AH Title and Description Game

Blizzards, Hurricanes and Earthquakes, Oh My!
ASB timeline describing a series of natural disasters. This time, the Space Bats influenced the tilt of the earth's axis and seismic activity in an attempt to prevent Global Warming. The result is the death of more than half of the world's population. Moral - only humans can prevent warming.

Heavenly Ecclesia
A pretty dark future history timeline by user ContraPosto that ran from March 2019 to February 2020.

It's main idea was that with smart phones becoming more and more intrusive in our daily lives and smart phone makers and providers branching out into more and more sideways venues like banking and social media, 'somewhere in the late 2020s' society will be split not only along countries, ideologies and political parties but also along the brands of cell phones and providers they use. Thus Apple users not only use an Apple Iphone, they get their phone plans through Apple Cellular Worldwide, watch Apple TV and do all their online shopping via Itunes using their 'Apple Black Bank Credit Card' . They also get their news exclusively via Apple Newsstand. As a reaction the mayor US phone services team up to form the Android Consortium, back only Android phones, support only Google Search, Google Mail and Chrome TV and push online shopping via 'GooglePay and GooglePlay'. Of course, 'With internet neutrality being all but dead after the 2024 election of President Ivanka' Google phone users only receive news and media, tv and music either owned or licenced by Google and Apple users only get the music, news and TV programming that Apple owns, controls or approves off.

Against this backdrop, the timeline follows the rise of two new cell phone 'factions' and their impact on American public life. ...

Apparently reality is following fiction. As I wrote this post in 2018, I was toying with this idea that like with Fox News, there would be a right-leaning cell phone provider for people that want to live in their own Fox News bubble even on the cellular net.

This week, it came out to it might already be happening.

Although time will tell if they have better luck than the dozen or so right-wing facebook alternatives. The post that redirect me to this site seems to think it's all just a big scam cooked up by a shady Bitcoin hustler

Heavenly Ecclesia
A TL where the Italian Unification takes place under the Papal States instead of a secular government. This led to the Catholic Church drastically changing the ned of the 19th century, with the Pope managing to create a Catholic Union by 1950 in an alternate Cold War with the Protestant world.

Falling On Sharp Things: Not Living to Tell the Tale
Make War, Not Rock!
Madness To The Method (We Need! Revolt!)
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Madness To The Method (We Need! Revolt!)
Trotsky ousts Stalin in the power struggles following Lenin's death, and embarks on a policy of vigorously funding revolutionary Communist movements throughout Europe and the world. This results in a 1920s and 30s which is even more turbulent than OTL, with an ever escalating series of revolutions, counter-revolutions, civil wars, foreign interventions, leading up into an alt-WWII which sees the (temporarily) united forces of Fascism and Liberalism grinding out Communism and shattering the Soviet Union. With Fascism triumphant across the war-ravaged landscapes of continental Europe, things look bleak for the future... but the embers of revolution have not been fully extinguished, and the madness of Fascism provides plenty of dry tinder.

Also, in what is clearly the author indulging themselves, a new musical genre which is remarkably similar to punk rock evolves in the 1920s. As such remixes of punk rock songs with period instruments provide the soundtrack to each update.

Sail the Ocean Blue in 1792
White Sky, Black Stars, Red River, Dead Earth
Trotsky ousts Stalin in the power struggles following Lenin's death, and embarks on a policy of vigorously funding revolutionary Communist movements throughout Europe and the world. This results in a 1920s and 30s which is even more turbulent than OTL, with an ever escalating series of revolutions, counter-revolutions, civil wars, foreign interventions, leading up into an alt-WWII which sees the (temporarily) united forces of Fascism and Liberalism grinding out Communism and shattering the Soviet Union. With Fascism triumphant across the war-ravaged landscapes of continental Europe, things look bleak for the future... but the embers of revolution have not been fully extinguished, and the madness of Fascism provides plenty of dry tinder.

Also, in what is clearly the author indulging themselves, a new musical genre which is remarkably similar to punk rock evolves in the 1920s. As such remixes of punk rock songs with period instruments provide the soundtrack to each update.

