republican spain

  1. Onedotman

    Republican Spain in WW2 and the Cold War

    Suppose that the Republicans won the Spanish Civil War. After the Fall of France, Germany is most likely to invade Spain, since no way they would tolerate a socialist country right next to the Vichy. Now there are two scenarios at hand: one is that the Nazis successfully take over Spain and...
  2. The_Persian_Cat

    Mondragon Corporation in Republican Spain?

    Hello all, So, the Mondragon Corporation is one of the largest business entities in Spain, and is involved in a great many sectors (including banking, consumer industry, heavy industry, retail, and (through Mondragon University) education). It's also a federation of workers' cooperatives, with...
  3. A swift Republican victory in the Spanish Civil War?

    The right-wing coup that kicked off the Spanish Civil War was actually a huge failure for the conspirators, at least at first. Although they took nearly all of the north, important cities like Oviedo, Seville and Córdoba, as well as the colonies (where their best military force, the Army of...
  4. X_X

    Teenage Kaiser: An Imperial Germany Timeline
    Threadmarks: Introduction / Death of A Titan

    "Every once in a while, we must ask ourselves the question of what life would be like if decades or centuries prior, something different would've occurred. What if the dinosaurs had not gone extinct, if the confederates had been victorious in the civil war, if Napoleon successfully invaded...