Canada's Only State

I was reading Cire's thread depicting a possible outcome for USA-occupied Canada in the Southern Victory setting when the thought occurred to me that it might be amusing were Alaska to shift its allegiance from the United States to Canada for some reason, only to insist on still being called a State rather than a Province (hence the inspiration for this threads name).

It further occurred to me that the question of what legal issues might surround such an event, in terms of required changes to local laws and the possible arguments for & against that might be advanced by the Governments involved could be potentially fascinating - therefore I lay the issue before you fellows and would like to ask for your thoughts on the matter (since this whole business is at least hypothetically possible and therefore does not quite belong on the Alien Space Bats forum).

Firstly, what process would one of the United States have to undergo in order to be accepted as a part of Canada?

Secondly, what legal arguments in favour of and against this process might be advanced?

Thirdly, what sort of changes to local Law and Government might occur & be actually required?

Fourthly, what reasons might persuade one of the United States that the grass was greener up the Great White North?