episode ends. The one responsible, and the one controlling Rumplestiltskin is revealed to be the Wicked Witch of the West, of Oz infamy.

    Episode 3 shifts the perspective to Jack Horner, who was released and has made it big in Hollywood. Jack Horner hears about the destruction of Fabletown and decides to head over there. On the way he is abducted and brought to an area known as the Golden Boughs Retirement Home. He is brought to meet Mister Revise. Revise reveals that he is not a Fable, but a literal, a personification of a literary concept, in his case, a story being revised. He demonstrates his powers on Jack by splitting him into several people, revealing that Jack is actually a Composite of several characters from different stories and nursery rhymes such as Jack and the Bean Stalk, Jack the giant Killer, Jack from Jack and Jill, little Jack Horner, Jack be Nimble and so on. He then returns Jack to normal, letting him off with a warning. Revise apparently has the power to change stories and his powers impact how people remember those stories. Jack decides to plan to escape, something never done before. He is sent to his house while there, only to find someone has eaten his porridge and is sleeping in his bed. It is revealed to be Goldilocks, who Mr.Revise found near death and rescued. Jack begins working with her to escape along with a group of fables including Sam the Janitor, an older african american caretaker who can't remember his own name. He tries to tell Humpty Dumpty and Mother Goose, they have to stay since they can't pass off as human. Humpty Dumpty reveals he knows where a treasure is, so Jack keeps him on while rejects Mother Goose(who comments that she was originally human but Mr.Revise turned her into a giant Goose over time). Jack also starts to attempt to seduce Mr.Revise's three daughters, the Paige Sisters, who all work there.

    The details of the Prison are explained to Jack by Sam and Gary, who is revealed to be another literal called the Pathetic Fallacy(the personification of giving inhuman objects human traits, which also extends to his power. He can animate Inanimate objects). The security at the Golden Boughs consist of creatures called Bagmen. Human guards. Tigers and if anything takes to the air, then birdlike creatures called Rooks. Jack also meets a group of fairies(from A Midsummer Night's Dream and also the original Cottingley Fairies), who consider Jack a hero. It is revealed Jack saved them by stepping on a monster that was about to eat them. Not even noticing he'd done so. Jack devises his plan to escape. The Paige Sisters learns of this but Mr.Revise reveals he already knows as there is a spy among Jack's ranks, they just don't know when and how he'll try to break out.

    Jack has the Fairies be released and distract the Rooks. They also summon outside birds, which distract the Rooks. The rest of the Fables breach the gate and begin to flee. Sam the Janitor reveals that he posesses superspeed. The Tigers chase him and are next seen having been turned into butter, to a confused Jack. The group escape but Humpty is shattered, with Jack collecting all his pieces so he can know where the treasure is. The rest of the Fables take the time to escape. This includes the Tortoise and the Hare, who mention being captured after returning to the Homelands.

    Mr.Revise finds the Tigers turned into butter and explains that Sam is Black Sambo, a story seen as Racist by the Humans, so Mr.Revise hid him away and censored him but the story was about Sambo outrunning tigers until they turned to butter. The African American Older man from before is seen walking away humming "Zippity-Doo Dah Zippity Doo Dah. My oh my. What a wonderful Day."

    On the outskirts and in front of a well, Jack reveals that he found out Goldilocks is a spy because she has glasses and all of Mr.Revise's people have glasses, which Goldilocks finds stupid. A fight ensues, ending with Jack punching Goldilocks down the well and fleeing. Mr.Revise pulls her out. Jack meets up with the other Fables who escaped and tells them that they are heading to the Farm as he guesses that's where they'll go. Mr.Revise is shown to be guessing the same thing.

    Episode 4 has the Fables from the Golden Boughs arrive at the Farm, where it is revealed that the Tortoise and the Hare were captured and replaced by Mr.Revise imposters during the battle at the Beanstalk. It is then revealed that the Tortoise is still back at the Golden Boughs, still walking and the fake Tortoise and Hare are captured. After Boy Blue's death, some of the animals have started a religion believing he will come back. Jack goes and meets Rose Red, who is still mourning the death of Boy Blue. Jack is unaware he is dead and ends up sleeping with Rose Red in her grief. Because the animals hear her cying out Blue's name, they come to believe that Jack is Boy Blue in another form, this combined with the Fables who followed Jack being loyal to him, leads Jack to gain a cult following. Jack is visited by a mysterious teen who reveals himself to be Jack's son. It is revealed in flashback that Jack once wooed the Snow Queen into giving him her powers for a time, wherein he acted out as Jack Frost, only to have to take those powers away when he refused to give them back. Unknown to Jack, the Snow Queen was pregnant with his son, which became Jack Frost(technically Jack Frost Two). Not wanting to put his new son in danger, Jack sends his son to meet with Elsa and Anna, who intend to retreive the unconscious Snow Queen from the Empire's Capitol and talk to her as she may be Elsa's mother. They find that both Aurora(Sleeping Beauty) and the Snow Queen have been taken away somewhere.

    Episode 5 begins with with Jack Horner doing the impossible and successfully putting Humpty Dumpty back together again. This allow Humpty to guide Jack to the treasure, which he reveals is in Americana, the Homelands version of America. Jack and Humpty sneak into the Homelands, following by Hillary Page, who was tracking down escaped Fables and just captured Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox. While Mr.Revise had used magic to shrunk Paul Bunyan. He starts to get gradually bigger once they enter Americana as the magic is fading. Followng Humpty Dumpty's map, which was on part of his shell. The two groups end up joining together to get the treasure and travel through Americana in a montage. Among the lands included seen are a Wild West land, Gangsterland(a gangster themed land), Antebellum(The South) and finally they reached a 60's style town that is filled with Zombies. The group fight their way through to a library where they are aided by a mysterious man. Inside the man is shown to be burning all the books in the library. He then reveals himself to be named Bookburner. Hillary reveals she went along because she believes Book Burner is her father, but he denies this. Hillary recalls growing up and not fitting in with her family. She began reading stories about how Book Burner was once a nice made that was a lot like her and wanted to confirm her belief. Book Burner turns out to want to destroy all stories. Unfortunately Jack lets it slip that the Golden Boughs has weakened defenses. Page explains to Jack that Mr.Revise keeps the original copies of most of the original books under the Golden Boughs and that if they are destroyed the fable will die. The group is forced to make a retreat while Booker Burner sends Zombies after them. Humpty Dumpty is killed and Paul Bunyan sacrifices himself as the Zombies overwhelm him, and he is turned into a giant zombie while the rest of the group escapes. Book Burner is revealed to be able to revive beings as Zombies and has been building army of forgotten Fairy tale characters that he intends to also kill once they are the only things left. The group heads back to the Golden Boughs while sending messages to ask for help from anyone to aid in defending the Boughs. On the way there, they realize that none of them can remember who Paul Bunyan is.

    Episode 6 consists almost entirely of a battle between the Fables protecting the Golden Boughs, including several Fabletown and Farm residents, fighting the forces of Bookburner. Bookburner's forces are lampshaded in universe as characters you've never heard of due to Bookburner wiping them from human memory, such as Little Lindsay Lairet, Meltzinger Moose and his magnificent Juice, the Comanche Skeleton, Omar the Camel, the Knife Johns(soldier siwth knives for hands) and so on. Of these Meltzinger Moose became a meme as he appears to be carring a barrel of alcohol and a bottle of moonshine, though his name is often shortened to "Moose with the Juice" in a similar fashion to "You've heard of Elf on a Shelf. Now get ready for..."

    Before the battle, with most of the Fables gathered, Jack Horner makes a speech before a giant American flag dressed as George S. Patton and delivering a speech parodying the film Patton. Goldilocks gathers her own team to stage a revolution, believing that Bookburner is actually liberating those Mr.Revise has been keeping hostage, quoting 'The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend". Mad Hatter and the March Hate contemplate if this means that "the Friend of my Friend is my Enemy" and come to believe that this means the sleeping Dourmouse is their enemy and decide they should kill him while he's unaware. The Dourmouse is not seen again, making it unsure if they actually went through with it.


    The battle then begins, during which the group is attacked by an undead Demonic Humpty Dumpty who has been transformed by Bookburner into what Jack refers to as a "Deviled Egg". The group is nearly killed but is rescued by another literal called Deus, a large machine man, the personification of the concept of the Deus Ex Machina concept. Deus arrived to save Gary the Pathetic Fallacy but refuses to help as if he continued to help he would get old and rust, however he reveals that under the Golden Boughs is something that could help them. The group asks Mr.Revise and opens a vault to reveal the original stories, which are handed out to the various characters. The Cowardly Lion reads the original copy of the Wizard of Oz, and remembers that he was actually a large savage lion. He was looking for courage because he was ashamed that he felt fear deep inside. The Cowardly Lion therefore transforms from his humanoid scared MGM based depiction to a giant realistic Lion that leaps into battle. A similar effect begins to happen to the other Fables such as Cu Chulain, Kiviuq, and others. Jack even writes in the original manuscript of the Wizard of Oz script(to Revise's anger as he compares it to drawing a mustache on the Mona Lisa), causing the Tin Man to gain buzz saw arms and cannons. Other transformations are less impressive but serve as nods for example Little Black Sambo turns into an indian boy(since the character was originally Indian before becoming Black in later versions), and Aladdin turns into a Chinese man(since the original story is Chinese), though Aladdin requests to be changed back due to feeling weird. Another minor. change is the appearance of a pif, who claims to be the Fourth Little Pig who built his house out of cloth. Snow White recognizes him, saying he was her favorite but then realizing she had forgotten about him. The Fourth Pig is excited to reunite with his brothers, only for Snow and Red to nervously hesitate saying anything. Goldilocks's attempt to aid Bookburner falls apart very quickly as Bookburner's forces shoot them down. Goldilocks sees Snow and attempts one more time to kill her, but the Fourth Pig jumps in the way of the bullet, before Bookburner's forces kill Goldilocks.


    The Battle continues for sometime and BookBurner offers the Golden Boughs forces a chance to surrender. Jack ruins the negotations by repeatedly shooting Bookburner, causing the amount of time they have left before the second attack comes to shorten each time by half an hour with every bullet. Mr.Revise is prepared to accept defeat and the end to all the stories inside, but lets it slip that he has one final fable contained, a dark and ancient entity named Chernabog. This gives the Fables an idea. BookBurner's forces enter the Golden Boughs but find nothing, only for Chernabog to burst through the Golden Boughs, destroying the building with Bookburner's forces inside while the Golden Boughs Fables have already fled. Chernagob bursts out from what appears to be a Volcanic eruption he causes when he emerges. Bookburner is burned alive in a homage to Raiders of the Lost Ark. Bookburner's fedora is seen on fire, slowly floating down. Chernabog then battles Paul Bunyan in a massive battle. The loss of the magic of the Golden Boughs causes Babe the Blue Ox, who had been shrunk to dog size by Mr.Revise and travelled with the group, to grow to its full size, and be forced to kill the undead Paul Bunyan with its horns(Babe the Blue Ox has a closeup of the eye revealing it is crying). Chernabog then disappears, evidently escaping. The Fables then begin to head back to the Farm while carrying the rescues original versions of their stories. The Tortoise from the Tortoise and the Hare is seen fleeing, evidently from his perspective, still escaping the Golden Boughs retirement home from a few episodes earlier.

    Episode 7 reveals that the Farm now has a newly built town around it to house the human Fables and is now known as Storybrooke. The characters now go about their lives. However in the Homelands,the Wicked Witch, who has refuses to join the group of villains known as the Queens of Darkness is commanding Rumplestiltskin, revealing that the Dark One's power is needed to confront Pan's Shadow. Under the Wicked Witch of the West's command, Rumplestiltskin arrives at the ruins of Fabletown in New York. The Wicked Witch discovers Nick Burkhardt in the ruins. He was present inside and was unaware of what had happened around him due to gouging his own eyes out previously. The Wicked Witch has Rumplestiltskin kill Nick, something which he attempts to struggle against doing as Nick is his son, but is unable to and Nick is killed. A Dark One ability is revealed when Rumpelstilskin takes Nick's skull and eats the teeth, revealing that he can summon Nick's spirit a total of 32 times depending on the number of teeth the victim has. Through Nick's spirit, The Wicked Witch of the West learns of the enchantments hiding Fables from humans and the mirror that shows only ugliness. In Response, she has Rumplestiltskin create a massive dark castle in the middle of the New York, clearly visible to all.

    The Wicked Witch of the West is approached by Hades, who reveals that a recent death has led to access to new information. Hades has the soul of Bookburner and a memory is shown of a being known as the author named Isaac thorn, being thrown down a well by younger versions of Mr.Revise and Bookburner. His crime is evidently for abusing his power in trying to destroy the universe and all stories so he could start over. The Author is thrown down the well, which Revise explains is a memory hole. Anyone thrown down it will lose their memories. After the Author is thrown, Bookburner comments that maybe the Author was onto something. Hades reveals that he already knows this and shows another memory. This one belonging to Cruella De Ville, who is seen briefly meeting a man who drunkenly reveals that he was chosen as an author, one of several being entrusted with the power to create worlds. Hades finally reveals that this was the information he traded with the Queens of Darkness and that he's giving it to the Wicked Witch because he "Kinda has the Hots for her." The Wicked Witch then vows to find the Author before the Queens of Darkness do. Bookburner will neither talk nor will his memories show as Revise hid the Author from him.

    Episode 8 is the famous Tron Episode, directed by James Rolfe(Get it because Tron is from the Eighties). Hades is talking to Bookburner and comes and comments that no matter how many books you burn a story will continue to exist on the Internet and convinces Bookburner to go after that. He reveals that through a deceased employee of ENCOM, Hades knows of a way to enter the digital world and through it the Internet where Book Burner can destroy it, jokingly calling Book Burner "Facebook Burner" or "Data Purger". The Main cast is investigating the large Castle when they see Book Burner travelling to the old Flynn's Arcade and follow him. Book Burner entered the digital world with several of the main cast. At this point the plot becomes much more simple, stop Book Burner in the digital world with the aid of Tron(Guest star Bruce Boxleitner) and Flynn(guest star Jeff Bridges). The effects were highly praised. The Episode ultimately ends with Book Burner being destroyed with Tron's assistance. Hades reveals that he actually planned for Bookburner to die since he was already too powerful to be completely controlled and by entering the digital world he was reduced in power to a form that the program could process, and thus make him easier to kill.

    Episode 9 dived into the origin of Grimhilde, Cora(the Queen of Hearts) and Elphaba(The Wicket Witch of the West) as they all sit and talk. Cora, who is revealed to also be the Miller's daughter from the original tale of Rumpelstiltskin. However prior to that Cora had a daughter which she was abandoned. The daughter was taken to Oz by a cyclone. Cora thwarted Rumpletstilskin and gave birth to Grimhilde. When Grimhilde was young she was forced to marry the father of Snow White, however she actually loved a stable boy. The young Snow White revealed the relationship and Cora had the Stable Boy killed, beginning the long hatred between Snow White and Grimhilde. Elphaba then tells what happened to her, which is largely baed on the musical Wicked(Oz the Great and Powerful not existing ITTL). Elphaba faked her death and decided to go on and live a life elsewhere, eventually finding her mother. Cora accepts Elphaba fairly quickly and turns against Grimhilde. Grimhilde in anger, departs and is going to the heroes.

    Episode 10 begins with the Fables asking Mr.Revise about where he put the author so that they could find him before the Queens of Darkness or Rumpelstiltskin. It turns out Isaac Thorn's last request before having his memory erased was to be near his creations. He has actually lived as a normal human(and has actually appeared in the background of several scenes since the first episode, always writing when he did appear). At the same time, Rumplestiltskin finally finds him and restores his memories. However, he doesn't have his pen, which Mr.Revise is revealed to posess. In the present, Rumpletstilskin immediately travels to the Storybrooke and to everyone's surprise, despite efforts to stop him, injures Mr.Revise(causing him to need a wheelchair) and takes the Pen, before teleporting away.

