WI: Larger Black Population in South by 1920?

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IOTL the current Black Population in the US is about 13% and still for more or less is contained in the South. What would have to change for the Black population for it to not only grow but for it to almost completely stay in the South? How would this affect American History culture and Black Freedom in the States? The time frame I'm looking is literally from 1700 to 1920.


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(Yes, the title is not the best but I don't how else to title it?)

"Larger Black Population in the South" would do the trick. And would be closer to your meaning, because your headline, as written, implies that you want the South to be geographically bigger, in addition to being more Black. But that doesn't seem to be what you're asking for.
It would certainly shift politics. Fewer Black voters in the northern cities. GOP factions may be tempted to go for something like the Southern Strategy sooner without a base of Black voters in the northern cities to rely on. This could negatively affect Civil Rights.


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Please use the Post-1900 Misc. thread for these sorts of WI.

You need to actually start a discussion not just ask a question or issue an AH challenge

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