President Hamlin

It is February 28th 1861 - Lincoln was killed in the Baltimore Riots 5 days ago. The Supremes have ruled on who picks/becomes President.
The Constitution makes it Congresses job to pick the President, and the clock is ticking.

Each State has one vote and there are 27 states [Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina, Virginia, have yet to leave].
slight retcon

Talks between party leaders and the Supremes, The Supremes point out there is no case, as only Hamlin has Standing,
The House meets and argues about the Matter. It is decided that Hamlin is the Valid VPE, and after he is sworn in, The VP who will take the Vacant President slot.

Virginia, and the other border states are unhappy about both this and the Military Occupation of Baltimore.
Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, pass bills of Neutrality.

March 4th 1861

Hamlin gets sworn in as VP on March 4th. Then 5 minutes later VP Hamlin is Sworn in as President.

?Who does he pick as Cabinet?
One of the problems the Davis had was major infighting in the CS Cabinet. While Lincoln had the Skill/Personality to prevent it in the US Cabinet. ?Will Hamlin be able to prevent infighting?

?Hamlin was a Senator [Maine], ?so how will his relations with the Hill work out.

Lincoln had to talk Steward into the job as Sec State. and Steward only took the job due to Lincolns persuasion. ?Without Steward, does the US still purchase Alaska?

?How goes the "Trent Affair"

?Any other Questions or Ideas?


Earlier secession - earlier 'freeing' of slaves and arming of blacks - loss of more border states to secession - continuing failures of Union generalship - eventual loss to a peace party candidate in 1864 and the recognition of the CSA in 1865.
Virginia, and the other border states are unhappy about both this and the Military Occupation of Baltimore.
Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, pass bills of Neutrality.

Small point. Surely the military occupation of Baltimore didn't happen until May. Or did Buchanan occupy it after Lincoln's death?
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As Hamlin was very much involved in the selection of cabinet members I believe that he would begin his administration with the OTL Lincoln cabinet intact.
Hamlin was a Friend of the Radical Republicans.
So when Simon Cameron resigns in 1862, whe probably get Benjamin F. Wade, Benjamin Butler, Horace Greeley, Frederick Douglass, Charles Sumner or Thaddeus Stevens, as the new Sec War.
Well probably not Douglass due to his skin color. But whe don't get Edwin M. Stanton, who was one of the most Organized Sec War, and Logistics Expediter.

Lincoln had some major rows with His Cabinet in the beginning, but Lincoln could let the personal elements of the Rows go, While listening to the underlying Arguments.
Stanton & Lincoln had spend the last 5 years as Legal Rivals, calling each other very nasty Names, But Lincoln had no hesitation picking him to replace Cameron.

?Can Hamlin do the same?

Lincoln used his Pocket Veto on the Radical's 1863 plan. One of His Objection was the requirment that the Confed States "Rejoin the Union".
Lincoln's position was that the States hadn't left the Union -as they did not have the Legal Right to do so.
If Hamlin supports the Radicals Plan, European Nation would have Legal Cover for recognizing the Confed States as Independent of the Union.

Hamlin called for early Emancipation, and Enlistment of Coloured. The CS did not accept Black's enlistment till Spring 1865. ?Would earlier US Black Troops Butterfly a Earlier CS acceptance?