    Episode 11 is a Rose Red centered episode. Rose Red has sunken into depression following Boy Blue's death when a spirit visits her. The Spirit talsk to Rose Red and this leads to a flashback, revealing the source of her depression. Snow and Red's mother is caring for a group of white and red roses. She pricks her finger and sees the blood touch the snow. She then wishes for children. The end result is two daughters named Snow White and Rose Red. Then their mother dies, after the funeral it is revealed that Cora poisoned her, which she brags to her corpse. The Roses evidently having been a gift from Cora. When Grimhilde becomes Queen, Frau Totenkinder takes Snow White and Rose Red and hides them in a cabin. The two grow up in the Black Forest in Germany.

    The two sisters end up giving shelter to a talking bear, which continues to visit. One day the sisters find a Dwarf with its beard stuck in a tree and help it. The Dwarf is not thankful but angry at them for cutting off his beard. it is revealed each time the Dwarf was actually trying to steal Gold from each of them. The Children save the Dwarf from different situations wher ehis beard is stuck(being pulled into the water by a giant fish or being pulled by an eagle) and continue to cut the Dwarf's beard, which the Dwarf is angry about due to the beard being the source of his magic power. The third time the Bear suddenly emerges and reveals the Dwarf cursed him and has been stealing his treasure. The Bear kills the Dwarf now that the Dwarf's beard has been cut and he is powerless. After which the Dwarf turns into a Prince named James. James promises to marry Snow White and that he has a brother that can marry Rose Red. However, James's father King George disapproves of the marriage and King George explains that James's brother is living on a farm unaware of his true origin. King George lets it slip during a meeting with Grimhilde that Snow White is the name of his would be bride and Grimhilde launches an attack on Totenkinder's cabin. She tells Snow and Red to run. Frau seemingly vanishes and Red is taken hostage. Red remembers being imprisoned by Grimhilde, who one day tells her that she will be executed. Red in the present realizes she can't remember how she got out of that one. The next thing she remembers is being found by Snow White and her husband Prince Charming. She then ended up seducing Prince Charming, causing the two to divorce.

    Episode 12 kicks off with the Fable group(with Grimhilde and Rose Red included) running to confront The Wicked Witch of the West and the Author. Before leaving, Grimhilde is given by Frau Totenkinder an enchanted spell capable of cleaning evil. Cora is also present and helps to fight the Fable Group. Cora boasts about having killed Snow White and Rose Red's mother. Grimhilde is shown in flashback to have discovered Cora's involvement and that motivated her to switch sides. Grimhilde uses the evil purging spell on Cora(as she lacks powers ITTL) and she appears to smile, only to then be decapitated by Rose Red to Grimhilde’s horror. Rose Red delivers the one liner of “Of with her head” and doing so out of anger for Cora's killing of her mother. The Wicked Witch retreats in shock and sadness.

    The Wicked Witch of the West, in exchange for giving the pen to the author, asks to be sent back in time. The Author uses his pen to open a portal that will take whoever steps in to anytime they choose. Emma and Captain Hook end up falling into the portal. Grimhilde ends up disrupting the spell and causing Elphaba to be lost in the time stream, gleefully proclaiming “Over the Rainbow Bitch!” before she seemingly falls into some unknown place in time. Emma and Hook are in the past and realize they need to find a way to get back to their own time. They end up guiding Prince Charming to Snow White, however they are also briefly captured by Grimhilde of the past and escape, rescuing a captive which turns out to be Rose Red in the process. The group then begin to return to their own time but Rose Red hangs on as Grimihilde's forces are advancing on them. She ends up letting go and as a result ends up appearing a few years later, with amnesia of the time travel event. This leads her to reuniting with Snow White and Prince Charming years into their marriage. Emma and Hook successfully return to the present.

    Episode 13 shows Issac using his author powers abusively. It is also shown that a wizard known as Yen Sid was searching for an Author and Isaac lied about being his mentor to receive the enchanted Pen. In the present he is shown to be abusing his power. He has a man who looked at him funny be torn apart by raptors. A neighbor he finds annoying he decides to write that his wife cheats on him with his best friend. He then begins walking in the park and causes horrbile deaths to everyone around him before creating a house for him. He decides he's going to destroy the universe and start over. Searching for inspiration he summons personifications of the Genres. This includes Action(Played by Arnold Shwarzenagger dressed as Rambo), Western(who resembles John Wayne), Science Fiction(wearing a space suit and a space gun), Fantasy(resembling an old wizard), Mystery(a cloaked figute), Horror( a dark hooded figure with red eyes and sharp teeth), and Comedy(who resembles Groucho Marx and frequently makes puns).

    The Main cast(now joined by Jack Frost) launch an attack at Isaac's mansion, where the personifications attack them. Isaac attempts to use his power to kill them by dropping a car on them, but is confused when he writes the word "Nearly". Isaac is able to use his powers to turn Bigby into a little girl, which ironically ends up helping in the battle with the Genres, a girl Bigby maintains their wolflike abilities and begins killing the genres, especially since Western and Action refuse to hurt a child, though Action can accept is as collateral damage.

    Unable to write successfully, Isaac summons Mr.Revise and Sam, who is pushing the wheelchair bound Mr.Revise. Isaac then discovers what is happening, using his ability to reveal who is stopping him. It turns out to be another Literal named Writer's Block, who was invisible to Isaac before. Mr.Revise is all for Isaac's plan to destroy the universe and recreate it. He even begins to kill Writer's block, but Sam uses his superspeed to take Mr.Revise in his wheelchair to the top of a cliff and drop him off. When he returns he makes an impassioned and touching speech about what stories are and what they mean. A speech intended to get Isaac to stop. Isaac seems swayed only to then immediately murder Writer's Block and prepare to destroy the universe. Sam delays the process by commenting that if Isaac wants to destroy the world he should change clothes and use a new page since he's covered in Writer's Block's blood. While he is away Sam tries to use the pen but it somehow overloads his mind, leading Isaac to gloat and promise to punish Sam further for the attempt.

    After the Fables finally defeat the Genres(Comedy leaves of his own accord in a parody of Michigan J Frog's "Helloy my Baby" as he leaves offscreen with a top hat and cane). The Fables confront Isaac. Just as he writers "And then the World Ende" he is frozen by Jack Frost. In the aftermath, the Fables move the frozen Isaac to the land of the North Wind, hoping he never unfreezes.​
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    Once Upon a Time: Season Five(2015-2016)
  • Once Upon a Time: Season Five
    Episode 1 begins with the main cast contemplating how to defeat The Dark One and the protected castle in the middle of New York. The Witches of Fabletown send a cat named Jiji, belonging to the young Witch Kiki. The Cat spies on Rumplestiltskin. It is revealed that there exists a weapon capable of killing the North Wind, created by himself long ago. Its revealed that immortal godlike being tend to create objects capable of killing them in case they want to die. The North Wind created such an object capable known as the Casket of Ancient Winters. The North Wind travels to Asgard to request the use of the Casket(with cameos from Thor, Odin and Loki of the Marvel Movies). Another plan is formed to summon the spirit of Pan's Shadow(since Pan's Shadow was established to be an enemy of Rumplestiltskin). Hook takes Emma to the heavily devastated Neverland to see if Pan's Shadow remains. The Natives of the Island were returned there by Hook though Tiger Lily is still bitter towards the destruction caused by Hook. It turns out Pan's shadow has taken a new body, which taunts Emma and Hook before fleeing. The two attack what they falsely believe to be Pan returning, but it is revealed to be someone else. The figure recognizes Hook but refers to him as Jack. When questioned he claims that Hook is his son Jack, while Hook expresses confusion. Emma asks who he is and the figure steps out of the shadow and is reveals himself as Peter Banning, played by Robin Williams.

    Episode 2 reveals Jack Banning's true origin. Never being able to let go. Jack found a way to return to Neverland over the years and was goaded by Smee into acting out the part of Captain Hook before remaining in Neverland, to the extent the Smee even cut off Jack's hand in order to have a hook. The true Hook had died in battle with Peter Banning. In the present, Banning revealed that something similar happened to him as he picked up Hook's clothes and impersonated him(A reference to the novel "Peter Pan in Scarlet"). Banning and Hook agree to track down and confront Smee and politley ask that Emma remain behind as this was a personal conflict. The two track down Smee on the island with the help of Tinker Bell(who brought Banning back to Neverland). Smee reveals the Pan Shadow's and his shared the desire for there to always a Peter Pan and a Hook, which becomes a meta speech about how people want stories to continue even beyond the ending. While Banning is reluctant to hurt Smee, Jack Banning stabs Smee(played by Bob Hoskins reprising his role) with the Hook. Smee looks down at the injury and says "Good Form" before falling off the plank and into the water. Father and son then find out that Pan's Shadow now occupies the body of Jack Banning's son, Rufio.

    Episode 3 largely depicts Frau Totenkinder coming up with a plan to defeat Rumplestiltskin and magically preparing with several spells, including summong a house made of Candy. It is revealed by King Cole that Storybrooke's economy is falling apart. Frau Totenkinder grants a purse that spawns contant coins. Meanwhile in the Homelands, Flycatcher decides to set up a new Round Table with the support of the Fables living there. He also sends out requests for information on what could harm the Dark One. When news of the new Camelot spreads across the land and a mysterious bearded figure makes his way there. Flycatcher is guided by a spirit to a tree, which he splits in held with Excalibur, freeing the wizard Merlin from within where he was imprisoned by his love Nimue. Merlin is eccentric but willing to help and reveals that The Dark One's own magic can harm him. Grimhilde hears about this and gets the idea of visiting Cora's old kingdom where Rumplestiltskin turned straw into Gold and the all the gold is collected in a bag of holding. Before the battle Totenkinder recalls her history with Snow and Rose Red. and how the two sisters, while fleeing the Adversary, found the badly burned Totenkinder in the remains of her candy house and helped heal her. Since then she vowed to make their enemies her enemies.

    The Battle between Frau Totenkinder and Rumplestilskin begins. While Totenkinder struggles much more, they play smarter. This includes summons of recreations of several constructs they created in their life. For example they recreate the three Billy Goat Gruff, Rapunzel's tower and the Candy House. The latter is transformed into pure sugar and forced into Rumplestiltskin's mouth, causing all the teeth he collected to fall out and decay as according to Frau Totenkinder "Sugar rots your teeth. Even the ones that aren't yours." Totenkinder's true plan is to shower Rumpletiltskin in gold coins and with the aid of Maleficent in Dragon form, melts the coins, turning Rumplestiltskin into a golden statue which contains him as the gold was made by Rumplestiltskin himself and so is his own magic capable of restraining him. An exhausted Frau Totenkinder appears to die from her injuries. A Funeral service is held. Frau Totenkinder is revealed to be alive and shown to now look quite young. Due to her youth being restored she takes back her old name of Gothel. Ozma becomes the new leader of the Witches of Storybrooke. The Rumpletstiltskin statue is moved to Storybrooke, where children nickname it Mr.Gold. The episode ends as a small crack appears in the Gold.

    Episode 4, Elsa and Anna along with Jack Frost and a group of others that includes Rapunzel and Flynn Ryder search for where Aurora and the Snow Queen were taken. It was revealed that Maleficent and her minons took the two for the Queens of Darkness. The group uncover Malefiicent's plot to take control of an army of reserve Empire Dragons with the aid of the Demon Pitch. The gorup is assisted by a young Dragon Rider seeking to free the Dragons named "Hick" and meet a young archer from the land of Dun Broch named Merida. Whos' people were attacked by Dragons. The group obtain a Black Arrow, an ancient weapon capable of king dragons which Merida intended to find and use. They are able to expel Pitch. The Snow Queen is revived by a kiss from her son Jack Frost after Elsa points out that true love doesn't have to be romantic.

    Episode 5 has the cast search for the location of the Dark One's dagger previously under Elphaba's posession. They search in Oz and find that the land has been overtaken by the Nome King. They also reunite with the Flying Monkey Bufkin, who was often an assistant at the Office in Fabletown and was stuck there when Rumplestiltskin destroyed it. He decided to try climbing the tree in the Fabletown office and finding that it led to Oz, now leading a resistance to overthrow the Nome King along with several characters from Oz. The cast assist to finally overthrow the Nome King. The resistance obtains the Powder of Life which can bring sentient objects to life. Bufkin is captured and about to be hanged but the powder of life is slipped onto the rope by Thumbelina and the rope comes to life, rescuing Bufkin. Eventually the Emerald City is liberated and the sentient rope is used on the Nome King, who points out that he's made of stone and so can't be choked only for his head to be broken off by the rope by pure accident. After this Bufkin is crowned King of Oz. Dorothy meanwhile is seen reuniting with her lover Ozma.

    Episode 6 focusing on Nurse Ratched Sprat, a minor character of an obese rude nurse. Snow White calls her out for her rude behavior and Sprat insults Snow White and insults the deceased Boy Blue. Sprat then hears a voice communicating with her implied to be Rumplestiltskin that begins to command her in exchange that she will become beautiful and that "all those beautiful women that mocked her" will die horrible deaths. She is guided to an area and is introduced to a masked man who introduces himself as her fencing instructor and begins to learn from him. WIth Sprat's aid, Rumplestiltskin breaks free and is confronted by Pan's Shadow. The origin of the Pan entity is revealed. The father of Rumplestiltskin discovered Wonderland and intentionally abandoned his son to return there and remain young only to be murdered by a young Captain Hook when he first came to the island, becoming a literal Shadow of his former self. Rumplestiltskin and Pan fight. Having learned of the Casket of Ancient Winters, uses it to kill both himself and Pan's shadow. Both die, freeing Jack's son in the process. Mrs Sprat continues training with the mysterious fencer.

    Episode 7 reveals that Merlin can restore Flycatcher's ability to ressurect the dead. This angers Hades a she just got all the souls back, and he threatens the Kingdom of New Camelot with an invasion. Jack Horner, who was one of the knights of Camelot as Jack the giant Slayer, reveals that he once met an made a deal with a devil, retelling the story of Stingy Jack where he was cursed by a devil. Jack tried to escape from this by making a deal with Chernabog. Jack therefore sets out to meet with Chernabog hoping to make a deal with him to counter the power of Hades.

    Hades team once more consists of deceased villains: Amos Slade, Charles F.Muntz, Clayton and Sabor, Edgar Balthazar, Claude Frollo, Gaston, The Horned King, Long John Silver, Lady Tremaine, Lyle Tiberius Rourke, Mor'dru, Mother Gothel, Oogie Boogie, Percival C.McLeach, Governor Ratcliffe, Ratigan, Shan Yu, Shere Khan, Stromboli, and Yzma. Hades promises to unleash all these souls at the group's disposal. However, it is reveald that Mother Gothel is an imposter, and that Frau Totenkinder has been spying on Hades's plans using the disguise. Hades immediately kills Edgar Balthazar, Governor Ratcliffe, Claude Frollo, and Stromboli, deeming them useless. Hades then sends out the villains to retrieve object that could make their forces stronger.

    For example Charles F.Muntz is sent to retrieve his airship with the aid of a group of hunters including Gaston, McLeach, and Clayton.

    The Horned King is sent to search for the Black Cauldron to use as a weapon if the villains can get it working with their magic.

    Amos Slade, Sabor, Long John Silver, Shan Yu, Shere Khan, Mor'dru and Scar are sent as part of the wave meant to attack new Camelot led by Doctor Facilier to command their spirits.

    Lady Tremaine goes after the Fairy Godmother's wand.

    Lyle Tiberius Rourke is sent with a group to invade and steal technology from Atlantis.

