French India and longterm effects thereof

I will, swear to Forseti, get at least some beginning to an actual TL up this weekend. Although at this point I'm rather split as to whether there would be a French Revolution or not. Forty-ish years of butterflies... Ionno.
I will, swear to Forseti, get at least some beginning to an actual TL up this weekend. Although at this point I'm rather split as to whether there would be a French Revolution or not. Forty-ish years of butterflies... Ionno.

Basically, that depends if the two most basic causes of OTL french revolution are changed by butterflies or not. The first was the freezing of french society ( it was not totally impossible ( exemple Kellermann ) to raise in social standing, but extremely difficult; especially for traders ); the second was the disaster that was the finance of the french state. If these are remediated, then the french revolution is likely avoided ( though constitutionnal monarchy may stilll evolve ). If not, there will be a french revolution, but it will be nothing like OTL, neither in course nor in timing.
So... Turns out this whole research and writing thing is a bit if work. It's happening though. Also, I'm gonna need a title, preferably something with 'Farangi Raj' in it.

Basically, that depends if the two most basic causes of OTL french revolution are changed by butterflies or not. The first was the freezing of french society ( it was not totally impossible ( exemple Kellermann ) to raise in social standing, but extremely difficult; especially for traders ); the second was the disaster that was the finance of the french state. If these are remediated, then the french revolution is likely avoided ( though constitutionnal monarchy may stilll evolve ). If not, there will be a french revolution, but it will be nothing like OTL, neither in course nor in timing.

Seeing as the POD is likely to remedy both of these ills, it's looking quite unlikely, at least for those reasons. Perhaps something else might come up, but I don't know.

The Sandman

Basically, that depends if the two most basic causes of OTL french revolution are changed by butterflies or not. The first was the freezing of french society ( it was not totally impossible ( exemple Kellermann ) to raise in social standing, but extremely difficult; especially for traders ); the second was the disaster that was the finance of the french state. If these are remediated, then the french revolution is likely avoided ( though constitutionnal monarchy may stilll evolve ). If not, there will be a french revolution, but it will be nothing like OTL, neither in course nor in timing.

I expect that the first is still going to be an issue, although delayed and changed a bit. There are likely to be quite a few Frenchmen striking out for India in the hopes of achieving that rise in social standing that wasn't possible back home.

The problem is going to arise if and when some of them start coming back and find out that social status in French India doesn't translate to social status in continental France.

The second item, on the other hand, is no longer going to be a factor.