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  • Ilovedogsalot

  • Hi I loved your overwatch map on map thread XV. I love overwatch and have always wondered what the earth looks like during the Omnic crisis so would you be willing to make a world map of earth when the Omnic crisis was happening?

    P.S your profile picture is So funny 😂
  • Tempered Zen

    Tempered Zen

  • Would you ever consider updating Not Quite A Monarch? I remembered it again after I saw it in your sig, and it was quite promising. Would be a shame to let it go to waste.
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    Reactions: Cheer
    Cheer 1
    It’s on the backburner right now because of school and all, but I’m definitely considering it. I have a lot of ideas for it.

    I would need to start from scratch, though, as it has some historical issues that bother me now, and I want to wait until the WMIT redux dies down again, cause the concepts are sort of similar and I don’t want to step on Nappy’s toes. :)
    Tempered Zen
    Tempered Zen 2
    Good luck! It'll be worth the wait.

    Also, reading back my posts in that thread makes me cringe so hard.
    Cheer 1
    Haha, same here dude, same here
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