    Oogie Boogie prepares to launchan invasion of supernatural forces from the Haunted Mansion in New Orleans

    Ratigan, Hopper, the Prospector, and Lotso is sent to infiltrate the smaller areas of the Storybrooke Community inhabited by the mice.

    The other villains including Maleficient, Cruella De Vill, Ursula, Baba Yaga and Mad Madame Mim coordinate the effort. One of the villains, Jaffar, hatches a plan to steal a magical lamp from Fabletown and use their Djinn.

    All the villain plans are launched at once to cause confusion. Muntz is easily able to steal the airship while Carl and Russell are eating ice cream, to their confusion when they see him alive. The group of hunters(Muntz, McLeach, Gaston and Clayton) then take the airship towards Storybrooke. On the way there the two bond over their love of killing and hunting. All having evidently heard of a legendary hunter known simply as "The Man"(Never seen but believed by fans to be the hunter who shot Bambi's mom). The four decide to form a Hunter's club and while all have specific animals they want to hunt. The Hunting Party immediately realizes that it would be suicide to go after the residents of Storybrooke and decide to instead leave to hunt first a large bird Muntz spent his life hunting, and then the large bird McLeach wants to hunt. Gaston protests as he wants a rematch with the Beast and is hurled from the airship, making his way on foot to Storybrooke.

    The Horned King crashes the British Museum, which turns out to contain the Black Cauldron and with the aid of Maleficent and Mad Madame Mim, begins to cast a spell using it that revives the dead. Meanwhile Oogie Boogie visits a haunted Mansion along with Dr.Facilier in Louisiana to try and command the dead. They are confronted by the Host of the Mansion, who is revealed to be the spirit of Pirate Jean Lafitte. Lafitte tells them of how he acted as a pirate for any nation who hired him and as a reward for attacking British ships for the French was gifted the Mansion to both the living and the dead. When Oogie Boogie and Facilier continue the ritual, the 999 spirits inside the Mansion are summoned but claim to be happy being dead and don't want to be part of an undead army only to be forced into doing it. Lafitte's ghost escapes but begins searching for a way to counter the dead army marching from Louisiana to Storybrooke.

    Episode 8, Lady Tremaine and a group of other villains enter the time portal opened by the author and travel to the night Cinderella was visited by her Fairy Godmother. In the present, the Fairy Godmother reveals that she put enchantments on herself to sense if such as thing were to happen "After last time" and warns Cinderella, while transporting her to the portal, allowing her to confront her own stepmother, wielding the magic wand. Cinderella has had fencing and martial arts training and so is able to be a competent match but also receives the unexpected assistance of the Wicked Witch of the West, who obtains the Fairy Godmother's magic wand and uses it to heal herself. From her perspective she had been travelling through time since wounded in order to find a way to be healed. The Wicked Witch of the West then returns with Cinderella. Lyle Rourke emerges with an army of advanced weaponry from the ocean laughing maniacally(Due to the sequels to Atlantis: The Lost Empire not existing. The City is essentially still hidden).

    The final shot of the episode is The ghost of Jean Lafitte travelling through the ocean to a small island. He travels to an Aztec chest and takes one gold coin. He then travels elsewhere to the skeletal remains of a familiar Pirate, which he then enters the body of the Skeleton then regenerates its flesh and stands up, revealing it to be Jack Sparrow.

    Episode 9 reveals that Elphaba has some knowledge of the Hades's plans as she was originally in on them and so informs the main cast of most of the plans. As a result, a group is sent to London and battle the Horned King which includes Flycatcher and the Round Table knights including Rose Red, Jack Horner, Merlin and the mysterious bearded Knight, now revealed to be Lancelot, himself having been ressurected. Flycatcher learns from Merlin and Lancelot that he is not the reincarnation of King Arthur, only entrusted with Excalibur. Henry,who goes with the group, believes he may be King Arthur reincarnated. However, the killing blow is delivered by Rose Red, who realizes she is King Arthur now. In the aftermath, she and Lancelot begin a romantic relationship. After sleeping together Lancelot realizes and says out loud "Oh, Fuck. I'm Guinevere."

    Episode 10 features two battles breaking out, the first has New York being attacking by Rourke and a team using Atlantean technology, which forces the Fables to reveal themselves to fight in the middle of the streets, assisted by cameos from the Avengers. The Cast begin to research into the origins of Atlantis, which in turn leads to some of the aquatic characters, Ariel among them. They find the King and Queen of Atlantis, explorer Milo Thatch and the Queen Kida along with their daughter, have been taken hostage and help to free them, turning the tide against Rourke, resulting in his death once more.

    Episode 11 has the Witches of Storybrooke use their spells on Peter Banning to awaken a dormant personality within him. It is revealed that Jack is the reincarnation of a Djinn freed by Aladdin. The Djinn, known simply as "Genie" then restores Aladdin to his more traditional appearance after he was transformed into his original Chinese version previously. Genie then senses that Jaffar is going after a lamp, leading to the episode focusing on retrieving the lamp before Jaffar with Aladdin and Jasmine being the main focus. The Lamp is ultimately burned in lava, preventing Jaffar from using it. Jaffar then returns to the other villains.

    Episode 12 focuses specifically on defeating Oogie Boogie and Facilier in the Haunted Mansion. The group therefore includes Princess Tiana and Bigby. They also travel to Halloween Town and recruit Jack Skellington. Their forces are backed up by Jean Lafitte bringing the undead Jack Sparrow into the fray and the two Jacks interacting. The plan turned out to actually be to bring the chest of Aztec Gold and get the Fable team to hold the coins, which curses them with undeath, preventing them from being killed and therefore joining the ranks of the undead. Oogie Boogie is torn open and Facilier is brought back into the afterlife.

    Episode 13 focuses on the battle of Storybrooke, occuring at the same time as the Atlantis episode. Muntz, Clayton and McLeach arrive on their airship, having changed their mind in going to see the battle but keep their distance. Among the Fables who aid in fighting are Tarzan, Pocahontas, Mulan, Mowgli, Merida and Simba among others fighting against the villains. Sabor is killed by Tarzan, Shan Yu is killed by Mulan, Scar by Simba, Shere Khan by Mowgli, and Mor'dru by Merida, who sees his spirit fade away soon after. Of the only two villains who are not killed are Long John Silver and Amos Slade, who decide to leave. Sadly Amos Slade, who was forced into joining the villains out of fear of having his soul permanently destroyed, shoots and kills Reynard the Fox. Silver flees in a boat to the sea while Slade is picked up by Muntz's airship. Among those who celebrate are Beast and Belle, who are implied to have sex in celebration of their victory. A flashback to an earlier scene in the series is shown. Frau Totenkinder had consistently until their apparent death been seen knitting with every appearance, stopping only briefly, including defeating Grimhilde and then going back to knitting. Another flashback shows Beast and Belle fleeing the Homelands with the Adversary armies chasing them and the sacrifice of Lumiere, who summons fire power he hurls at the Headless Horseman pursing them("Do you want some More! Be My Guest!"). Beast and Belle once asked what she was working on and she revealed on clothing for their daughter. They commented they weren't expecting but Totenkinder comments that it was all in time. She show's them her work, which is an outfit with multiple arms and legs, leaving Beast and Belle flabbergasted. The two are interrupted by Gaston, who attacks them. Beast fights with Gaston and kills him but is shot in the chest, dying in Belle's arms soon after.​
    Star Trek: Enterprise(2016)
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    Star Trek: Enterprise(2016)

    With the 50th anniversary approaching it was decided to do something special. There was a debate over whether to do a film or a show. It was settled on doing three films in a trilogy to be released in 2016, 2018 and 2021 with episodes of a TV show released from 2016 to 2021 to parallel the original run. It was initially considered making a prequel series but this was seen as too limiting due to the continuity involved. J.J. Abrams pitched a plot that would create an alternate universe to follow while keeping the original continuity intact. The old idea of visiting the youths of the original cast was brought back. The film would be compared to The Right Stuff. in terms of story.​


    The first part of the film is set in the TNG Era and depicts the Federation informing the Romulans of a danger posed to their planet's core. Despite the Federation's best attempts to save as many as they could, the Sun exploded too early and devastates the homeworld. While the Romulan Empire is large enough to survive, the loss of their Homeworld is still a crucial blow. Captain Picard and the aged ambassador to Romulus, Spock, learn of the plot by a Romulan named Nero(played by Russell Crowe) who is attempting to use time travel, from the remains of a Borg ship to warn Romulus in the past and somehow prevent it. Picard's Enterprise and a task force led by Sisko attempt to stop Nero but Worf is ambushed and nearly dies, forcing the Enterprise to rescue him and retreat to get him medical attention(His survival is ambiguous). With the Enterprise, DS9, and Voyager crews held back Spock takes the leap into the past in a smaller ship to stop Nero, saying goodbye to the other Crews as he follows.

    Now in 2133, the USS Kelvin encounters a temporal anomaly, from which emerges Nero's ship that demands the Captain visit. He does and is killed by Nero when he states the stardate. The second in command, George Kirk(Chris Hemsworth) has the ship evacuated including his pregnant wife. She gives birth to their son, who he names James over the communicator. The Narada is badly damaged and retreats to crash on another planet, forcing it to undergo long lengthy repairs.

    In 2146, a young James T.Kirk witnesses half of his colony be massacred by Governor Kodos. As this purge is carried out, his step father Malcolm Reed attempts to defend James, James's brother George II and his wife Winona Kirk. James T.Kirk flees from Kodos' police force by driving his father's Corvette, but ends up driving it off a cliff before he is rescued by Commander Christoper Pike.

    Jumping to 2152, Kirk witnesses the USS Enterprise, undergoing repairs. At a bar, Kirk meets Uhura and starts a bar fight. After which he remeets Captain Pike, who encourages him to enlist in Starfleet. Kirk does so and while there meets Dr.McCoy, who has just graduated from the University of Massachusetts and is there training to serve on a Starship. Kirk takes the Kobyashi Maru and passes it by cheating. It is then revealed that Spock designed the test and Kirk is brought to trial, which is interrupted by a distress signal from Vulcan.

    Kirk is smuggled on a ship by McCoy as a patient. He identifies the distress signal as a fake and when the Enterprise arrives several Federation ships have already been destroyed, with the sole survivor being a heavily damaged USS Discovery. The Enterprise is ambushed by Nero. They discover that Nero's ship is preparing to deploy a doomsday weapon. Kirk and Sulu engage the Romulans on the device and succeed in preventing the bomb from going off with a material known as Red Matter, which explodes in the planet's atmosphere, creating a blackhole. Spock goes down to help evacuate with his mother killed despite his efforts to save her. Captain Pike is taken hostage by Nero as leverage and Kirk attempts to assume command of the Enterprise but is kicked out for mutiny by Spock, who assumes control. Kirk is left off on a nearby planet and nearly dies to a beast before a mysterious figure rescues him, revealed to be the old Spock of the unaltered universe, stranded there by Nero. Old Spock helps get Kirk to a research station, believing that with his knowledge of future transporter technology they can transport themselves onto the Enterprise and uses his memories to recall where Montgomery Scott was living in the past and find him, recruiting him into transporting Kirk and Scotty himself onto the Enterprise. Kirk goads the young Spock into attacking him, leading to Spock being removed and Kirk becoming Captain and leading the Enterprise to pursue the Narada as it approaches Earth.

    The Enterprise and the Narada battle. An away team rescues Pike, another dimensional explosion occurs in the heart of the ship. The Enterprise is able to finish off Nero. In the aftermath, Young Spock meets his future self, who says farewell and engages in one final test drive in an effort to return to his own time and universe(It is not revealed if he made it as this is Leonard Nimoy's final appearance, though it's largely believed he did). Due to the events, Kirk and the Enterprise crew engage in their mission years earlier(2152 instead of 2166).

    The film would successfully revive the Star Trek brand. Later addition to the film trilogy would contend somewhat with Seth McFarlane and Justin Roiland's animated series The Orville, a parody of Star Trek airing at the same time.

    After the film's release, Quentin Tarantino approached Abrams with a desire to direct his own Star Trek Film. He requested that it would need to have an R Rating. Abrams agreed and the film was greenlit for a 2018 release.

    There's a perfect storm at work here when it comes to butterflying away Star Trek: Enterprise. The first is Desilu is making Star Trek and not Paramount, so different executives make different decisions. One of Paramount's decisions was to keep releasing Star Trek shows while the creators wanted to take a break. That's why we had TNG, DS9, Voyager and Enterprise released so soon after each other. Without that the creators take a break to avoid franchise fatigue. However they would have to do something for the 50th Anniversary. Because of no show during the longer break and shifting production of Star Trek shows ITTL. JJ Abrams had time to pitch and conceive his OTL 2009 reboot film idea, which is more fitting for the anniversary as its a visit to the past.

    Another element is with advanced technology in space travel compared to OTL. Star Trek is set in the 22nd century instead of the 23rd Century. Star Trek: Enterprise was set in the early 2150's. Meaning it would be set around 11 years before The Original Series, which is similar to Star Trek: Discovery, also set in that era OTL. My original idea was to combine Enterprise, Discovery and the Abrams films, but the problem would be balancing so many characters and the Original Series cast would steal the spotlight. The Reason this took longer than usual was I was writing a series that would be five seasons and be an alternate version of the first Five Seasons of the Original Series with some differences. Maybe Gary Mitchell survives and becomes a regular member of the crew while Michael Burnham gains cosmic powers and rewrites reality around them as a parody of the Mary Sue trope, maybe Khan is a recurring character, things like that with some OTL Enterprise and Discovery cast members appearing in new roles. However, Tarantino was unlikely to take his idea to a TV Show and so a movie series seemed the way to go to make that dream a reality. I wouldn't say Star Trek: Enterprise doesn't exist. I would say it doesn't exist...yet. It might actually be a sequel series of sort instead ITTL, maybe with a 2026 release date and five seasons.

    ITTL The Orville and Star Trek: Lower Decks have basically been composited. So Star trek fans can enjoy it as a parody and avoid the debate of its continuity.

    I didn't plan on starting the trend of differently named Star Trek films it just seemed fitting. Star Trek: Insurrection's original plot was based off Heart of Darkness...Into Darkness....A film completing the TNG Era with the Borg as the Final Boss since they are the biggest recurring threat....Nemesis....A film going back to the original ship?....Enterprise.

    My Star Wars/Star Trek Crossover idea is still in development hell as I can't think of a good plot for it. I'm still open to suggestions but instead of waiting will move onto other things. Once I finish the three Star trek films ITTL I'm probably going to start touching up the Anime and Comics stuff. I don't like the way I handled it and will shift to posts going year by year while major franchises and installments will still keep their own dedicated posts. Basically instead of say: Comics from 1956 to 1974. It's going to be something like 1960 in Anime or 1973 in Comics.​
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    Marvel Superheroes in Film: 2016-2017
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    Deadpool was intended to be a breather film after the intensity of Days of Future Past Ryan Reynolds returned as the title character. Olivia Munn was cast as Vanessa Carlyle. Daniel Cudmore reprised his role as Colossus. The film was directed by Robert Rodriquez. Several X-Men appeared including Hugh Jackman, but the focus was on Colossus, the straight man Cannonball and Negasonic Teenage Warhead. The film's antagonists are Ajax and his enforcers Garrison Kane, Wyre and Sluggo. The film begins with Deadpool fighting on a highway and flashes back to tell his origin, which happened to him recently, him having been shown to be a normal human in previous X-Men films. The film was Rated R and poked fun at Superhero movies, for example Deadpool's mask was revealed to be a turned inside out Spider-Man mask. It also included a joke about Wade and the bar patrons betting on how Amy Whinehouse would die(OTL this was almost included but then she did die). Patch also appears only to be killed by Ajax's gang when they break into the bar looking for Wade. Another Deadpool character to appear was Bob, who is a member of HYDRA, which is allied with Ajax.

