Blue Skies in Camelot: An Alternate 60's and Beyond

I take it you're a Chiefs fan?

How did you guess?

Having Janis Joplin survive might relieve some of the pain. Sad to lose Jimi again. I was groovin’ to the music and memories and then BAM! Kicked in the face.

However, I now owe some serious money considering interest. I won more than three months pay on that game. Nothing like betting against diehards who believed the NFL was beyond just superior to the upstart AFL.
Really? That's interesting...

Hope the Steelers still have their dynasty ITTL...

I wish I could go back to the Patriots-Giants Super Bowl (the first one) and bet my paycheck on the Giants; how much could I have made back?


Gone Fishin'
Hey, did Stonewall happen? It'd be really neat if Johnson's return to prominence came as part of a big anti-discrimination push rooted in populism. Basically "America needs to be one, strong nation, and we can't treat our people differently. I'm a small-town boy and I've been in politics for decades, and let me tell you, these Washington insiders, they use a lot of fancy-ass weasel words to make the little black guys and the little white guys hate each other. Old, old trick--divide and conquer. The Romans came up with it. Let me tell you, there will be no God-damned discrimination in my future. Well, not anymore. My administration will work for every American, for every little guy in every little town, black, white, or God-damn blue, we're all Americans and we're going to show those smug East-Coast sons of bitches that Middle America's more than just a bunch of hicks."

something like that.

A radical shift in politics like that, especially after the ACP shit the bed and dealt a major blow to born-again evangelism and the Southern Baptist movement because of Falwell associating with actual fucking Nazis, would be I think entirely in keeping with this TL's spirit. :)
Hey, did Stonewall happen? It'd be really neat if Johnson's return to prominence came as part of a big anti-discrimination push rooted in populism. Basically "America needs to be one, strong nation, and we can't treat our people differently. I'm a small-town boy and I've been in politics for decades, and let me tell you, these Washington insiders, they use a lot of fancy-ass weasel words to make the little black guys and the little white guys hate each other. Old, old trick--divide and conquer. The Romans came up with it. Let me tell you, there will be no God-damned discrimination in my future. Well, not anymore. My administration will work for every American, for every little guy in every little town, black, white, or God-damn blue, we're all Americans and we're going to show those smug East-Coast sons of bitches that Middle America's more than just a bunch of hicks."

something like that.

A radical shift in politics like that, especially after the ACP shit the bed and dealt a major blow to born-again evangelism and the Southern Baptist movement because of Falwell associating with actual fucking Nazis, would be I think entirely in keeping with this TL's spirit. :)
I'm sure that idea's one he'll consider using.
A radical shift in politics like that, especially after the ACP shit the bed and dealt a major blow to born-again evangelism and the Southern Baptist movement because of Falwell associating with actual fucking Nazis, would be I think entirely in keeping with this TL's spirit. :)
I don't think it'll "deal a major blow to evangelism" there was a revival in evangelism for a reason, but I think it will make Billy Graham even more prominent than Falwall which is a good thing.


Gone Fishin'
I'm sure that idea's one he'll consider using.
True, Johnson always was clear-eyed about how race and politics interacted. He was the one who first said that quote about how if you give a poor man someone to look down on he'll help you pick his pocket so long as you promise to hurt that other guy, after all.


Gone Fishin'
I don't think it'll "deal a major blow to evangelism" there was a revival in evangelism for a reason, but I think it will make Billy Graham even more prominent than Falwall which is a good thing.
I dunno, Graham wasn't as actively evil as Falwell but he was still no saint. He was a raging antisemite who was really good at hiding it, but then he went and bragged to Nixon about that and the paranoid ass in the Oval Office went and taped it like the paranoid fuckstick Nixon was. He was also very anti-Catholic (as he expressed during the 1960 election), and his push for evangelism in Africa and Asia led to a lot of the extremely nasty homophobic laws in places like Uganda and fundamentalist terror groups like the LRA getting the roots of their crazed rhetoric.

