America Be Watching With The Popcorn Redux- The Search For A Higher Reaction Score

I'm curious as to just how the damaged territories will be governed. Taiwan's administrate genius will be needed.
Early on the Taiwanese will focus on securing the coastal areas and building those up to properly receive supplies and personnel (both civilian and civilian*). Taiwan is better off than China at this time, yes, but they don't have anywhere near the capability of managing a war-torn mostly lawless land of hundreds of millions, most of whom are sick, starving or both.

When the funds start coming in from America and other nations like West Germany (hey, this destroyed armaments factory will make an excellent Mercedes plant) they'll be able to assert more control.

I also think that the USSR can't be a North Korea as a Russian rebellion against the USSR can't be met with nukes, especially when the west totally embargos it and they also can't claim to be anti colonial when they bombed a formerly colonial country which means they can't claim any foreign policy wins when the newly colonial countries see the horror of having nukes dropped on a fellow 'newly liberated' country.
The North Korean reference was in the sense of being universally hated by almost everyone in the western world.
Strange. The Taiwanese government won't be nearly as hostile as the people of Taiwan, not to mention the people in China proper.
I'd think if Taiwan democratises they would be very anti Russian much like Chinese Japanese relations otl. I'd think the Chinese would have a barely cordial relationship with European Russia while having better relations with the Siberian state provided they're not shit.
if South Korea gets invaded, France, The United Kingdom and Holland have all ready got on record as offering troops for a United Nations led command to wipe the Great leaders gang off the power structure. Would mash still thrive in this universe, i wonder?
What Happened To Mao, or: How I Learned To Stop Caring And Embrace The Death
A key question on people's minds when the radioactive dust settled was 'where is Mao?'

The elusive Chinese dictator was originally assumed to be dead and theories about his survival were dismissed in the same fashion of the Hitler survival rumors- flat out denied by world governments while said governments opened secret investigations into the matter. Modern readers with any knowledge of the pre-nuclear Sino-Soviet War will recall that Mao was evacuated to a bunker in northern China before the war turned nuclear, but this was unknown to people at the time.

Despite the bunker being relatively spacious, Mao was descending further into his already significant madness.

The facility (which is now a museum) was stocked with enough provisions that the leader was able to survive for several years until the summer of 1972. At that point he emerged, officially re-establishing the People's Republic of China. Unfortunately for Chinese Communists, the United States Air Force also existed, and the threat was (to put it mildly) dealt with using what the Air Force does best- blowing up shit.

This was likely one of many factors caused Richard Nixon's massive re-election landslide of unmatched proportions that November.

Anyway, China in 1969 was (for lack of better words) a dystopia. Aid and humanitarian work was often delayed to prevent civilians from being caught in the crossfire of Operation Bringing Freedom, the poorly-disguised joint Taiwanese-US 'aid program' which was actually a operation to capture living communist party officials. Once doctors and volunteers were able to get to civilians, they found mass starvation and poor hygiene and public health conditions- in other words pre-war China, but worse.

Crop yields, already suffering at the hands of constant purges and famines, were failing altogether, showing the first effects of radiation. 1970 would be known as the 'year without summer' in reference to the temperature drop following Krakatoa's eruption in the late 19th century. Global temperatures declined by nearly a full degree Celsius, but the change was much more pronounced in China, where over 1,000 megatons of nuclear weaponry was detonated, causing a localized drop a temperature much steeper than that. Senator Jim Xi of Alaska, perhaps (like many Chinese who migrated following the Sino-Soviet war, which is understandable in retrospect) the most anti-Communist member of the body, has previously said that the summer of 1970- which were the months before he fled- he saw the sun exactly once.

The effects on nations like Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan were not very severe- both due to extensive preparations, U.S. aid, and functioning economies. South Korea was more dependent on the latter considering they had their hands full with subjugating North Korea.

It would be wrong, however, to not mention the effects on the nations of Indochina. These were nations not rich enough to prepare or strategically important enough or America to care enough to underwrite the deficit. Laos and North Vietnam were the hardest hit, with refugees streaming in. The governments tried everything to stop them, but this would only lead to a massive amount of death and murder overshadowed by the war.
Park Chung Hee must be cock of the walk at the moment. The great leader in the ashcan of history where he belongs. Juche my eye! The people will be infinitely more better off.
Will people still think that he looks like Winne the Pooh? Considering that he's short, and that someone taller than him who was walking next to him will be inevitably taken, it would be a funny parallel. It also would show the difference and power of the two Xis.

On another note, would Han China be split to Xichuan, North and South China? I fell Southern Chinese don't want to be ruled by the 'indane northerners' and the interior wouldn't be governable for a while. There also would be a phase where most Chinese would be very anti China. The US also would gain from a separation. Finally, having extremists in Xichuan is a fun thing to think about.
Will people still think that he looks like Winne the Pooh? Considering that he's short, and that someone taller than him who was walking next to him will be inevitably taken, it would be a funny parallel. It also would show the difference and power of the two Xis.

On another note, would Han China be split to Xichuan, North and South China? I fell Southern Chinese don't want to be ruled by the 'indane northerners' and the interior wouldn't be governable for a while. There also would be a phase where most Chinese would be very anti China. The US also would gain from a separation. Finally, having extremists in Xichuan is a fun thing to think about.
There is still that core idea tying them together despite so many diasters in their history.
Will people still think that he looks like Winne the Pooh? Considering that he's short, and that someone taller than him who was walking next to him will be inevitably taken, it would be a funny parallel. It also would show the difference and power of the two Xis.
I would imagine that he would still get the Pooh comparisons, but in a more light-hearted manner.