Your personal Kaiserreich Headcanon

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Transports and you don't need a Armed Navy once they sign it over to you. You can do the rest of your navy later using captured ship Center can get. Also during the game it's a good idea to build convoys so you'll already have a bunch of transports by that time

That is impossible since you need to have a certain amount of naval superiority, the game does not allows you to capture ships and China just like the massive naval drydocks that Japan has. Even if China can build a larger navy, this gonna takes ages and Japan can keep ramping up their naval position since they start with a large industry. The transports would be sunk and you also have to consider that Japan will have it's garrison on Taiwan, you need to transport a larger force than the japanese garrison and for this you need naval superiority.
Similar to the Kalterkreig lore but slightly different. Germany, Entente, and Savinkov win, Tripolar cold war. One can't invade without the other 2 retaliating. CSA wins the civil war and maintains an isolationist psotiion as it rebuilds into a social-democracy. France is dived north and south by Kingdom and Republic. Japan & China are part of the Russian Sphere.
That is impossible since you need to have a certain amount of naval superiority, the game does not allows you to capture ships and China just like the massive naval drydocks that Japan has. Even if China can build a larger navy, this gonna takes ages and Japan can keep ramping up their naval position since they start with a large industry. The transports would be sunk and you also have to consider that Japan will have it's garrison on Taiwan, you need to transport a larger force than the japanese garrison and for this you need naval superiority.
I meant after the war
I meant after the war

...After the war the treaty is signed...

You could ofc end the war, build a massive fleet and restart it, but it would be ASB for the chinese navy match the japanese one inside KR timeframe, that is why a air invasion makes more sense, you can build a airplane faster than a dreadnought.
...After the war the treaty is signed...

You could ofc end the war, build a massive fleet and restart it, but it would be ASB for the chinese navy match the japanese one inside KR timeframe, that is why a air invasion makes more sense, you can build a airplane faster than a dreadnought.
I mean that the Japanese sign away Taiwan to you
They did in are timeline

The americans crushed the japanese navy and forced Japan to give them taiwan.

Unless something similar happens, this wouldn't happen. Also the USA was about to launch a naval invasion of Taiwan when Japan surrendered in our timeline. A war between only japan in China could end at the very best scenario for China with them getting all territories back plus Korea.

For example, look at Formosa today, it is not under chinese control, the mainland Chinese were unable to attack the kuomitang in 1949, they just didn't had a navy for that.
The americans crushed the japanese navy and forced Japan to give them taiwan.
That's true but considering the fact that Japan may be also dealing with the imperial Germany at the same time A good chunk of that Navy is forward deployed to East Asia.the IJN Will be too busy as well as the fact that The German and Japanese fleet are destroyed in a mutual annihilation
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In the context of KR it is possible for Japan to end up in a - losing - war with Germany alongside fighting with whoever ends up as the dominant Chinese faction, and while that Chinese faction may not be allied to Germany and may, in fact, have conflicts with Germany, the IJN getting sunk by the Kaiserliche Marine (a lot more plausible than China getting together a navy to sink the IJN) makes a Chinese move on Taiwan a bit more reasonable.
That's true but considering the fact that Japan may be also dealing with the imperial Germany at the same time A good chunk of the Navy forward deployed to East Asia.the IJN Will be too busy as well as the fact that The German and Japanese fleet are destroyed in a mutual annihilation

Right, this does not happen on my headcannon, Japan fights China alone.

That being said:

In the context of KR it is possible for Japan to end up in a - losing - war with Germany alongside fighting with whoever ends up as the dominant Chinese faction, and while that Chinese faction may not be allied to Germany and may, in fact, have conflicts with Germany, the IJN getting sunk by the Kaiserliche Marine (a lot more plausible than China getting together a navy to sink the IJN) makes a Chinese move on Taiwan a bit more reasonable.

It takes from impossible and moves to almost impossible.

Furthermore the Imperial navy of Germany got only one carrier in 1936, Japan got more, and the Imperial navy is focused on Europe against the Union of Britain and France. What happens is that the IJN crushes the imperial navy in the pacific.
In the context of KR it is possible for Japan to end up in a - losing - war with Germany alongside fighting with whoever ends up as the dominant Chinese faction, and while that Chinese faction may not be allied to Germany and may, in fact, have conflicts with Germany, the IJN getting sunk by the Kaiserliche Marine (a lot more plausible than China getting together a navy to sink the IJN) makes a Chinese move on Taiwan a bit more reasonable.

It takes from impossible and moves to almost impossible.

Furthermore the Imperial navy of Germany got only one carrier in 1936, Japan got more, and the Imperial navy is focused on Europe against the Union of Britain and France. What happens is that the IJN crushes the imperial navy in the pacific.