Basically, not as openly evil as Falwell, but mostly because he was better about hiding his nastiness.
I dunno, Graham wasn't as actively evil as Falwell but he was still no saint. He was a raging antisemite who was really good at hiding it, but then he went and bragged to Nixon about that and the paranoid ass in the Oval Office went and taped it like the paranoid fuckstick Nixon was. He was also very anti-Catholic (as he expressed during the 1960 election), and his push for evangelism in Africa and Asia led to a lot of the extremely nasty homophobic laws in places like Uganda and fundamentalist terror groups like the LRA getting the roots of their crazed rhetoric.

Basically, not as openly evil as Falwell, but mostly because he was better about hiding his nastiness.
Graham was strong on civil rights and integration, also he never really made homosexuality a major issue, he for the most part avoided it. He also didn’t talk about poltitical issues that didn’t have to do with religion, unlike the rest of the “moral majority”


Gone Fishin'
Graham was strong on civil rights and integration, also he never really made homosexuality a major issue, he for the most part avoided it. He also didn’t talk about poltitical issues that didn’t have to do with religion, unlike the rest of the “moral majority”
Strong for a Southern Baptist. Nowhere near as strong as African-American Christian leaders. And he was, as I mentioned, an antisemitic bastard whose legacy has led to a lot of really nasty stuff abroad.

And he came up with that idiotic "Mike Pence rule" crap before Mike Pence was even a thing.
Strong for a Southern Baptist. Nowhere near as strong as African-American Christian leaders.
I mean being pro desegregation in the early 50’s was strong for white people in general. Of course he wasn’t gonna be as strong on it as black people not sure what you expected there.


Gone Fishin'
I mean being pro desegregation in the early 50’s was strong for white people in general. Of course he wasn’t gonna be as strong on it as black people not sure what you expected there.
Using his massive soft power to at least say "Jesus said love thy neighbor and all are equal in the eyes of god, let's try integration, huh?" would've been nice.


Gone Fishin'
He preached with MLK I’m pretty sure that made his view on integration pretty clear
Sure, for PR, but the guy was the most popular preacher in the South, he didn't need to cover his ass.

(and I'm still not letting the part where he hated Jews and thought they controlled the media slide)

BP Booker

It'd be really neat if Johnson's return to prominence came as part of a big anti-discrimination push rooted in populism. Basically "America needs to be one, strong nation, and we can't treat our people differently. I'm a small-town boy and I've been in politics for decades, and let me tell you, these Washington insiders, they use a lot of fancy-ass weasel words to make the little black guys and the little white guys hate each other. Old, old trick--divide and conquer. The Romans came up with it. Let me tell you, there will be no God-damned discrimination in my future. Well, not anymore. My administration will work for every American, for every little guy in every little town, black, white, or God-damn blue, we're all Americans and we're going to show those smug East-Coast sons of bitches that Middle America's more than just a bunch of hicks."

Johnson 72: Make America One Again

Im sorry
Wow! The pop-culture update was great!!! Good to see the Beatles branching out. A real shame about Hendrix.

Thank you, Alpha-King! :D The Beatles will definitely continue to pursue their different interests. John in film, Paul in the more business side of the music industry, George in spiritualism and songwriting, and Ringo in a variety of fun fields. :)

Hey, did Stonewall happen? It'd be really neat if Johnson's return to prominence came as part of a big anti-discrimination push rooted in populism. Basically "America needs to be one, strong nation, and we can't treat our people differently. I'm a small-town boy and I've been in politics for decades, and let me tell you, these Washington insiders, they use a lot of fancy-ass weasel words to make the little black guys and the little white guys hate each other. Old, old trick--divide and conquer. The Romans came up with it. Let me tell you, there will be no God-damned discrimination in my future. Well, not anymore. My administration will work for every American, for every little guy in every little town, black, white, or God-damn blue, we're all Americans and we're going to show those smug East-Coast sons of bitches that Middle America's more than just a bunch of hicks."

something like that.

