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  1. Military power of Europe by early 40s without war, Germany pursuing modest buildup

    This is an open ended discussion. Let’s say that some kind of moderate right wing military junta, monarchist faction, or more military minded democracy takeover Germany instead of Hitler. This government at most annexes Austria and decides to spend around 3% of Germany’s GDP a year rebuilding a...
  2. What’s the most the US could get out of Japan in a conditional surrender?

    Let us say that no unconditional surrender is issued. Germany and Japan have several peace feelers, but they are delusional and nothing comes of it. More questions about when the war ends come up in the US, maybe a few more people in Germany think they can get a “reasonable” peace and join...
  3. Germany sends ultimatum to Turkey following Balkans Campaign; What’s next?

    Let us say that Germany decides to try and finish Britain and believes that North Africa and the Middle East is the only immediate way to do so. Germany decides not to invade the Soviet Union in 1941 and attempts to threaten Turkey in hopes of threatening Britain in the Middle East and North...
  4. Can the US reintroduce Jaguars?

    Here is a Reddit post going into certain details about just how widespread Jaguars likely were at one point. Is there anyway Jaguars could be reintroduced to the US outside of a minor migrant population in the Southwest? Could we get a small number of them in say, Smoky Mountain National Park?
  5. Countries that could have had much larger populations

    What are some countries that could have had much larger populations? South Korea went from 6.2 to 1.7 kids per woman in twenty years behind an aggressive anti-natalist policy. Had they not done so, South Korea...
  6. Successful Sixtus Affair, Germany tries to topple Austria in response, fails, Post War borders?

    Let’s say the Sixtus Affair succeeds. OTL, some in Austria were fearful that Germany might try to topple Austria in response. That seems rather difficult, but Germany clearly can’t fight Britain/France/Russia by itself while blockaded. So let’s say Germany actually makes a rash decision and...
  7. American and Southern economy and culture if South sells its position efficiently

    OTL the South had a disproportionate amount of influence on the Federal Government for much of the time period leading up to the Civil War. Demographics turned against them and against slavery; the South tried to get independence over the loss of power and were burned to the ground. After being...
  8. What if: America drains Europe of its labor

    The US had effective open borders for Europeans for much of its history. By 1924 that came to an end with serious restrictions. What if the US never placed any meaningful restrictions on European migration? The US would have taken in far more Europeans in the late 20s and late 30, mostly from...
  9. British response to getting the Empire destroyed in WWI?

    This scenario is not meant to be realistic. It is a borderline worst case scenario that does not cross the threshold of being ASB. For argument’s sake, things go in a very specific way that results in Britain having their Empire destroyed. Italy and the Ottoman Empire stay out until late. For...
  10. Highest probability: Germany taking Paris in 1914, Paris in 1918, or Moscow in 1941

    These moves could have given Germany wins in histories biggest wars, but faced horrific logistic hurdles and fierce opposition, causing all three to fail. What is the most workable goal: Paris in 1914, Paris in 1918, or Moscow in 1941? With a PoD of a few months before each invasion.
  11. Bigger change: Fall of Constantinople, Discovery of New World, or Reformation

    In a little over a half century, the Western World saw the death of Rome, officially made its way to the New World (after having already been there of course), and the Protestant Reformation. How would you rate the importance of these events? Which was most improbable, which did the most to...
  12. Why did America change its goals for expansion as the West closed?

    America spent a third of its history as colonies expanding at the expense of the Natives. It spent the next third of its history as an independent countries expanding at the expense of the Natives, consolidating its gains by filling them with settlers and fighting breakaway provinces. The next...
  13. Wars that surprisingly never happened

    There are some wars between rivals or major powers that never ended up happening, or only happened in a minor way early on but never reached a penultimate stage where things get settled. For instance, America and Russia never went to war (besides minor intervention in the Russian Civil War). As...
  14. Earliest Japanese surrender

    What if almost everything that could go wrong for Japan went wrong? Germany doesn’t send commit to a North African Campaign, Japan fails to devastate Pearl Harbor to the extent of the OTL, Japan decides to attack the Soviets during December 1941, Thailand decides to fight Japan, MacArthur...
  15. What if Germany invaded the Middle East through Turkey (with no Soviet response)

    In place of Barbarossa, Hitler decides that removing Britain is more important and this can be accomplished with an invasion of the Middle East. After winning the Balkan campaign, Germany launches a surprise attack on Turkey in hopes they can make their way down into Egypt and the Middle East...
  16. Largest and most exotic animals that could survive in the American Great Lakes

    Washington takes the American throne. This alternate America has a larger army and takes Canada around 1812, giving it total control over the Great Lakes. Washington is nonetheless burned down during the war, and again during a brief civil war. The capital is relocated to Chicago to give the...
  17. How would WWI have effected Qing?

    Qing survived up until right before Europe began its suicide, narrowly dodging its own demise in the early years of 20th century right up until 1912. WWI destroyed Europe and would give China a chance to safely reassert itself at the expense of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Russia. Should it...
  18. Midwest dominated US?

    The Midwest was the manufacturing and agricultural heartland of the US for most of the twentieth century, but it was hit hard by changes. Deindustrialization affected them more, as the Midwest was the most industrialized and also had higher (and less flexible more unionized) wages than most of...
  19. Which non Communist countries have the highest probability of sponsoring the anti-colonial movement

    I’m not putting a limit on the number of countries you can vote for. How likely are any of these societies to begin arming or sponsoring anti-colonial movements as the OTL Soviet Union?
  20. What if Nicholas II did not actively promote industrialization?

    This is at least kind of out there. Many Christians criticized capitalism and industrialization. Many Christians also have become pacifists in history. NII was a Christian as a time when many of these ideas were circulating around in Western Civilization, even if they were not the mainstream...