Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

Chapter 135 - Guest Post
Chapter 135: Against the Wind - The National Unity Ticket for 1980
Author's Note
The Following was submitted by @TrickyDick. Thank you to him for this guest update!


Above: Representative John B. Anderson (NU-IL) announcing his 1980 Presidential Campaign​

"Against the wind
We were runnin' against the wind
We were young and strong, we were runnin' against the wind"
- "Against the Wind" by Bob Segar

“As President Lincoln famously said, ‘A House Divided against itself cannot stand.’ Today, as we look forward to the future of our nation, I see that divide growing. We have become polarized, we have become angry, and as it stands these feelings are only growing. If our nation is to survive we NEED Unity. We need compromise. Our differences have defined us but now… They have begun to tear us apart. That is why I am running for President, not as a Republican, but as an American! I stand for Unity and Compassion! I stand for Equality and Liberty! And I stand for the United States of America! We will no longer be a House Divided, We shall become a House United!” - Rep. John B. Anderson (NU - IL)

“In other news, Former Vice President Ronald Reagan is at the top, of 1980 Republican Polling, leading his hypothetical opponents by over 10 points nation wid-”

The News Anchor was abruptly cut off. Inside the home of John and Keke Anderson, John sat on his couch, sipping a glass of whiskey. He had been one of those “hypothetical opponents” until this morning. Late last year, he had formed an exploratory committee for a run to become President of the United States. Of course, it was null and void, there was no stopping Reagan and everyone knew it. The fools dumb enough to stay in the race were holding onto whatever fantasy they thought would propel them to victory. Still, exiting the race so early hurt more than it thought. With a sigh, John turned the television back on, and they had moved on to some cheesy game show. Perfect background noise, John thought…

Born on February 15th, 1922 In Rockwood Illinois, John B. Anderson had been a dedicated public servant for almost 20 years representing Illinois. Before that, he served in the Military for numerous years. For all intents of purposes, John Anderson was the perfect Presidential Candidate. An experienced politician with a moderate track record, experience in the military, etc. However, Republicans were all flocking to Ronald Reagan, the former vice president. When John announced his run in 1978, he had hoped to make early ground in some key states such as New Hampshire and South Carolina in order to cut off Reagan’s potential support. Of course, it all proved fruitless as Reagan had dominated all the polls for the past 6 months and his momentum showed no signs of stopping.

Reagan was a conservative, plain and simple. And for many that resonated with them. John however believed in moderation and Unity. He was a realist, some would say. He made up for what he lacked in Charisma in cold, hard truth. And still, it was pointless.

Reagan would win the nomination and face Kennedy in the general. How interesting. The Nation’s Greatest Conservative versus the Golden Boy. The election would get ugly, no doubt about it. Kennedy and Reagan would stay on their high horses and let their supporters tear the other into shreds. Had that been what politics had become? So vile and angry? Sure the candidates respected each other but all bets were off outside of them. It was an unstoppable force against an immovable object. Two compassionate radicals on two completely different spectrums. There was no moderation, Americans had to choose between two different extremes. There had to be something better, there had to be some type of way of changing that, making it better!

And that’s when John got the idea. It hadn’t been attempted in over a decade but when it did, it proved effective.

A third-party run? He thought. Was it really worth it?

He wouldn’t win, that was for sure, but maybe he could do enough to shine a light on the radicalism of both sides and how there needed to be Unity and Moderation during these turbulent times. For the next hour, John Anderson ran through this hypothetical campaign in his head. The pros, the cons, everything.

Eventually, John’s wife Keke, emerged in a bathrobe and pajamas.

“John?” She asked, “What are you still doing up?”

John looked over at his wife and flashed a grin. “I think I’m going to run for President again.”

Keke looked somewhat shocked. “Less than 24 hours since you dropped out and you’re already pulled back in?”

“I can do something Keke, I can make a difference, a REAL difference.”

“Well then, let’s get to work.”

Above: Keke and John Anderson at a campaign event after Rep. Anderson’s decision to run Third-Party in 1980.

Over the coming weeks, John reached out to donors who had supported him when he was running as a Republican and told them his plan to run third party. Some of them got upset and refused to fund what they called a “wasteful” investment. Others stuck by John despite this hiccup.

John and Keke began touring the nation, meeting with members of both the Republican and Democratic Parties. Many Political consultants saw this “campaigning” as a possible sign Anderson would re-enter the Republican Primary. Of course, they were wrong, as Anderson’s main goal was to grow his name recognition and bipartisan support before he announced his Independent Run.

