AHC: A Stalingrad for The Western Allies

Is it possible for the Western allies, before the fall of France, to draw win a Pyrrhic victory so costly for the German Army that it stalls their advance, even if temporarily? If so, where might it happen and under what conditions? If said battle did happen what would the effects be?
Battle of Norway.

The Norwegians actually mobilize in time, and most, though not all, German landings are repelled. The Germans slowly make their way north from Oslo, eventually taking the rest. Kriegsmarine and Fallschirmjager are gutted, and Britain fears Sealion a whole lot less, allowing more forces to be sent to Egypt.
Gamelin realizing that there are tons of panzers in the Ardennes forest (not ASB, just reading scout reports would be enough) . Gather every bomber and fighter you have, everything which can drop a bomb actually and burn the forest to the ground during some hellish incendiary bombing, using every ammo you have. It would perhaps not prevent Dunkirk from happening but the panzer corps just lost 60 percents of its forces.