
  1. GameBawesome

    WI: Timurid Rump-state in Central Asia

    In OTL, the Timurid Empire, once the mightiest empire, stretching from Iran to Central Asia, to Asia Minor, was about to collapse in the late 15th Century to early 16th Century. From the West, the rising Safavid Empire was taking control of Iran. From the North, the Uzbeks was crushing forth...
  2. GameBawesome

    WI/AHC: Wank Nizari Ismaili Persia

    So, context. A lot people are familiar with the Order of Assassins, or Hashashins (Probably mostly from Assassin's Creed). However, what some people might be unaware of is that the Hashasins were actually an independent theocracy that had a network of castles from Syria to Persia/Iran, that...
  3. Achaemenid Persia Empire becomes democracy

    What Achaemenid Persia transiotioned into a democracy with a constitution like Roman Republic and meritocratic bureaucracy voting rights to all Free males persian by descent of Persus(fars of today) as said by Otanes after Bardyia is overthrown and before darius is king just assume thing...
  4. Maurice conquers Persia

    pls answer follow up questions what if Maurice conquers Persia or atleast Mesopotamia and persian gulf coast using Sasanian civil war of 589-591 since in OTL it was with his army Khosrow II reconquered iran He does this by having Khosrow II killed secret after he is exiled to Byzantine empire...
  5. Did the Persians "forget" about the Achaemenids?

    I am curious as to whether Post-Seleucid Persian civilisation forgot about their Achaemenid forebears. I wonder this due to the lack of clear references pertaining to Cyrus' dynasty dated after the fall of his empire. The Sassanids did not trace their empire back to that of the Achaemenids but...
  6. Exporting the Revolution - The Islamic Republic of Iraq?

    One of Ruhollah Khomeini's objectives was exporting the Islamic Revolution across the Muslim world. Now, this was always going to be an uphill battle due to the Shi'ite dimension of Khomeinism not being readily applicable to the mores of Sunni governance (concepts such as Velâyat-e Faqih are too...
  7. PakistaniGuyUK

    WI Tajikistan never joins the USSR – how would this have altered the dynamics of West Asia and South Asia?

    Tajikistan is quite an interesting country with a unique culture, next door to Afghanistan and also in the general vicinity of Iran, Pakistan and China. OTL Tajikistan had zero influence on regional events as it was just a non-descript USSR border region and arguably equally as obscure within...
  8. Can the Safavids keep Mesopotamia?

    The Safavid dynasty briefly retook Baghdad from the Ottomans in 1624 and held it for 14 years, during which Constantinople tried and failed to recapture the city several times before Murad IV finally succeeded in 1638. The Ottoman Empire's control of Mesopotamia, which lasted until its...
  9. WI: The Ottoman Empire Conquered Persia/Iran (Somewhat Reestablishing Alexander's/Achaemenid Empire)

    Let's say something around the late 15th or early 16th centuries the Ottomans decide to embark on campaign to recreate the Achaemenid Empire (or Alexander's Empire) by invading east and conquering as much of Egypt, Cyrenaica, the Caucasus, Iraq, Persia, Afghanistan, and other parts of Central...
  10. PakistaniGuyUK

    WI Afghan and Persian Monarchies intermarry – Afghan King Zahir Shah marries a Pahlavi in the 1930s

    What if something like this had come about? A senior-ish Pahlavi (Persian) royal princess who could obviously not become Shah of Iran (being female) nor his wife setting her eyes on becoming Queen Consort of the Afghan king instead? Could be a love marriage or political, doesn’t matter, but...
  11. No Iranian Revolution, Effects on Afghanistan ?

    Iranian Revolution and War in Afghanistan were two of the most important events that happened in the late 20th century, it radically changed both the Middle East as well as Islam and set the stage for conflict in the post cold war era, but ironically, both did not have much influence on each...
  12. AHC: Iranian style revolution in Egypt

    With a post-WW2 POD, have Egypt become an Islamic Republic in the same manner as Iran in 1979.
  13. Largest Safavid Persian Empire: Before 1900

    Let's say that the empire avoids the Ottoman-Persian Wars and manages to reform and rebound to the best of their ability. After that they have a series of competent military shahs (not necessarily consecutively) that reconquer as much of Middle-East, Central Asia and Anatolia as logistically...
  14. Iranrud: Technical and logistical feasibility and realities of a canal through Iran

    Iranrud, meaning "Iran's River", refers to the idea of a canal bisecting the Iranian plateau in a north-south direction thereby connecting the Caspian Sea to the wider oceanic system. There are two proposed routes; a 950km western route beginning in Gilan Province which would turn and twist...
  15. AHQ: 19th Century Industrialized China impact on Iran/Persia?

    Like the title says, how much impacts and butterfly effects will happen on Iran because of the existence of successfully industrialized China in 19th century and beyond, whether China is under Qing or different Chinese dynasty who has interests of expanding into Central Asia? Which of Persian...
  16. Balkanized Iran after ww2?

    How much could Iran get balkanized after the second world War? I have read that the Soviets and the British occupied different zones of the country in that war. Could this have formed the basis of a "north Iran" and "south Iran"? What about when/if the Revolution happens? Could there be a...
  17. WI: The Karens take over Persia

    The House of Karen was one of the Seven Great Houses of Iran during the Parthian and Sasanian Empires. What if they had formed a Persian Empire of their own at some point?
  18. WI: Saddam and Khomeni were full allies

    So Saddam in 1978 expelled Khomeni from Iraq after Iranian agents notified him of a pro-soviet coup being attempted. I'd imagine this didn't go well with Khomeini and influenced him to call on Iraqi’s to overthrow him. What if say Saddam didn't expell him and Khomeni after taking control of Iran...
  19. Mr.420IQAltHistGodEmpChad

    AHC: No Zoroastrianism (POD of 600 BC)

    AHC: No Zoroastrianism (POD of 600 BC) In this alternate history challenge you need to find a way to prevent Zoroastrianism from existing, What would happen if Zoroastrianism never existed? How will this effect the Pre-Islamic Iranian Civilizations or the cultures surrounding it? Would it...
  20. Latest possible date for a Christian Persia

    What is the latest possible date at which Persia can reasonably become a Christian majority nation? Or is this scenario just implausible to begin with?