    The film had a Sequel Hook revealing that Ajax was just a puppet working for the real mastermind, Dr.Killbrew. Another gag is inserted as a stinger where Deadpool finds Beast shitting on his lawn and chases him off. Actor Nicholas Hoult, absolutely loved the idea and was brought in to play Beast for the brief scene. Other end credits scenes include an 80's Knight Ride parody and an Official Honest Trailers episode of Deadpool itself.


    Captain America: Civil War(2016)

    The film begins with the New Warriors, from the Freeform TV series of the same name, being killed while trying to apprehend a villain named Nitro, with only Speedball and Squirrel Girl surviving. The town of Stanford, Connecticut is devastated. This leads to the passing of the Superhuman Registration Act despite Tony Stark's attempts to stop it. Cap also apprehends the Winter Soldier. Baron Zemo, imprisoned as well, escapes and takes control of the Winter Soldier. After Cap defends the Winter Soldier, a battle between the superheroes with the X-Men, Fantastic Four, Daredevil and Spider-Man also included. Due to requirements, Peter Parker is forced to unmask himself, leading to a scene of J.K. Simmons as J.Jonah Jameson, gasping, causing his cigar to fall from his mouth before fainting. Spider-Man appears in his Iron Spider outfit as well, though he eventually turns against Team Iron Man after the airport battle. Vision subdues Iron Man to help Cap escape by phasing his hand partly through Iron Man's armor. Spider-Man flees into the sewers but is attacked by villains before the Punisher saves him and brings him to Captain America's side. Cap and Bucky then depart to a facility in Siberia, leading to a fight with Iron Man, Bucky is able to subdue Baron Zemo while Cap and Iron Man fight, stopping himself from being controlled by Zemo again.


    Promotional image of Idris Elba in part of the Apocalypse costume

    X-Men: Apocalypse(2016)

    X-Men: Age of Apocalypse was the intended resolution for the Future X-Men storyline. The film alternated between Present and Future. In the Future of Days of Future Past. It is revealed that Legion, a member of the resistance and the son of Charles Xavier, went back in time and triggered the bomb that originally caused the dark future the characters now live in. Legion was captured and raised by Hydra. Realizing there's now a chance to avert the future they now live in, this time successfully, the resistance sends Bishop back in time once more. However, the future leader, Apocalypse(played by Idris Elba), sends an assassin known as Cable back in time to kill Bishop. Cable is eventually able to break free of his brainwashing and is revealed to be the son of Scott Summers and Jean Grey. Legion, having realized his bomb plot failed, goes further back in time to attempt to kill Xavier in the 70's, during the time of the original X-Men team(bringing the X-Men: First Class Actors back). Fortunately this is averted and Legion is ultimately mercy killed by his own father. The threat is not over as the present day X-Men are then forced to deal with the awakening of Apocalypse in their own time. Apocalypse quickly brainwashes Beast, Angel, Cyclops's brother Havoc, and Wolverine, forcing the X-Men to battle their own teammates to stop him as he begins to decimate the world. the Cyclops-Havoc fight is particularly interesting as its revealed due to both brothers having energy abilities, they cannot harm each other with their powers., leading to a fist fight instead. Due to the time travel involved, the teams split up to take on different threats. The presence of a young Jean Grey brings the Phoenix force back to Earth, where it battles and ultimately destroys Apocalypse. In the future, Magneto and the survivors lead a last stand against Apocalypse in the Dark timeline, with Magneto finally winning, tearing Apocalypse apart just as the Timeline is erased from existence in a white light. Or at least this was what was implied as prior to this event. It was revealed that the other nations of the world were planning to nuke North America, something mentioned in X-Men: Days of Future Past and carried over into this film. This leads to the alternate interpretation that the white enveloping everything is the nukes. The Film also features a cameo from Dazzler on the cover of a record album, on which she is played by Taylor Swift.

    In 2017, a pitch for an Exiles film was proposed but rejected. However plans to form the Exiles were being made at this time by Fox. Other ideas thrown around include James Franco(who play's Xerox) getting his own movie.



    A film which James Gunn had an interest in doing OTL. The film is basically Marvel's Suicide Squad. Depicting a group of villains led by Baron Helmut Zemo. The group initially pretend to be heroes but find that they enjoy it and became to become genuine heroes while clashing with the members of the team who wish to remain villains. Because of this film Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 is pushed back.


    Black Panther(2016)

    Directed by Ava DuVernay. The long awaited solo Black Panther film, starring Djimon Hounsou. The plot is closer to the "Who is Black Panther?" Story Arc. The film begins with Everett Ross briefing the newly elected President Stanley Lieber on the secret history of Wakanda, including a short scenes of Captain America going into Wakanda and fighting the Black Panther at the time very briefly. Its explained that while the Black Panther is passed on from father to son, there is a contest held where anyone can challenge the Black Panther. We then cut to T'Challa fighting in such a contest as seen in OTL's Black Panther movie with M'Baku but in a more extravagant event like a Championship boxing match with commentators. Shuri also appears in the film played as OTL by Letitia Wright(justified as the casters realized she had the darkest skin complexion of all the candidates). Ernie Hudson is shown as "T'Chaka in flashbacks, where he is assassinated by Ulysses Klaue, though not before costing Klaue his eye and his hand. T'Challa spends his childhood training to become Black Panther and find his father's killing. He even runs away at one point and meets a young woman named Ororo Monroe, who is shown to have grown up to become Storm. Klaue meanwhile gathers a team of mercenaries including Batroc the Leaper, Radioactive Man(a radioactive Russian Superhuman), The Black Knight(a knight riding on a black pegasus), the Rhino, and a mysterious man named Erik Killmonger(played by Chadwick Boseman). While Klaue launches his attack, many of the supervillains are captured, though Radioactive Man is killed by Shuri in self defense. Klau is killed by T'Challa. However, the movie does not end there. Instead, Killmonger reveals his origins as an heir of Wakanda and challenges T'Challa without the panther powers, winning and seemingly killing T'Challa, though he recovers and attempt to take back the throne, leading to a Wakandan Civil War that ends with T'Challa wounding Killmonger, who refuses medical attention. This experience convinces T'Challa to open Wakanda to the world. Among the added scenes are one of T'Challa and T'Chaka in the catacombs and a conversation similar to a deleted scene of the council discussing Killmonger.


    Old Man Logan(2017)

    Old Man Logan was not another breather between X-Men films. To many it ended an era as Hugh Jackman was leaving the role of Wolverine, with Tom Hardy being his appointed successor. Old Man Logan was his last hurrah(though he would return to the role on certain occasions). The film took place after the dark future in X-Men: Age of Apocalypse(sort of...Apocalypse is only seen on a ruined poster in one scene, otherwise it is open to interpretation if this is the same timeline). It was based off the comic story of the same name. After Apocalypse's Death, several former villains that had worked for him had risen up and seized land. Wolverine was now going by Logan and had a family. The wasteland of the United States had been carved up among four Supervillains. The first of these was the Hulk and his family. The Hulk had gone mad from the Nuclear weapons uses and now called himself the Maestro, ruling over the territory where Logan and his family lived. Other territories were controlled by a New Kingpin of crime, who had taken over part of the country previously led by Magneto after his death. Another territory was taken by Doctor Doom another by the Red Skull. Logan needed to pay rent to the Hulk's children, and in order to do so took up a job from an old and now blind Hawkeye to bring a young mutant named Laura(played by Millie Bobbie Brown) from California to Washington across the entire country. Logan mentions that he wants to die, and carries with him an Adamantium bullet and a gun, yet is held back from doing the deed by his family needing him.

    Hawkeye, Logan and Laura set out. The group encounter many dangers such as a gang based off the Ghost Rider, Moleman's monsters, and a few villains. The three help the rescue the granddaughter of Spider-Man from the new Kingpin, killing him in the process. On their journey, Logan reveals that he was transformed into a Horseman of Apocalypse and killed several of the X-Men, before breaking free of Apocalypse's control, something which he has never revealed before and still carries the guilt of as it led to Apocalypse's takeover. The group finally make it but it is revealed the SHIELD agents they went to meet actually work for the Red Skull. Hawkeye is killed and Logan and Laura are gunned down. They awake in a trophy room full of the costumes and weapon of various heroes remains and the Red Skull garbed in Captain America's costume. The Red Skull promises to let Laura go if Logan beats him in a fight. Since Logam. Logan is severely beaten and thrown into the trophy case. In a Cinematic scene, he grabs Captain America's shield from the Trophy case and overpowers the Red Skull, using it to decapitate him. He then takes money from the Red Skull's safe, find Laura and is able to fly out of there with her after getting Iron Man's armor, another object in the trophy room, to work. He crashes just outside of his home announces that he has enough money to pay off rent. He has made it just in time. Only to be told be his neighbor that the Hulks got bored and kill his family anyway. he is silent for a moment as his neighbor explains it to him and then calls him Logan. He responds that his name is Wolverine. He then pops his claws. The next few scenes are of Wolverine quickly killing the Hulks like a horror movie monster, along with Laura. Sabertooth, who has been on Logan's trial also arrives and attacks him just as he is about to fight the Hulk. Laura ends up using Wolverine's own Adamantium bullet to kill Sabertooth to save him. Wolverine then crashes the remains of the Fantasticar laced with explosives into the Hulk's home to drag out Bruce Banner. The Hulk and Wolverine fight for a final time, ending with the hulk ripping apart and eating Wolverine. While it appears to be over, the Hulk goes and sits down inside a cave as Laura follows, intent on avenging Wolverine. A single other Hulk, a baby version, is shown to be the only other one still alive. Just then the Hulk feels a great pain and Wolverine bursts out of him, naked and covered in stomach acids. He looks over the corpse and comments "You don't look too good Banner. Musta been something you ate."

    In the aftermath, Wolverine buries his family and tells the other neighbors that he is going to take the world back from the villains. They tell him it will be difficult to do alone. He replies he's not doing it alone. He is joined by Laura and then turns around to reveal he is carrying the baby Hulk on his back. He then leaves on his mission Lone Wolf and Cub style.


    Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2(2017)

    Largely same as OTL. the film features a cameo from David Bowie as was intended OTL. Bug appears in the film in the place of Mantis. Stan Lee's cameo mentions his other cameo in Deadpool, further tying in the broader Marvel universe. Rocket has a different outfit.


    Thor: Ragnarok(2017)

    Cate Blanchett plays Hela as OTL(the other option was Charlize Theron but ITTL she plays Susan Storm). Lady Sif returns in the film as does Balder the Brave and Beta Ray Bill(as a gladiator). Taika Waititi asked Freddie Mercury to do the score for the film, giving it a Flash Gordon vibe. Instead of Valkyrie, the film features Angela from the Spawn series, who is stuck on Sakaar but helps Thor and Loki escape. While Hela is defeated and Asgard destroyed though evacuated, the Hulk chooses to return to Sakaar where he has grown comfortable living.



    Hasbro and Marvel stuck a deal to produce a film based on ROM Space Knight. The "Space Knight" part of the title was removed as the film began in a way that implied that ROM was an enemy, with the possibility of Space Knight being a sequel title . Due to the similarities between the Dire Wraiths and the Skrulls. The Skrulls were made into the archenemy of ROM's people. The plot being about ROM landing on Earth and finding out, thanks to being able to detect Skrulls with his devices, that the Skrulls have been infiltrating Earth in the aftermath of their failed invasion in The Avengers. The public believe ROM is an out of control alien robot, as he battles the Dire Wraiths presence on Earth before departing to his home world. The success of the film led Hasbro to make plans to crossover their own cinematic universe with Marvel's. A crossover universe which currently included Transformers and G.I.Joe. The film features a scene where ROM destroys a cardboard standee of Jim Carrey's the Mask, mistaking it for a Skrull.



    A mysterious entity is destroying universes in manner that alludes to the Crisis on Infinite Earths. The Crime Syndicate Earth and the "Days of Future Past" Earths are shown being confronted by a being who asks them what the meaning of life is(one person jokingly says..."42?"). Not finding an answer that satisfies him the universe is destroyed, though the Superhumans from both universes are able to help their people escape in arks. The Crime Syndicate even comments on the irony that they enslaved the world and are now fighting to save it before they are destroyed.

    In the DC Universe, Galactus attacks Earth, with the Justice League defeating him by sending him into the Phantom Zone. In the Marvel universe, the Avengers battle Starro the Conqueror, which they defeat when Vision conceived of an idea for Scarlet Witch to use her powers on one of Starro's starfish, leading the creature to flee in fear. In space, the being destroying universes arrives in the Marvel universe and is confronted by a group including the Collector, the Grandmaster and the Watcher, who are revealed to be brothers. The Grandmaster fight this new being, revealed to be Krona. His backstory is revealed. He is a guardian of the Universe who was exiled for attempting to discovery the origin of the universe. He saw a large blue hand holding a galaxy before the experiment causes an explosion that devastated the planet Oa. Krona was exiled to another universe and has been making his way back. The Collector, Grandmaster and the Watcher fight Krona but are defeated, just as they are about to be killed, the Grandmaster makes a deal, claiming he can take Krona to a being who saw the universe be made. They make a bet. If the Heroes of Krona's universe win(The Justice League) then the Grandmaster will take Krona to Galactus. if the heroes of the Grandmaster's universe(The Avengers), win than Krona will not destroy it.

    The Watcher appears before the Justice League and Metron appears before the Avengers, both revealing the game and that the loser will have their universe destroyed. The game involves retrieving six items from each universe. In the DC Universe, this includes the Spear of Destiny, the Book of Eternity, the Orb of Ra, the Medusa Mask, the Bell, the Helm of Nabu, and the Green Lantern Power Battery of Oa. From the Marvel Universe the items are the Ultimate Nullifier, the Eye of Agamotto, the Wand of Watoomb, the Casket of Ancient Winters, the Cosmic Cube, and the Infinity Gauntlet. With the entire universe being threatened, both the Avengers and the Justice League inform the other Superheroes teams in their respective universes, effectively bringing in every single Hero in each universe into the conflict.

    The Justice League travel to the Marvel Universe. Batman tells them to spy but not interfere. However each member of the Justice League violates this. The Hulk goes on a rampage, which Superman intervenes in, leading to a fight in which the Hulk is defeated. Batman breaks the rule himself to save mobsters from the Punisher, defeating him. The Flash finds that his powers don't work due to the Speed Force not existing in the Marvel universe, when he tries to save a mutant from a mob and is confused for one himself. While he makes it out, he is given a suit that stores the Speed Force energy within him. These experiences leads Superman, to view the Marvel heroes as failures, though he is shown to be manipulated by the villain the Psycho Pirate, who is wielding the Medusa Mask.

    The Avengers arrive in the DC Universe and easily defeat a group of villains and are hailed as heroes. They notice that the DC Heroes are revered and the prejudice and distrust the Marvel Heroes has for mutants doesn't exist. They also research and find that the DC Earth appears to be bigger and has more locations. Psycho Pirate uses his abilities to make Captain America believe that the Justice League are dictators that force the people to worship them. Hawkeye makes a meta joke, trying to guess the name of their opponents. He guesses "Squadron Supreme". When the Justice League arrive, several fan favorite fights occur. Hawkeye tries to take the Flash out with a Boomerang arrow but he easily catches it, commenting he's used to fighting people with Boomerangs. Captain America and Batman fight before both agreeing to work behind the scenes, believing there is more going on than they were told. The Flahs also competes against Quicksilver, who becomes distraught when he realizes he's not fast enough to access the Speed Force in the DC Universe, vowing to find a way to reach it. Hawkeye and Green Arrow also have an amusing banter.

    GA: Great I'm stuck with the guy in purple.

    H:It's magenta.

