Canadian Caper Frees All The Hostages


The "Canadian Caper" was the successful rescue of six American diplomats by the Canadian government and the CIA under the guise of filming a fictional sci fi movie called "Argo." So, WI it had worked in freeing all of the hostages? How does it impact the Ayatollah and the revolutionary government in Iran, Carter's re-election chances, etc? (Note: I could only find one nearly decade old thread on this via search & it had no replies as of yet, so here's my version)

Americans express their gratitude:

Hostages return home, January 1980:
The trouble is that all 6 hostages rescued by the Canadians had actually evaded the occupation of the embassy in the first place- they weren't rescued from an Iranian jail, they evaded the attack and took shelter with the Canadian embassy (and then had to be smuggled out of the country). If the entire embassy staff had evaded the Iranians in the first place, I think the whole incident would be extremely obscure.