
  1. WW1 starts with Tanks

    World War I got bogged down in very slow moving trench warfare because machine guns and rapid firing artillery. Tanks were invented to break these trenches. But if What if tanks were fully developed already and World War I started with them ? POD is that the Russo Japanese War gets bogged down...
  2. Alt Timeline: China the Superpower (Chinese Armor)

    In this timeline, the ROC won the Chinese Civil War, and then annexed back East Turkestan. This version of the ROC controls all of Mainland China (excluding Macau that is to be returned in 1980 and HK that is to be returned in 1997), Taiwan, and the Diaoyu Islands except for Western and Central...
  3. The Cumbersome Superheavies
    Threadmarks: T-22 Medium

    The origin of the T-22 design can be traced back to Eduard Grote, who later became infamous for his more grandiose and larger designs. Grote and other german tank designers were brought into the Soviet Union during the late 20s and early 30s to aid the USSR with their expertise. Whilst other...
  4. tonycat77

    British KV-1 and T-34

    https://warspot.net/300-voroshilov-abroad http://www.tankarchives.ca/2013/04/bovington-t-34-and-kv-1-impressions.html Very interesting read, however the fact that the KV-1 and T-34 only arrived for proper study and inspection in mid-late 1943 for the british and August 1942 for the americans...
  5. Undeadmuffin's Armory

    This thread is mostly a repository for all my Alt weapons and vehicles I made and are dispersed on both the Alternate Weapons of War and the Alternate History Combat Aircraft threads, as well as miscellaneous art and ideas that don't really fit current threads. Have fun and enjoy !
  6. HMS St.Lawrence

    German coldwar-area MBT?

    Following the end of the Second World war, the late-war tank designs of the US, UK and Soviet Union quickly evolded into the MBT concept and would continue to serve for a very long time. Derivatives of the immediate post-war vehicules of the Soviet (the T-54, itself based on the T-44) and...
  7. Ideal OoB and Equipment for WWI Combatants

    So I've seen this a ton for WWII nations, but almost never for WWI. Which is interesting, because I feel like there are very dramatic potential PoDs in any WWI nation having some foresight in it's equipment. Like, could Austria Hungry have invested heavily in Tanks in the pre war? Could the...
  8. Leaked plans of failed prototypes

    WI more plans of failed prototypes were leaked to potential enemies or industrial competitors? For example, during the 1930s Vickers only built one prototype of its “Independent” tank. The VI was huge, with 5 turrets, a huge crew, etc. After a bit of testing, the British Army declined to order...
  9. How do we get "land battleships" to viability?

    As many of you are aware, the interwar years saw the entertainment of the concept that, come the next war, the tank would be essentially a naval ship on land, a school of thought expressed in the T35, among other designs. World War II put paid to this misguided notion, but how might it become a...
  10. Panic anti-tank weapon 1938.

    Poor Ruralia is till recovering from the Great Depression, but already seeing neighbouring nations re-arm. The scariest re-armament is in a neighbouring nation to the East. Rumour has it that the neighbours are building tanks. Does Ruralia need a Panic anti-tank weapon in 1938? Ruralia was also...
  11. WI Allison V-1710 engine was installed in tanks?

    What if Allison V-1710 engines were installed in tanks? This parallels Rolls Royce building de-rated Merlins (Meteor) in end-of-War Centurion tanks. Also keep in mind that Meteors were difficult to maintain and during the 1960s and 1970s, Centurions That were still in service were re-engines...
  12. Why so few peaked glacis plates on AFVs?

    Why do so few armoured fighting vehicles have peaked glacis plates like Russia’s JSIII heavy tank? Soviet soldiers even JS series tanks may have been rather short-lived. OTOH French armoured cars like the EBR and AML series enjoyed long production runs and long service lives.
  13. SgtRL-3

    If Czech didn't annexed by Germany, but joined WWII as a collaborate nation

    Then from 1939 til 1944, what kinds of tanks they will made?
  14. Radical engines never invented?

    WI no one invents the radial engine? POD in the early 1900s, Anzani never invents his 3-cylinder radial engine, so Bleriot uses some other type of engine to fly across the English Channel. During WW1, nobody builds radial rotary engines. In 1929, Lindbergh needs some other type of engine to...
  15. Laxault2020

    WI: US accepts Walter Christie Tank Designs

    OTL J. Walter Christie, a brialliant racecar engineer devised the M1928, which the US rejected, which lead him to go to the soviets where his designs then became the BT series of fast tanks with ridiculous speed, and pretty good firepower for an interwar tank (nd weakish armour), and then the bt...
  16. AHC: British produced T-34

    I know that the British tested both T-34 and Kv-1 tanks, and were generally very pleased with their performance if this article is to be believed. Thing is, it seems that this testing occured in January 1944, so is it somehow possible to push that testing to a much earlier date, to 1942 if at...
  17. WI Montreal Locomtive Works got an incomplete set of Valentine Drawings?

    ATL As the title suggests, only an incomplete set of Valentine light tank drawings arrives at Montreal Locomotive Works early in WW2. They got complete drive train and lower hull drawings, but are missing some of the turret and upper hull drawings. OTL MLW was already planing a cast glacis plate...
  18. Australian Tank Engines

    While browsing through Tank Encyclopedia, I came across the A.C. IV and some of it's suggested alternative engines for its Perrier-Cadillac unit. Intrigued, I decided to do a little digging around. The results of my trivia-hunt: - Front view of the Perrier-Cadillac. The Perrier-Cadillac...
  19. Panzerlied

    AHC: WW2 Tanks

    Just like on my other article on WW2 Planes: https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/threads/ww2-ahc-fighter-plane.439490/ What would be your dream tank during WW2. It can be a prototype vehicle, a tank or tank destroyer that saw combat or your own creation. For example, I would have a tank that...
  20. AHC: Making super-heavies viable.

    Hi, for the sake of clarity, I just bought a baneblade tank for WH40K and was wondering what it would take to make modern analogues of these things viable in history. The challenge is this: no later than 1939, make super-heavy armoured units widely used by the major powers, such a vehicle must...