
  1. WI: Siddharta does not become Buddha he becomes king
    Threadmarks: 1

    At time of Buddha birth a fortune taller told his father -"or he become great monk or a great king" When Siddharata saw the Mahatma (saint), who does not show any reaction on seeing him. He went to him and ask "how you are happy when you do not have anything to take the fruit of life?" "Hey...
  2. Chalenge: persian india

    make a timeline where pre-islamic persia controls all of india. extra points if it happens BCE, especially if it is the first ever persian empire that does it.
  3. AHC/WI: German Raj (German India) in 18th Century

    Rather than the British ruling whole of India, what if Germany or predecessor German state have managed to conquer and rule India instead? However, was it really plausible and can be done?
  4. The roman Empire Collapses during the crisis of the third century

    So i have been working on this timelime for some time now. it is not finished, and i would like to get feedback. i forgot exact years and details, iv'e got that writen somewhere, but here is the basic things: the picts unite and become maritime, colonizing the north sea shore. rome does not...
  5. Portuguese India and Indonesia without Brazil

    IOTL, Brazil was somewhat neglected for a long time as a Portuguese colony, with the Portuguese chipping away at its coast enough to import slaves and grow sugarcane but otherwise not doing much to conquer the interior, focusing instead on controlling trade in India and Indonesia. What if...
  6. AHC: An Alt-Maoism in a world without a Communist China

    Maoism was a major ideological break with doctrinaire Marxism-Leninism, but also seems inevitable in the sense that an anti-colonial communist was likely to orient a movement around rural peasants instead of industrial workers at some point. An alt-Maoism wouldn't be influenced by Chinese...
  7. About Indo-Aryans and the Indian Caste System

    Hello all, I was wondering if some helpful historians can answer this on the thread. As you guys probably know I am an American, and growing up I was taught...lets just say a variety of different things on Ancient India. Some right, some wrong, some very wrong. As I wizened up, I have yet a...
  8. GauchoBadger

    WI: Indo-Pakistani War in 2002?

    IOTL, in a period between December 2001 and June 2002, there was an uncomfortable escalation of tensions between the governments of India and Pakistan, after an incident involving a terrorist attack on the Indian Parliament which left 12 dead. India claimed that Pakistan's intelligence service...
  9. Historyman 14

    WI: Louisiana taken by the British after War of 1812

    (Thoughts between me and @Joshua Ben Ari..) For whatever reason, say America does worst in the War of 1812, leading to the British (Who never saw the Louisiana Purchase as legal.) to take Louisiana. Leading to either... 1: Louisiana is given back to Spain with New Orleans as an...
  10. Avrorrange

    WI:Britain didn’t rule India as a single colony?Would India end up far more balkanized?

    Suppose that the British actually divided India up into several colonies,with a viceroy and a separate administration in each one,would India actually become far more divided than OTL?
  11. Roman Suez Canal - Was it Possible?

    There was no need for locks since the Mediterranean and the Red Sea are level, so if an Emperor like Augustus or Trajan ordered one built and had 20,000 men put to work on it, it would be finished eventually wouldn't it, even if it fell to one of their successors to finish it? This analysis I...
  12. GameBawesome

    Which Indian Empire can create a Indian Empire?

    If there was no European conquest of India, like how the British did it, and just small trading posts, like British Bombay, Portuguese Goa or French Pondicherry, which Indian Empire has the best chance of unifying India?