WI: Benito Juarez and Maximilian make a deal?

Maximilian I of Mexico supported alot of the liberal reforms that Juarez passed in the Mexican congress and even tried to offer Juarez a olive branch if he would just support the crown, which he didn't and this lead to the executions of captured republicans, in turn leading to a major escalation between the Imperialists and Republicans in Mexico, and the execution of the emperor himself.

But what if Juarez did take the deal?...could this have prevented the disintegration of the Second Mexican Empire, or would the republicans still fight on (no matter what the emperor conceded on) and consider Juarez a traitor?...or would the Conservatives themselves try to take action?
I can't see any way in which Juarez would have accepted anything Maxamillian was offering. The French Intervention was such an affront to Mexican pride, and Maximillian himself must have seemed a ridiculous figure even then. Plus, Juarez probably realised that the intervention was doomed to fail, given time.