    GA: What's that? I can't hear you. you're purple's too loud.


    GA: You have failed this city.

    H: I don't even live here.


    There is also this exchange.

    "I'm Batman."

    "And Man."

    After their first battle, the heroes split up to gather the elements. It is revealed that the two Universes now occupy one space with the two Earths visible to each other and they will begin to merge into one world, threatening to destroy both unless one universe is destroyed according to the Grandmaster.

    Of the items in the DC Universe, Doctor Doom invades the Legion of Doom headquarters where a group of villains are attempting to reform it as Lex Luthor, has cleared his name of his involvement with the Legion and is now running for President. Doom takes control of the Legion. An attack from the Avengers to get the Spear leads to Doom's time machine sending it back to World War II. Thanks to the merging, and the team sent back including World War 2 era characters and one psychic member. The Justice Society of America and the Invaders are both brought into the conflict before the Avengers side retrieves the Spear of Destiny and return to their own time.

    Thor and Doctor Strange search for the Book of Eternity after using magic to find the Rock of Eternity. Strange is attacked by Doctor Fate and a battle ensues. Thor battles Captain Marvel, who grabs Thor and shouts "Shazam!" to try and use the lightning to shock Thor. This only makes Thor stronger and when he jokingly says "Shazam back while firing the lightning, he ends up turning Captain Marvel back into Billy Batson before covering his mouth to prevent him from saying the word again. Strange tries astral projection and enters into Fate's helmet, only to be overwhelmed as it houses the god Nabu. Strange is forced to tap into dark powers, leading to Fate exploding. This allows the opposite teams to obtain the Fate's helm of Nabu and Strange's Eye of Agamotto. Thor is also able to retrieve the Book of Eternity.

    During this time the Grandmaster offers to switch teams with Krona so that if the Justice League wins the Grandmaster wins. The Orb of Ra is tracked down to Egypt with several Egyptian heroes such as Hawkman and Hawkgirl and Black Adam. Cheating, Krona revives the dead foe En Sabah Nur, who attacks the heroes, allowing the Orb of Ra to be taken in the distraction. With the Medusa Mask belonging to Krona's servant Psycho Pirate and he now having switched teams. Krona kills Psycho pirate and throws the Mask to the Avengers. Krona also arrives on Oa, devastating the Green Lantern Corps and exchanging words with Ganthet before destroying Oa, leaving the Green Lantern Power Battery to be found by the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Nova Corps. Darkseid and Thanos confront each other. In a metajoke, Darkseid called Thanos "a pale imitation of (himself)". The two fight, ending when Thanos appears to kill Darkseid only to discover that the true Darkseid is in reality na entity living in another universe. Leading Thanos to realize. He is not the most dangerous threat in the universe. Darkseid is. Thanos vows to return with greater power.

    With Galactus defeated, the League obtain the Ultimate Nullifier from his ship, the Wand of Watoomb from the Sanctum Sanctorum due to Strange being absent. They also obtain the Casket of Ancient Winters and the Infinity Gauntlet from the remains of Asgard. However Darkseid attacks the League and obtains the Infinity Gauntlet. The Grandmaster decides to hide the fact that the Infinity Gauntlet the League found is fake. Darkseid discovers this when he tries using the Gauntlet and throws it aside. The Flash obtains it as Darkseid fires his Omega Beams at him. Flash is able to teleport away, though Darkseid believes the beams vaporized the Flash.

    The last artifact is the Cosmic Cube, which is in Loki's possession. Loki is told of the bet from the Grandmaster and hands it over to him. All the Heroes are brought to the Savage Land to fight over the final item. In one instant, Thor begins to come down on Superman with his hammer only for Superman to catch it with his fist before knocking Thor out. Batman and Captain America's interference at a crucial time leads to the Justice League being declared the winner. Krona refuses to accept the item and attacks the Grandmaster, wounding him. The Grandmaster then sends Krona to Galactus. Krona angrily demands Galactus tell him about the origin of the universe. Galactus attacks Krona. Krona however easily kills him. There is a bright flash. The Justice League and Avengers awaken in a world that is a combination of both worlds. The Justice League have just defeated a scheme from Doctor Doom that led to him being merged with the Source Wall while the Avengers have recently defeated Brainiac. Other differences include Black Canary dating Hawkeye. The heroes begin to realize something is wrong before the Watcher finds them and brings them to the dying Grandmaster, explaining that the worlds were merged to spare them and they must defeat Krona. They are shown by the Watcher the worlds they will return to and decide to restore things despite all the hardships they will endure. The heroes attack Krona in a fortress built from the corpse of Galactus. Krona, summons an army of various villains. Superman at one point wields both Mjolnir and Captain America's shield. Waves beign sent across the universe alters the heroes and villains present leading to different costumes, alternate versions and of course cameos(Christopher Reeves Superman, Michael Keaton and Christian Bale Batman, DiCaprio Spider-Man, Japanese Spider-Man, and so on). Once Krona is defeated, the universes are split again and restored to normal. As the worlds separate, the Avengers and the Justice League say goodbye for a final time as they return to their own universes.

    There are two end credit scenes. The first is Thanos finding the Infinity Gauntlet and vowing to retrieve the Stones, pledging to do so for his love: Death, who is represented by a stone statue of Death, specifically the version from Neil Gaiman's The Sandman.

    In the second, Batman is interrupted by Barry Allen's Flash, appearing before him, trying to tell him something.. A lightning bolt strikes a wall of the Batcave. Flash tries to tell him that a being has been manipulating everything since the beginning before disappearing. Batman approaches the wall struck by lightning. Commenting. "I don't know what's going on...but I have a we're being watched". Batman then picks up something from lightning bolt that struck the wall. It's a smiling face pin with a red drop of blood on it. Another quick scene reveals that Krona survived and now vows that he will destroy everything as he uses his abilities to assemble himself an armor. Comic fans will recognize this armor as that worn by the Anti-Monitor.​
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    Once Upon a Time: Season Six(2016-2017)
  • Once Upon a Time: Season Six
    Episode 1 begins with the funeral for Beast. As the world mourns, they prepare to track down the remaining villains. The Airship containing Mcleach, Muntz, Slade and Clayton appears overheadd when it is suddenly confronted by another airship similar to the Glory of Agrabah, which engages in battle with and collides with Muntz's airship, seemingly killing those onboard. The ship lands and Prince Charming steps out. There is a happy reunion as a result, particularly with Snow White and Charming. They then double their efforts to take out the main council using Gothel as a spy. The Main Villains consisting of Maleficent, Cruella De Vill, Ursula, Baba Yaga, Mad Madame Mim, Jaffar, Gothel and Hades. Hades and Maleficent are revealed to have entered into a romantic relationship. De Vill struggles to justify her position on the team as her knowledge of the author is essentially useless now and all she has left is her money.

    The Storybrooke residents begin sending people through to the Homelands. Chernabog ends up attacking Hades with some forces of his own, including the Lich Claude Frollo, who is sent to battle Maleficent in France with an army of undead. Prince Charming reunited with his Russian counterpart Ivan Tsarevitch, also known as Ivan the Fool. Ivan tells Charming of the times Baba Yaga assisted him against Koschei the Deathless. Charming then goes out and finds Koschei's the Deathless's soul contained into an egg. Koschei is revealed to be truly Deathless and Charming looked for him as when he was escaping the underworld, he did not see him. Koschei is released and attacks Baba Yaga. This gives enough time for the Fables to retreive the Casket of Ancient Winters and use to to destroy both of them during their battle.

    Episode 2, Mad Madame Mim attacks the new Canterlot, forcing Flycatcher and Rose Red to find and recruit the reincarnation of King Arthur, a young boy, who they track down with the aid of an immortal named Macbeth and a group of Gargoyles living in New York, which aid in defeating Mad Madame Mim and the Gargoyle Demona in a crossover episode. Merlin and Mad Madame Mim even have a live action version of their animated duel.

    Episode 3 centers of Cruella De Vill seeking to find a current iteration of the Author and a rush to stop her. The sorcerer Yen Sid appears before Henry to warn him with Henry and Emma then searching to stop De Vill as she makes a name for herself in the modern day as a fashion designer and becoming the head of an animal rights organization(a jab at the defunct PETA by being an animal rights organization that claims to protect animals while killing them). De Vill attempts to seduce the current author, who is able to discover what she is trying to do and uses the pen to write that Cruella cannot kill. Cruella takes Henry hostage and Emma kills Cruella to save him, not knowing Cruella can't actually kill anyone.

    Following the trend of the last few episodes, Episode 4 concerns the group defeating Ursula, who obtains King Triton's Trident. Among the group who aids in this is Milo Thatch and Kida, Hercules(due to the direct mention that he is related to Ariel through Poseidon), Jack Sparrow, Moana, Maui and Ariel. The Trident is revealed to be able to create curses and its destruction would undo all curses. Ariel is able to obtain the trident and use it to kill a giant Ursula.

    Episode 5 like the last one is the defeat of Jaffar led by Aladdin and Jasmine. Jaffar is transformed into an evil Djinn and is then defeated when his lamp is thrown into lava.

    Episode 6 finally brings down Hades, who prepares to perform a ritual to revive the already dead souls of all the villains, threatening to undo all the work of the heroes. Jack is able to get Chernabog to attack Hades, but he is killed. Hercules is able to obtain from Zeus, the lighnting rod he forged in case he wished to die, which is used to kill Hades. The Underworld then begins to collapse with his death. Elphaba willing steps in to become the new rule rof the Underworld and sends everyone back. Elphaba then realizes that Prince Charming is still in the Underworld, meaning that the Prince Charming with Snow White is an imposter. Maleficent is revealed to be pregnant, presumably with the child of Hades.

    Episode 7 has Elphaba rush to warn the rest of the cast of the imposter Prince Charming. Snow White finds out on her own and is imprisoned but is able to escape. The imposter reveals himself to be Prince Charming's brother James, who now intends to marry Snow White due to the promise of marriage they made long ago. However, his attitudes towards marriage are extremely old fashioned and villainous, including not caring if Snow White consents, seeing nothing wrong with beating, raping or killing his wife, and intending to kill Emma and all other children she may have and replace them with his own. Snow White injures him across the cheek and learn that he's created a curse that means that any damage caused to him would. Several other characters arrive to try to fight James, including the Bigby who puts up an intense and close fight before James using an enchanted sword to turn Bigby Wolf into glass and then shatter him, killing him. Finally, the true Prince Charming arrives and battles his own brother in a sword fight, finally being able to kill him. The Witches begin attempting to put the mirror pieces together again. Meanwhile a Doctor, Doctor Swineheart, performs the autopsy on James and discovers that he has no heart, meaning the blade pierced nothing. James immediately sits up and kills the Doctor and then addresses Miss Sprat, who was acting as the Nurse.

    Episode 8 begins with the cast discovering Doctor Swineheart stabbed. Swineheart before dying reveals that James used magic to remove his heart and that if it is destroyed than James will die. Several Fables include the bird Cock Robin are sent out. James is eventually tracked down and fights Snow White just as Cock Robin tracks down his heart and destroys it, causing James to die after being stabbed by Snow White.

    Episode 9 takes place during Episode 8 and has the Witches reform the Big Bad Wolf. Mrs. Spratt is revealed to have performed some magic taught by Rumplestiltskin. The piece is returned but causes the reformed Big Bad Wolf to snap and become a mindless monster, killing the Witches, including Ozma, to the sadness of Dorothy. Bigby then goes on a killing spree in New York, as the main cast begins to develop a plan to kill him with Silver Bullets.

    Episode 10 follows on a plot by some of the cast to kill Frau Totenkinder which included Rapunzel, Flynn and Cinderella among others. This is due to the false belief that Frau Totenkinder was responsible for Bigby's transformation. In the resulting battle, a bulding is destroyed and Rapunzel finally kills a weakened Totenkinder by stabber her with heel of Cinderella's glass Slipper. After the fact, It is discovered that Spratt had stolen the piece and that Geppetto, still captive, had engineered Biby's corruption. Both are then killed. Spratt by Rose Red and Geppetto is taken to be tortured by the Blue Fairy as revenge.

    Episode 11 is surprisingly a jump forward in time, similar to an epilogue. Specifically it concerns Henry writing about the experience roughly 20 years later. None of the present characters are mentioned to prevent spoilers. Henry's young daughter Lucy finds a toy boat, which begins to speak to her. She is instructed to bring it to water, where it grows into a giant living boat that takes her to the Island of Misfit Toys, which is inhabited by Toys that were rejected even by Santa(most of which are represented by actual real life recalled Toys). Henry learns of this from the robot tiger Mountbatten, who leads him to her. In the land of Toys he transforms into an actual tiger. Accompanying Henry are some of his Lucy's toys, which include a Buzz Lightyear and Woody toy(its unclear if they are the originals given this is a 20 years later setting. They could just be similar toys). Lucy at first enjoys being in a world of toys even weirdly broken toys and toys that have odd features but begins to starve as there is no food there. Meanwhile the toys attack Henry and capture the Tiger. Lucy's complaining finally gets one of the toys to snap, a giant Teddy Bear. The Teddy Bear reveals that all the main toys that Lucy befriended were Toys that KILLED Children, which was partly why there are there. For example the giant Teddy Bear caught Fire but was made durable enough to survive, and could do nothing but watch as the child died burning(complete with a shot of the death of a closeup of the Teddy Bear's eye reflecting the child's arm emerging from the crib and screaming as fire surrounded the crib). Other toys confess their crimes, including a baby rolling over ontop of another teddy(and some such as Lawn Darts that did indeed result in deaths). Lucy is left broken and distraught. When Mountbatten, now a living tiger is brought before her, she is forced to kill and eat it to survive, now having become insane and request that the wooden toys be burned to make a fire to cook the meat.

    Henry finally arrives and rescues his daughter. Santa also appears to rescue the two and take them back. Lucy gives the toys the task of rescuing a thousand children for everyone whose deaths they were responsible for. After they leave the toys are shown following this and are indeed rescuing children from death, including pulling a baby that stumbled into a pool at night and another that was choking. All while avoiding being seen.

    Episode 12 returns to the present and depicts the entirety of the final battle with the Big Bad Wolf, ending in Bigby's death, though they regain enough of their senses to say goodbye before passing away.

    Episode 13, titled "...for the Last Time" is an epilogue episode, showing the fate of several characters into the future, including the children of several characters such as Maleficent's daughter, Mal, who seems to have grown up considerably more normal than her mother. The episode progresses going further and further into the future, which includes cameos from the settings of WALLE and Treasure Planet once the world dives into the far future, before finally concluding the series.​
    My Little Pony Adventures: Season 7-9(2016-2019)
  • My Little Pony: Adventures Season 7-9

    Season 7
    The series is focused on bringing back the Pillars of Equestria and several episodes are devoted to bringing back one of the pillars individually throughout the season. Of these episodes, A Health of Information is one such episode for Mage Meadowbrook with Twilight helping Posey find a cure(a criticism of the OTL episode is Twilight not offering to help despite the fact that the situation means Zecora could die), Once Upon a Zeppelin(though Twilight Sparkle is now in Twilight Velvet's role),

    Marks and recreation is a Cutie Mark Crusaders episode

    Daring Done? does not exist due to Daring Do being fictional. Most of the episodes in this series also set up the return of the Pillars, which are brought back individually, as a result the Pillars are given more focus as ponies out of their own time. This includes Starswirl the Bearded(voice dby Ian Mckellen), Mage Meadowbrook(who speaks with a Louisianaian accent), Flash Magnus(Roman), Somnambula(Egyptian modeled after Cleopatra), Mistmane(Japanese), and Rockhoof(Norse Vikin).