Sail the Ocean Blue in 1792
White Sky, Black Stars, Red River, Dead Earth
Sail The Ocean Blue in 1792
White Sky, Black Stars, Red River, Dead Earth
[ASB] A routine British expedition to the US leads to a shocking revelation: the United States is gone, and so are the colonies. A Spanish ship arrives in "New Spain", only to get captured by the Aztec Empire, which collapses due to internal strife and disease. A few survivors manage to make it on the next expedition back, and the colonists' worst fears have been realized. The Americas from 1492 have been transported 300 years forward in time. With evangelism rising in the Old World, missions to retake the New World for a second time fire off, and the natives end up in trouble... once again. This time around, what will change in how they do it?​
[Future] A future timeline that starts in the 2040s and ends in the 2140s. The world continues using fossil fuels with only limited research into green technologies and renewable energy. By the 2100s, climate change and human advancement have progressed to such an extent that the sky has been covered with smoke, and light pollution from rapid urbanization neutralizes even the darkest of skies in rural areas. The ground is infertile and un-arable, and wars are regularly fought over the carcasses of dying countries and civilizations. Mankind desperately clings on in other parts of the Solar System, like Mars and Europa.​

For the Minds of the People Became One

For the Minds of the People Became One
An ASB timeline, where LSD and other powerful psychedelics are capable of awakening latent psychic powers in their users. World history thus goes incredibly off the rails from the 1960s onward, as more and more people manifest uncanny and phenomenal cosmic powers. The boundary between self and other, between the real and the imaginary, begin to dissolve, and all the old orders are swept away. Humanity is drawn inexorably towards an unfathomable event horizon; either transcendent unity with the cosmic one-mind or death, depending on your point of view. Thus mankind's final war is fought between those who rush towards this fate, and those who want to avoid it at any cost.

As befits the subject matter the timeline itself is strange and dreamlike. It starts out grounded enough but abandons conventions one by one as the world degenerates into chaos. The narrative viewpoint blurs between one person and another with no warning, and leaps backwards and forwards in time, with events in the future influencing those in the past. Metaphors are frequently treated as real objects. The climax is an incoherent and incomprehensible crescendo of abstract allegory. It's a complete mess is what I'm saying. Coherence sacrificed on the altar of tone.

For Want of a Gargantuan Planet-Shattering Meteor
Blood Beneath the Midnight Sun
The Years of Rat and Crow
For Want of a Gargantuan Planet-Shattering Meteor
A TL in which a Vesta-size Kuiper Belt object had a glancing blow on the Moon in October 1757. This only slightly shifted the orbit of the Moon, but did:
A) Break the Moon's tidal locking, causing it to rotate with respect to Earth.
B) Create a massive veil of material around Earth that lasted for weeks, blocking sunlight.
C) Create a swarm of meteors, including some large ones.
This had the effect of triggering a massive cold snap from '57-'79, causing massive crop failures and the destruction of most European empires. After this, the climate warmed, but otherwise remained cold, implied to be entering another glacial period (at least until 1999, when fossil-fuel induced anthropogenic climate change is revealed.) The TL does have a few snippets, but mostly follows a date-by-date TL. Because of this, the "current date" of the TL is 2046, wherein they have a technological level implied to be similar to OTL 2000, but with a pleathora of small-state federations instead of the massive nation-states of OTL; the most notable of these Zhao China (encompassing parts of South China), the Kingdom of Busan (based in Korea) and the Bengali Commonwealth. Many of the snippets focus on how these operate. The TL also includes a conlang guide to the English of the 2030s, which has diverged somewhat from the English of the 2010s IOTL.

Falling On Sharp Things: Not Living to Tell the Tale
Make War, Not Rock!
Falling On Sharp Things: Not Living to Tell the Tale
An SI timeline with a twist: the SI has only a few months or years to live and act before they are doomed to inevitably fall on a sharp object and die... after which he wakes up in a new body and new context, some decades or centuries in the future, to see how his efforts changed the course of history. Or failed to change, as is frequently the case. Starting at the dawn of agriculture and carrying on for millennia into the future, the timeline is epic in its scope.

It's a strongly introspective, existential work. The focus often not on the history- which is constantly resistant to the SI's attempts to build a better world, driven by random chance and impersonal forces beyond the ability of any one man to direct. Rather, the focus is on the character of a person doomed to die over and over before he has the chance to settle down anywhere, constantly plunged into ever more alien landscapes and cultures without even a consistent body to call his own, watching as nearly everything he tried to accomplish is swallowed tracelessly in the sands of time, and the slow process of coming to terms with that.

He also inadvertently becomes the central figure of a world religion, so that's... nice.

Trading Places: A New Eurasia and Old Americas
Machiatto Mayhem
The Years of Rat and Crow
Trading Places: A New Eurasia and Old Americas
An ASB timeline where humanity starts in the Americas, with Eastern America being like Europe, Western America being like Asia, and Southern America being like Africa. After one fateful voyage, a new land is discovered called Eurasia. It's large and sparsely populated, full of new crops and resources, making it the target of colonization. In present day, the United States of Eurasia is the top power, which encompasses Western Europe, North Africa and Western Asia, and enjoys a status of being an isolated fortress. Mexico is located in North-Central Africa, Central Africa is equivalent to Central America, and the Mediterranean is the Caribbean. The USE's biggest geopolitical rival in history was the Soviet Union, which spanned across North America and encompassed Europe and Asia as a result.

