Wargaming and Alternate History

A niche hobby even more obsessive than pen-and-paper RPGs in my estimation (since there's so much math involved), wargaming often has to do with alternate history. Avalanche Press has many AH scenarios that are amusing, my current favorite being the Byzantine Empire in 1939. A lot of these scenarios are nicely alluded to on their website.

What games, series, or companies dealing with wargaming have a lot of AH content?
You have the World at War series by Lock'n'Load publishing. Tactic combat about a WWIII in 1985: http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgamefamily/3203/world-at-war-series

A niche hobby even more obsessive than pen-and-paper RPGs in my estimation

And it's even more niche, unknown and ununderstandable to the general public than RPG. I can find RPG sourcebooks and material with ease in any comic book store in my city (only I have never cared about it), but to buy wargames I have to do it in Madrid stores. Only their prices are obscene, so I have to buy to US or british stores via eBay.
I don't know about companies specially focusing on alternate history, but myself, as a humble boardgame enthusiast, frequently go to boardgamegeek.com to read about all kind of games. You can also look up on publishers and such.

I know, from personal experience, that Avalon Hill had one game from my childhood that embodies "alternate history meets boardgaming" for me: http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/99/fortress-america.
Most of we pen and paper wargamers are pretty old now, and we weren't exactly common even before the desk top PC came along.

My favorite though, was "Nato, Nukes and Nazis"... where the Reich survives World War II (without Hitler.. its complicated), and a Cold War between NATO (we managed to get Norway, France, Italy and Belgium back, but no further, while post Stalin Soviet Union became a more liberal socialist government allied to the US (and east of the Dnieper/Dvina river line).

Anyway, it was a modern 1980s situation with the Nazis being the bad guys instead of the Soviets. It was loads of fun.

SS Helicopter commandos for example.
the Great Powers vs the Martians looks like lots of fun. Those models aren't cheap though, which is the downside of miniatures gaming. That and all of the painting.

Of course.

I found several more websites with "H. G. Wells-style tank warfare" tabletop games already a few months ago. Sadly, I can't remember the correct adresses and Google hasn't really helped either. :-/
Nothing says ‘ALTERNATE HISTORY’ more loudly than Perfidious Albion casting a hungry eye on the Byzantine sphere of influence (and perhaps rolling a few pennies into the treasury of the Grand Turk in order to put a few holes in that aegis) whilst the Eastern Roman Emperor gives Bonaparte exactly as much love as his predecessors gave Charlemagne.😎