    "A Royal Problem" has Starlight and Sunset go to solve a feud with the Royal Sisters. The Royal Sisters are convinced to change roles for one day, Celestia having done so during Selene's imprisonment. Celestia tries using Selene's dream powers and enters her own mind, inadvertently freeing an evil version of herself named Daybreaker, which follows Celestia as she enters a nightmare Selene is having about Nightmare Moon. It takes Starlight, Sunset and Twilight together with the two sisters to expel the two evil versions of the sisters.

    "Not Asking for Trouble" has Surprise invited to the country of Yakistan as an ambassador, with Yakistan threatening war with Equestria, which everyone wants to avert because of Twilight's fear that Celestia would basically destroy Yakistan(the hypothetical scenario of such an outcome is shown in an imagine spot where a Yakistani army charges Celestia and she basically nukes Yakistan which is shown with the sports announcers from the Equestria Games episodes providing commentary as if was a sporting even: "And here we have Queen Celestia, Queen Selene was going to be here today but she reportedly told her sister...."....I got this."

    "Shadowplay" brings together the Pillars once more to battle the Pony of Shadows, which gets more focus thanks to earlier episodes giving the pillars the Spotlight and only Starswirl himself is brought back in the episode, though his arrogance is toned down ITTL due to allowing Ian McKellen to make the role his.

    My Little Pony: The Movie

    Produced by Sony(without a as bad Sony email hack), though Sony's idea of having Pony characters in a Human world(Their OTL plan like the Smurfs) was shot down as it would contradict Equestria Girls. Sony's other plan was an evil Alicorn named Cosmos who was Celestia and Selen's brother in order to fuel friction between Twilight and Celestia but the creators pointed out this would create several plotholes, though Cosmos would evolve into Tempest Shadow. Liev Shrieber was cast as the Storm King and given a much more prominent role, being directly involved in taking Equestria and controlling storms. He is also revealed in flashback to have killed Scorpan and taken his staff, which was a branch broken off from the Tree of Harmony. After Equestria is taken by the Stom King and the Mane Six go on their jounrey, they encounter Mud Trolls and a befriend a fox named Mendax(Capper ITTL). They then travel to Klugetown, which is a city built around the skeleton of a colossal Dragon impaled on a sharpened mountain peak with its Crystal Heart revealed to have become that of the Crystal Empire. The Mane Six then encounter Madame Harpy( Captain Celaeno ITTL). Another altered scene is Fluttershy helping the Mane Six escape being imprisoned by the Sea Ponies by talking fish into helping them. There is also no parodies of existing pop songs and all original songs instead.

    Season 8

    School Daze introduces the School of Friendship and several new student characters. OTL episodes include The Maud Couple, Fake it till you Make it ( although it does not use the word "Woke"), Grannies Gone Wild, Horseplay, The Parent Map, Non Complete Cause, Molt Down, The Mean Six, A Matter of Principals, Friendship University, The End in Friend, Yakity Sax, Road to Friendship(Though Starlight is not at fault for the misfortunes her and Trixie experience. It is instead bad luck, the entire episode basically being a pony version of Plane, Trains and Automobiles, The Washouts, What Lies Beneath, Sounds of Silence, Father knows Best,

    A Rockhoof and a Hard Place has a different plot dealing with Rockhoof's trauma and showing him speaking to the other Pillars as well as showing how each has adapted. Rockhoof has a permanent job as his knowledge of history is instrumental to Historians and is frequently on archeological sites and museums but has become nostalgic and unhappy. He visits the other pillars, Meadowbrook is living a comfortable life with her living family and has revived an ancient recipe previously lost to time, Flash Magnus has gone back to training soldiers in the military, considering the modern soldiers to be far less impressive than the warriors of his own time and too reliant on modern weaponry. Somnambula, while no longer a royal is quite popular as a celebrity due to her beauty and fame, acting as essentially a supermodel, Mistmane, already quite elderly when they vanished, is content to live out their last days in peace in their home and garden, and Starswirl is teaching several new students to secure the future before he himself intends to become one with the universe in a magical sense. Rockhoof does eventually find his place, returning home to find several ancient traditions still existing and joining a scientific voyage that seeks to recreate what an ancient voyage was like for people of the era.

    Surf and Turf" , "the Big Mac Break Down", "Marks for Effort" is a Cutie Marks Crusaders episode.

    School Raze has Tirek and Chrysalis as antagonists in addition to Cozy Glow being a surprise villain. Chrysalis defeats and imprisons Starlight while having several loyal Changelings steal the keys to Tartarus and seals the Mane Six inside. While Tirek remains imprisoned Chrysalis is forced to flee once Starlight and the Mane Six are freed.

    Season 9

    The Beginning of the End is the largely the same as OTL, as is Uprooted, Sparkle's Seven(Twilight's Seven), the Point of no Return, Common Ground, She's All Yak,Frenemies, Sweet and Smoky, Going to Seed, Student Counsel, Between Dark and Dawn, the Last Laugh, 2,4,6, Greaaat, A Trivial Pursuit, the Summer Sun Setback, She Talks to Angel, Dragon Dropped, The Big Mac Question,

    The Holiday special is included as a two part episode.

    Growing up is Hard to Do is an episode of the Cutie Mark Crusaders Chronicles with The Last Crusade as the final episode.

    A Horse-Shoe-in has not only Doctor Whooves be canonically revealed to be the Doctor, but Trixie being removed early on as even with her being the girlfriend to Starlight, Starlight refuses to keep her on as an option as they repeatedly fail over much more competent choices.

    Daring Doubt does not exist.

    The Final three episodes include the two parter the Ending of the End, which depicts a much more intense battle with the three antagonists of Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow. During which Celestia and Luna are forced to resort to the forms of Day Breaker and Nightmare Moon. Celestia is killed and the Mane Six retreat, with Twilight believing her friends are dead after Canterlot(literally) falls. While initially shocked and saddened, Twilight is able to recover enough to aid in a successful defense of Ponyville from the Antagonists and with the Mane Six arriving, the final battle includes an Avengers: Endgame/ The Two Towers style scene in which every single character from the entire series with the exception of Celestia saving the Mane Six(which also includes Sunset Shimmer), which help turn the tide and defeat the villains. While Chrysalis and Tirek are defeated and turned to stone, Cozy Glow is captured instead. The Final episode "Friendship was Magic" which served as an epilogue to the series, revealing the fate of most of the characters, who now have families of their own, including Twilight now having succeeded Celestia as Queen with Starlight and Sunburst's daughter as her apprentice. Following this the show lived on in Comics set before the Epilogue and after the Finale, which included a Transformers Crossover that was adapted into an animated film.​
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    DC Superheroes in Film: 2017-2021
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    Suicide Squad 3(2017)​

    With James Gunn directing, the film saw the return of Will Smith as Deadshot, this time joined by Dave Bautista as Peacemaker, Isabela Merced as Ratcatcher 2. The team includes Dogwelder, Kite Man(including a few jokes about his real name being "Charlie Brown" complete with saying "Good Grief" after crashing into a tree), Deathstroke, Katana and others.. The team goes on a mission to Corto Maltese but in a twist, Starro the Conqueror, after his defeat by the Justice League is freed, even mind controlling Superman into fighting the Squad.

    Justice League/Avengers(2017)​

    (summary is identical to one in Marvel Superheroes)
    A mysterious entity is destroying universes in manner that alludes to the Crisis on Infinite Earths. The Crime Syndicate Earth and the "Days of Future Past" Earths are shown being confronted by a being who asks them what the meaning of life is(one person jokingly says..."42?"). Not finding an answer that satisfies him the universe is destroyed, though the Superhumans from both universes are able to help their people escape in arks. The Crime Syndicate even comments on the irony that they enslaved the world and are now fighting to save it before they are destroyed.

    In the DC Universe, Galactus attacks Earth, with the Justice League defeating him by sending him into the Phantom Zone. In the Marvel universe, the Avengers battle Starro the Conqueror, which they defeat when Vision conceived of an idea for Scarlet Witch to use her powers on one of Starro's starfish, leading the creature to flee in fear. In space, the being destroying universes arrives in the Marvel universe and is confronted by a group including the Collector, the Grandmaster and the Watcher, who are revealed to be brothers. The Grandmaster fight this new being, revealed to be Krona. His backstory is revealed. He is a guardian of the Universe who was exiled for attempting to discovery the origin of the universe. He saw a large blue hand holding a galaxy before the experiment causes an explosion that devastated the planet Oa. Krona was exiled to another universe and has been making his way back. The Collector, Grandmaster and the Watcher fight Krona but are defeated, just as they are about to be killed, the Grandmaster makes a deal, claiming he can take Krona to a being who saw the universe be made. They make a bet. If the Heroes of Krona's universe win(The Justice League) then the Grandmaster will take Krona to Galactus. if the heroes of the Grandmaster's universe(The Avengers), win than Krona will not destroy it.

    The Watcher appears before the Justice League and Metron appears before the Avengers, both revealing the game and that the loser will have their universe destroyed. The game involves retrieving six items from each universe. In the DC Universe, this includes the Spear of Destiny, the Book of Eternity, the Orb of Ra, the Medusa Mask, the Bell, the Helm of Nabu, and the Green Lantern Power Battery of Oa. From the Marvel Universe the items are the Ultimate Nullifier, the Eye of Agamotto, the Wand of Watoomb, the Casket of Ancient Winters, the Cosmic Cube, and the Infinity Gauntlet. With the entire universe being threatened, both the Avengers and the Justice League inform the other Superheroes teams in their respective universes, effectively bringing in every single Hero in each universe into the conflict.

    The Justice League travel to the Marvel Universe. Batman tells them to spy but not interfere. However each member of the Justice League violates this. The Hulk goes on a rampage, which Superman intervenes in, leading to a fight in which the Hulk is defeated. Batman breaks the rule himself to save mobsters from the Punisher, defeating him. The Flash finds that his powers don't work due to the Speed Force not existing in the Marvel universe, when he tries to save a mutant from a mob and is confused for one himself. While he makes it out, he is given a suit that stores the Speed Force energy within him. These experiences leads Superman, to view the Marvel heroes as failures, though he is shown to be manipulated by the villain the Psycho Pirate, who is wielding the Medusa Mask.

    The Avengers arrive in the DC Universe and easily defeat a group of villains and are hailed as heroes. They notice that the DC Heroes are revered and the prejudice and distrust the Marvel Heroes has for mutants doesn't exist. They also research and find that the DC Earth appears to be bigger and has more locations. Psycho Pirate uses his abilities to make Captain America believe that the Justice League are dictators that force the people to worship them. Hawkeye makes a meta joke, trying to guess the name of their opponents. He guesses "Squadron Supreme". When the Justice League arrive, several fan favorite fights occur. Hawkeye tries to take the Flash out with a Boomerang arrow but he easily catches it, commenting he's used to fighting people with Boomerangs. Captain America and Batman fight before both agreeing to work behind the scenes, believing there is more going on than they were told. The Flahs also competes against Quicksilver, who becomes distraught when he realizes he's not fast enough to access the Speed Force in the DC Universe, vowing to find a way to reach it. Hawkeye and Green Arrow also have an amusing banter.

    GA: Great I'm stuck with the guy in purple.

    H:It's magenta.

    GA: What's that? I can't hear you. you're purple's too loud.


    GA: You have failed this city.

    H: I don't even live here.


    There is also this exchange.

    "I'm Batman."

    "And Man."

    After their first battle, the heroes split up to gather the elements. It is revealed that the two Universes now occupy one space with the two Earths visible to each other and they will begin to merge into one world, threatening to destroy both unless one universe is destroyed according to the Grandmaster.

    Of the items in the DC Universe, Doctor Doom invades the Legion of Doom headquarters where a group of villains are attempting to reform it as Lex Luthor, has cleared his name of his involvement with the Legion and is now running for President. Doom takes control of the Legion. An attack from the Avengers to get the Spear leads to Doom's time machine sending it back to World War II. Thanks to the merging, and the team sent back including World War 2 era characters and one psychic member. The Justice Society of America and the Invaders are both brought into the conflict before the Avengers side retrieves the Spear of Destiny and return to their own time.

    Thor and Doctor Strange search for the Book of Eternity after using magic to find the Rock of Eternity. Strange is attacked by Doctor Fate and a battle ensues. Thor battles Captain Marvel, who grabs Thor and shouts "Shazam!" to try and use the lightning to shock Thor. This only makes Thor stronger and when he jokingly says "Shazam back while firing the lightning, he ends up turning Captain Marvel back into Billy Batson before covering his mouth to prevent him from saying the word again. Strange tries astral projection and enters into Fate's helmet, only to be overwhelmed as it houses the god Nabu. Strange is forced to tap into dark powers, leading to Fate exploding. This allows the opposite teams to obtain the Fate's helm of Nabu and Strange's Eye of Agamotto. Thor is also able to retrieve the Book of Eternity.

    During this time the Grandmaster offers to switch teams with Krona so that if the Justice League wins the Grandmaster wins. The Orb of Ra is tracked down to Egypt with several Egyptian heroes such as Hawkman and Hawkgirl and Black Adam. Cheating, Krona revives the dead foe En Sabah Nur, who attacks the heroes, allowing the Orb of Ra to be taken in the distraction. With the Medusa Mask belonging to Krona's servant Psycho Pirate and he now having switched teams. Krona kills Psycho pirate and throws the Mask to the Avengers. Krona also arrives on Oa, devastating the Green Lantern Corps and exchanging words with Ganthet before destroying Oa, leaving the Green Lantern Power Battery to be found by the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Nova Corps. Darkseid and Thanos confront each other. In a metajoke, Darkseid called Thanos "a pale imitation of (himself)". The two fight, ending when Thanos appears to kill Darkseid only to discover that the true Darkseid is in reality na entity living in another universe. Leading Thanos to realize. He is not the most dangerous threat in the universe. Darkseid is. Thanos vows to return with greater power.

    With Galactus defeated, the League obtain the Ultimate Nullifier from his ship, the Wand of Watoomb from the Sanctum Sanctorum due to Strange being absent. They also obtain the Casket of Ancient Winters and the Infinity Gauntlet from the remains of Asgard. However Darkseid attacks the League and obtains the Infinity Gauntlet. The Grandmaster decides to hide the fact that the Infinity Gauntlet the League found is fake. Darkseid discovers this when he tries using the Gauntlet and throws it aside. The Flash obtains it as Darkseid fires his Omega Beams at him. Flash is able to teleport away, though Darkseid believes the beams vaporized the Flash.

    The last artifact is the Cosmic Cube, which is in Loki's possession. Loki is told of the bet from the Grandmaster and hands it over to him. All the Heroes are brought to the Savage Land to fight over the final item. In one instant, Thor begins to come down on Superman with his hammer only for Superman to catch it with his fist before knocking Thor out. Batman and Captain America's interference at a crucial time leads to the Justice League being declared the winner. Krona refuses to accept the item and attacks the Grandmaster, wounding him. The Grandmaster then sends Krona to Galactus. Krona angrily demands Galactus tell him about the origin of the universe. Galactus attacks Krona. Krona however easily kills him. There is a bright flash. The Justice League and Avengers awaken in a world that is a combination of both worlds. The Justice League have just defeated a scheme from Doctor Doom that led to him being merged with the Source Wall while the Avengers have recently defeated Brainiac. Other differences include Black Canary dating Hawkeye. The heroes begin to realize something is wrong before the Watcher finds them and brings them to the dying Grandmaster, explaining that the worlds were merged to spare them and they must defeat Krona. They are shown by the Watcher the worlds they will return to and decide to restore things despite all the hardships they will endure. The heroes attack Krona in a fortress built from the corpse of Galactus. Krona, summons an army of various villains. Superman at one point wields both Mjolnir and Captain America's shield. Waves beign sent across the universe alters the heroes and villains present leading to different costumes, alternate versions and of course cameos(Christopher Reeves Superman, Michael Keaton and Christian Bale Batman, DiCaprio Spider-Man, Japanese Spider-Man, and so on). Once Krona is defeated, the universes are split again and restored to normal. As the worlds separate, the Avengers and the Justice League say goodbye for a final time as they return to their own universes.

