Land Of Confusion: The Wild Ride of the 2012 IRNA Presidential Election

As long as you have the right friends in right places and you have the sense of knowing when to do and say whatever, your personal 'eccentricities' can be overlooked.

I can't recall, though, the eventual fate of Joseph McCarthy, Attorney at Law.

According to chasing the scream, Harry Anslinger spared McCarthy from being prosecuted from the drug laws he was pushing on America and the world. Another proof of the lunacy of the war on drugs.
Land Of Confusion: Going Back/Moving Foreward

William Donald Schaefer Naval Command Base -- Baltimore, Maryland USA -- 3:30pm Eastern Daylight Time -- Thursday July 4, 2019

"President Biden will take the podium to address this special Official July 4 celebration..The first since the passage of the Regain The Name Act last November. The nation officially regaining its original name after 83 years of being known as the Industrial Republic of North America...President Biden has long championed the return to the original name of the nation...His parents were Reunion Leaguers...and today parade across the Baltimore-Washington promenade leading to the newly christened Schaefer Naval Command Base is even more special..."

"President Biden takes the podium amid a lot of speculation about the future for himself, his party and the nation.

Biden has not determined if he will run for a third term next year. There are rumors that he may not. In the meantime, the fields of opposition parties are beginning to form. It has been confirmed so far the main actors of the disputed 2016 Election will mount runs. Pennsylvania Senator Benjamin Netanyahu, who is an attendance here today has placed his name into the Republican field. As have Cleveland Mayor Sherrod Brown from the Workers Union, and former Hudson-Nash CEO Bob Nardelli, who confirmed three days ago that he will be in the fight for the Galtist nomination."

Joseph Biden approached the podium with a smile in sunglasses. His congenial looks have been his trademark.
But the gears in his mind were turning.

Since the 2016 Election, and the battle for the seat that stretched to the next March, The President of what is once again the United States, has been in bare knuckles mode at home and abroad.
The continuing battles within the halls of Congress, and within the loose coalition with the Workers Union. The criticism from all sides of the political aisle. The growing tensions between Wall Street and Main Street which have yielded four critical industry strikes in the last 2 years.
There's also the social tensions. Concerns that the Biden government is "backsliding" on the commitment to human rights in the CSA. The hopes for greater human rights within the USA for minorities. The continuing reintegration of the nation into Free North America.
Abroad, the US has flexed some muscle. The naval presence in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic coast, even with the call to "cool" some of the ties with the Freedom Movement.

Biden went up to the podium to make a speech...and to make a statement.

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands. One nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all."

Those words. The old words, and new words of a national purpose that is fresh and new, yet grounded in our greatest traditions.

Since 1936, we may have perhaps lost our way...But in these tough times we are working our way back to our true North as Americans.

We see that true North in the way in which we are standing firm in our earlier convictions. All men are created equal with certain unalienable rights.

At home, we shall work to expand those rights. It is my hope that new Human Rights Act will be passed by the next Congress. We are behind much of the continent in terms of the full integration of all our people in national, civic, economic and social affairs. It is not enough to be ahead of our adversary to our south. They wish to stay behind as national policy. The United States shall charge forward and work to lead the way to a greater future for North America and the world.

Our Stars and Stripes are flying proudly were freedom is threatened. They fly proudly in Europe in here in the Americas. In concert with like minded nations to our west, we shall stand shoulder to shoulder in Asia, Africa and the middle east as well.

Once of the vanguards we shall approach in this year, is a full summit of the free nations of continent this fall here in Baltimore. Here, it is has been my ambition for years to build a formal, integrated treaty towards the defense, cultural and economic alliance of Free North America. It is my hope that in the free capitals of continent, from birthplace of common American freedom in Boston, to our friends in Omaha, Austin, Denver, Phoenix, Salt Lake and Sacramento, reaching to Hawaii and to the embattled ramparts in struggle from Montreal to Point Utqiagvik, we shall build a common North American/Pacific Defense against the aggression and oppression of the Orlando Pact.

And let us send a message. To Atlanta. To Moscow. To Beijing...
and to those fighting tyranny from the Magnolia of Mississippi to the Aroostook Country. To the frigid lands of North Alaska, to the Aleutians...

and to the Indian Subcontinent....and the Congo....and the Niger Delta...

Let us be known that the United States of America will stand with you through the perilous fights to come, and we shall be first among a vanguard of free peoples to ensure that rule of free people and by free people shall not perish from the earth. We shall never sing the slave marches composed by Confederates, Soviets of the Chinese Militarists.

Gingrich. Putin. Xilai. This troika of tyranny has found in the past that Washington has too often turned a blind eye.

Well we shall stay in the wise council of Benjamin Franklin. A society that values security over liberty shall end up with neither.

We value the liberty of free peoples, and it is value we share with this continent, and that value shall prevail.

And within those thoughts, and I will say unto you, that given these goals, it is a responsibility that must be seen forward. With that in mind, I today announce here on this Independence Day that I will continue to stand for these ideas from the front. I announce that I will seek a third and final term as your President.

The goals and plans that I sought when I came into public service are coming to form today for a better future. I seek these term as a draftsman for the future, and a craftsman for a foundation of freedom for this nation, this continent and the world.

In the words of another President who saw a greater future, Henry Cabot Lodge, "Our ideal is to make her ever stronger and better and finer, because in that way alone, as we believe, can she be of the greatest service to the world's peace and to the welfare of mankind."

It is with this ideal that we shall move forward in confidence, in faith and an abiding belief that our nation can truly be shining sentinel in the world.

Thank you, God bless you and God bless the United States of America and Free Peoples around the world.

Four Hours Later -- Aboard the USS Spiro Agnew on Patrol in Mediterranean

"BROADWAY to MOTHER...come in..."

"MOTHER responding....what do you have.."

"P-3 Confirms two marks on the heading pings read possible Cletus..."

Attack sub CNS Biloxi -- same time

Captain Harrison Johann Fehler, Confederate States Navy, Richmond, Virginia.

"Sir, we have a sonar contact with the vessel. Air recon confirms it is the Yankee Carrier," a weapons officer reported.

The Captain looked at the orders sent in from command in Atlanta and Athens.



"Our orders are clear," the captain said. "We shall monitor their position in concert with our surface forces. Get to coastal command and see if we can get status on air situation. Weapons, prepare a firing solution.

If Agnew wishes to be a nuisance we shall show them how our navy handles such things..."

to be continued.

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How do the citizens feel about their country being the United States again? And how does the rest of the world feel?