Why do WW1 threads always get so many replies and are full of controversy?

exactly the point. people (most) called WW1 the great War, even into WW2. thats how big it was. it literally destroyed the british and French psyche, which consequently is why France capitulated so fast.
I agree with you that that thinking made Hitler's bloodless conquests on the 30's possible, but not the fall of France. The French were overwhelmed by the tempo, and tactics of the German invasion of 1940. The Luftwaffe's superiority was also a major factor.
It's generally recognised that Cardorna was one of the worst generals in history. Brett Devereaux credits him with being the worst.
Someone needs to do a "YWUA" Luigi Cadorna....

To be fair, I'm not sure any general could have created a Battle of Vittorio Veneto in 1916 or 1917...
What do you guys think about a WW1 thread dedicated solely to reliable English language/translated sources? I believe it is extremely necessary, as misinformation on the topic is absolutely everywhere.
... declaring about half (if not more) of facts "unreliable" simply due to someones inability to read them ? ... or unwillingness to "trust" others offering their content ?

... very "scientific" ...


Thing about WWI, there really wasn't 'Good vs Evil', despite the propaganda, both CP and Entente had atrocious behavior with CP being worse, on average.
British didn't need embellishments to what the 'Horrible Hun' was actually doing, but turned the dial to 11 anyway and lost the advantage of actual truth.

So it was kind of a medium Grey Hat vs dark Grey Hat contest. No White Hats to be seen, as much as Wilson thinking that what he was wearing.
... declaring about half (if not more) of facts "unreliable" simply due to someones inability to read them ? ... or unwillingness to "trust" others offering their content ?

... very "scientific" ...
??? They're not unreliable. It's just helpful for people on this website (which is primarily English) to see translated English documents. The point is a post of helpful sources, in English. I'm not going to go on a German website and post Polish books that aren't available online or easily translatable for general usage.

David Flin

Gone Fishin'
What do you guys think about a WW1 thread dedicated solely to reliable English language/translated sources? I believe it is extremely necessary, as misinformation on the topic is absolutely everywhere.

Personally, I wouldn't dream of commenting on the attitudes of French or German soldiers (and people on the Home Front) if I didn't have access to French and German memoirs and diaries and writings at the time.
Said by someone who literally called himself "AustrianFanboy".
The French Republic is much more worthy of defense than your Imbecile Inbred German Monarchs,by the way.
My nickname is obviously hilarious, despte the gact that I admit being a fan of the Habsburg,and yes, I admit it, a monarchist, if that matters (though i believe in constitutional monarchy).
That said I haven't ever seen any anti-slavic prejudice here; if some slavic coutries often end up being on the losing part of history in many threads or timelines, it is jys because many slavic nations are numerically small and live in areas devoid of important geographical barriers, which opens the upo to domination by neighbouring countries; I do not need to remind you that the most historically important "oppressor" of fellow slavic nations has alkways been Russia, as most people in easter Europe will be rwady to tell you . Concerning Serbia: Machiavelli said, of course, that the ned justifies the means, but it was, back i early XXth century a country deeply engaged in activities far from transparent: a very aggressive and manipulative little nation: this doesn't make them much popular, I assume: even today traditional Serbian thinking is that they are for some reason superiroe to their neighbours and allowed to opress and slaughter them at will; back in the '90s, it took two wars for some sort of good sense to be imposed on the country, and then again this, I assume, does not make them popular.
Last but not least, concerning France, it is not my "imbecil imbred monarchs" (btw those who imbred were the spanish, not the asutrian branch), which behaved as they were given a god-granted right to bully anyone on the continent, especially german states, and acted hysterical when they perceived having lost this "privilege". I have no quarrells with France or French people, and I have several french friends; only, I find their historical position far from...palatable.
That said, when someone delves into blatant aggression , it is usually because they have little arguments
Thing about WWI, there really wasn't 'Good vs Evil', despite the propaganda, both CP and Entente had atrocious behavior with CP being worse, on average.
British didn't need embellishments to what the 'Horrible Hun' was actually doing, but turned the dial to 11 anyway and lost the advantage of actual truth.

So it was kind of a medium Grey Hat vs dark Grey Hat contest. No White Hats to be seen, as much as Wilson thinking that what he was wearing.
I know that Canadian troops had a terrible record of atrocities, so it's certainly not confined to one side.

