The Second Rise

Only problem, yeltsin era wasn´t democratic by far, I wouldn´t be surprised if electoral process was less rotten in 1996 Liberia or Mozambic by a long shot.

In any even remotely non-engineered electoral process, yeltsin would have been outed in a landslide.
Remember that this was the guy who said Alaska had been stolen, and should be returned to Russia.

This should be interesting...

That's Zhirinovsky and his LDPR. Under the enlightened leadership of Yeltsin's party, that guy is sometimes Official Opposition. Makes them look good by comparison, for sure.
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Excerpt from Speaker Gennadiy Seleznyov's Speech in the Duma; August 20th, 1996 has become all to clear that western powers and, in particular, the United States have become far too influential on Russian politics. NGO's used as fronts and some direct funding has allowed the US to bankroll Russian politicians favorable to the western cause and, in essence, little more then corporate pawns. We must stop that or else we risk becoming nothing more then a puppet state of the west, part of their neo-colonial escapades which see our natural resources as an opportunity for endless wealth. Russian oil is Russian and it must be kept that way.

That is why we in the Grand Coalition are producing before the Duma today the "Russian Integrity Act" which will ban foreign funding to any NGO or political support group inside our border and, for that matter, any foreign funding at all being given to Russian politicians or used in campaigns. The punishment for this would be entirely up to a judge and could range anywhere from 10 years-life. Treason is a serious crime and that is what taking foreign money is for a politician, full frontal treason. We must stop such treason or risk compromising our national integrity. Furthermore...

ban foreign funding to any NGO or political support group inside our border and, for that matter, any foreign funding at all being given to Russian politicians or used in campaigns. The punishment for this would be entirely up to a judge and could range anywhere from 10 years-life. Treason is a serious crime and that is what taking foreign money is for a politician, full frontal treason. We must stop such treason or risk compromising our national integrity. Furthermore...

If only this would be enacted in the US IOTL. Actually, I think every country would benefit from this.

(Replace "Russian" with "insert nationality here" of course...)
Though the Dayton Agreement was signed in 1995 it is not beyond imagination that a conflict could sprung once more if Serbs felt stronger by the change of goverment in Russian. Also Croats or Muslims could initiate the fighting and try to mask it as a strugle against the global resurgence of communism. The Dayton Agreement left no one happy in BiH and the peace process in Croatia was still hapening in eastern Slavonia with the so called "Peacefull reintergration" and there were certain circles believing that it would be better to finish the liberation of territory through a military reconquest rather than trasfer of power.
One thing, if Clinton start BSing too much and threaten sanctions, embargo on North Korea and possibly Iraq can be walked away from or contested at the UN.

Though the Dayton Agreement was signed in 1995 it is not beyond imagination that a conflict could sprung once more if Serbs felt stronger by the change of goverment in Russian. Also Croats or Muslims could initiate the fighting and try to mask it as a strugle against the global resurgence of communism. The Dayton Agreement left no one happy in BiH and the peace process in Croatia was still hapening in eastern Slavonia with the so called "Peacefull reintergration" and there were certain circles believing that it would be better to finish the liberation of territory through a military reconquest rather than trasfer of power.

More likely, the Serbians have much more advanced military equipment in 1999.
I wonder if any of this will have a negative effect on President Clinton in the 1996 election in the US. Personally, I would be somewhat scared of President Dole dealing with a Second Soviet Union, but I'm guessing Clinton will be re-elected. I hope.:p

Nice TL you got here.