I’m with Gukpard, especially as Germany will have threats far closer to home than Japan.

My headcanon - and how many of my games have turned out - is Japan hammers the German fleet and occupies their colonies, and establishes a military/economic bloc out of them, plus puppets in China. They become the dominant power in Asia and a superpower for a while, but long-term end up being gradually eclipsed by others.

But yeah. No way China gets Formosa ITTL.
Kaiserreich allows for a lot of moving parts. In one timeline it goes like so, in another the Jacobins bungles into the Early WK2 Entente-Reichspakt tagteam leading to Germany having the opportunity to shift its naval focus to East Asia since the Syndicalists are already defeated, while the newly re-united USA makes pro-German/anti-Japanese noises and Russia starts looking threateningly at the Kuriles and Sakhalin with Transamur already re-absorbed into Russia, and the matchup suddenly isn't so overwhelmingly favourable to the Japanese.
Kaiserreich allows for a lot of moving parts. In one timeline it goes like so, in another the Jacobins bungles into the Early WK2 Entente-Reichspakt tagteam leading to Germany having the opportunity to shift its naval focus to East Asia since the Syndicalists are already defeated, while the newly re-united USA makes pro-German/anti-Japanese noises and Russia starts looking threateningly at the Kuriles and Sakhalin with Transamur already re-absorbed into Russia, and the matchup suddenly isn't so overwhelmingly favourable to the Japanese.

That is not only one of the less likely scenarios possible, considering that even if the jacobins get elected the most common thing to happen is for Gamelin to replace them, but also this is a complete japan screw that I myself never saw it happening on a scenario. It is not impossible, but it is very, very close to it.


Gone Fishin'
Honestly I hope that they make Savinkov leader of Russia at game start. Current Russia is a lot of fun, but it's kinda unrealistic and poorly fleshed-out.
Honestly I hope that they make Savinkov leader of Russia at game start. Current Russia is a lot of fun, but it's kinda unrealistic and poorly fleshed-out.
They're not go to discord To confirm whether not what I'm saying is true
I’m with Gukpard, especially as Germany will have threats far closer to home than Japan.

My headcanon - and how many of my games have turned out - is Japan hammers the German fleet and occupies their colonies, and establishes a military/economic bloc out of them, plus puppets in China. They become the dominant power in Asia and a superpower for a while, but long-term end up being gradually eclipsed by others.

But yeah. No way China gets Formosa ITTL.
what do japan dose with Nguyen An Ninh and the other syndicalist in Indochina? also, who do you think won the Spanish civil war?
  1. I take it that Wu Peifu decides to side with Chen Tiaoyuan instead of Qi Xieyuan in this scenario?
  2. What flavor of Republic of China? Left-KMT, Right-KMT, or Federalists?
I actually don´t know much about China in KR. I just assume the Russians would , in case of an war with Japan, search an alliance with Quing.
Mine is this:

WKII is Germany against a totalist Internationale allied with Savinkov's Russia. Germany is unable to recover from Black Monday in time to effectively respond to early provocations like Sorelian France grabbing Wallonia and Romandie, and Russia pulling White Ruthenia into their sphere of influence after Sigismund's coup, also getting bogged down dealing with insurgencies in Indochina and the UBD. When the war actually starts, the Reichspakt is stretched too thin to effectively fight a two front war against the Internationale's modernized militaries and Russia's numbers. Germany and Austria are defeated by the mid-40's and Europe is partitioned between Russia and the Internationale. The Entente is ineffectual, and Nat France is invaded and reabsorbed into Sorelian France.

Olson wins the SCW, but remains isolationist throughout WKII while America rebuilds. The National Unity coalition breaks down after Olson dies and is succeeded by Quentin Roosevelt, under whom the Republicans and Progressives unify as one party. Reconstruction is highly lenient on the former rebels, many of whom continue to influence politics. Both former syndicalists and Longists rally around the anti-establishment Democrats, who eventually morph into a combination of far-left economics and far-right social policies.

This TL's Cold War starts in the early 50's when Russia attacks Japan while they're overextended trying to pacify China, successfully taking over Manchuria and Korea, and uses nukes developed jointly with France and Britain on major Japanese cities to force a surrender. This shocks America out of their isolationist stance, and the Republican-Progressive dominated government adopts an interventionist stance in hopes of containing the Russo-Internationale Bloc until it hopefully collapses on its own. As Europe is almost solidly under totalitarian rule, the Cold War is mainly naval standoffs in the Atlantic and a mess of proxy wars across post colonial Africa and Asia.
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