DBWI: No presidency of Earl Kemp Long?

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(OOC: The only base setting is that there was no WWII as we know it)

Russia got Boris Yeltsin, Brazil got Jânio Quadros, the USA got Earl Kemp Long. Of all presidents in the USA no one, not even Nixon came close to the level of crockery, overral insanity and had a government that was so funny on a twisted, sarcastic way than him and just the fact that it took two years for him to be impeached is something beyond me. We had the scandals of his relationship with the stripper Blaze Star at the same time that he tried to keep the presidency and his original marriage, he got interned on a mental hospital for almost a entire month of his government leading for a government shutdown (that's when he made his famous quote: "I'm not crazy. If you think I'm crazy now then I was crazy my whole life"), he introduced the share your wealth policies that his brother had promissed on the 30s and managed to screw things up with corruption, crony capitalism and appointing people based on their loyalty to him and not skill, at the end got impeached and delivered his infamous (and quite memey, even today people remember that speech) on the congress trying to defend himself on the stand with what have been described by the New York times as "A insanely idiotic thing", and that "At no point in his rambling, incoherent response he came even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought". Shortly after Earl's very deserved impeachment he suffered a series of strokes and died.

So, what if Uncle Earl was not elected? What could be different?
Earl Long was why we got 28 years of Nixon. That should say it all.
Hey I don't know why everyone hates on Nixon so much! None of that stuff was ever proven! Also you make it sound like he was a dictator. After the 21st amendment was passed, President are only allowed to serve 8 years obviously. After Long and VP were impeached, he was technically only acting president for 4 years because he was Speaker of the House. After he served his own 8 years, he was Vice President for another 8 under President Finch and another 8 years under President Kissinger. Sure, I mean you could say he basically ruled from behind the scenes and remained de facto president, but it was still totally legal! :coldsweat:
Hey I don't know why everyone hates on Nixon so much! None of that stuff was ever proven! Also you make it sound like he was a dictator. After the 21st amendment was passed, President are only allowed to serve 8 years obviously. After Long and VP were impeached, he was technically only acting president for 4 years because he was Speaker of the House. After he served his own 8 years, he was Vice President for another 8 under President Finch and another 8 years under President Kissinger. Sure, I mean you could say he basically ruled from behind the scenes and remained de facto president, but it was still totally legal! :coldsweat:

Having to be forced from office by a general strike that you weren't able to convince the Joint Chiefs to send tanks in to crush tends to colour peoples opinions somewhat. Doesn't matter how good things were for most of your tenure if it ends with you in the jail cell next to Uncle Earl.
So, what if Uncle Earl was not elected? What could be different?
Well, Congress wouldn't be more powerful without him and Nixon as many Americans felt the dodgy actions of Long and Nixon were the results of Congress being a relatively weak entity.
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