world war one

  1. How to get Russians to agree to an earlier Brest-Litovsk Treaty in WWI?

    In OTL, Russia and the Central Powers agreed to an armistice on December 15, 1917, and began negotiations for a Russian exit from the war. Initially, the Central Powers merely demanded that Russia cede more or less the territories they'd already occupied by that point - Poland, Lithuania, and...
  2. C.Z.A.R

    31 to the Vistula - Germany goes East (WW1)
    Threadmarks: 31 to the Vistula - Intro

    31 to the Vistula What if Germany Deployed East in 1914? "...The decision that would change the world happened in late 1905. Alfred von Schlieffen, concluding his Kriegsspiel wargame, would reaffirm himself that a great eastern offensive was the way to quick victory. The Anglo-French threat...
  3. C.Z.A.R

    31 to the Somme: A WWI TL
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    31 to the Somme "When you march into France, let the last man on the right brush the channel with his sleeve." -- Alfred von Schlieffen Prologue: The Denkschrift It is extremely necessary for the planning before the Erster Weltkrieg to be discussed for a total comprehension of what comes...
  4. Sevarics

    WI: King Constantine I of Greece dies in 1915

    Basically as the tin says. IOTL, Constantine I had been suffering from pleurisy for quite some time and almost died in 1915. So, what if he had actually died two years into his reign and been succeeded by his eldest son, George II? Would George II have continued his father’s policy of neutrality...
  5. thezerech

    July 1917 Kadet Coup against Kerenksy?

    More or less what it says on the tin, I'm curious about the plausibility of, in the aftermath of the Kerensky offensive and the July Days, a Kadet-backed coup (a la Kornilov affair, perhaps with Kornilov) during the tail end of July 1917. At the time of the July Days another revolt was happening...
  6. thezerech

    Polubotkivtsi / Ukrainian Independist coup during Kerensky offensive

    (Polubotkivtsi during the coup attempt according to Wikipedia) What I am trying to do is to find PODs which make Ukraine's independence during the inter-war more plausible. I was originally thinking of writing some writers' forum stuff taking place in a TL duirng its 30s with that as the...
  7. For Want of A Sandwich - A Franz Ferdinand Lives Wikibox TL
    Threadmarks: The World in 2020

    Hello all, The endeavour for this TL started back in 2013, when after the abandonment of my Ross Perot TL, I searched for the ideas of my fellow members of in redacting a new timeline - Having Archduke Franz Ferdinand survive his fateful trip to Sarajevo on June, 28 1914...
  8. WI: Göring killed in World War I

    At some point during Hermann Göring's career as a fighter pilot in World War I, he was seriously wounded in the hip and needed a year to recover. What if he had been killed instead?
  9. TheReformer

    To the Victor, Go the Spoils
    Threadmarks: OP

    To the Victor, Go the Spoils Welcome to the world of 'To the Victor', a graphical history of the world following a victory of the Central Powers in the Great War. I came up with this lore over how the Central Powers could have come to victory after playing and discussing Kaiserreich repeatedly...
  10. AltoRegnant

    DBWI: Moroccan Crisis Doesn't Start Great War?

    1905- Kaiser Wilhelm's backing of the Moroccan Sultan Abdelaziz against France and Britain's influence in the region leads to the North African monarch joining the Triple/now Quadruple Alliance. This leads to France declaring war on Morocco, citing the lost investments, triggering the defensive...
  11. ¡La Constitución Vive! - A Spanish parliamentary monarchy
    Threadmarks: Summary of Events

    The origin of this alternate retelling of Spanish (and a bit of the world) history comes from here. In 1766 Carlos, heir to the Spanish throne, dies, and his brother Fernando becomes king of Spain (OTL Fernando I of the Two Sicilies. His son Leopoldo Juan would inherit the kingdom of the Two...
  12. Die Alte Welt Hat Überlebt- A Central Powers Victory Collaborative Timeline
    Threadmarks: Introduction, King of Ireland

    So I really wanted to do a timeline involving a victorious Central Powers in WWI, as well as a graphic TL. Eventually, I figured out I’d just do both, but didn’t have the time, knowledge, and bandwidth to execute it myself. So I decided this could be a collaborative timeline, in which everybody...
  13. Hell and Fury in the Damned East
    Threadmarks: Prologue: The Summonings

    Introduction: This is a timeline about Eastern Europe following the First World War. In this timeline, Józef Klemens Piłsudski is assassinated in 1919. Piłsudski was the leader of Poland from 1919 until 1935 (with some breaks) in our timeline, and he was an enormously influential man...
  14. Germany wins the First World War: Speculating about its political future

    I don't know if this particular subject has been discussed at length in other threads speculating about a Central Powers victory in World War One, but I've often wondered about what political direction Germany itself would move in if it were to come out on top at war's end. No matter how the war...
  15. The_Russian

    DBWI: Diffrent European borders post WW1?

    What if the maps of post war Europe were redrawn differently? What if the Central powers were punished less harshly? As we learned in school, this is what Europe ended up looking like at the end of the war: This map forgot that Britain owned India, but it’s mostley correct. OOC: I saw this on...
  16. Rethinking the Kaiserreich, or a surviving Triple Alliance

    I have long considered that Italian neutrality- or even better, Italy honoring the Triple Alliance- was th easiest way to secure a German victory, even given 1914 conditions. Italy remaining neutral in the conflict means bolstering Austrian performance in 1914-1915, or else forcing her to make...
  17. DBWI: Hungary without Transylvania?

    Transylvania had always been a major part of the "Lands of the Crown of St. Stephen". However, towards the end of the First World War, the Entente had considerations of splitting Transylvania off, probably to join a pro-Entente Romania. What if this plan had come to pass and greatly reduced the...
  18. The Militant Doberman

    WI: “It’s just a prank, Bro!” snowballs into a World War?

    Some of you may be familiar with Horace Cole, an early 20th century Cambridge student who was friends with Virginia Wolf and her brother Adrian Stephen; history remembers Horace as the man behind the “Zanzibar Hoax” and the “Dreadnought Hoax” when he fooled government officials and the British...
  19. John_Smith

    Reduced to Tears | A Post-WWI Gutted Croatia Timeline
    Threadmarks: Introduction

  20. DBWI Dodger bank incident doesn't cause world war 1

    In 1904 things were tense. Japan and Russia were at war, a group of russians mistook a bunch of british fishing boats for a japanese naval task force and fired upon them, killing most of the fishermen, the one surviving boat fled west the task force followed it and by happen stance ran into a...