It's weird. Don't think on it too much.

When the Eagle Met the Bear
An ASB timeline where humanity starts in the Americas, with Eastern America being like Europe, Western America being like Asia, and Southern America being like Africa. After one fateful voyage, a new land is discovered called Eurasia. It's large and sparsely populated, full of new crops and resources, making it the target of colonization. In present day, the United States of Eurasia is the top power, which encompasses Western Europe, North Africa and Western Asia, and enjoys a status of being an isolated fortress. Mexico is located in North-Central Africa, Central Africa is equivalent to Central America, and the Mediterranean is the Caribbean. The USE's biggest geopolitical rival in history was the Soviet Union, which spanned across North America and encompassed Europe and Asia as a result.

It's weird. Don't think on it too much.

When the Eagle Met the Bear
A Timeline where Eddie Edwards (AKA Eddie the Eagle) after his participation in the 1988 Olympics becomes part of and improving(?) every significant event in Soviet/Russia History from then until the present day. This includes Yeltsin surviving until the 2000 election, the election of his successor Grigory Yavlinsky and large number of bad things happening to Vladimir Putin . The timeline ends with Grozny (the capital of Chechnya) making final preparations for holding the 2022 Winter Olympics.

Fidel Castro and the Castro District

I, Bruce Banner, do solemnly swear...

Terra Nullis and Null Terris
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Terra Nullis and Null Terris
A TLIAW with a geological POD. The 1831 volcanic eruption that created the brief-lived island of Ferdinandea in the Mediterranean was more intense, producing a larger and longer lived landmass. In OTL, the diplomatic dispute over its ownership between Britain, France, Italy, and Spain was anti-climatically resolved when the island quickly eroded away into nothingness. Here, the island lasted long enough for the dispute to spiral out of control into an actual multi-sided war, if a short and inconclusive one. More of a series of naval skirmishes, petering out once it becomes clear that the island will subside beneath the waves. The timeline concludes with the island's disappearance, although an epilogue records another, still larger eruption and implies that the island is on its way to becoming a permanent feature.

Machiatto Mayhem
The Years of Rat and Crow
A Hundred Days of Falling Stars
A TLIAW with a geological POD. The 1831 volcanic eruption that created the brief-lived island of Ferdinandea in the Mediterranean was more intense, producing a larger and longer lived landmass. In OTL, the diplomatic dispute over its ownership between Britain, France, Italy, and Spain was anti-climatically resolved when the island quickly eroded away into nothingness. Here, the island lasted long enough for the dispute to spiral out of control into an actual multi-sided war, if a short and inconclusive one. More of a series of naval skirmishes, petering out once it becomes clear that the island will subside beneath the waves. The timeline concludes with the island's disappearance, although an epilogue records another, still larger eruption and implies that the island is on its way to becoming a permanent feature.

Machiatto Mayhem
The Years of Rat and Crow
A Hundred Days of Falling Stars
A Hundred Days of Falling Stars

An alternate history where the great experiment of the United States of America had failed over the course of 113 days, which is referred to as A Hundred Days of Falling Stars, with each "fallen" star representing an official state the ceded from the Union. This was in the mid-1800s, in a timeline where Lincoln was the dictator his detractors accused of, and the Union fell under the weight of his horrific dictatorship. What was left behind was a multitude of smaller nation that occupy what is known as the "American Subcontinent".

Superman, Where Are You Now?
With Rockets Red Glare
With Rockets Red Glare
A TL about the Soviets winning the Space Race and putting Alexy Leonov on the Moon before Armstrong. This would inspire the US to be the first to put a man on Mars which they would do (briefly) in 1993. Meanwhile the USSR, having poured so much into its space program, was forced to scrap it a year after the Luna Landing in 1977 due to costs and Leonov dying during an attempted return trip. While the TL would sputter out and die after about 20 or so updates it was still hailed (and derided) for its attention to detail, with the author even explaining the exact dimensions of the rockets various parts. Some years later the author would reboot the TL after the series was picked up by HBO to turn into a miniseries which got mixed reviews.

All the Baby Daddies
The Grey-Blue Front
A Cavalcade of Failure: A History of Sucsess
The Grey-Blue Front
A Confederate victory TL, focusing on its struggle for survival against an authoritarian Union in an alternate WWI. The timeline started with promise. The author had a talent for writing vivid battle scenes and had decent characterization. The author freely admitted to stacking the deck in favor of the Confederacy in various ways (The Knights of the Golden Circle successfully filibustering several Central American nations, the Royal Navy intervening to keep 'neutral' shipping flowing to and from the Confederacy, command incompetence in the early days of the war by the Union), but claimed that these were necessary for a modern industrial war between the Confederacy and the Union to be anything other than a rapid victory by the latter. The community was initially willing to accept these conceits.

