All Along the Watchtower: A Dystopian TLIAW

Wouldn't surprise me.
I give it 50/50 odds that the next update is either "shameful surrender of half the country to fascists" or "Acting President Ripper wins the War by using All Of The WMDs."
I wonder who'll the next President be? Presumably a low level cabinet member selected as the designated survivor since most of Congress and the cabinet have been killed (or at least a significant portion). I've seen Rudy Giuliani as a recurring Secretary of Homeland Security/designated survivor-turned-president post-inaugural nuclear attack.
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I wonder who'll the next President be? Presumably a low level cabinet member selected as the designated survivor since most of Congress and the cabinet have been killed (or at least a significant portion). I've seen Rudy Giuliani as a recurring Secretary of Homeland Security/designated survivor-turned-president post-inaugural nuclear attack.
It’d be funny if Vidal just went “fuck it” and started following the Dixie or Deseret Presidents at this point

Deleted member 81475

I honestly can’t decide…..

There's always that middle ground of turning them into wastelands, saying they as independent nations can deal without help, and blockading them from all foreign aid

It's not like the world respected America's withdrawal, so going full North Korea is probably what the "LeMay was the last good POTUS" bloc feels is needed right now.
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Lets see Breakaways we have CSA 2.0/AKA American 4th Reich, we have Desert (Mormons on the rampage), and Alaska, my bet is the Pacific States break away next. (what did Texas do again are they part of CSA 2.0 or are they independent)
Maybe Ron Paul, Ann Richards, and Ross Perot could lead an independent Texas that secedes from the neo-Confederacy?

From there you could have the following nation-states breakaway from the Deep Fried Redneck Reich:

Sonny Landham leads Kentucky
Charles Barkley leads Alabama
Ted Turner leads Georgia
Michael Jordan North Carolina
Al Gore Tennessee
Doug Wilder or Ollie North with Virginia

Save for South Carolina, the rebel "rebels" dismantle the Dixie and someone smuggles a dirty bomb into Charleston harbor...

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Has anyone ever done a Canadian dystopia? I mean other than, America goes crazy and nukes Canada.
Well on Sufficient Velocity dot com there is a timeline that mainly focuses on an American dystopia called 2020: Shots Fired & its sequel And Our Flag Was Not There which features a military coup in January 2026 in that timeline's version of the Freedom Trucker Convoy.
You know what I just realized? Dixie and Deseret have no nuclear weapons. Period. If the next president wanted to he could nuke a desert that's just close enough to a major city that everyone can see it (perhaps Vegas, nuclear test sites were a tourist attraction there for a while) and return 50 stars to the flag in a matter of days.

Maybe it's ASB, but it subverts the trend of secessionist states and arguably could lead to an even more dystopian timeline.
You know what I just realized? Dixie and Deseret have no nuclear weapons. Period. If the next president wanted to he could nuke a desert that's just close enough to a major city that everyone can see it (perhaps Vegas, nuclear test sites were a tourist attraction there for a while) and return 50 stars to the flag in a matter of days.

Maybe it's ASB, but it subverts the trend of secessionist states and arguably could lead to an even more dystopian timeline.
Where Dixie is concerned are we 100% sure an Ohio Class Sub or two didn't defect ?
Would there be any fucked up edition of 9/11? Like the plane hitting the capitol or the white house? The US nuking Afghanistan?
As I posed in an earlier comment, it looks as if a Bin-Laden upset at the USSR will plan a 9/11 to target Moscow instead of New York.