Uh, is this some sort of alternate universe? Q&A

VFAU:From Dixie, With Love

Hello. I believe I have somehow wound up in this alternative universe and am looking for some help to get my bearings.

My name is Ashley Winters, I was born on November 8, 1892 AD in Macon County, Alabama in the former Confederacy. I am now 34 years old, and was working in the Dixie embassy in Australia. I don't know if any of that means anything to you folks though, so please, ask me questions so I can get some idea of how similar things are here to the way they were back home.
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You mention the former Confederacy -- was this the nation that came into being roughly 1860?
Yes, the Confederate States of America formed in 1861 from the states in the United States (formed 1776 after a break away from the British Empire) which were located in the Dixie region. Does it/did it exist here as well?
So how many divisions has the Pope in your timeline?
...zero? At least, as far as I know. Why, how many does he have in yours?
Yes. However, it was never recognized by any other nation, and was reannexed into the union at the end of the Civil war.
Yes, the Confederate States of America formed in 1861 from the states in the United States (formed 1776 after a break away from the British Empire) which were located in the Dixie region. Does it/did it exist here as well?

It does not -- in our time, the CSA was very short lived, and after a four year Civil War, which ended in April 1865, the south was utterly defeated and brought back into the Union.

Again though, you refer in the first post to the "former" confederacy; in the last one you ask if it still exists here "as well". What, roughly*, is the history of the CSA in your universe.

*My summary can be understood as "rough"
Yes. However, it was never recognized by any other nation, and was reannexed into the union at the end of the Civil war.
While the experiences of my life would not have occurred without it, that sounds like it would probably have been a good thing. Was it?

Out of sudden curiosity, what are property relations like in the United States (assuming it still exists)?
It does not -- in our time, the CSA was very short lived, and after a four year Civil War, which ended in April 1865, the south was utterly defeated and brought back into the Union.

Again though, you refer in the first post to the "former" confederacy; in the last one you ask if it still exists here "as well". What, roughly*, is the history of the CSA in your universe.

*My summary can be understood as "rough"
The Confederacy was a backwards, racist, brutal police state where the majority of its citizens were oppressed under the white jackboot. It was righteously overthrown after a bloody civil war lasting from April 4, 1919 to December 3, 1921 and supplanted with the Free Dixie Republic.
Out of sudden curiosity, what are property relations like in the United States (assuming it still exists)?

Property still exists -- though, after the Civil War which ended the confederacy, a person could no longer be considered property. I'd need a more specific question to elaborate further.


The Confederacy was a backwards, racist, brutal police state where the majority of its citizens were oppressed under the white jackboot. It was righteously overthrown after a bloody civil war lasting from April 4, 1919 to December 3, 1921 and supplanted with the Free Dixie Republic.

? What are race relations like, either in the Free Dixie Republic, or in the - (what do you call their northern neighbor?)


Race Relations?

Race Relations? The Free Dixie Republic paid to ship the former slaves to Liberia.
Property still exists -- though, after the Civil War which ended the confederacy, a person could no longer be considered property. I'd need a more specific question to elaborate further.
Well, how is the wealth of society organized? In the real world, the wealth of the Free Dixie Republic is almost universally distributed amongst the majority of the population. That is to say, farmers own their land and workers own their factories (through committees for obvious practical reasons). There's some nationalized property, in particular the railways and mines.

From my experience and readings, I understand that the USA has much more backwards property relationships, though, with the broad majority of wealth falling into the hands of a few monopolists, especially after Weston left office. I believe the right to strike isn't even guaranteed any more. Is it similar in this alternate universe's USA?
? What are race relations like, either in the Free Dixie Republic, or in the - (what do you call their northern neighbor?)
In Dixie... well... they're better than they once were. There is certainly some lingering hatred towards whites on the part of the negro population, and vice versa, but the government has made peace with white small landholders and the white members of the working class. Nobody in government is making it their business to be racist. Of course, the Five Civilized Tribes are doing quite well nowadays as well, with significant autonomy due to their distinct national and cultural heritage. e: and nearly forgot the Tejanos are doing fine as well.

Our northern neighbor is still the United States, and things are quite good there. They passed some anti-lynching laws in 1917, and (barely) passed some laws working against institutionalized discrimination in the government in late 1917/early 1918. A reactionary backlash started soon thereafter, sadly...
Don't worry my man, that was an in-joke. The Pope has only one company of stupidly-dressed pike-wielding guards.

Anyways, has there been any epically large conflicts over on your side? (i.e. a World War or its equivalent)
Yes, we had a Great War (1914-1918) over imperialist ambitions in the Balkans. The Allies: France, Russia and the Confederacy (and later Britain) versus the Central Powers: Germany and Austria-Hungary. The Allies won.
I would like to know what the situation in Europe is like at the moment after the Great War six years ago, particullary Germany. Also, how is the Tsar doing?

Oh, and one last question: Who runs Cuba?
I would like to know what the situation in Europe is like at the moment after the Great War six years ago, particullary Germany.
France and Britain are still constitutional monarchies (barely, in the case of the former), Russia is run by the Congress of Soviets, former Austria-Hungary is a patchwork of random states, and Germany is a somewhat shaky left-wing republic which has nationalized quite a few things.
Also, how is the Tsar doing?
Living in exile in Britain alongside his family.
Oh, and one last question: Who runs Cuba?
Cuba is an independent republic after revolting against the Spanish crown in 1922. I believe there was some French aid during that time, since Spain had come very close to joining the Central powers, but it's not a client state or anything. e: We also helped to some extent with volunteer expeditionary corps, but it's not like we occupied the place or made their government.
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This "French Monarchy"; is it an empire, or a kingdom? How did it come into being alongside a unified Germany (if by Germany, you mean a unified one)?
It is the Kingdom of France. After the Franco-Prussian war under Napoleon III, a new republic (very briefly) flared into existence, but the voters wanted a restoration of the monarchy. The Franco-Prussian war brought a unified Germany into existence due to the overwhelming Prussian victory.