However, as the timeline progressed it became more and more evident that the author sympathized with the Confederacy, and not merely in the context of its fictional struggle against a proto-fascist alternate Union. Increasing criticism merely led to the author digging in his heels further. Eventually, he was banned for virulent racism after an intense argument in another thread, the timeline left half complete.

Machiatto Mayhem
Empires of Ash and Flame
The Years of Rat and Crow
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Empires of Ash and Flame
A timeline where the cold war went nuclear amidst the eruption of Mount St. Helen on May 18, 1980 (the two events were unrelated, the nuclear launch due to a series of misunderstandings on both sides regarding events in Afghanistan). One nuclear weapon landed near the erupting mountain after going off course, magnifying the damage all that ash in the air caused by making it radioactive.

The Timeline covers events specifically in the Pacific Northwest, eventually leading to a warlord state turned monarchy centered in the city of Olympia dominating the western parts of Oregon and Washington on the coast by 2150, with a number of smaller states, warlord, republican or monarchial developing in the interior regions of the , while the Olympian Empire warred mostly with the Imperial Confederation of Vancouver.

What Happens When You Go Out Of Turn
Six Murders and Two Weddings
What Happens When You Go Out Of Turn
Following defeat in WWI and an attempted socialist revolution, British politics have devolved into a de facto one party state. Although on the surface there are still two parties, the Conservatives and Liberals, every election and every Parliamentary vote is decided ahead of time in smoky gentlemen's clubs by shadowy party mandarins. Liberal and Conservative PMs succeed each other in orderly procession, and while the faces in charge change the policies never do.

Until one charismatic young politician, feeling stifled in his ambitions by the machinations of the inner party machine, decides to 'go out of turn' by running an an independent. This sets off a series of events that leads to the collapse of the authoritarian system from its own internal stresses, and ultimately to civil war, communist revolution, and the ignition of a global conflagration.

See what happens when you go out of turn?

Machiatto Mayhem
And The Sun Shall Be My Crown
Whatever Happened to JFK?
Whatever Happened to JFK?
A TLIAD about JFK vanishing during a plane ride to France. A massive search scours the Atlantic and eventually the plane is found and the bodies of most of the Cabinet are inside except JFK. More searching goes on until eventually JFK appears in Rio having made a raft out of wreckage and floated to Brazil. JFK however refuses to return to America and the Presidency, instead tendering his resignation from his sudden retirement home in Rio. A sequel TL deals with JFK coming back to America in the early 1970s, running for President, winning a second term and getting assassinated in Dallas.

All the Baby Daddies
Its All Greek to Me
A Cavalcade of Failure: A History of Success
A Cavalcade of Failure: A History of Success
A timeline about the operations and inner machinations of the ARC- the American Research Corporation. Following a WWI which lasted from 1916 to 1920 (leading to greater development of technologies like gas, tanks, aircraft, and radio), the United States is convinced of the need for a permanent national research and development center to ensure a technological and industrial advantage in any future conflicts. Thus the ARC is founded in 1922 as a collaboration between the federal government, leading universities, and certain private industrial concerns. The timeline runs to 1966, when the increasingly moribund organization is broken up on anti-monopoly grounds.

The timeline evidently diverged from OTL a fair bit before WWI, with an unclear POD. (Among other divergences, the main American political parties are the Progressives, the Populists, and the Democratic-Republicans.) However, little is revealed directly of the larger world. The focus of the timeline is squarely on the organization of the ARC, its internal functions and politics, and its effects on the world of technology. The timeline makes a point of emphasizing that scientific progress is a process of repeated failure. As much attention is spent on the blind alleys, false starts, missed opportunities, and chronic political bickering as on the ARC's successes. As is said by multiple people throughout the timeline, "We failed our way to success."

In format, the timeline makes exceptional use of multimedia. The timeline includes things like:
-photographs of ARC buildings, staff, etc. usually created in photoshop
-scans of physical printouts of ARC memos and other internal documentation
-videos nominally created by ARC for public outreach, employee orientation, etc.
-Physical examples of ARC coffee mugs, pens, and similar memorabilia
The author also did things like claim that his grandfather had worked for ARC and that he found all these materials in the attic, playing with the line between fact and fiction. Due to the effort in creating these things the timeline was slow to update. Nonetheless its unique style attracted a great deal of admiration.

The Million Year Union
The Years of Rat and Crow
And The Sun Shall Be My Crown