Rightly Guided: Zaid ibn Haritha and his Rashidun Caliphate

What should the next series of posts be?

  • Following Khalid and Ali's conquest of Syria and the Levant.

    Votes: 39 41.9%
  • Following Zaid and Muthanna's conquest of Iran.

    Votes: 21 22.6%
  • Alternating posts so both plots are updated.

    Votes: 53 57.0%

  • Total voters
So it begins. I look forward to seeing the Arabo-Byzantine clash to come and hope to see plenty of epic moments. You haven’t disappointed yet, so I am extremely hopeful.
I dunno whether to praise them or slap them for their choice. I know it's basically the OTL route, but that was reckless.

EDIT: here's the route visualized to all who are wondering. The distances look small, but the route from Quraqir to Suwa is literally over 300 kilometers of water-parched desert.

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I dunno whether to praise them or slap them for their choice. I know it's basically the OTL route, but that was reckless.

It was reckless. It was brave. It was life-threatening. It was also what a companion of the Prophet would do. Also...

Edit: An Omar Nasheed since this thread seems to be lacking in music
I dunno whether to praise them or slap them for their choice. I know it's basically the OTL route, but that was reckless.

EDIT: here's the route visualized to all who are wondering. The distances look small, but the route from Quraqir to Suwa is literally over 300 kilometers of water-parched desert.


The March to Syria was one hell of a journey to make - both here (where it was a bit rougher thanks to the increased troop numbers) and OTL - and it came closer to defeating Khalid than any general has so far. His assessment, however, was correct; the other routes would have taken too long and if the army of Abu Ubaidah and Amr ibn al As was destroyed in the meantime, the Caliphate could kiss its dreams of a Muslim Levant goodbye. The elite soldiers of the Rashidun (particularly the proto-Mobile Guard forming amongst the cavalry) are a phenomenally deadly fighting force able to punch well above their weight - but their war machine simply can't take body blows the way that the Roman formations can.

This is the fundamental difference between Khalid and Muadh: the latter took an unneccessary risk with no true plan of action for seeing through his manuever, while the former made a dangerous but calculated decision that had some strategic framework for success.

Nice map, btw!
It was reckless. It was brave. It was life-threatening. It was also what a companion of the Prophet would do. Also...

Edit: An Omar Nasheed since this thread seems to be lacking in music

I think I might have to quote that line in another update. Plus, that's a solid nasheed. The soundtrack for Umar is great.
Excuse me, but when was the term Rashidun coined? Was the Caliphate that was created after Mohammed referred to as the Rashidun Caliphate or did Muslims at the time simply refer to it as the Caliphate or Dar-al Islam?
I think it would've been coined after the Umayyad dynasty rose to power in order to distinguish it from the preceding government.
IIRC its made by the middle Abbasid era scholars to distinguish between the great Caliphs and the corrupt Umayyads (except for Umar bin abdul-Aziz)
"Officially the term Rashidun Caliphs refers to the first four Muslim caliphs, but some scholars assume that the guided caliphs are not limited to the four persons mentioned, but may include later caliphs whose lives are completely aligned with the guidance of al -Quran and Sunnah. One who by agreement of many scholars may be entitled Rashidun caliphs is Umar bin Abdul-Aziz, the Caliph of the 8th Umayyad Umayyad." quoted from local Wikipedia
either the caliphs is Muhammad's companion or the caliph's behavior and life is align with Qur'an and Sunnah. from the quote above the term of Rashidun is a title.
It was reckless. It was brave. It was life-threatening. It was also what a companion of the Prophet would do. Also...

Edit: An Omar Nasheed since this thread seems to be lacking in music

There's an ISIS flag at the beginning of the video...