Honestly, as far as I can tell every country's soldiers would do Very Bad Things (tm) on occasion. Don't know who were the worst overall. The Ottomans?
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I have never seen any anti-chinese sentiment here, many timelines especially in before 1900 have china leading the world or at least asia in a positive light.
Anti-socialist however seems to be based on fact, since millions of people have died in famines and the economic and cultural disruption of countries like China itself has led to long recovery times and cultural scars that last up to this day.
However, Democratic socialism or Social-Democracy is not attacked in any way by the vast majority of the forum.
My guess is that he was conflating anti-PRC sentiment with anti-Chinese sentiment, and granted there's a fair amount of the former on the site, for precisely the reasons you outlined above... but that's perhaps a topic best left to Chat...
My nickname is obviously hilarious, despte the gact that I admit being a fan of the Habsburg,and yes, I admit it, a monarchist, if that matters (though i believe in constitutional monarchy).
That said I haven't ever seen any anti-slavic prejudice here; if some slavic coutries often end up being on the losing part of history in many threads or timelines, it is jys because many slavic nations are numerically small and live in areas devoid of important geographical barriers, which opens the upo to domination by neighbouring countries; I do not need to remind you that the most historically important "oppressor" of fellow slavic nations has alkways been Russia, as most people in easter Europe will be rwady to tell you . Concerning Serbia: Machiavelli said, of course, that the ned justifies the means, but it was, back i early XXth century a country deeply engaged in activities far from transparent: a very aggressive and manipulative little nation: this doesn't make them much popular, I assume: even today traditional Serbian thinking is that they are for some reason superiroe to their neighbours and allowed to opress and slaughter them at will; back in the '90s, it took two wars for some sort of good sense to be imposed on the country, and then again this, I assume, does not make them popular.
Last but not least, concerning France, it is not my "imbecil imbred monarchs" (btw those who imbred were the spanish, not the asutrian branch), which behaved as they were given a god-granted right to bully anyone on the continent, especially german states, and acted hysterical when they perceived having lost this "privilege". I have no quarrells with France or French people, and I have several french friends; only, I find their historical position far from...palatable.
That said, when someone delves into blatant aggression , it is usually because they have little arguments
Not only that, but affection for the old Dual Monarchy doth not make one " anti-Slavic" :)
I have personally known a couple Slavs (and encountered a few on here as well) who professed a certain affection for the old Habsburg Empire... particularly in light of subsequent history...

David Flin

Gone Fishin'
Honestly, as far as I can tell every country's soldiers would do Very Bad Things (tm) on occasion. Don't know who were the worst overall. The Ottomans?

Ottomans certainly. Attempting genocide, treatment of POWs, treatment of civilians, treatment of Arabs ... Worst by a long, long way.

German treatment of Belgian civilians was grim, and the worst in the Western theatre of the war. Ditto their unwillingness to take non-white soldiers prisoner.

On the Eastern front, no-one comes out with any credit.
Serbia could have avoided the war for everyone, though.
Given that the Austrian ultimatum was designed to be rejected so that they could have a war, not really.
Someone needs to do a "YWUA" Luigi Cadorna....

To be fair, I'm not sure any general could have created a Battle of Vittorio Veneto in 1916 or 1917...
What is a YWUA?

And honestly I don’t think that’s fair at all. There’s a difference between not being able to secure major victories versus gross incompetence and cruelty. He had over 700 men executed for cowardice, and ordered officers whose units retreated when his idiocy caused his army to fall apart summarily executed.
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I agree with you that that thinking made Hitler's bloodless conquests on the 30's possible, but not the fall of France. The French were overwhelmed by the tempo, and tactics of the German invasion of 1940. The Luftwaffe's superiority was also a major factor.
I misspoke here, but yeah. its the tactics and speed in which the German military moved at that completely overwhelmed the allies,combined with the inflexibility and slow communication of the French with both the British and themselves.


Given that the Austrian ultimatum was designed to be rejected so that they could have a war, not really.
Or not be cause of the first two Balkan War, where the 3rd spun out to be the Great War, once Russia decided to widen the War with a country that they had no Defense Treaty with.
Still, was participation in the Great War a good idea? Even if those things would have happened anyways, without a fatiguing war the UK could have had things go more their way instead of just drifting towards them.
I think that the combination of the two world wars (the UK was the only country that was in WW2 from the beginning until the end) and economic mismanagement between the wars and, to a lesser extent, a socialist government right after WW2 accelerated the UK's decline. If the US had not got involved in WW1, it may well have continued on an isolationist path.
Made me laugh out loud. "Kif, prepare my parade shorts for the 19th battle of the Isonzo!"

You should have just repeated the same joke 11 times.

I could honestly see him just continually stubbornly ordering more and more Battles of Isonzo. Until by the 97th or so as he's writing up the order to launch another battle of Isonzo and gets puzzled because he can't find his aid to hand the orders off to. Then he wanders around his completely empty headquarters because by that point he's managed to kill every single Italian left leaving Cadorna the only Italian left alive in the entire country. Leaving Cadorna to just sit puzzled trying to figure out how he's supposed to launch another moronic bloodfest if every single " Cowardly" Italian has already shamefully failed him by getting horribly killed carrying out his brilliant plans.
It's generally recognised that Cardorna was one of the worst generals in history. Brett Devereaux credits him with being the worst.

I would say he is basically a living example of the pop culture incompetent pompous cowardly Italian military stereotype resulting from WW2 but honestly the majority of those pop culture stereotype characters are legitimately probably more competent then Cadorna was IRL.
I could honestly see him just continually stubbornly ordering more and more Battles of Isonzo. Until by the 97th or so as he's writing up the order to launch another battle of Isonzo and gets puzzled because he can't find his aid to hand the orders off to. Then he wanders around his completely empty headquarters because by that point he's managed to kill every single Italian left leaving Cadorna the only Italian left alive in the entire country. Leaving Cadorna to just sit puzzled trying to figure out how he's supposed to launch another moronic bloodfest if every single " Cowardly" Italian has already shamefully failed him by getting horribly killed carrying out his brilliant plans.

I would say he is basically a living example of the pop culture incompetent pompous cowardly Italian military stereotype resulting from WW2 but honestly the majority of those pop culture stereotype characters are legitimately probably more competent then Cadorna was IRL.
For some reason, I'm reminded of the old caricature of Robespierre guillotining himself, after running out of other suitable heads to lop off :p