Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

Well he is the man who said trees caused pollution
Say what now? That's too far Reagan! RFK would also remind the public about Reagan doing the Chevron Commercial and opposed for monopolizing "The Seven Sisters" that President Udall did during his time in office.
Say what now? That's too far Reagan! RFK would also remind the public about Reagan doing the Chevron Commercial and opposed for monopolizing "The Seven Sisters" that President Udall did during his time in office.
Yeah he said that in his OTL 80 campaign. Yeah I agree there are a lot more things for RFK to attack Reagan with though I think he'll do that as a last resort if the election becomes close I don't see him doing that from the beginning
Yeah he said that IOTL during his 1980 Campaign. Yeah I agree there are a lot more things for RFK to attack Reagan with, though I think he'll do that as a last resort if the election becomes close I don't see him doing that from the beginning.
RFK would begin the campaign first on the economy and foreign policy, then on domestic issues, and lastly would be his opponent's character. Kennedy would beat him on Presidential Debates because the people would remind him of his elder brother JFK, and how he did his job to make the United States the best of the best.
RFK would begin the campaign first on the economy and foreign policy, then on domestic issues, and lastly would be his opponent's character. Kennedy would beat him on Presidential Debates because the people would remind him of his elder brother JFK, and how he did his job to make the United States the best of the best.
All good points I can't wait to see Reagan even try to debate Kennedy
RFK would begin the campaign first on the economy and foreign policy, then on domestic issues, and lastly would be his opponent's character. Kennedy would beat him on Presidential Debates because the people would remind him of his elder brother JFK, and how he did his job to make the United States the best of the best.
Unless something major happens I don’t see Reagan winning this election. RFK’s got to many advantages. Popular Incumbent, brother of one of the greatest presidents ever, plus his own charisma and strength
Let's all hope that his script would be better ITTL with the help of some of the best writers to improve the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy.
Just imagine: Spielberg directs them and Lawrence Kasdan writes them. Maybe they come out in the early-mid 90s ITTL and George’s Sequel Trilogy come out in the 2000s.