A radical shift in politics like that, especially after the ACP shit the bed and dealt a major blow to born-again evangelism and the Southern Baptist movement because of Falwell associating with actual fucking Nazis, would be I think entirely in keeping with this TL's spirit. :)

Stonewall did in fact still happen, and your idea of having Johnson try populism to unite the country behind his potential Presidential run is very fascinating indeed. :)
I've just caught up on this timeline, and I just want to say how fantastic it is, Mr. Lincoln! It has the right blend of idealism, realism, and twists and turns in-between :D

Since I saw some people wishing this had a TVTropes page, I've taken the liberty of finally putting one up. It's very barebones at the moment, but I-and others, no doubt-will add more to it down the line.

I'm curious as to how much the comic book industry has been affected by the POD and other various butterflies. For example, IIRC, DC published a Superman comic that involved the Man of Steel helping out with Kennedy's Physical Fitness Program. However, it was still in the works when he was assassinated and didn't see publication until LBJ persuaded DC to publish it as a tribute story of sorts eight months later. With the JFK assassination not happening AIOTL, perhaps it's published whenever it was intended to?
I've just caught up on this timeline, and I just want to say how fantastic it is, Mr. Lincoln! It has the right blend of idealism, realism, and twists and turns in-between :D

Since I saw some people wishing this had a TVTropes page, I've taken the liberty of finally putting one up. It's very barebones at the moment, but I-and others, no doubt-will add more to it down the line.

I'm curious as to how much the comic book industry has been affected by the POD and other various butterflies. For example, IIRC, DC published a Superman comic that involved the Man of Steel helping out with Kennedy's Physical Fitness Program. However, it was still in the works when he was assassinated and didn't see publication until LBJ persuaded DC to publish it as a tribute story of sorts eight months later. With the JFK assassination not happening AIOTL, perhaps it's published whenever it was intended to?

Thank you very much, oh mighty Cthulhu! :D I'm really happy to hear that you're enjoying the timeline. Welcome aboard, as I like to say. ;)

Thank you for putting up the TVTropes page as well! I think @Nerdman3000 was developing one too, if you guys ever want to collaborate. I am admittedly no expert on the comic book industry, but its fate greatly interests me ITTL as well. If you and other members of the audience have the knowledge, I would love to hear some ideas of where you guys think the industry could head here. I know in the past that I've promised an update on it, and I have some ideas of my own, but I fear that aren't as developed as I would like them to be before I release them in a chapter.


Monthly Donor
I dunno, Graham wasn't as actively evil as Falwell but he was still no saint.

Pun intended?

Thank you for putting up the TVTropes page as well! I think @Nerdman3000 was developing one too, if you guys ever want to collaborate.

For future reference to everyone else:

Here is the first one.
Here is not the first one.

I really ought to find the time to work on TV Tropes and get an account to vandalize add more examples, considering I've been browsing it a lot lately. Or perhaps I shouldn't do that.
I've just caught up on this timeline, and I just want to say how fantastic it is, Mr. Lincoln! It has the right blend of idealism, realism, and twists and turns in-between :D

Since I saw some people wishing this had a TVTropes page, I've taken the liberty of finally putting one up. It's very barebones at the moment, but I-and others, no doubt-will add more to it down the line.

I'm curious as to how much the comic book industry has been affected by the POD and other various butterflies. For example, IIRC, DC published a Superman comic that involved the Man of Steel helping out with Kennedy's Physical Fitness Program. However, it was still in the works when he was assassinated and didn't see publication until LBJ persuaded DC to publish it as a tribute story of sorts eight months later. With the JFK assassination not happening AIOTL, perhaps it's published whenever it was intended to?
As @President_Lincoln pointed out, I techincally already made a TV Tropes page.