    There are two end credit scenes. The first is Thanos finding the Infinity Gauntlet and vowing to retrieve the Stones, pledging to do so for his love: Death, who is represented by a stone statue of Death, specifically the version from Neil Gaiman's The Sandman.

    In the second, Batman is interrupted by Barry Allen's Flash, appearing before him, trying to tell him something.. A lightning bolt strikes a wall of the Batcave. Flash tries to tell him that a being has been manipulating everything since the beginning before disappearing. Batman approaches the wall struck by lightning. Commenting. "I don't know what's going on...but I have a we're being watched". Batman then picks up something from lightning bolt that struck the wall. It's a smiling face pin with a red drop of blood on it. Another quick scene reveals that Krona survived and now vows that he will destroy everything as he uses his abilities to assemble himself an armor. Comic fans will recognize this armor as that worn by the Anti-Monitor.

    Justice League Dark(2018)​

    Directed by Guillermo Del Toro. The film begins with a flashback of John Constantine and Jason Blood playing a poker game with the Demons Three. Both sides offer magical artifacts including the House of Mystery, but both are revealed to be cheating, leading to a fight where Constantine makes Blood transform into the Demon Etrigan, which makes him angry towards Constantine.

    In the present, a series of violent murders take place committed by people who are made to see their loved ones as monsters. Zatanna is visited by the ghost of murdered Circus performer Boston Brand, who leads Zatanna to the house of Mystery where Constantine and the spiritual embodiment of the House of Mystery, Black orchid meet them. The group agree to find the cause of the epidemic, but Constantine first wishes to meet his friend Richie Simpson, where they find him under attack by spirits of death trying to claim his soul as Simpson has cancer. Simpson gives them the Keshanti Key, which views a past victim's memories, leading to an image of a mysterious figure, which emerges and attacks the group before being destroyed.

    Constantine calls in Blood, who reveals that centuries ago the sorcerer Destiny used the Dreamstone to attempt to overthrow Camelot. Merlin summoned Etrigan to fight Destiny but then bounded him to Blood until Destiny was permanently destroyed, at which point the spell would be broken. Simpson is attacked before identifying the sorcerer Felix Faust as his attacker. The Group goes to Slaughter Swamp, encountering Swamp Thing where Faust is hiding, but he is revealed to be a red herring. This leads Constantine to realize Richie Simpson has the Dreamstone, which is keeping his cancer at bay. Simpson is possessed by Destiny, who's soul is inside the Dreamstone. Destiny then kills Black Orchid by destroying the House of Mystery. The group, now including Swamp Thing, unite to defeat Destiny. During the battle, Destiny, rips Alec Holand's corpse from Swamp Thing's body. Constantine is able to get Destiny to lower his defenses and be possessed by Deadman. This allows the group to destroy the Dreamstone and Destiny with it. With the purpose for his immortality gone, Etrigan vanishes back to Hell while Jason Blood dies, thanking his friends before he dies from his injuries. The gathered heroes form "Justice League Dark" to counter supernatural threats. Constantine refuses membership and holds onto the shattered Dreamstone, which has been reduced to sand. The Justice League Dark sets up in the newly built house of Secrets("The Difference between a Mystery and a Secret is a Mystery remains what it is the more you tell people about it.").

    An End Credits Scene depicts a figure trapped in a ring of sand, hinting at an adaptation of Neil Gaiman's The Sandman, soemthing hinted at throughout the film with elements such as the Dreamstone, House of Secrets and Destiny.

    Legion of Super Heroes(2018)​

    Directed by J.J. Abrams. This film is set in the 30th Century where a United Planets exists but aliens face prejudice. A group led by Kirk Niedrigh claims to have discovered that Superman was not an alien but born on Earth. A group of teenagers including self proclaimed superheroes Cosmic Boy, Lightning Lad and Saturn Girl and Brainiac 5, are able to obtain a time machine and travel back in time and meet a teenage Superman. They meet the young Clark Kent(played by Tom Holland), and bring him to their time with the promise to bring him back. Unfortunately they are attacked by Niedrigh's group of enforcers known as the Fatal Five. This begins the film's plot becomes to defeat Niedrigh and the Five and prove Superman's origins. Lightning Lad, not believing in the Legion's faith in the young Superboy, takes the time machine and brings Supergirl into the future. Brainiac 5 is horrified by this as Supergirl is known to have disappeared from history and he is now horrified that she will die on the mission, a fact he hides from her even as a romance develops between them. With help from his cousin, Superboy finds his courage and both learns how to fly and dons a Superman costume from a museum. A final battle then ensues where Superboy is able to convince the people of the truth and battles Niedrigh, who is revealed to be a rejected member of the Legion of Superheroes. Niedrigh ends up confessing the truth in public during a battle before he is defeated. In the aftermath, Superboy is sent back to his own time after saying goodbye, having his memories erased. Supergirl however, having fallen in love with Brainiac 5, elects to stay at least a little longer.

    Batman Beyond(2019)​

    Beginning in 2019, Batman suffers a heart attack while stopping a crime, forcing him to pick up a gun and violate his rule of no killing to save a life. He retires as a result and vows never again.

    In 2039, Terry McGinnis's father is murdered by a gang called the Jokerz. He confronts the gang. resulting in an intense chase scene that leads to Wayne Manor, where an elderly Bruce Wayne(played by Clint Eastwood), confronts the Jokerz. McGinnis becomes suspicious of the elderly Bruce Wayne and sneaks into his home to discover the Batcave, realizing Bruce Wayne was Batman. McGinnis at first tries to convince Wayne to return but he refuses. McGinnis then steals a Batsuit and goes into action. While initially locking down the suit, Bruce is forced to help McGinnis through a com link to save him. McGinnis confronts his father's killer, businessman and metahuman Derek Powers, in a final battle. Several lines are lifted directly from the series includes: "It's a little early for Halloween." "But jus tin time for fall." "You're pretty strong for some clown who thinks he's Batman." "I am Batman." "You killed my father." "...Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?" and so on. Amusingly, Willem Defoe plays Derek Powers.


    Crisis on Infinite Earths(2019)​

    The being Pariah witnesses the destruction of Earth 3. Lex Luthor of Earth 3 sends his son to another universe. On the main DC Earth, a being known as the Monitor gathers several people from across time and space. The Monitor reveals the coming threat of the Anti-Monitor and that it can be prevented with the use of large tuning forks he instructs the gathered to place in different eras of history. This includes the Wild West, where several Western era characters appear or cameo, being drawn to the massive structure, such as Bat Lash and Jonah Hex(Thomas Jane in a cameo). Something similar happens with a tuning fork placed during World War 2, with Sergeant Rock and the Losers making an appearance. Another tuning Fork is placed in the 30th Century, where the Legion of Superheroes agree to defend it, teaming up with the heroes.The Monitor realizes this will not be enough and sacrifices his energy to ensure the process. This causes several universes that the Monitor was trying to save to appear together in space, many of which are worlds from the multiple iterations of DC Characters, most notably a world with a Justice League made up Adam West's Batman, Linda Carter's Wonder Woman, George Reeve's Superman and others. Others such as The Watchmen universe andThe Marvel Universe is also shown to be present with characters cameoing. A team of heroes battles the Anti-Monitor. Supergirl is able to savagely beat the Anti-Monitor to save Superman's life but a blast hits her. The Anti-Monitor flees but Supergirl dies as a result.

    As the heroes have a chance to breathe only for Lex Luthor and Brainiac to reveal that they have gathered an army of all supervillains, leading to a battle between the heroes and villains that is interrupted by Doctor Manhattan, who reveals that the Anti-Monitor is seeking to travel back to the beginning of time and destroy reality itself. The Heroes and Villains join forces to attempt to stop him. Fortunately, the Anti-Monitor is stopped seemingly by Barry Allen appearing from the Speed Force). The heroes return to their present time after Manhattan and the Anti-Monitor collide. The Anti-Monitor releases an army of shadow demons and the final battle begins, with many heroes being killed before Anti-Monitor finally falls and the remaining worlds merge into one, excluding the Marvel world which is separated.

    Doomsday Clock(2020)​

    In the Watchmen Universe, On November 22, 1992, the world is in chaos. Adrian Veidt's hand in the destruction of New York City has been discovered from Rorshach's journal and nuclear war it about to begin. Adrian Veidt prepares a trip to another universe and find Doctor Manhattan to save his world, disappearing. He finds himself in the DC Universe as he traced Manhattan's signal there. He brings with him a mysterious new Rorschach(a brief glimpse of his ungloved hands reveals that he is black).

    Veidt's ship, "Archie II" arrives in Metropolis and breaks into Lexcorp, where Lex Luthor appears and a battle ensues which is interrupted by the Comedian, who Veidt is surprised to see but manages to escape. Rorschach finds his way into the Batcave and is subdued by Batman, who hears him out before sending him to Arkham Asylum. It is revealed that the post 2000's DC movies take place after the events of Watchmen(something implied but not confirmed until now). The destruction of several major cities resulted in other Cities becoming massive hubs, such as the devastation of New York leading to the rise of Metropolis and Gotham. Veidt flees underground and encounters the Willem Defoe Joker only for the Comedian to arrive and a battle to occur between him and the Joker with a conversation between them about "Getting the Joke", the Comedian chases after Veidt but Batman intervenes, defeating the Joker and fighting Veidt in "Archie II", where the two also argue. Veidt believing Manhattan created the DC earth with the history of his world. Batman falls out of Archie II along with The Comedian, who he discovers is his father, Thomas Wayne, specifically from The universe Barry Allen visited. He was brought over by Doctor Manhattan and found himself in the body of an alternate version of himself, named Edward Blake. The two head back to the Batcave and contact their mutual friend, the Flash, who arrives followed shortly by Reverse Flash, who attacks them, after he is defeated by the Flash and the two Batmen, he is about to reveal where Manhattan is before he is killed, evidently by Manhattan.

    The defeated Joker is thrown into Arkham Asylum where he meets the new Rorshach, who is revealed to be Reggie Long, son of Malcolm Long. After New York was devastated, he met Byron Lewis, the former hero Moth Man in what would become Arkham Asylum. Byron set fire to the Asylum and fled with Reggie. reggie headed to Veidt's Antarctica base but discovered that Veidt was dying of cancer and chose to spare him. The Joker, Reggie, and another patient, Imra Ardeen, escape the Asylum. Ardeen believes that the being she saw during the Crisis is responsible for their current world and placed her there to prevent her from revealing the truth. Ardeen, revealed to be Saturn Girl, uses her abilities to visit the surviving Justice Society of America members including Johnny Thunder and Alan Scott in a retirement home and recruit them. Ozymandias conducts an experiment that brings Doctor Manhattan to him and Manhattan reveals that he did indeed create the universe they reside in and included the events of his own universe to see if things could improve from that point on. However, he sees himself confronting Superman in the future and then sees nothing, leading him to believe Superman will kill him.

    In order to draw Superman into a confrontation, Manhatttan causes several nukes to be fired, which is just barely averted but brings an army of superheroes to where he resides on Mars, leading to an intense battle in which Manhattan easily decimates. Manhattan contemplates that the DC Universe is in fact a Metaverse, or a massive multiverse that is constantly shifting and that Superman was at the center of it. Superman finally arrives and after a conversation with Superman, has his sense of humanity restored, leaving the universe and restoring things to normal. this causes Edward Blake to be brought back to the moment he died, as the mind of Thomas Wayne fades away, he encourages Bruce Wayne to not be Batman any longer.


    Batgirl was greenlit due to the character receiving a mention in Batman: Beyond, leading to a need to establish a version of the character to be active in that role. In the film Batman has retired and Barbara Gordon becomes Batgirl while donning a costume as a masquerade ball crashed by the villain Killer Moth, who teams up with the villain Firefly, leading Batgirl to be forced to take them both down, while Bruce Wayne attempts to dissuade her from becoming a vigilante.

    The Sandman(2021)​

    The Sandman is largely an adaptation of the Preludes and Nocturnes. The being Dream is imprisoned and is able to escape after almost 100 years. He finds his kingdom has fallen into ruin and his three magical items have been scattered. one is the Dreamstone, which Dream recruits John Constantine to find after one of his girlfriends stole it from him. The second is in the possession of a Demon in hell which Dream had a unique battle of words with. Etrigan makes an appearance in Hell as does Lucifer Morningstar. The Final object is being used by the villain John Dee to torment people and Dream is forced into battle with Dee.

    Green Lantern: Blackest Night(2021)​

    The being Nekron and his servant Black Hand form the Black Lanterns and begin resurrecting everyone killed in the Crisis as undead Blakc Lanterns. Green Lantern and Flash team up as the world is overwhelmed to track down and find Kyle Rayner(Brandon Lee), who is believed to be the one being capable of summoning the White Lantern to save the world. Unfortunately to do so requires gathering the rings from the other Lantern Corps across the universe, turning the film into a sort fo Cosmic Road Trip to save the world(I remind you this film stars Ryan Reynolds and Nathan Fillion in the lead roles).​
  • ninjabatman-1507330571341_1280w.jpg
    The following is a reimagining of Bat-Ninja. Inspired by the 4th Snake. Instead of being a story about Batman and his allies and enemies being sent back in time, it is instead a reimagining of Batman as existing in Feudal Japan akin to DC's Elseworlds series. I'm honestly not sure if this would be a movie or something more akin to a 1 season series. The names of all characters and concepts for their origins belong to 4th Snake.

    Bunji Watanabe is the son of the daimyō, Tomohisa Watanabe and his wife Mariko, while returning from a kabuki performance one night, their convoy is ambushed by assassins who kill all Tomohisa and Mariko. Bunji flees into a nearby cave where he is started by a swarm of bats emerging, which also saved him as they swarm one of the assassins. Bunji is left with a fear of bats as a result. As the assassins approach, another man, Arinobu Yenatai arrives and kills the assassins, except for one man, the leader, a figure where a red hood, who flees. Arinbou then takes Bunji into the mountains to train as a ninja(more of a ninja rather than the Samurai armor he wears in Batninja). Bunji vows to kill the man in the Red Hood. Among the men who train Bunji is a man who appears to be a sorcerer named Tanaka, who teaches Bunji to escape seemingly impossible traps in minutes. Bunji begins to fall in love with Tanaka's daughter Kazana, herself a magician. Bunji is not alone as he befriends another boy much like him, who's parents were murdered named Osamu Kuwamoto, son of Rokurō Kuwamoto . Osamu becomes a master of the Bow, while Bunji becomes a master of stealth. Once his training is complete, he takes on the name Komori and becomes the Bat-Ninja.

    Bunji reveals his survival to the people, which greatly worries or angers those who have come to power after the death of Watanabe and absence of his heir. The Watanabe Castle was taken over violently by Bunji's cousin Katsuko Kanemaru, who relinquishes control of it to Bunji and joins his crusade as Tadarida. Bunji speaks with Jin Gōda, the inspector who searched for the killer of Bunji's parents. He stopped searching when his wife disappeared and his daughter Bashira was blinded, though she has been learning to fight despite this limitation. That night, Bunji investigates a lord who rose up after the death of Tomohisa Watanabe, and who seems to have connections to the assassins responsible. Another group goes to confront the Lord's army but are ambushed. Bunji attempts to assassinate him but he is surprised when the Lord reveals a blade hidden in his umbrella. Bunji is nearly killed were is not for the intervention of an abused young girl named Sanae Kaeru, who scratches the lord's face, allowing Bunji to interrogate him. He reveals that a member of Bunji's clan had a hand in the murder before Bunji kills him. Sanae is inspired to undergo ninja training herself, adopting the identity of Nekonoichi, a cat themed ninja.

