America Be Watching With The Popcorn Redux- The Search For A Higher Reaction Score


"If I had a nickel for every time I read a timeline where President Elizabeth Holtzman openly endorsed the LGBT community and energized the right wing, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice, right?"
Yep. For those who don't get that reference I recommend you read Exocet: the Effects of a different Falklands by @Nevran
I really believe that a large number of women, on both sides of the aisle as well as in business will rise.
Oh for sure. For one thing the Equal Rights Amendment was passed, and since the Supreme Court is relatively left wing this is used as justification for an absolute right to privacy, the expansion of Selective Service to women, etc.

Also the fact that a woman became President has dispelled the notion that women can't handle the office, even in the minds of lots of conservatives.
So no Reagan means what happens to neoliberalism?

Also I wonder if Taiwan will consider reunification with the rest of the mainland as soon as things improve.
1) No Reagan coupled with Nixon's success means the dominating force in right-wing American (and western) politics has a more Liberal-Conservative bent a la the VVD

2) Taiwan (the Republic of China) has already began the reconquest of the mainland.
1) No Reagan coupled with Nixon's success means the dominating force in right-wing American (and western) politics has a more Liberal-Conservative bent a la the VVD

2) Taiwan (the Republic of China) has already began the reconquest of the mainland.
I really wonder how communists and socialists across the world are going to react to the Sino-Soviet conflict. It'll absolutely be heartbreaking and demoralizing for sure.
They get what they deserve. Communism is a self destructive ideology and this will be the proof.
There's going to be a fuck ton of infighting among socialist/communist parties across the world for sure as everyone will be debating who's fault it is for the whole shitshow. Maybe some decide to embrace social democracy instead, maybe some turn to Trotskyism, maybe some turn to other anti-authoritarian forms of socialism.
There's going to be a fuck ton of infighting among socialist/communist parties across the world for sure as everyone will be debating who's fault it is for the whole shitshow. Maybe some decide to embrace social democracy instead, maybe some turn to Trotskyism, maybe some turn to other anti-authoritarian forms of socialism.
IMO far leftism (communism and socialism) will be as discredited as far rightism (Nazism and fascism) which can only be a good thing that moderates the Overton Window and brings it more to the centre.
IMO far leftism (communism and socialism) will be as discredited as far rightism (Nazism and fascism) which can only be a good thing that moderates the Overton Window and brings it more to the centre.
There's also the possibility that the socialist/communist movement decides to embrace anti-authoritarian versions of Marxism (yes they existed before 1917) or socialism (existed too). Also I don't necessarily see Chinese people hate communism as much as they'll hate Russia/USSR/whatever-takes-its-place.
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There's also the possibility that the socialist/communist movement decides to embrace anti-authoritarian versions of Marxism (yes they existed before 1917) or socialism (existed too). Also I don't necessarily see Chinese people hate communism as much as they'll hate Russia/USSR/whatever-takes-its-place.
The Chinese who are not in the categories of 'dead' or Taiwanese are probably way too shell-shocked to give a single unit of fuck towards anything except daily survival >.>
I imagine the Sino-Soviet War as a particularly brutal boxing or wrestling match, or maybe a gladiatoral fight. The "winner", in this case the USSR breaks several bones and is taken out of the ring on a stretcher, while the loser (China) gets his skull cracked open, dies of a brain hemorrhage and is taken directly to the morgue.
I imagine the Sino-Soviet War as a particularly brutal boxing or wrestling match, or maybe a gladiatoral fight. The "winner", in this case the USSR breaks several bones and is taken out of the ring on a stretcher, while the loser (China) gets his skull cracked open, dies of a brain hemorrhage and is taken directly to the morgue.
I imagine the blame game among pro-USSR/China allies as well as socialist/communist groups is going to be really toxic too.
I imagine the Sino-Soviet War as a particularly brutal boxing or wrestling match, or maybe a gladiatoral fight. The "winner", in this case the USSR breaks several bones and is taken out of the ring on a stretcher, while the loser (China) gets his skull cracked open, dies of a brain hemorrhage and is taken directly to the morgue.
This but you are not going to make a sense of what you have forever burned into your memories when looking at the corpse of China trying to determine how much damage and what is what and where it should go and why does it smell like *wretch and faint*
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Revenge Of Labour
Most people know the left globally did not have a good time in the decades following the Sino-Soviet War. Many commentators even suggested that "the end of history" had occurred, with the victory of global right-wing forces. Naturally, this turned out to be untrue, but it required (in many cases) decades of work by the left to do this. One of the first left wing parties to "break" the stigma so to speak was the UK's Labour Party under Anthony Crosland.

Crosland looked to the (relative) successes of the center-left in Asia, particularly with the SDLP in Taiwan. Specifically, strong support for American global leadership coupled with "sensible" left-wing domestic policies. Several Labour MPs left the party over this, although most recognized this was a step they had to take.

Labour was helped infinitely by the perceived incompetence of Margaret Thatcher, who had taken over from the more moderate Ted Health in the summer of 1980. The entire reason Thatcher was chosen by party members was because of the poor Tory result in the March 1980 general election. However, Thatcher was much more controversial than Heath and she lasted barely a year before snap elections were called for early 1982.

Screenshot 2023-11-09 12.13.08 AM.png

By the slimmest of margins, Crosland had done it

It took several recounts to know the final results, but in the end they were clear. The Labour party had ended a decade-long slump and retook Number 10. They quickly formed a confidence agreement with an array of small parties and Crosland became PM on the 31st of January, 1982. In his first two years on the job, Crosland mostly focused on reversing "excessive" welfare cuts and passing a comprehensive environmental protecting law.
There's also the possibility that the socialist/communist movement decides to embrace anti-authoritarian versions of Marxism (yes they existed before 1917) or socialism (existed too). Also I don't necessarily see Chinese people hate communism as much as they'll hate Russia/USSR/whatever-takes-its-place.
Perhaps but I imagine that communism and socialism have been just gutted because now the right has the propaganda of the Sino-Soviet War and nuclear destruction to fire at the left whenever the left fires Nazism and Holocaust at the right.

Basically the joint super stigmas on either side will ensure that neither can go too radical.
Perhaps but I imagine that communism and socialism have been just gutted because now the right has the propaganda of the Sino-Soviet War and nuclear destruction to fire at the left whenever the left fires Nazism and Holocaust at the right.

Basically the joint super stigmas on either side will ensure that neither can go too radical.
Yeah the big problem is that the right still can get away with support for anti-communist dictatorships in places like Latin America, anti-LGBT/feminist policies, mistreatment of racial minorities, and neoliberalism in general. I say that the left will be far more devastated by the Sino-Soviet War and will have to deal with a far more uphill battle this time around.