Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

I don't think Jimmy Carter is fit to be RFK's VP, I think it should be Audie Murphy. Kennedy-Murphy for 1980!
It's not about being fit, but more of them having an interesting dynamic and relationship. And besides, what's wrong with having something like a Kennedy-LBJ relationship and them trying to overcome it to work effectively together?
It's not about being fit, but more of them having an interesting dynamic and relationship. And besides, what's wrong with having something like a Kennedy-LBJ relationship and them trying to overcome it to work effectively together?
I'd rather have a vice president and President who would work together and like each other than a what the relationship between Kennedy and LBJ was
I'd rather have a President and Vice President who would work together and like each other than a what the relationship between Kennedy and LBJ was.
Exactly genius, now you're speaking my language! That's why I'm suggesting already Kennedy-Murphy for 1980 because I can sense this one already and I have to follow my Intuition or my Gut Feeling.
Exactly genius, now you're speaking my language! That's why I'm suggesting already Kennedy-Murphy for 1980 because I can sense this one already and I have to follow my Intuition or my Gut Feeling.
Yeah I have a feeling RFK and Murphy will get along really well even though their backstories are completely different
Okay here goes:

My headcannon of Presidents

Udall 1977 - 1981

Robert F Kennedy 1981 - 1989: Beats Reagan in 1980, has a successful 1st term, wins in 84 against Donald Rumsfeld who advocates a stronger military against Soviet Union. No Greed is Good, Star Wars Missile Defence, no tax cuts in this 1980s, probably no Yuppies (who knows)

Shirley Temple 1989 - 1996: after 12 years out of power, the Republicans finally take back the White House with former actress and California senator Shirley Temple winning the GOP Primary and the election, becoming the first female President in Blue Skies. Her running mate/ Vice President is none over than Hillary Bush, picked not just because of the connections to the Bush family but also as a way to modernize the Republican Party. Shirley is a unique President, fiscally conservative but also liberal when it comes to things like AIDS, abortions, the environment, much to the annoyance of evangelical Conservatives, but they more or less choose not to pick a fight with Shirley. She wins a second term against the democrats in 1992 (not sure who, Jerry Brown? Dick Gephardt? Joe Biden?) the most significant act of Shirley's second term is her decision to nominate former President and her one-time rival Bobby Kennedy to the Supreme Court which pisses off the hard right of the Republican Party. Bobby Kennedy narrowly gets confirmed but Shirley spends the rest of her term fighting her own party over legislative issues.

Hillary Bush 1997 - 2000: despite the infighting with the more conservative members of the GOP, Shirley is still broadly popular and uses her popularity to ensure her loyal VP Hillary gets the nomination. Hillary beats conservative commentator Buchanan in the Republican primary and is able to win in the election as a "third term for Shirley" becoming the second woman elected President. Her term is pretty uneventful, the economic is pretty good and Hillary tends to focus a lot on foreign policy. She is challenged in the primaries by Gingrich and narrowly beats him to the nomination. But during the election she is faced by none other then John F Kennedy Jr, who becomes the third member of the Kennedy family to win the Presidency.

John F Kennedy Jr 2001 - ? Kennedy's term does not start off great thanks to a recession caused by the Dot Com crash as well as GOP control of the senate makes his legislative efforts hard. Plus the threat of terrorism. However his wife Diana Spencer Kennedy is very popular with the American people, compared to "Guinevere" and nicknamed "the People's First Lady".
I wonder how all of these Presidencies would affect pop culture especially with shows like Law and Order
I don't think Jimmy Carter is fit to be RFK's VP, I think it should be Audie Murphy. Kennedy-Murphy for 1980!
Hmmm, Audie Murphy is good, but I would like to suggest another potential VP: Scoop Jackson. Reagan-esque on foreign policy while firmly advocating New Deal/New Frontier policies on the domestic front.
Hmmm, Audie Murphy is good, but I would like to suggest another potential VP: Scoop Jackson. Reagan-esque on foreign policy while firmly advocating New Deal/New Frontier policies on the domestic front.
I don't think so it would be like a rehash of Kennedy and Johnson
Wow that is great these are great ideas. I mean Shirley Temple never entered my mind as a future president but it's genius. Diane as first lady instead of Princess yes please
Diane would certainly be happier with JFK Jr then with Charles. WIth her platform she could probably become a spokesperson for people with eating disorders
Thanks so much! I'm fully on board the Diane JFK Jr relationship train! Yes since Shirley Temple has been a promient Republican in this TL I figured why not have her be President
As a follow up, I think having Muskie return after being beaten by Johnson in 72 would be a pretty solid character arc. Plus I love Muskie.
I don't think he and Kennedy would get along and like I said in previous posts it would just feel like John F kennedy and Johnson again I'd rather RFK have a vice president he'd be able to work with
I don't think he and Kennedy would get along and like I said in previous posts it would just feel like John F kennedy and Johnson again I'd rather RFK have a vice president he'd be able to work with
I feel like Muskie deserves some kind of narrative continuation at least. he was a major player in 72-got his own “origin“ chapter for lack of a better term and then has kinda just disappeared. If not Kennedys VP maybe he just becomes SOS like IOTL
8.) Not sure what happens to Han. Him dying WOULD be a major gut punch to the audience AND it completes Han's arc. One possible thing I'm imagining is that Lucas has a near brush with death shortly after Empire is released; he survives but is hospitalised. This helps him decompress; his and Marcia's marriage still doesn't last but it's under much more amicable circumstances compared to OTL. It might also make Lucas more wiling to accept Han dying (to show kids that life is fragile).
If Han does die, I think Luke sensing Han's death through the Force could be what prompts him to unleash his anger- with Vader taunting him about it as well. It would make him resisting the Dark Side more powerful because he's refusing to give in despite having lost someone close to him.
I feel like Muskie deserves some kind of narrative continuation at least. he was a major player in 72-got his own “origin“ chapter for lack of a better term and then has kinda just disappeared. If not Kennedys VP maybe he just becomes SOS like IOTL
Secretary of State could work I guess


If Han does die, I think Luke sensing Han's death through the Force could be what prompts him to unleash his anger- with Vader taunting him about it as well. It would make him resisting the Dark Side more powerful because he's refusing to give in despite having lost someone close to him.
That would probably be perfect. The audience would be scared for Luke.