
  1. PC/WI: Saddam invades Saudi Arabia 1980

    What if Saddam decided not to invade Iran in 1980, and instead invaded Kuwait and Saudi Arabia? How well could Iraqi forces perform against Saudi and Kuwaiti troops in open desert? Might they achieve the same level of sucess as in the 1990 invasion, or would the Saudis put up a tougher fight...
  2. Utahwriter15

    AHC/WI: US invaded Iran in 2003, instead of Iraq

    what would have happened if the United States and its allies had invaded Iran in 2003, instead of invading Iraq, and how would you make it happen?
  3. KuboCaskett

    AHC: Avert the Iranian Revolution

    With a POD after 1970, your challenge is to find a POD that can either keep the Shah in power by 1979 or at least resulting in a constitutional monarchy by then.
  4. KuboCaskett

    Implications of a Soviet Invasion of Iran post-1979?

    After having a discussion about how would a Soviet invasion of Iran after the revolution effect the Persian Gulf and the USA, I thought about how it would spark a potential hotspot in the Cold War. Yet, I feel like it would have greater implications upon the world other than just the USSR...
  5. WI: Iran intervenes in the WoT

    Greetings! IOTL, Iran's aid to the Iraqi insurgents and Taliban has been limited. In Iraq, Iranian aid is linked to approximately 500 US deaths, out of over 4,000. But what if, for one reason or another, Iran decided to give massive support to the oppositoion in Iraq and Afghanistan, including...
  6. Historyman 14

    Development of Zoroastrianism without Muslim conquest

    Before the Arab conquest of Iran, it was the state religion of Persia, but under Arab control, it suffer much under Muslim rule. It's shrines were destroyed, libraries were burned, the persecution of Zoroastrians became more common and widespread. Once was the oldest and largest religious...
  7. Could the Persian Qanat have spread to Anatolia?

    The qanat was an ancient Persian technology to collect subterranean water by building a sequence of channels starting (underground) in the mountains and sloping down into irrigated farmland. It is actually still used today in Iran. This technology spread to Armenia and Kurdistan, but as far as...
  8. AHC/WI - Sunni Iran, Iraq and Oman

    What if Iran predominantly practised Sunni Islam along with Iraq, and Oman practised Sunni Islam instead of Ibadi Islam, how will this change the middle east The pod is after 800
  9. TrueFactsUnstated

    Foreign Policy of Iran, Without the Islamic Revolution

    The Islamic Revolution of 1979 has as much a profound impact on the foreign policy of Iran as it did its domestic policy, with the political ascendency of the Shi'a ulema class implementing a foreign policy that decisively sought to expand Iran's geopolitical position through the use of...
  10. Pokemon Master

    Within A Claw's Reach: A Collaborative "Eagle Claw Succeeds" TL

    April 24-25, 1980: The U.S. Army and the CIA successfully complete Operation Eagle Claw and rescue the remaining American hostages in Iran. April 25, 1980: The rescued hostages land in a secret location in Florida. April 26, 1980: President Carter publicly announces the success of Operation...
  11. Greatest Iran/Persia after c. 1800?

    Iran is in an interesting position. The Ottomans are already declining to the west, but from the north, east, and south the Russians and British are closing in. In our history soon after 1800 Iran loses the caucasus, and then endures a century of being a buffer state, and occasional road and...
  12. AHC: US invades Iran between the Gulf Wars

    As it says on the tin. What's a plausible POD for the US to invade Iran between 1991 and 2003? Exactly how much of a charlie foxtrot would it be? Would the US have any chance of creating a stable, pro-US government, or would the Iranians overthrow this government as soon as American troops...
  13. Uhura's Mazda

    WI: Iranian Revolution Not Dominated By Islamists?

    So, the opponents to the Shah in the 1970s were a hodge-podge of secular liberals, Marxists and Islamists who were only really united by their opposition to the Shah's secret police, opulence, penchant for pre-Islamic Iranian history and the Western World, as well as his egotistical style of...
  14. LNSS

    A Christian Persian Empire

    What would be the most likely time for a Persian Empire (Mesopotamia + Persian plateau) with a Christian (Nestorian?) ruler class to emerge? From what I understand, in Sassanian Persia, Christianity was beginning to spread so that almost all of Mesopotamia (where Ctesiphon itself, seat of the...
  15. Blood in the Sand: A 1998 Taliban – Iran War Timeline

    Blood in the Sand: A 1998 Taliban – Iran War Timeline Setting On August 8th, 1998, a detachment of the main Taliban army storms the city of Mazar-i-Sharif , a headquarters of the Afghan Northern Alliance(NA) and long standing symbol of the ongoing civil war between the two sides. As...
  16. Iranian-American War in the 1980s

    Based on @Gonzo's Timeline Follow the Money: Fear and Loathing in Mecham's America, what if the United States would have declared war on the Islamic Republic of Iran in the 1980s? The president does not have to be necessarily Evan Mecham/Ronald Reagan/George H.W. Bush to achieve this. Would...
  17. WI: Iran-Taliban War in 1998?

    If you didn't know, Iran and the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan almost got into a full-fledged war in 1998 over the Taliban's seizure of the Iranian consulate in Mazar-i-Sharif and the execution of its entire staff. Iran eventually massed troops along the Afghani border and threatened invasion...
  18. Baconheimer

    TLIAPOT: Kingfinch
    Threadmarks: Opening

    Hey, TLIAPOT sounds familiar... Well, it is. I "stole" the name from Gonzo. You stole it from Gonzo? Ironic, isn't it. Hopefully you don't steal the darkness from that TL as well. No comment. What do you mean! How could you write something as depraved and not give us a warning. Like I...
  19. A New Deal for America: An Alternate History of the Late 1970s & Beyond

    "It is time for a New Deal for America. It is time for a new approach to foreign policy, it is time to stand up to the Soviet Union and regain America's status in the world. America needs to be great again, we need to stand up and fight for our values. We need to fix our economy, we need to...