During the last days of the Bourbon Restoration, Charles X of France knew that public opinion was turning against him. To shore up his popularity, he decided he should obtain some kind of foreign policy victory. Deteriorating relations with Ottoman Algeria provided him with an opportunity, and in 1830, he sent an army to invade Algiers. The expedition succeeded after three weeks, ending three centuries of Ottoman rule in the territory. Unfortunately for Charles, he was nevertheless overthrown in the July Revolution. While the new government was reluctant to continue what the old regime had begun, the victory was enormously popular, and so they felt forced to commit to the conquest.

What if, due either to his removal from power happening earlier or the invasion being scheduled for later, Charles was deposed before it could go ahead?
The new government wouldn't be any less imperialist... so probably same result just delayed by a couple years tops, until they gather some troops and a causus belli.