State of Cuba in the 21st Century

What would Cuba look like as a State in the 21st Century? Would it be more like southern Florida? Would old people go there to retire? Instead of Miami, would Havana be the playground of the South? And if everyone went to Cuba instead of Florida, what sort of effect would that have on the latter?


Florida would probably look a lot like the rest of the south. North Florida already does, to an extent.
What would Cuba look like as a State in the 21st Century? Would it be more like southern Florida? Would old people go there to retire? Instead of Miami, would Havana be the playground of the South? And if everyone went to Cuba instead of Florida, what sort of effect would that have on the latter?
I envision Cuba would be a very interesting place. Combine the aspects of Hawaiian Tourism, with Floridian residency. Politically speaking, a Cuban State would likely be fairly conservative IMHO. Not like Texas, but closer to New Mexico or Florida in being just slightly more conservative than liberal. Guantanamo Naval Base would be comparable to Pearl Harbor for the Atlantic. American influence in Central America would be more prevalant as a result. And economically, it would be close to Hawaii and Texas with Tourism, Oil, and Agriculture being very high. And Cuba would be very well to do. Cuba would be one of the wealthiest states. Also, a Cuban State makes me think that there would be more states.

Please note that in this sense, conservative = Republican and liberal = Democrat. Not their literal definitions.
Man, I'd love that. Benefits on both sides, man. Same with Hispaniola, you know? If only we'd had foresight instead of racism.
Florida would probably look a lot like the rest of the south. North Florida already does, to an extent.

That was my thought.

I think Florida's population would be a lot lower (possibly more rural) and Cuba's a lot higher. Not exactly a total numerical reverse from our own world, but I think Cuba would still have more citizens than Florida in such a case.
Since no-one's mentioned it on account of being too obvious I'll just lay it out there: a fairly-sized Spanish-speaking state would produce swathes of butterflies that would affect the American culture...
Would there be other baseball teams in the Caribbean joining the MLB? OTL it is already an international league, with teams in the USA and Canada.

Yeah, I actually have often wondered why there aren't more international teams. Even Puerto Rico doesn't have a team in the MLB. Of course, there's also a lot of US cities that don't have teams either.
How exactly does that happen if Cuba becomes a state? They'd have their own elected government like any other state.

Or... do both... and a rock star.

No part of me believes that the largely part black state of Cuba will be allowed to become a state without some kind of white overclass being in charge. Not before civil rights atleast.
No part of me believes that the largely part black state of Cuba will be allowed to become a state without some kind of white overclass being in charge. Not before civil rights atleast.
I think it would depend on how exactly Cuba joined the United States and when. Also, that there would be systemic racism I have no doubt, but I'm not convinced it would be all that much different from the racism that has actually existed there. Much like Brazil, wealth and social status were intimately connected to race even without the same kind of legal distinctions as the United States.
No part of me believes that the largely part black state of Cuba will be allowed to become a state without some kind of white overclass being in charge. Not before civil rights atleast.

What does that have to do with what Cuba would look like today? This isn't about race relations in the 19th Century, but how Cuba would appear today as a State.