    At the battle, Master of a Calvary division Matabei Jōtarō is murdered. His son Haruchika fights back against the attack when a shooting star lands nearby, revealed to be a dying purple man in a metal carriage. Before dying he gives Haruchika a green ring that causes a transformation, granting Haruchika a green outfit and the power to summon weapons he easily uses to defeat the men who killed his father, becoming Midori no Tōrō, the Green Lantern. He also saves the life of Osamu Kuwamoto, who would take the similar mantle and color as Midori no Sogekihei. Meteorites suddenly begin falling from the sky, forcing the clan to retreat. However, one of the Meteorites is found to not be hot and the group take it with them as the Shogun's men begin to arrive.

    Bunji goes to speak with his mentor Yenatai only to witness his murder at the hands of Sora Wakatsuki, his former protégé. Sora left Yenatai's training to become an assassin. Bunji and Sora fight but Sora gains the upper hand and Bunji is saved when Osamu arrives and fires an arrow into his eye, causing Sora to vanish after promising they would meet again.

    The Clan investigates the Meteorite they brought with them. When a young peasant boy adopted by the clan named Wataru Batou touches the Meteorite and the spirit of the Yamabushi, Hisato appears before him, claiming to be an ancient guardian. He warns of a great evil approaching and that the dead purple man was a guardian meant to protect Earth but was killed by the approaching evil. Hisato grants Batou the strength of six deities: The Strength of Hachiman, the Power of Izanagi, the Courage of Susano'o, the Speed of Amaterasu, the Stamina of Tsukuyomi, and the Wisdom of Omoikane. With this power, Batou finds he can transform into a powerful adult warrior but remains a child in mind. Another Meteorite lands in the cage of the Shogun's abused exotic pet Gorilla, causing him to gain great mental powers, taking the name Grodd. He uses his powers to enslave many people and launches brutal attacks across Japan of all those who refuse while cutting a path straight for his abuser, the absent Shogun. Bunji orders the gathering of all his allies for a battle against this new enemy. His cousin, Tadarida, makes a journey to the island of Yamatai to meet with the Sun Queen Himiko. Himiko refuses to get involved but her daughter, Danuja, an old lover of Tadarida from the time she spent on the island, goes with her, donning a Ceremonial armor adored to resemble the Japanese flag.

    The Bunji clan attacks Grodd's forces. Grodd is able to mind control several of the heroes into fighting amongst themselves and has an enforcer with Superspeed. Bunji is also attacked by Sora, complicating matters. This distraction allows Grodd to reach the Shogun, only to reveal his secret weapon, the Suupaaman. Bunji, among one of the guardians who fell to Earth with the Meteorites, Suupaaman(intentionally made in personality and actions to resemble Son Goku as a nod), easily begins to defeat Grodd's forces, but struggles with both Batou and the mind controlled Speedster. Bunji is able to kill Sora in battle and avenge his master's death but Grodd attempts to mind control him. Bunji's will is strong but in order to overpower him, Grodd forces him to relive the night his parents were murdered. Bunji ironically uses this to realize the man in the Red Hood was the Kabuki performer they had gone to see. The mental battle distracts Grodd long enough for his ind controlled Speedster to break free and kill him. Now free, the Speedster introduces himself as Banri Aramaki. He is from the future( and is seen working alongside another hero called Hayao Reizei, who fights with a Beetle-like armor, giving him a Guyver/Kamen Rider esque appearance) and came to help prevent the event known as the Crisis in the future from happening. He is a Sentai themed Superhero. The Bunji clan is honored by the Shōgun, Areku Ryūsei, a bald man seen as brilliant. In honor for saving his like, Areku allows Bunji anything he desires. Bunji asks for any information regarding the murder of his parents. Areku explains that he was working with his parents and intended to open up trade with the West, something Areku is very open towards, and for that idea the Watanabe clan was slain. After Bunji leaves, the Kabuki performer Jōkichi Akechi makes himself known to Areku, revealing Areku saw the Watanabe clan as potential rivals to his power and had them killed. As it happens Bunji had snuck back into the room and heard everything. He attacks the two. Areku reveals his advanced Samurai Armor equipped with many concealed weapons, but Supaaman turns on Areku and fights him while Bunji finally battles Jōkichiand his follower Haru Kuwazawa, an acrobatic female Kabuki performer. Suppaaman subdues Areku but does not kill him and Bunji likewise subdues Kuwazawa. Bunji then battles Jōkichi, who is a match for him, though Bunji is able to cut his mouth, causing severe bleeding while Jōkichi laughs at him and the Shogun's place burns, after a long and bloody battle, Bunji kills Jōkichi.

    With Peace beginning to return to the land, the Clans begin to rebuild. Banri says goodbye and returns to his own time. He searches for the fates of the people he met in the past and finds their graves and shrines dedicated to their memories as well as legends of their exploits. During a battle with villains, Banri encounters several other heroes who arrive to help, including a Batman Beyond-Sentai type hero, a Dragonball Z esque Superman type hero, and a magical girl themed Wonder Woman, along with a Magical girl team based on each of the Green Lantern Corps(Lantern of Willpower, Lantern of Love, Lantern of Rage, etc).
    Quentin Tarantino's Star Trek(2018)
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    Tarantino approached Abrams about making a potential Star trek film shortly after Star Trek: Enterprise, having his own idea. He'd use the Abrams crew and make essentially a longer episode, where the Enterprise travel to the 1930's. Comparisons were immediately drawn to the episode "A Piece of the Action". Tarantino partnered with Mark L.Smith to write the script. Smith was invited to Tarantino's house to discuss the script and watch gangster movies, both laughing at the bad dialogue. Smith commented that they could include Khan but Tarantino refused as in his head, he saw the films as being prequels to what would become the classic series, not liking to think of it as a reboot. He saw Pine and Quinto as perfect as the Shatner and Nimoy versions and Khan's inclusion would dissuade that notion. Tarantino asked for and got the R rating. A fake Trailer was made using footage from the Original Series in the style of a Grindhouse film with grainy footage.

    The plot evolved into a mix of "A Piece of the Action' and "The City on the Edge of Forever". A group of Klingons(led by Samuel L.Jackson as a Klingon) have accidentally discovered the Guardian of Time. The Enterprise confronts them and a battle ensues where the Klingons leap through time. The Klingons attempt to help the Nazis in their conquest, while also helping mobsters to assassinate FDR. Another time period visited is an alternate Nazi Victory Earth in 1962, and then restored to normal with the Klingons shifting their plan to assassinate John F.Kennedy. There are several staples of Tarantino films such as red Apple cigarettes and cameos from Once Upon a Time in Hollywood characters. Tarantino himself plays a Klingon who is shot and killed in a particular gruesome fashion as a malfunctioning Phaser set on Kill basically melts him to a pile of bones and blood red goo.

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    Marvel Superheroes in Film: 2018-2021
  • Last update for Superhero films before I take a break. The Alt-Marvel Disney + shows will be done later. I'll do James Bond next. Was going to do Halo but I don't have enough ideas for it yet.

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    X-Men: Fear the Beast(2018)

    Byron Burton proposed a spinoff starring Beast to John Ottman. Burton turned in a script which revolved around a monster going on a rampage in Alaska and killing several people. Meanwhile Beast was trying to find a way to cure his mutation and that of his friend Dr.Paul Cartier, who has a similar mutation. The problem is the mutation fights back, usually causing the subject to go feral. Beast then discovers that his friend Cartier is actually the Wendigo, transforming into the monster that's been killing in Alaska and goes to stop him while also trying to help him, as well as fighting his own feral side. The Film was seen as the X-Men's first Horror Movie attempt, having a tone similar to John Carpenter's the Thing.

    Avengers: Infinity War(2018)

    The film begins with Thanos attacking Xandar(The Asgardian attack does not happen ITTL due to the Justice League/Avengers film bringing Thor and Hulk back to Earth. The Guardians of the Galaxy receive the distress signal and head out to intercept arriving on Xandar in time to rescue several members of the Nova Corps while battling Thanos and the Black Order, before the planet is destroyed, though the Guardians are able to escape in time. Starlord says they need to head to Earth and get some help. After this the title appears,

    The Guardians send a signal to the Fantastic Four, who pass it on to other heroes on Earth. This leads to an attempt to safeguard the Stones. Loki is revealed to have the Tesseract while Doctor Strange has the time stone and Vision has the Mind Stone. The Guardians learn that the Reality stone is in the possession of the Collector and head to Knowhere, not only do they fail to prevent Thanos from obtaining the reality stone but Gamora is abducted and interrogated along with her sister Nebula for the location of the Soul Stone. Thanos brings them to Voromir, where Adam Warlock resides guarding the Soul Stone(Basically he fills the role of the Red Skull, who was killed off in TTL's version of Captain America rather than transported away). Thanos considers which one of his daughters to sacrifice, before finally choosing Gamora and killing her, obtaining the Soul Stone and freeing Warlock, who escapes with Nebula while Thanos obtains the stone.

    Meanwhile the members of the Black Order arrive on Earth where a massive ship arrives over New York, bringing the attention of several Superheroes and abducting Doctor Strange when the Time stone is unable to be removed from him. A group sneak onto Maw's ship, and blow a hole in the ship, sending him out into space but crashing the ship on the moon of Titan. Black Order members Ebony Maw and Proxima Midnight attack Vision and Scarlet Witch but a team of heroes rescues them and brings Vision to Wakanda to attempt to remove the stone, leading to the battle of Wakanda. Thor discovers Loki has fled into space to prevent a confrontation with Thanos. Thor gives chase but Thanos finds them and kills Loki, using the reality stone to find and kill the true Loki. Thor is left floating in space. Thanos then travels to Titan and confronts the team there to obtain the Time Stone. During the battle, Thanos nearly kills the heroes and Strange is forced to hand over the Time Stone in exchange for the life of Iron man and Spider-Man. Thor arrives too late and along with a group, heads to forge a weapon capable of killing Thanos. Thor is able to gain a new hammer, but Thor himself threatens to be nearly killed holding the forge together as the power of a star burns through him. Drax sacrifices himself by taking Thor's place at the forge. While he is killed, Thor names his new weapon, the Destroyer in Drax's memory. He joins the final battle in Wakanda with the Guardians and the other heroes. Thor attempts to use the hammer to cut Thanos's arm off but is too late, doing so after Thanos has already snapped. Thanos then destroys the Gauntlet with a blast from his hand shortly before Thor decapitates him. Half of all life disappears.

    Deadpool & Cable(2018)

    Deadpool & Cable. The Sequel to the successful Deadpool film. Cable returned from his earlier depictions in the franchise. Vanessa was given an extended role as she became the character Copycat. The premise concerned Cable trying to hunt down and kill a boy who was destined to become the next Apocalypse. Deadpool and Vanessa worked to protect the child, who was paired up with The Juggernaut, Black Tom Cassidy, and the Blob(who Deadpool makes Fat Jokes towards such as "You're so fat. You make Jabba the Hutt look like Jabba the Shed." or "You're so fat you make E Honda look like E Sportscar", which harm his relationship with the child as it makes him look as bad as the bullies the kid had to deal with. In order to protect the kid, Deadpool assembles X-Force, a team which is almost completely wiped out due to Deadpool having to guide them through a minefield after they leap off a plane, with only Domino surviving. In the final battle, the Thing of the Fantastic Four shows up to help keep Juggernaut busy. An End Credits scene show Vanessa being dusted by the Snap as well as several others.

    Into the Spider-Verse(2018)

    While originally intended to be a Live Action film, it became an animated film instead. The film's cast is largely the same as OTL except that Tobey Maguire reprises his role as Spider-Man, who is killed in the film by a group of his enemies, some of which are supposed to be dead. Miles Morales, who was also bitten by a radioactive spider witnesses the death and attempts to become the next Spider-Man, when another Spider-Man arrives. This is revealed to be Leonardo DiCaprio, the true Spider-Man, who has returned following the death of his clone. The original Spider-Man then begins to train Miles as they discover the Kingpin has tapped into alternate realities to recruit supervillains while trying to find one where his wife and child are alive. The more he does this the more reality begins to break and so the two Spider-Men team up with alternate Spider themed heroes brought into their world.

    Ant-Man and the Wasp(2019)

    Catherine Zeta Jones was cast as Janet Van Dyne. Giancarlo Esposito plays Bill Foster. Captain America also cameos when Luis is recapping the events of Captain America; Civil War. The film also gives Cassie her own Ant-Man suit and has several scenes of Scott and his daughter playing while shrunk down. The film has an opening to Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne during a solo adventure. The film is otherwise same as OTL with Ghost being the villain, though male in this version and more antagonistic, dying in the film rather than being saved.

    Black Widows(2019)

    Due to Captain Marvel not existing, Black Widow has been moved down. The film is similar in plot to OTL's Black Widow film, revealing the Red Room survived, though Taskmaster is more comic accurate, being a hired mercenary that taunts Black Widow. Yelena Bolova is played by Scarlett Johansen ITTL and without the Disney + deal occurring there is no lawsuit.

    Avengers: Endgame(2019)

    The Avengers decide to employ time travel, with Cable's technology worked on. The Avengers travel back in time to retrieve the Infinity Stones and undo Thanos's snap. This includes a trip to obtain The Stones from the events of The Avengers(2011), Thor: The Dark World(2010) and Guardians of the Galaxy(2014), but also return to the 1970's for the Cosmic Cube. When the heroes return they discover they've been gone for five years and spend time with their lost families, such as Iron man discovering he has a daughter. Unfortunately Thanos follows them through time, leading to a final battle once the snap is undone. Thanos is snapped but the power of using the stones threatens to make Tony Stark explode and kill several people. To stop this he sacrifices himself. Iron Man says farewell, takes off and explodes in the sky. A short scene of Captain America returning the stones is shown, however, when returning the Tesseract he decides to stay with Peggy Carter.


    The New Mutants(2019)

    Largely same as OTL though it has planned sequels and did much better due to no delayed release. The film includes an end credits cameo by Antonio Banderas as Emmanuel Da Costa, the father of Sunspot. The film was delayed by Disney like OTL but ITTL it was until after Endgame, because Disney though that putting it against that film was unfair, meaning Disney delayed it to NOT Screw it over.


    The Eternals(2020)

    Similar in cast to OTL, but with the intended November 6 2020 release date. The film follows closely the story arc of Neil Gaiman's arc with the characters, focusing on the threat of a Celestial coming to Earth and diving into the backstory of the Eternals throughout ancient history until the present, including how they connect to the birth of Thanos. The film begins following a man named Ike Harris, who encounters and is harassed by a man who claims that he is an immortal that has forgotten his true heritage. It is then revealed that the Eternals all lost their memories and must all remember in order to stop the coming Celestial(helping to explain why the Eternals never became involved in major world events). It is explained that the Celestials created three races, the Deviants, the Eternals and the Humans, which carried the latent Mutant Gene. Ike Harris is reluctant to believe he is an Eternal until an attempt to kill him leads him to survive a bomb at point blank.

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    The New Mutants: Brazil(2021)

    A sequel centering on an alien invasion premise. The New Mutants team travel to Brazil to meet Sunspot's mother, who his father is trying to kill. A new iteration of the Hellfire Club is brought in due to Emmanuel Da Costa's connection with them. The mutant Warlock is also introduced being connected to an alien invasion occurring. The telepath Karma serves as the film's antagonist but joins the team in the end.

    The third film is planned to be an adaptation of the comic event Inferno, in which demons uses Magik's powers to attack New York City, given that Mephisto has been teased in several of the Marvel shows on Disney Vault(TTL's Disney +), it seems likely that Mephisto will lead the invasion of hell at some point in the future in a crossover event in New Mutants: Inferno.
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