During one fateful visit to Connecticut, John and Keke were going about their standard routine. Touring the state, meeting possible supporters, the whole lot. The couple ended up stopping at a small diner and began chatting with the patrons and staff. John sat down and grabbed a coffee as Keke kept the patrons occupied. He was tired, they had been touring the country for the past month with little break. Keke was able to stay energized and keep up with the schedule, John, however, could not.

As he sat, sipping his coffee, one of the patrons who he and Keke had been speaking with sat down across from him.

“Long day?” The man asked

“More like a long year, it’s been great meeting people but, it can take a toll.”

“So…You’re running.”

“That easy to tell?”

“Half the goddamn nation knows you’re running, it’s not exactly a well-kept secret. The only question I have is why you’re visiting people here when your base is anywhere but.”

“You say the nation knows I’m running? I bet they don’t know who I’m running for.”

“Wait. You’re not trying to topple Reagan?”

“ Course not, that man could commit murder and still win the nomination. I’m running for something more, something greater.”

“It’s honorable, I’d support ya, of course, we don’t agree on much but you seem like a good man.”

“You know you look familiar? Where would I have seen you from?

“Sorry, forgot to introduce myself. My name’s Ralph. Ralph Nader.”


“That’s right! Unsafe at Any Speed; that was your book.”

“Guilty as charged.”

“You know you’re right, we certainly don’t agree on much, Mr. Nader.”

For the next hour, John and Ralph talked. Debating policy, talking about their families, their hobbies, anything. Keke could tell John was embroiled in his talk and thus continued to keep the other patrons entertained.

After that hour was up, John looked at Ralph. This man who he agreed with on practically nothing. A man who represented an entirely different political ideology, and yet John liked him. They got along great.

And that’s when John got an idea. If he was going to run a campaign on Unity…He’d need someone on his ticket who represented that. Someone who could truly show what America could be.

“Well Ralph, it was great speaking with you. Now I just have one more question.”


“How interested would you be in serving as Vice President of the United States?”

“I’d do it in a heartbeat”....


1980 National Unity Party Ticket - ANDERSON/NADER

Next Time on Blue Skies in Camelot: The Democratic Primaries & Convention


Gone Fishin'
To an extent I agree but I tried to convey his reasoning for running in a decent way
I just highly doubt that he'd even consider it, much less get to the doing it stage, when the Dem nominee is a popular consensus candidate and not a stricken incumbent weighed down by crippling inflation, multiple international crises he wasn't handling well, and a poisoned relationship with Congress.
I just highly doubt that he'd even consider it, much less get to the doing it stage, when the Dem nominee is a popular consensus candidate and not a stricken incumbent weighed down by crippling inflation, multiple international crises he wasn't handling well, and a poisoned relationship with Congress.
It’s alt history, anything can happen. But I see what you mean realistically.


Gone Fishin'
Basically, Anderson is pulling an instant career killer move without the shield of exceptional circumstances that protected him from career death iotl.
Contextually, it makes no sense, and it's distracting and unneeded parallelism to a very unusual OTL event, imo.

Basically, Anderson is pulling an instant career killer move without the shield of exceptional circumstances that protected him from career death iotl.
Anderson doesn’t give a shit. He said exactly that he has no plans on winning and only plans on highlighting the growing extremism of both parties and present a more moderate bipartisan option.


Gone Fishin'
Anderson doesn’t give a shit. He said exactly that he has no plans on winning and only plans on highlighting the growing extremism of both parties and present a more moderate bipartisan option.
He's running with Ralph Nader.

It's not a sound decision IMO. He'll get maybe 5% and it isn't yet the age of the has-been presidential candidate campaign book.
He's running with Ralph Nader.

It's not a sound decision IMO. He'll get maybe 5% and it isn't yet the age of the has-been presidential candidate campaign book.
I guess I kinda agree. But hey, it’s a story, it doesn’t need to make 100% sense. I just wrote something I thought was interesting. I appreciate the feedback!
He's running with Ralph Nader.

It's not a sound decision IMO. He'll get maybe 5% and it isn't yet the age of the has-been presidential candidate campaign book.
Also…we may or may not have plans for just how well Anderson does in the election. And it’s a bit better than 5%. I hope the context of how he does well is good, but if it isn’t, I’m open to criticism