Start of the thread and some rules
  • Hello! This is @JCC the Alt Historian here. I have decided to make a thread about photos and videos from an alternate world (or technically from different types of worlds) where the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks never happen.

    Without 9/11 ever happening, society in both the United States and the rest of the world would likely be different to OTL.

    I got inspired to make this thread after seeing @Iwanh 's Geronimo: What if Osama bin Laden was killed prior to 9/11? timeline.

    However, before any of you guys start posting here, I have a few rules and quality guidelines for you guys to follow:

    1. Post photos and videos that can convincingly pass as actual alternate history.
    2. Along with normal pictures and videos, photoshopped, hand-drawn works and other similar things of your own are perfectly welcomed here, especially if they're of good quality and fit the scenario described. Illustrations can also be posted here in addition to photos, but they should be of the same "this could convincingly pass for something from an ATL" standard of quality.
    3. If said photo or video comes from an actual alternate history timeline on this website or wherever. Please mention that it comes from that specific timeline.
    4. While you can add Wikipedia and other similar styles of infoboxes (including collages of infoboxes) here, I recommend not spamming this thread with them since we already have a thread for infoboxes and I don't want this thread to become another one of those.
    5. Please do not post memes or random pictures that you find funny unless it's in context. Like the normal thread, this is not an "amusing stuff I found" thread, it's a thread to show off your creativity and skills at creating images from alternate universes. Also, do not post super "edgy", questionable, super gory or blatantly racist/extremist content of any kind. (The reasons for this should be obvious. You don't want to get kicked or banned from this site, do you?)
    6. Please DO NOT post photos and videos of people and things relating to current politics unless the person's life and whatever else is affected are so different compared to OTL.

    Well, anyways, I wish you all good luck!
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    New rule: Rule #3
  • I just modified the rules slightly yesterday. New Rule #3 is that if the image or video come from a specific written timeline from either here or wherever, please mention it.
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